Lightning Windwalker
Lightning Windwalker
Lightning Windwalker
Rank 1 3000+ rated WoW arena player. Mainly known for my MOP windwalker monk. I will be playing feral druid in Classic Cataclysm. Guides, high rated arena, BGs, duels, and more!
Месяц назад
WWmonk Arena | LFG Adventures!
5 лет назад
I will return for BFA!
5 лет назад
Lightning | 2200+ DH/WW 2v2
7 лет назад
Windwalker 3v3 arena #1
7 лет назад
@bradb3253 12 часов назад
man can i help you fix your cpu fan?
@yukinurd1010 19 часов назад
New to feral PvP. This is absolutely amazing video for me to start with thank you so much ❤🎉
@sweatystoner День назад
cant remember what we used to call this back in the day. I know it gets called stealth cleave/kanye cleave but we had another name and its slipping my mind at the moment. Wow communities gettin old afterall lmao
@LightningWindWalker День назад
I have no memory of a name for this comp. But I might use those I love it xD
@linkinlol20 День назад
how does your keybinding changed by it self? i mean i see some abilities changed to other abilities.
@LightningWindWalker День назад
Some macros have modifiers for ctrl/alt so when i hold down those on my keyboard the icon will change
@chrispbacon7568 День назад
why r u focusing the other dps when ur playing against ret/dps? ret heals more for others through word of glory than themselves just wondering
@LightningWindWalker День назад
In some situations ret can be easier to CC but I agree in that game it was a mistake I should have gone ret from the start
@jonverrico3761 День назад
Rogue Druid shaman is a meme but y’all made it work! That was dope.
@Praisedbg День назад
damn that war/rsham u were playing with were pretty insane
@baderalqallaf3644 День назад
Rogue feral was glad team back in original cata
@LightningWindWalker День назад
It was on a different patch than this one we play on
@drewe9513 День назад
Yo what do you use for your CC to pop up in middle of the screen?
@LightningWindWalker День назад
its a weakaura
@drewe9513 19 часов назад
@@LightningWindWalker name?
@Sadozai94 День назад
Can you post wa for the combo bar
@Dominic-cr4lu День назад
@LightningWindWalker День назад
Yo I stream a lot of these games on youtube/twitch you can catch me live usually around 7pm PST. No set streaming schedule yet. Coming up soon I've been leveling a SECRET alt for some fun content, and feral guide is in the works I really want to take my time with this to make sure I have the best quality possible!
@leafblount1025 2 дня назад
Where do you find your music
@LightningWindWalker День назад
usually stuff from nocopyrightsounds. sometimes i just google "copyright free music" sometimes i just use whatever i want
@jonverrico3761 2 дня назад
I need your ui! Feck! The black outlines look so smooth and clean.
@LightningWindWalker День назад
Thanks! I have a video on addons/weakauras. the outline is lorti UI
@anastasy2 4 дня назад
Nice gameplay! Your computer is suffering... I could hear your fans during the whole video 😂
@LightningWindWalker 4 дня назад
Yeah my setup is extremely subpar. I bought some new hardware but too lazy to set it up lol. I havn't been gaming much for like past 5 years so I never bothered upgrading my PC
@devinries2512 4 дня назад
is there anywhere I can find your profile for weak auras? You have a pretty clean ui
@LightningWindWalker День назад
I have a video on addons/weakauras. As for specific weakauras I just got them from google and tweaked it a bit to suit my preferences. You can PM me in game I can send you the link. Lightcat/Lightcatx on benediction alliance
@yukinurd1010 5 дней назад
3:43 mvp juggle and hpal with the hot chase 🫡
@yukinurd1010 6 дней назад
6:50 ❤ you guys listen to each other so well that’s magnificent
@LightningWindWalker День назад
Thanks for the kind words!
@drewe9513 6 дней назад
How’d priest ps DK twice back to back at start of vid? I’m newish to cata pvp
@LightningWindWalker 6 дней назад
DK has an ability where he can "copy" a spell of an enemy player. If timed correctly, he can steal any spell even PS, ice block, bubble, etc and use it himself 1 time within 20 seconds or so i believe. its called "Dark simulacrum"
@drewe9513 6 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalker facts i didnt realize he stole PS from your priest that is pretty baller of him lmao
@Capabletango 7 дней назад
Brother. I am new to feral and also running jungle. Can I plz get a list of best kill targets vs popular comps. We do well to focus DK. But teams like RMP or RLS
@LightningWindWalker 6 дней назад
hunter vs hunter teams. mage vs RMP. dk OR ret vs dkret. warrior vs warrior team (unless KFC go hunter). lock vs lockshaman. boomkin vs LSD2. ret or rogue vs triple dps
@daneblignaut5984 7 дней назад
Yo bro why are you leaving games? Dont want long games?
@LightningWindWalker День назад
Long games at low rating waste of time when gearing alt. Although I've learned I should just sit there and let them kill me you get a few points on loss that was my bad. The goal is to get super low mmr then play only fast games to get conquest cap on undergeared alt
@jonverrico3761 8 дней назад
What addon makes all your borders dark like that. I need that
@LightningWindWalker 8 дней назад
Lorti ui I think
@jonverrico3761 7 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalker I’ll check it out
@Dominic-cr4lu 8 дней назад
Great gameplay as usual. Bring more comms in the videos! What do you think about kitty cleave compared to Jungle?
@LightningWindWalker 8 дней назад
jungle overall better and easier to play. And usually I have more comms but in this footage I mistakenly didn't record my voice lol
@LightningWindWalker 8 дней назад
FERAL GUIDE COMING SOON... I promise I'm working on it. Love you all thanks for all the support send your boy a subscribe and don't be shy to hit me up comment/ingame/disc I respond to as much as I can <3
@LightningWindWalker 8 дней назад
UPDATE: I had to change the song as the end copyright BS flagged it as the WRONG SONG and I cba fighting copyright claims this is just easier xD
@davidvasic4338 8 дней назад
Would u mind sharing the shadowmend > prowl > pounce macro u’r using?
@LightningWindWalker 8 дней назад
No macro just meld+pounce 2 buttons no need to prowl because while in meld you are considered "in stealth"
@davidvasic4338 8 дней назад
Hmm thanks
@Dominic-cr4lu 9 дней назад
I need that energybar and combo point weakaura!
@LightningWindWalker День назад
I have a video on addons/weakauras. As for specific weakauras I just got them from google and tweaked it a bit to suit my preferences. You can PM me in game I can send you the link. Lightcat/Lightcatx on benediction alliance
@verbatimshelf3121 11 дней назад
you have enough spell pen to not get those clones resisted? i would go minimum 120 spell pen. You will still get resists on shamans though. What are the moonfires for?
@LightningWindWalker 11 дней назад
i have 160. moonfire kills grounding totem
@verbatimshelf3121 11 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalker im so dumb idk why i thought u had to moonfire the totem itself in cata.
@jonverrico3761 11 дней назад
I want your addons
@LightningWindWalker День назад
I have a video on addons/weakauras. As for specific weakauras I just got them from google and tweaked it a bit to suit my preferences. You can PM me in game I can send you the link. Lightcat/Lightcatx on benediction alliance
@jonverrico3761 День назад
@@LightningWindWalker awesome I’ll hit you up tomorrow about it. I just got off a 14 hour work day I’m too fried to play rn.
@LightningWindWalker День назад
@@jonverrico3761 Oh man I feel that. I have fulltime job and working on master degree and doing this YT stuff too! :D HMU ingame whenever I love talking to people!
@luda9481 11 дней назад
Feral is just disgusting this expansion. Kings of FOTM’s alongside rogue.
@LightningWindWalker 11 дней назад
Yeah feral is really strong, but honestly all melee are OP right now (except enhance) lol
@luda9481 11 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalker and warrior. Enh and warrior are bottom of the barrel. As far as melee goes feral/rogue>ret/dk/hunter>warrior>enh. Feral and rogue are pretty even with feral barely coming out ontop. Same thing with ret dk and hunter, with maybe ret coming out ontop.
@Catpwngoat 11 дней назад
Hey man, recently started watching. You’re real good and earned my sub! Can’t wait to see you blow up! Keep it up and try to get some good editors for cheap it will do you wonders with new audience😊
@LightningWindWalker 11 дней назад
Thanks man appreciate it <3 trying my best to be consistent and fit wow into a busy life lol
@Neonviruz 12 дней назад
Lovely games, Whats the addon for the enemy nameplate buffs over them?😄
@LightningWindWalker 12 дней назад
I have a video with addons/weakauras
@joohansong289 13 дней назад
Good to see two comps in one video! which comps do you think better?
@LightningWindWalker 12 дней назад
Jungle is way better
@davidyeo4918 13 дней назад
That gladdy looks clean...can you share a profile?
@grandliner4824 13 дней назад
Funny moment whith res))
@selimb33 14 дней назад
Sit the ring, zerk the fear, most of the time you want to trinket the KS, unless trinketing smh else makes you win obvsly ( you were wondering what to do ). Against RMP you want to go mage most of the time but you'll want to focus the rogue a lot of time when he doesn't have his trinket ( and i think that's the key against good rmp ), and doing way more cloning on mage's cast to operate those switch. Try to prok more SR with 1/2 cp ( if you crit ) because it's your best weapon against mages, during the retail days i was literally one shotting mages with proc on bites, but you also get instant prok on these and this will a lot of time allow you to get a lot of clones faster, allowing you to shut down their oppening. I know it's a pain but try to keep the rogue doted as much as you can since vanish if fairly weak on those patch. Fairy's fire focus is fairly mendatory but i've seen you using it. ALso correct me if i'am wrong and spell can be hidden with bartender, but i don't see any poison dispel. I personally had a dispel setup for all my party member, as well as rejuv/TG, it helps a ton against RMP and rogues, in general. Also there is no problem whatsoever against mage rogue to actually cast clones, since most of the interrupts will go on you and this will help your healer tremendously. Since you're running macro i don't know if you're running modifiers, or just a specific macro for spells, but while running jungle ESPECIALLY with a priest, you'll want to have a sleep focus macro to sleep Rdrood, and shaman every time you can when they ghostWolf form, since a single sleep/clone setup will make them trinket/use CD every time, the chain is way too long, and mostly isn't on the fear DR iirc, and that's how you'll set up most of your win against these 2 healer, from a single sleep. I've seen you struggle a lot against Ret/war/X. You want to go Ret most of the time , and not waste your cat charges on warrior, since you can literally AFK them, also your bear charge isn't linked on DR with root ( unless they changed it on classic ), and this will help you get your clone's DR way more easely, the only thing you have to do to make it work is to coordinate with your hunter so that you can root the war when the hunter is CCing the healer, and you'll want to use cyclone on the war when the hunter cannot CC the healer, that way you'll be able to really diminish his uptimes on target, by eluding the healer's dispel on your roots. The guy that is focused on your team needs to play at the tomb when you're on dalaran, pretty obvious, but this will help you a lot setting up CC's that can break line of sight ( like a root that their healer cannot dispel), wich can be a golden opportunity for you. So basically the hunter just sits on the healer being on kick/dispel duty, your priest does the ret dispel if he has some freedom, and you're the one that make the war's life miserable ( Clone > root > root > bear form > bash ( clone DR should be reset ) into clone again, rince and repeat ). It's not a big deal if you don't have that much uptime on the ret as long as the warrior isn't able to play, since the Disc/hunter matchup is heavely favored against ret, if the hunter's good, that is. Also, soothe rules against war ( as a focus macro obvsly ), with all the tool you have at your disposal to shut them down, especially when you can take down DKs and Ret so easely as feral/hunter. Also last point, going war while he goes on another target gives him a ton of rage, and that's when the cleave happens, and it's almost impossible for your healer to keep up, while having the war AFK offers a lot more freedom for your healer to operate when there's no MS. What i did against War/X/healer most of the time was that i always set up my focus on war ( assuming that you're using Arena1/2/3 for your CC such as root/clone/sleep ) to soothe their rage at the start of the game, it really fucks them hard. Just for reference, i was the highest feral in 2s and 3s during TLK/CATA and made it to rank one most of the seasons. It's not a brag or anything, just so that you know these advice aren't coming from nowhere.
@xBerndat 14 дней назад
You cant berserk fears in cata.
@selimb33 14 дней назад
@@xBerndat yeah mb it's been a long time. But you're kinda forced to sit the ring anyway, otherwise you're bound to have a rly bad game
@LightningWindWalker 13 дней назад
Oh man insane write up I appreciate it a lot and i'll read through it fully when I have the time. I'm still learning the class and after not playing wow for some 5+ years its an adjustment process. My biggest struggle with cata arena is that it's so fast paced that screwing up just 1 or 2 globals can make the difference between a win or loss. I've developed a tendency to trinket the first CC because openers are so extremely important its hard to take the risk of healer being randomly blanketed or something and then I sit the full fear. I appreciate the work you put into this writeup though love it <3
@juancarruyo9737 14 дней назад
Can’t wait for pandaria classic
@LightningWindWalker 14 дней назад
Me too dawg
@DontSubToMe425 14 дней назад
wow this is based and jungle pilled
@christianwilson3743 14 дней назад
Finally a feral I can watch and learn from
@LightningWindWalker 13 дней назад
Still learning myself bro I'm new to this class and recently came back after a looong break xD. Feel free to ask any questions I answer every comment. Also working on a feral guide hoping to have that done this weekend. Thanks for watching!
@christianwilson3743 13 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalker yeah I just can’t find any good feral game play in 2’s, I’m also new to the class and just don’t know if I’m playing it wrong but we’re hard stuck 1500
@alexanderboldin6074 14 дней назад
Whats the addon for the DR tracker next to Gladdy?
@LightningWindWalker 14 дней назад
That's a feature of gladdy
@alexanderboldin6074 14 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalker Tyvm <3
@LightningWindWalker 14 дней назад
YO anyone been watching this series since "road to rank 1 #1?" <3
@joohansong289 14 дней назад
Here !
@alexanderboldin6074 14 дней назад
For sure
@xBongzilla 13 дней назад
Going to catch up now 👍🏻
@amost1000 15 дней назад
I play hunter does your hunter have pov I could view?
@LightningWindWalker 13 дней назад
He does not as far as I'm aware. But check out dilly on twitch he streams 2400+ jungle from hunter POV
@Lukas-ip5bk 15 дней назад
What is the name of the addon where you can see the energy and the combopucts ?
@LightningWindWalker 15 дней назад
They are both weak auras.
@Lukas-ip5bk 15 дней назад
@@LightningWindWalkercan u sent me this Weak Aura ?
@Dominic-cr4lu 15 дней назад
Hey, nice video. Feral Weakauras please? ❤
@LightningWindWalker 15 дней назад
I have addons and weak aura video on the channel
@mikeross6767 15 дней назад
@LightningWindWalker 15 дней назад
Ya boi
@joohansong289 15 дней назад
Congrats for 2200cr! One question. Which comp do you think better? Jungle or LSD?
@LightningWindWalker 15 дней назад
Jungle probably overall better vs a majority of comps
@alexanderboldin6074 16 дней назад
Would you mind uploading more 2v2 gameplay? Really Nice to watch
@LightningWindWalker 15 дней назад
I will when I can. Most people I ask to play 2s say "I hate 2s its boring" so its hard to get games xD
@chemtechpuppy9036 16 дней назад
Congrats man!
@LightningWindWalker 15 дней назад