The American Academy of Neurology is the world's largest international professional association with over 36,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals.
@haithamhazaimeh6969 13 часов назад
Thanks for this insightful session and the helpful tips for securing a neurology elective in the US! I appreciate the effort put into this video!
@JimmyLuckwood 2 дня назад
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on RU-vid cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol🌱🌱
@imaculatejohn5309 2 дня назад
Good🇮🇳 afternoon compliment season wishing happy world brain day have 🇮🇳a nice health care day. 0:23
@sobankhan8692 3 дня назад
@ap47ල් 18 дней назад
@dr.dilippakhare1836 20 дней назад
Good information
@JulieR73 29 дней назад
I lost one of my best friends to epilepsy. #SUDEP Miss and love ya, Rebecca. 1973 - 2002
@korkunctheterrible4302 Месяц назад
What about BAFME?
@amandatyler3485 Месяц назад
_I am so happy for my Sister, she got cured of her Multiple Sclerosis just few weeks of using Dr Madida Sam herbal supplements🍃🌿🌿._
@divinelydeedee Месяц назад
My husband was diagnosed with this, he has been in the hospital for 2 months now
@keitymarley733 Месяц назад
My prayers are with you all and I know how you all feels, my Dad suffered same illness for 13 years until madida herbal center came to his aid and cured him with their natural PD herbal medicine, Click and search #DrMadida, and let your Parkinson Disease be taken care of and be cured just same way my Dad’s own was taken care of and cured👌👌…
@coraldell3091 Месяц назад
The condition Huntington's disease is not Parkinson's disease, its very different in fact... So why would you commet here about Parkinson's. ?? Oh you referred to a person with a reversal of Parkinson's disease and a recommended doctor.... Funny thing is ive heard of that Dr for other things.. is it real and true.. i doubt it very much..
@edmeyer4691 2 месяца назад
I found that neuropathy pain was much less of a problem when I took naps with my feet elevated above my heart, At night my neuropathy pain was negligible and I was able to sleep with a low dose 200 mg of gabapentin, all this without any pain!
@Sandux930 2 месяца назад
8 seizures 2 comas. idk how im still alive
@AfrozaAkter-rh4oy 2 месяца назад
hlw Sar i am afroza akther .ami Nuralowy school Tow porjonto poreci & pore borti hoy intervida Hova oi school porlam 7 porjonto Akon Abar sty Korte chai .but Amar baba ma r aballety nay so helpful
@ParrotHead1980 2 месяца назад
THC is also been proven to stop seizers in people.
@gamaltaher9714 2 месяца назад
@gamaltaher9714 2 месяца назад
@joshuairiarte3785 2 месяца назад
Contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome I think in 2017 N1 flu shot. 2 days later I told my mama to feel something wrong and on cellular in molecular level.. the pain has been so extreme doctors won't diagnose because I was told on the side of the record before my first doctor retired that is the test show that I got it from the flu shot they got to face the board I don't know what can I bulshit this is but I can't get diagnosed I can't get a lawyer I can't get anything I went from making 70,000 to $400 a month I have lost everything I ever loved. I've lost my family my children pause bedroom for a year then I'm moving into the forest had somebody deliver groceries to me with my EBT because I refused to take money from the government while I was in the forest I didn't want to owe them if I get SSI. But it seems I can't even get that I've been trying to get it for over 2 years now I go to every doctor appointment deal I know I have Guillain-Barre syndrome but nobody will diagnose me because of the consequences they might face it is so off-putting when these board meetings have financial guns to these doctors heads and they can't do their job and I am the one here dying and suffering for it. I'm a good man I didn't blame my girl for leaving I couldn't get off of bed and why would I want her to suffer with me I have been through the most painful an emotional pain I've ever gone through along with his physical pain that is just I don't even know how to explain it.. have you ever had gout that's what this thing feels like but everywhere for my waist down 👇🏽 I can't even put my feet on the ground right now I was bedridden for a year moved into the forest became stronger walked out of there now I'm trying to get my life back and it's happened again I can't even walk for the past 4 months I am losing hope in all sense of reality because of this pain I just go through days and days of the most excruciating pain to the point I start I guess hallucinating.. my body just starts yelling obscenities because of the pain and I just cry myself to sleep. Is there anyone that can help I'll be so appreciative I don't want to die without living and I know I'm 45 I had this for a while and now it's back and I don't know what to do and the pain that this thing has caused me is immeasurable. There's no amount of money. That can get back the people I have lost. I don't blame them at all I've always told myself I will push myself I didn't get my health back and get my life back.. so far not so good I have no help and now I'm stuck on a semi couch downstairs in my uncle's house and I cannot move you could imagine what it looks like😮 not being able to move my body or trust my body has been the most excruciating and painful time of my life but not being taken seriously not being tested and not being compensated I guess because this is from the flu shot it happened within a couple days I went from walking to feeling weird using a walker and then bedridden for a year straight. I was not walking in the forest I was using a walker and hobbling everywhere but it did make me stronger since I had to walk to the old house back walk to everything I got a dog out of there out of the forest she saved my life😊 I know she's with me now and I'm stuck on a bed now I can't even walk her I feel like I don't deserve love or my dog or anything because I cannot provide anybody anything except for the truth used as guinea pigs for some sick agenda they planned and all of a sudden covid came out how interesting😊 but this experience did wake me up by finding God. The forest I could hear him put this keeps on coming on to me and I don't know how long this one is going to last but I've been having the weirdest pain in my leg where I could feel the blood going through my veins and it hurts so bad I feel like I might have a stroke or a heart attack soon. If I don't get this under control I feel scared for my dog I don't want my kids to know that I died without trying.. I'm starting to get like atrophy put it swollen right now I lost 70% of my muscle Vicky tell me all these things. Nobody has the courage to diagnose me my mother's nurse practitioner friend is the one that said sounds like exactly like GPS and I have done extensive studies on this I am 100% sure that it is from that flu shot and then when I found out what was really in that s*** is what woke me up.. whoever got the H1N1 THERE WAS DNA FROM ANIMALS AND INSECTS AND THAT 💩 THERE WAS HEAVY METALS IN THE PAIN THAT THIS THING CAUSES IS INSANE I ACTUALLY HALLUCINATE FROM THE PAIN .. I USED TO BLAME THE DOCTORS THEY GAVE ME THE SHOT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.. BUT I SEE THEY WERE JUST DOING THEIR JOBS BUT THE FACT THAT THESE DOCTORS WON'T DIAGNOSE ME AND I CANNOT GET ANY COMPENSATION OR SSI OR ANYTHING I AM POOR NOW AND I NEED HELP DOES ANYBODY KNOW ANY PLACE THAT CAN DO THIS I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'M TRYING TO STAY STRONG AND GET BACK MY LIFE 45 IS TOO YOUNG TO DIE I JUST LEARNED ABOUT LIFE A LITTLE WHILE AGO I FINALLY SEE EVERYTHING AS MYSELF SINCE HAVING THIS MY EYES ARE WIDE OPEN BUT THIS PLACE IS SO CORRUPTED I UNDERSTAND THAT DOCTORS HAVE A FINANCIAL GUN TO THEIR HEAD AND THEY DON'T WANT TO GO AGAINST THEIR HOSPITAL POLICY I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I IF THEY GIVE ME THE DIAGNOSIS I CAN SUE BUT IT'S BEEN YEARS ALREADY 6 years I have been dealing with this only on my own with a little handful of painkillers every month that do nothing. I used to be a fighter and I don't like pills I think this thing is starting to f***with my arteries cuz I can feel it in them now and it's so painful I don't know what to do with running out of Hope and I don't want to just wait to die.. I've lost everything I ever cared about but by finding the Creator I know what life's about now and I want to live it I don't want to die I understand that I would need certain things but I can't even get the help I need here God bless you all this is a place of learning God told me himself people if you don't know how to get home yet the meaning of this place you just recycle back in it until you learn the lessons you need to learn God loves you all and he wants a relationship you don't need to pray he already knows what you need you need to focus on what you want and moving that direction I am just stuck on a sofa couch it was in Hope just three this past 3 days I was in such pain that I started hallucinating and screaming cussing talking nonsense because of the pain i hallucinate after days of it if anybody has any advice please get back to me God bless you all this is not a prison planet but a place of learning God told me he doesn't have an easy bake and daddy throws you in if you can't make it home you are the prodigal son or daughter and you will be welcome in his house I'm slowly losing hope and slowly dying never felt this weird pain in my legs before with my veins and I'm scared for my dog 🐕 I'm scared for myself😢 I dont wish this on anyone I've lost everything I don't know what to do but waiting to die is not in my plan this is my final test to wake me up I understand why this happened now I just need help to get back on my feet literally.😢 Does anyone have any advice
@Callansears3 2 месяца назад
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ Thank you
@nasiruyesufu7929 3 месяца назад
I am epileptic thanks so much for all you do to make people understand our pain. GOD bless you
@shoabmdshoab1502 3 месяца назад
@user-vd2ik4ux8r 3 месяца назад
Good. Thank you
@amandatyler3485 3 месяца назад
I am so happy for my Sister, she got cured of her Multiple Sclerosis just few weeks of using Dr Madida Sam herbal supplements.
@gamaltaher9714 3 месяца назад
@user-to5br4ee2h 3 месяца назад
@amandatyler3485 3 месяца назад
“I am so happy for my Sister, she got cured of her Multiple Sclerosis just few weeks of using Dr Madida Sam herbal supplements on RU-vid”.
@amandatyler3485 3 месяца назад
“I am so happy for my Sister, she got cured of her Multiple Sclerosis just few weeks of using Dr Madida Sam herbal supplements on RU-vid”
@amandatyler3485 3 месяца назад
I am so happy for my Sister, she got cured of her Multiple Sclerosis just few weeks of using Dr Madida Sam herbal supplements on RU-vid”
@FoolyLiving 3 месяца назад
If youre a healthcare provider, QUIT writing in your reports that "the family is unrealistic" when all they want is for their family member to go home and live out their life at home. You are NOT God!!
@chindukuri9875 4 месяца назад
Plz video on erythromelalgia
@manalal-towaie9894 4 месяца назад
Thank you very much! Could you please share the link to the paper you mentioned in the lecture? 😊
@mb5101 4 месяца назад
Great 👍🏻
@mb5101 4 месяца назад
This lecture is about Chronic immune-mediated demyelinating neuropathy
@AlexFlyPyr 4 месяца назад
do you know or know anyone that knows or would look into how to get neural lace (nanotech) removed? i know there are methods for sure. the nanotech is allowing dark forces to remote neural monitor me and countless others, such as famous people, politicians, and anyone that they want to. they thrive off of us thinking it is a conspiracy theory but they truly can get your EEG data (brain signals) remotely without ever meeting you. it is made possible by neural lace (nanotech) they get how your brain would move your lips if u spoke on it. i have had no private thought/voice for the past 14 months and it is complete torture. it is the "beast" of the Bible and it is forced transhumanism. 1984 is real and they don't want u knowing yet. it will be a HUGE issue in the future, trust me, neural lace isnt going away and you will ALL want to know how to remove it if it gets inside you unwillingly, which is already is if you got the vaccines. im not anti-vax because i know there are good things in the vaccines from birth that we need and im glad i got them but there are also bad things in them, like nanotech. there will be dark forces trying to bribe/blackmail you into not looking into it because they are covering it up. if there wasnt a cover up, they wouldnt need to bribe people not to look into it. look into it seriously and see what happens... i know for sure there are people that want to protect the "beast" and their ability to 1984 spy on us. please help me "defeat the beast" and end the great tribulation earlier rather than later. i wrote about it on this post and also how i have an idea to bring heaven to earth in a video game / virtual world. i also have an idea for a science game to get you all connected on a deeper level and sharing your knowledge better in a way the world would benefit more from. please look into how to get neural lace removed for me and yourself, thank you. you should ALL be willing to look into the method (it involves electricity and water) since it deals with the brain, obviously. like i said, the forced transhumanism movement is happening and will continue to. you will want to know to stay on the top of everything brain related.you should be willing to look into it because neural lace is a real thing and you will want to know in the future. thanks, please keep an open mind and dont brush it off as a conspiracy theory, that is what the ones conspiring against us want you to think. 

@quake2u 4 месяца назад
This is bull. SSRI's have been proven not to work. What about Stellate ganglion block?
@brandonchappell1535 2 месяца назад
He said SNRIs, not SSRIs
@amandatyler3485 4 месяца назад
I am so happy for my Sister, she got cured of her Multiple Sclerosis just few weeks of using Dr Madida Sam herbal supplements.
@Lokeshgowda2023 5 месяцев назад
Super episode ❤❤
@dehilakisuki8150 5 месяцев назад
I have never seen a generous and helping being like Doctor Madida who handles to me the cure to Tinnitus condition and this 🌿🌿medicine perfectly healed me of my Tinnitus… All thanks to God for helping me find doctor Madida on RU-vid”.
@kennethdarlington682 5 месяцев назад
I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease(PD) with their herbal treatment🌿🌿.
@user-in4mz9go4d 5 месяцев назад
13 years and going idk if this is me or if i died and reincernated lol im not me at all😢
@fikaduzawdie3677 6 месяцев назад
@UKS12345 6 месяцев назад
I’m 71 female from London uk. A year ago I had an unprovoked seizure but the consultant said he doubts it was a seizure but probably migraine. I don’t get migraine but used to in my youth. I never get headaches even. I know it was a seizure because I got woken up during the night with a feeling of my whole brain being electrocuted. This lasted a few minutes then I don’t know what happened after that until 8.30am.
@UKS12345 6 месяцев назад
Forgot to say I also had my arm go stiff and twist and my fingers twisted stiff. How could that be migraine with no headache
@stefweishaupt3663 7 месяцев назад
This is a type of crime I have identified with the crown that has happened to them. It’s called the Bella Donna. #RedforPresident When you look at eval please look and note finger nails and and toenails for future evils. You can find more information if you see they are flat or have thin or curled up toenails. These are a symptom of Mediterranean tank clones which emerged around 1950-1975 We use protein biologics now but I’m framilier with the high art. If the patient is split it’s part of our global warfare as scientists committed to a much higher ethics than most. The group I’m fighting here in central IL has some very ugly gangs using some horrible practices. This is a warning to the US Military for your behavior.
@stefweishaupt3663 7 месяцев назад
This is also a park of splicing with the war we fight here in central IL and with cloning it is the crimes I’m fighting against with L&S and the “aliens of outer park.” We are in Interdimensional warfare and this is the schnozbangers that have given me a great education and the very beautiful people who can come together globally to overcome these ugly clone wars I fight.
@stefweishaupt3663 7 месяцев назад
This is also bioterrorism if you study neurogenitics. You should study neuroscience with these losers around on dark web.
@Aqeelahmad3232 7 месяцев назад
May has brain stroke and he is complete abnormal.. He is under tablet treatment.. But he is speaking bad words heavily we can't hear those... How to control kindly help me please 4 month ago Theek hai
@vxp999 7 месяцев назад
Great lecture, Thank you! Pleaee never stop posting videos of lectures like this!
@user-xp8kd7vw3i 7 месяцев назад
@moemaster1966 8 месяцев назад
The use of most of these drugs either caused chronic fatigue and dependence on the medication to the point that withdrawal is much more severe than being recorded..the mess isn’t getting better it’s getting worse,the opioid option was a better choice but with the fentanyl epidemic the general public is being punished for it…once a pharmaceutical company gets sued everyone get punished for it …every time
@danielkent574 8 месяцев назад
Our body is made up of organic matters you can easily treat the body of pain and a good number of other things through the organic process too, look up albovegateway I get a mushroom supplement from them that works, very much effective and little or no side effects.