11:11 Ministries
11:11 Ministries
11:11 Ministries
Christian, God centered sermons and videos. Enjoy and God Bless!
Understanding Sacrifice - Doug Batchelor
28 дней назад
Standing on the High Ground - Doug Batchelor
2 месяца назад
Seeing the Invisible World - Doug Batchelor
2 месяца назад
The Greatest Mission - Doug Batchelor
4 месяца назад
Astonished Beyond Measure - Doug Batchelor
4 месяца назад
Where Is Your Treasure? - Doug Batchelor
5 месяцев назад
Bread From Heaven - Doug Batchelor
6 месяцев назад
Deadly Faith or Saving Grace - Doug Batchelor
6 месяцев назад
The Mystery of the Trinity - Doug Batchelor
6 месяцев назад
Repairing the Roads of Refuge - Doug Batchelor
7 месяцев назад
Baptizing The Devil - Doug Batchelor
7 месяцев назад
The Pinnacle of Prophecy Pt 4 - The Laws of Life
9 месяцев назад
@dicksonmatiko6679 8 часов назад
Yes, he is not here with us but that beautiful morning is coming when we will surely meet the man of God! Hold on friends until then!
@polycarpsmith1419 12 часов назад
Keep telling the wicked there is no hell, see what you get.
@SuperKaloyan 4 часа назад
Hell is eternal death.
@billclass5847 15 часов назад
The Adventist church was not called to be Ambassador for Christ. They are ambassadors for the false prophet Ellen G. White. Christ has absolutely nothing to do with Adventism, except that they use and abuse Christ to preach Moses and Ellen G. White. If the SDA were honest, they would stop reading themselves into scripture and put away their volumes of heresies along with their false prophet.
@daveotieno1 День назад
Amen powerful message! 💯⛪️
@MuyundaNjekwa-r1k День назад
Heaven gained 👏 powerful God over him
@evelyndavis5454 День назад
I know that he is gone but I always love to hear him preach God used him for his glory
@daniellepironti348 4 дня назад
We love you Pastor Doug ..thank you for being used by God
@columkenn 6 дней назад
@RitaRichardson-f9c 6 дней назад
@mhammer983 7 дней назад
@enigma-yu4jo 7 дней назад
How can the Bible be the word of God when Jesus is NOT God and the Bible was written by man?
@yoo9535 9 дней назад
an amazing man abd pastor,,,,thank you Jesus for filling hin with your light
@zerokool2888 10 дней назад
@toscanoplaster5603 11 дней назад
How far into this talk does he go before he mentions that the creator is YHWH ? Does he ever ? Feel free to look up Psalms 83:18
@kerenwinters 12 дней назад
@doreenhuntington-oo5px 12 дней назад
@scope9768 12 дней назад
Watched him since he was speaker of breath of life, wonderful man of God, rest until Jesús come.
@OceanPatriot777 13 дней назад
Gossip is the devils radio-so don't be his DJ
@polycarpsmith1419 13 дней назад
*Let every Adventist pray this prayer sincerely before God and Christ:* Look up to heaven and say “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I know, that if I am lying or repeating a lie when I say Daniel 7:25 is specifically speaking of the Pope and the Catholic Church, and Sunday law, then I deserve every punishment of the wicked in the book of Revelation for deceiving so many and telling and repeating such an outrageous false testimony against billions of Christians and deceiving others. Not only that, I pray that you do punish me and all those who do the same thing with eternal punishment as you have promised to do to all the liars and false prophets! AMEN AND AMEN!: *If you Adventists can't or won't pray this prayer, you surely know in your heart you are doing evil* If you can’t pray that prayer with all your heart, you know you are lying to yourself but nonetheless you will receive the same punishment lest you STOP IMMEDIATELY and disassociate yourself from Adventism! Also, be advised whether you pray this prayer or not, if you continue to preach Adventism, all the things which are written about the punishment of the false prophets and false teachers will come upon you without end. Sooner or later, you will face the judgment. God help them.
@chadrosas4945 14 дней назад
I have a question. Did angels marry humans?
@chadrosas4945 14 дней назад
@silentmajority5657 14 дней назад
Blessed Sabbath to everyone.
@janetairving6983 14 дней назад
Thank you pastor a message to be sent to every church
@rexrossignol1175 17 дней назад
God has given me victory over drugs and drinking.
@susieriopelle1884 19 дней назад
God is good all the time, it’s up to us to repent turn to Jesus now before it’s to late Amen
@netamaddox2824 19 дней назад
Gm . Sending much love and blessings.
@christianelaxton2809 20 дней назад
Did he say sacrifice the clean animals & include owls & wolves?… or did I misunderstand what he said?
@PepeAnguna-po1gm 20 дней назад
Good morning happy Sabbath from Papatoetoe Auckland NZ❤🙏
@polycarpsmith1419 21 день назад
Jesus Christ is only a name abused by the Adventist's and the Armstrongites *to teach Moses* (Acts 15:-16) . *The Adventist's and Armstrongites have simply *sorely abused and misused Christ's name to teach Sabbath keeping, something Christ nor the Apostles never taught!* The Apostle Paul condemns the Judaziers. Phil 3:18 *"For many walk, of whom I have TOLD YOU OFTEN, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the ENEMIES of the cross of Christ:"*
@vitorsilva-bb7my 20 дней назад
Paul does not condemn sabbath keeping otherwise he would be condemning himself, the apostles and even more so Jesus Himself for they all kept the sabbath and Paul even kept it with the gentiles
@vitorsilva-bb7my 20 дней назад
More so in Acts 15 is quite clear that the point was about circumcison not about Sabbath and so is quite clear the sabbath was still kept by all Parties Involved otherwise the council of the Elders in Jerusalem would have that as an issue to be dealt with in a most urgent manner which clearly didn’t had because as I already said, they ALL kept the sabbath
@polycarpsmith1419 19 дней назад
@@vitorsilva-bb7my wrong. Read Acts 15:5!
@polycarpsmith1419 19 дней назад
@@vitorsilva-bb7my Using Christ name to preach Moses was condemned by all the *Jewish Apostles* and the bishops in the council of Jerusalem. The Adventists and their like hate it when they are called out for abusing the name of Christ to make converts to the law of Moses. This is especially aggravating when they know how true it is because it exposes them. They then will say, no we are keeping the 10 commandments written in Stone By God's fingers, when they know they aren't. But, it's their defense. To which, I reply: 2Cor. 3: specifically calls the "commandments written and engraved in STONE" AS FROM MOSES AND THE LAW OF MOSES. 2Cor. 3:13 And not as *MOSES*, *which put a veil over his face,* that the children of Israel could not stedfastly *look to the end of that WHICH IS ABOLISHED:* 14 *But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.* 15 *But even unto this day, when *MOSES* is read, the vail is upon their heart.* *YES, you’re preaching MOSES!* Lastly, the Adventist's claim the Law of Moses is all "CEREMONIAL" and "Done Away" but then at the same time they will claim that the Apostles in Acts 15:21 was said that the Apostles after condemning the Judaizing of the Gentiles which had come to Christ, now sends them to the Synagogue to LEARN MOSES! Which they said was all "Done Away" . Like every guilty party, they can't keep their story straight. And, all of this while at the same time refusing to keep the Sabbath according to the commandment or the other 9 commandments. Christ Himself says MOSES gave the law! .. 1. John 1:17 For the *law was given by Moses,* but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 2. John 7:19 *Did not Moses give you the law,* and *yet none of you keepeth the law?* Why go ye about to kill me? (Thou shalt not kill!) 3. The Apostle Paul says it Moses who gave the 10 commandments and the law of Moses. in 2Cor. 3 4. 4. The Apostle John says it was Moses who gave the 10 commandments and the Law of Moses. (John 1 and John 7) What Adventists are doing is using and abusing Christ, to preach MOSES. And, to make every follower of Christ turn from obeying Christ, to *obeying Moses* and bring them back *to the law of condemnation and death written and engraved in stones* (2Cor. 3:6-9) The Adventists and the Judaizers *see every Christian as an opportunity to turn someone away from Christ and a convert them to a follower of Moses!* If they are not afraid to use and abuse Christ, they surely will do the same unto you! The Apostle John says it was Moses who gave the 10 commandments and the Law of Moses *YES, you’re preaching MOSES!* And, not to end there, Ellen G. White condemns everyone in the entire world who has ever lived to hell because they didn't keep the Sabbath day. *"HE MUST suffer the second death"* . And, that my dear friends completely exposes the Adventist church as being so deceptive. Because, they claim you don't have to keep the Sabbath to be saved, while EGW says you do. And, of course, the bible never says any such thing as even Christians or Gentiles having to keep the Sabbath period.
@vitorsilva-bb7my 19 дней назад
​@@polycarpsmith1419 "Using Christ name to preach Moses was condemned by all the Jewish Apostles and the bishops in the council of Jerusalem", Moses Prophesied about Jesus, the Adventist do not Preach Moses, they Preach the Word of God from the Old and New Testament, and Since God Himself Wrote the Commandments with his Finger in Stone he did so to Show the Permancence of His Law, "The Adventists and their like hate it when they are called out for abusing the name of Christ to make converts to the law of Moses." Were have you seen that the Adventist convert to the Law of Moses, we firmly believe in Christs Redemption through his Great Sacrifice."14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. 15 But even unto this day, when *MOSES is read, the vail is upon their heart.*" What is so Hard to understand that he is here speaking not About Sabbath Keeping Christians but About the Jews that Rejected Christ and his Sacrifice, the Vail is done away because Christ was the Lasting Sacrifice, when it says that they still kept the Vail in their Minds it means that the chose to stay on the Pharisiacal Traditions instead of Believing in the Scriptures for the Scriptures Profecied about Jesus since Genesis. They Rejected the Savior that the Scriptures Pointed Out "Lastly, the Adventist's claim the Law of Moses is all "CEREMONIAL" and "Done Away" but then at the same time they will claim that the Apostles in Acts 15:21 was said that the Apostles after condemning the Judaizing of the Gentiles which had come to Christ, now sends them to the Synagogue to LEARN MOSES! Which they said was all "Done Away" . Like every guilty party, they can't keep their story straight." If we claim it was All "Ceremonial" why would we keep the 10 Commandments that Jesus Himself Kept ? “Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets; I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished” (Mt. 5:17-18)." This is his word not mine or of Any Adventist, is Jesus a Judaizer then? Luke 10:27-28 "And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live." Notice that Moses "gives" a law wich Christ Himself Says it was the Commandments from God in Mark 7:8-10, they say it was from Moses because he was the one who brought the Commandments from Mount Sinai, but Moses Himself said it was God's Law and they dont deny that at all as we Read in almost all Books of the New Testament and in Revelation Inclusive, you can Read in 2 Corithians that the Law shows us what Sin is and teaches us to see how much we are fallen and how Precius is Jesus Sacrifice for us that makes us free from the Sinfull Habits of Life,we need the commandements to know what is Sin,otherwise we would never know we had Sinned and we colud not Confess them to God and Jesus could not Interceed for us. How can the Adventists Abuse Christ and Preach Moses when Moses was Preaching and Dictating the Commandments of God wich Jesus Himself Kept to be as an Example to all his Followers? seems quite Contradicting to me , That Same Apostle John you mention Says in 1 John 5:3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." "Ellen G. White condemns everyone in the entire world who has ever lived to hell because they didn't keep the Sabbath day" that is not True at all, she clearly states that There are God's Followers in every Religion who live acording to the Thruths that they know and God will have mercy on the Accordingly.Sabbath is Important as Even God says "Remember" "the bible never says any such thing as even Christians or Gentiles having to keep the Sabbath period." This is very Easily disproved by reading the New Testament and I alrready gave you some Examples on Sabbath keeping by them. God Bless You and Keep You
@siyabongasiya5962 21 день назад
@kerenwinters 21 день назад
Thank you Pastor for the wonderful message.Bless your heart❤🙏
@damseljt7181 27 дней назад
Sabbath blessings. Sad to say but the sound is so awful. It's all muffled. Can't even watch🥺😢😫
@sharonwilhelm2173 27 дней назад
I was so happy to find this today!! I came out of a Zionist Church, so I have been closely following to see if I could find a video explaining this❤ This was so well done!! I KNOW this is the remnant church. I feel so fortunate to have been led into the SDA faith, and this video might be 7 years old, but it hit home like a brand new truth for me!! Thank you!!
@G.A-m1t 27 дней назад
He was probably in trouble over the my wife gets angry if she’s hungry comment 🤓. But great message. Love Pastor Doug’s ministry. Thanks for posting this classic 💛💛💛
@sandyhancock2020 28 дней назад
You use to run around naked in the cave 😊
@devotionalmusicschool 28 дней назад
excellent 💯
@billclass5847 28 дней назад
*Adventism needs to come to grips* with the fact that they accuse Christ and the apostles of instituting "Satan's Church" and the "Whore of Babylon" to justify themselves.
@vitorsilva-bb7my 20 дней назад
In no way we teach such a thing my friend, we teach that a church was pure once and it became apostatised by worldliness and Paganism and so therefore one should not dwell in it because it has forgotten her first love and we should unite with the one who still keeps the teachings of the Apostles and the humbleness and purity of the Apostolic days, simple as that
@billclass5847 20 дней назад
@@vitorsilva-bb7my You teach a lie. One has to wonder, what kind of Christ the Adventist's believe in! They teach Christ was and an utter failure until Ellen G. White came to save people. THE whole premise of the Adventist Church is that Christ came to earth and established a *GREAT FALSE CHURCH* AND EG WHITE CAME TO STRAIGHTEN IT ALL OUT FOR CHRIST. *nice*! Like all the cults, the *SDA teaches that Christ's efforts TO ESTABLISH A CHURCH WERE A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE* *And then, forced Christ to become a church hopper, jumping to scores of different churches, one after another until landing on Ellen G. White's church* And, because Christ didn't make the Church Jewish enough for EG White, she decided that she would make it Jewish enough for Christ. If your church you attend or if anyone preaches to you that Christ's Church which HE established while on earth, Built upon the Apostles and the Prophets and Christ being the Chief Cornerstone (Eph. 2:18-20) , "FELL AWAY" run from them! HERE'S WHY! If your church you attend or if anyone preaches to you that Christ's Church which HE established while on earth, Built upon the Apostles and the Prophets and Christ being the Chief Cornerstone (Eph. 2:18-20) , *"FELL AWAY"* run from them! *HERE'S WHY!* We find the evidence that the Protestants Church and their like will die in their sin and never recover in 3 verses.. In Mt. 28: We find the Mary and the Apostles *worshiping Christ on Sunday,* along with the commission to the *church to be Catholic,* and to make matters worse, *Christ promises NEVER leave his Church and to remain with them *"Even unto the end of the World"* . Thus, the Adventist movement is destroyed before it was ever started and shown to be perpetrating a Hoax on their followers. Matthew 28:17 IS SUNDAY! "And when they saw him, *they worshipped him* :> And, in verse 20 we find another nail in the coffin of Adventism, whereby their entire ship sinks to the bottom of hell. In Mt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, *lo, (means listen up and take note)* *I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen* It is Christ who said, "AMEN" and He means it from the depths of his being. *All of Christ's credibility is established with whether He will keep His Word in these verses.* If you claim a christ as your Saviour that *doesn't keep His Word, then you believe in and have accepted a FALSE CHRIST.* It is Christ also who said to Peter whose name means Rock and upon whom he would build his Church, that *The Gates of HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL OVER IT* putting every heretic and false prophet to shame. Lastly, the scripture shoves this verse down the throat of the Adventist's mouth, saying to the Church of Rome in Romans 16: *"The God of Peace will crush Satan under the Church of Rome's feet"* Rom.16:20 *And, therein will all those that have fought against the Church of Rome, weep and gnash their teeth as they are sent to hell,* for not believing in the Word of God and calling Christ unfaithful to his promises and a liar and wasting their lives in a cult after claiming to know and believe the scripture!!!*
@vitorsilva-bb7my 20 дней назад
@@billclass5847 "SDA teaches that Christ's efforts TO ESTABLISH A CHURCH WERE A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE" Please mencion one Adventist document were it states that. "And then, forced Christ to become a church hopper, jumping to scores of different churches, one after another until landing on Ellen G. White's church" you clearly are Inventing now, we know that all churches have Christ's Followers if were not so Jesus would not have said in Rev for his People to "come out of Babylon". "We find the evidence that the Protestants Church and their like will die in their sin and never recover in 3 verses.. In Mt. 28: We find the Mary and the Apostles worshiping Christ on Sunday, along with the commission to the church to be Catholic, and to make matters worse, Christ promises NEVER leave his Church and to remain with them *"Even unto the end of the World" . ". In Mt. 28: We find the Mary and the Apostles worshiping Christ on Sunday, along with the commission to the church to be Catholic, and to make matters worse, Christ promises NEVER leave his Church and to remain with them *"Even unto the end of the World" . Thus, the Adventist movement is destroyed before it was ever started and shown to be perpetrating a Hoax on their followers. " Funny you say that, Did not Jesus kept the Sabbath? also Jesus it says clearly that he Arose form Death before the Starting of Sunday and after all we read in Acts that Paul still went to the Synagoges on Sabbath and Preach to the Gentiles on the Sabbath as well, (Is Saint Paul also a False Leader as you claim for Warning of a Great Apostasy?) "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them" Matthew 18:20 and in what way is Mt. 28:20 a nailing in the Coffin of Adventism? to me it seems the exactly Opposite seeing that He said he wolu be with those who are Gathered in is Name. "It is Christ also who said to Peter whose name means Rock and upon whom he would build his Church, that The Gates of HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL OVER IT putting every heretic and false prophet to shame." Christ did not Say it About Peter but said it so About Himself He is the Rock on which the church rests, and the whole structure built atop it is also His. That is why nothing, not even death, can hope to defeat or destroy it. Not Peter because it is Clear that Peter being a Mere man and even falling into Sin right after Christ said that About the Rock is a clear sign of what happens whe the Authority of the Church is set upon a Man who can Err insted of He Who never Errs."All of Christ's credibility is established with whether He will keep His Word in these verses" Agree 100% and so It is Clear that he talked about Himself as the Rock and not Peter otherwise such statement would have failed right in Mathew 16:23, "Romans 16: "The God of Peace will crush Satan under the Church of Rome's feet" Rom.16:20 And, therein will all those that have fought against the Church of Rome"" There is no such a saying in Romans 16:20. what it says is "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." it is not so much as saying that the Church of Rome will Crush Satan but more like a warning to the fellow brethren in Rome against false teachers who will come among them and offer a distorted view of Christian truth. He wants the believers to take this warning seriously. "for not believing in the Word of God and calling Christ unfaithful to his promises and a liar and wasting their lives in a cult after claiming to know and believe the scripture!!!*" This last part is actually quite sad, for I never hear the SDA to believe or aknowlege such a thing and shows what spirit dwells upon Human Traditions and Judgements more than a Spirit of a Biblical Christian
@billclass5847 20 дней назад
@@vitorsilva-bb7my We find the evidence that the Protestants Church and their like will die in their sin and never recover in 3 verses.. In Mt. 28: We find the Mary and the Apostles *worshiping Christ on Sunday,* along with the commission to the *church to be Catholic,* and to make matters worse, *Christ promises NEVER leave his Church and to remain with them *"Even unto the end of the World"* . Thus, the Adventist movement is destroyed before it was ever started and shown to be perpetrating a Hoax on their followers. Matthew 28:17 IS SUNDAY! "And when they saw him, *they worshipped him* :> And, in verse 20 we find another nail in the coffin of Adventism, whereby their entire ship sinks to the bottom of hell. In Mt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, *lo, (means listen up and take note)* *I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen* It is Christ who said, "AMEN" and He means it from the depths of his being. *All of Christ's credibility is established with whether He will keep His Word in these verses.* If you claim a christ as your Saviour that *doesn't keep His Word, then you believe in and have accepted a FALSE CHRIST.* It is Christ also who said to Peter whose name means Rock and upon whom he would build his Church, that *The Gates of HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL OVER IT* putting every heretic and false prophet to shame. Lastly, the scripture shoves this verse down the throat of the Adventist's mouth, saying to the Church of Rome in Romans 16: *"The God of Peace will crush Satan under the Church of Rome's feet"* Rom.16:20 *And, therein will all those that have fought against the Church of Rome, weep and gnash their teeth as they are sent to hell,* for not believing in the Word of God and calling Christ unfaithful to his promises and a liar and wasting their lives in a cult after claiming to know and believe the scripture!!!*
@vitorsilva-bb7my 20 дней назад
@@billclass5847 "We find the evidence that the Protestants Church and their like will die in their sin and never recover in 3 verses.. In Mt. 28: We find the Mary and the Apostles worshiping Christ on Sunday, along with the commission to the church to be Catholic, and to make matters worse, Christ promises NEVER leave his Church and to remain with them *"Even unto the end of the World" . ". In Mt. 28: We find the Mary and the Apostles worshiping Christ on Sunday, along with the commission to the church to be Catholic, and to make matters worse, Christ promises NEVER leave his Church and to remain with them *"Even unto the end of the World" . Thus, the Adventist movement is destroyed before it was ever started and shown to be perpetrating a Hoax on their followers. " Funny you say that, Did not Jesus kept the Sabbath? also Jesus it says clearly that he Arose form Death before the Starting of Sunday and after all we read in Acts that Paul still went to the Synagoges on Sabbath and Preach to the Gentiles on the Sabbath as well, (Is Saint Paul also a False Leader as you claim for Warning of a Great Apostasy?) "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them" Matthew 18:20 and in what way is Mt. 28:20 a nailing in the Coffin of Adventism? to me it seems the exactly Opposite seeing that He said he wolu be with those who are Gathered in is Name. "It is Christ also who said to Peter whose name means Rock and upon whom he would build his Church, that The Gates of HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL OVER IT putting every heretic and false prophet to shame." Christ did not Say it About Peter but said it so About Himself He is the Rock on which the church rests, and the whole structure built atop it is also His. That is why nothing, not even death, can hope to defeat or destroy it. Not Peter because it is Clear that Peter being a Mere man and even falling into Sin right after Christ said that About the Rock is a clear sign of what happens whe the Authority of the Church is set upon a Man who can Err insted of He Who never Errs."All of Christ's credibility is established with whether He will keep His Word in these verses" Agree 100% and so It is Clear that he talked about Himself as the Rock and not Peter otherwise such statement would have failed right in Mathew 16:23, "Romans 16: "The God of Peace will crush Satan under the Church of Rome's feet" Rom.16:20 And, therein will all those that have fought against the Church of Rome"" There is no such a saying in Romans 16:20. what it says is "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." it is not so much as saying that the Church of Rome will Crush Satan but more like a warning to the fellow brethren in Rome against false teachers who will come among them and offer a distorted view of Christian truth. He wants the believers to take this warning seriously. "for not believing in the Word of God and calling Christ unfaithful to his promises and a liar and wasting their lives in a cult after claiming to know and believe the scripture!!!*" This last part is actually quite sad, for I never hear the SDA to believe or aknowlege such a thing and shows what spirit dwells upon Human Traditions and Judgements more than a Spirit of a Biblical Christian
@Deyo31687 29 дней назад
I don't believe there is in and of itself wany wrong instrument. But the issue is how it's played.
@VesTavia-nj4pk Месяц назад
@geniustic1541 Месяц назад
Who is listening in 2024, 8 years later?
@renealvarez01 Месяц назад
@jerrie1935 Месяц назад
Pastor Doug, that was not Zaccheus, it was Nicodemus He said those things to.
@VeraMartin-qo5xv Месяц назад
@dharry6928 Месяц назад
What a word for the 1st of September 2024
@OurSavior-xr3yc Месяц назад
the armies of God 🌸🕊🌸🕊🌸🕊🌸 armies of God By Angel And Of Miracles Whether In Scripture Or Lived Out As Revelation the armies of God are of beginnings and will be up to the end of the age one most important army will brandish no steel, no powder kegs, not even slingshots no, the armies of God marching everyday with Scripture in the head and hand as well as Christ Like Love In Heart c'mon, join The Greatest Of Armies carrying your sword of sorts The Word Of God It Will Cut The Heart Deep With Truth
@StephVulture Месяц назад
He speak like it’s easy to repent
@OrangeMonkey2112 Месяц назад
If they are any to, but it’s not commanded of the gentiles
@billymac3623 Месяц назад
He references "There was no king in Isreal," "Every man did was right in 'his' own eyes." as Judges 17:16, it was actually Judges 21:25. Great word, though.
@nyesigaamos7623 Месяц назад
Very elaborative pastor .
@susieriopelle1884 Месяц назад
Good morning everyone, God is good all the time ,
@anthonylangley6630 Месяц назад
In your LIFE!.