Valem Tutorials
Valem Tutorials
Valem Tutorials
A channel focusing on learning about Immersive Technologies.

#vrdev #madewithunity #metadev
Let's Explore Unity XRI 3.0 Template
2 месяца назад
How To Make a Radial Menu - Unity VR Tutorial
2 месяца назад
The Best Open Source VR Unity Projects
7 месяцев назад
Spatial Anchor - Mixed Reality Unity XR Tutorial
8 месяцев назад
The Best VR Unity Assets for Black Friday
10 месяцев назад
Mixed Reality Shadow - Unity Tutorial - Quest 3
10 месяцев назад
How To Make a WebVR Game - Wonderland Tutorial
11 месяцев назад
@liambongioanni5781 13 часов назад
Here's the correct script (To my knowledge) using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class IKFootSolver : MonoBehaviour { public bool isMovingForward; [SerializeField] LayerMask terrainLayer = default; [SerializeField] Transform body = default; [SerializeField] IKFootSolver otherFoot = default; [SerializeField] float speed = 4; [SerializeField] float stepDistance = .2f; [SerializeField] float stepLength = .2f; [SerializeField] float sideStepLength = .1f; [SerializeField] float stepHeight = .3f; [SerializeField] Vector3 footOffset = default; public Vector3 footRotOffset; public float footYPosOffset = 0.1f; public float rayStartYOffset = 0; public float rayLength = 1.5f; float footSpacing; Vector3 oldPosition, currentPosition, newPosition; Vector3 oldNormal, currentNormal, newNormal; float lerp; private void Start() { footSpacing = transform.localPosition.x; currentPosition = newPosition = oldPosition = transform.position; currentNormal = newNormal = oldNormal = transform.up; lerp = 1; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { transform.position = currentPosition + Vector3.up * footYPosOffset; transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(footRotOffset); Ray ray = new Ray(body.position + (body.right * footSpacing) + Vector3.up * rayStartYOffset, Vector3.down); Debug.DrawRay(body.position + (body.right * footSpacing) + Vector3.up * rayStartYOffset, Vector3.down); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit info, rayLength, terrainLayer.value)) { if (Vector3.Distance(newPosition, info.point) > stepDistance && !otherFoot.IsMoving() && lerp >= 1) { lerp = 0; Vector3 direction = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(info.point - currentPosition,Vector3.up).normalized; float angle = Vector3.Angle(body.forward, body.InverseTransformDirection(direction)); isMovingForward = angle < 50 || angle > 130; if(isMovingForward) { newPosition = info.point + direction * stepLength + footOffset; newNormal = info.normal; } else { newPosition = info.point + direction * sideStepLength + footOffset; newNormal = info.normal; } } } if (lerp < 1) { Vector3 tempPosition = Vector3.Lerp(oldPosition, newPosition, lerp); tempPosition.y += Mathf.Sin(lerp * Mathf.PI) * stepHeight; currentPosition = tempPosition; currentNormal = Vector3.Lerp(oldNormal, newNormal, lerp); lerp += Time.deltaTime * speed; } else { oldPosition = newPosition; oldNormal = newNormal; } } private void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color = Color.red; Gizmos.DrawSphere(newPosition, 0.1f); } public bool IsMoving() { return lerp < 1; } }
@Kleiner_Gmod 15 часов назад
valem, you need to make a new series sadly on the quest 3 mixed reality game using the meta sdk because they completly deprecated the oculus scene manager and replaced it with something VERY different
@Chezzygaming123 2 дня назад
Tbh it did not help😢
@TGS_0 2 дня назад
Would this still work if I added multiplayer?
@Thesomeonevr 16 часов назад
Yes probably but I don’t think the other players would see the web tho
@TGS_0 15 часов назад
@@Thesomeonevr the code doesn’t even work I tried
@Thesomeonevr 4 часа назад
@@TGS_0oh are you sure you’ve got xr origin and everything
@TGS_0 4 часа назад
@@Thesomeonevr yeah I copied the tutorial every bit
@zobairhasan24 2 дня назад
Does it work with quest 3 as well
@tunaroll3957 2 дня назад
Many thanks for supporting the XR dev community, your tutorials are the best!
@elzibiel 2 дня назад
great, but i can't figure out how to get the scanned room data from my headset to use as Effect Mesh. all i get are one or other of the randomized pre existing prefabs. I can't seem to get how to use my room as the effect mesh model. I've scanned my room in my headset but it's not showing up in this scene.
@MR_LIME_VR 2 дня назад
At 2:03 I am stuck because in blend tree the trigger says NaN
@MR_LIME_VR 2 дня назад
And the fingers don’t MOVE
@sanchosan5536 2 дня назад
trop cool merci pour le tuto j'ai hate d'être a dimanche
@wisdomkhan 2 дня назад
Not working at all
@haticebusraozturk9143 2 дня назад
hello! thanks a lot for great tutorial. When I apply, inside the Unity it works perfectly but in Quest3 , the mirror camera somehow follows the main char. How can I fix it?
@adamabutaya6946 3 дня назад
why do we lock 17:38
@hariharansenthilkumar4724 3 дня назад
why unreal engine is not easy this much
@ValemTutorials 3 дня назад
Big Thanks to Cognitive 3D for sponsoring this video. You can try the tool by registering for free and test the pro version here : app.cognitive3d.com/get-started?&
@JeffreyHopkinsGoogle 4 дня назад
Thank you, Valem, great tutorial! Curious at 14:40 why do you have crosses/grids? Mine does not. Thank you.
@adamabutaya6946 4 дня назад
how to make the particles go far when breaking
@adamabutaya6946 4 дня назад
i cant add script? 16:9
@KaanErayAKAY 5 дней назад
💎You are the best 💎
@juddKore 5 дней назад
when i want to add component and add XR Controler, theres no an xr controler just xr contro record. how to put the xr controler on unity?
@BestMakerHackerCreater 5 дней назад
How can i make a split type.... I mean a mobile phone vr type but display in monitor... I mean Iam using a raspberry pi to create a vr. For that i need a deployable software how can I create OS type can anyone help me!!
@ytStrikez 5 дней назад
anyone know how to fix the left hand going backwords?
@thejaplong 5 дней назад
My Quad didn't turn to transparent although i set the surface type to transparent
@thejaplong 5 дней назад
I can't find the download section
@victorhugoka4378 5 дней назад
can i make my own game using the template?
@haraldgundersen7303 5 дней назад
When exporting from Blender it should be an option to fix the axis direction of your ghost...
@HarelRubin 5 дней назад
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using EzySlice; public class sliceObject : MonoBehaviour { public Transform startSlicePoint; public Transform endSlicePoint; public LayerMask sliceableLayer; public VelocityEstimator velocityEstimator; public Material croosSectionMaterial; public float cutForce = 200; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { bool hasHit = Physics.Linecast(startSlicePoint.position, endSlicePoint.position, out RaycastHit hit, sliceableLayer); if(hasHit) { GameObject target = hit.transform.gameObject; Slice(target); } } public void Slice(GameObject target) { Vector3 velocity = velocityEstimator.GetVelocityEstimate(); Vector3 planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(endSlicePoint.position - startSlicePoint.position, velocity); planeNormal.Normalize(); SlicedHull hull = target.Slice(endSlicePoint.position, planeNormal); if(hull != null) { GameObject upperHull = hull.CreateUpperHull(target, croosSectionMaterial); SetupSlicedComponent(upperHull); GameObject loverHull = hull.CreateLowerHull(target, croosSectionMaterial); SetupSlicedComponent(loverHull); Destroy(target); } } public void SetupSlicedComponent(GameObject sliceObject) { Rigidbody rb = sliceObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); MeshCollider collider = sliceObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); collider.convex = true; rb.AddExplosionForce(cutForce, sliceObject.transform.position, 1); } } thank me later😀
@T3RI-GAMES День назад
@nbkicker7665 5 дней назад
Where are the download links for the ghost and google eyes
@martix3090 6 дней назад
I'm not advanced at english, but you have amazing prononcion and I understand all what you talk about here. Thank you for the video. Glad to watch more content from you👍
@simondamonke 6 дней назад
I need help, the position of the physics hands is not synced with the position of the controllers, I didnt mess up on the script aswell. Everything was perfect in the script. Can someone help?
@juliansestanovich2690 6 дней назад
Could you please upload the source code to your Patreon? I could only find your older spacial anchor code and that one is no longer functional with Meta's current Unity APK.
@LUKER_gt 6 дней назад
@ckmstudios 6 дней назад
On Unity 2021.3 LTS, I don't seem to have the Meta XR tab in the Project Settings. I only see "Meta Acoustics". Anyone know how I can access this?
@ckmstudios 6 дней назад
Confirmed that it appears on 2022.3. Still curious though if there's another way on 2021. Thanks!
@ckmstudios 6 дней назад
You might not see all the individual Meta XR packages after installation. You can verify it by looking at Asset Browser, in the Packages folder. Or, to view it in the Package Manager, go to Project Settings > Package Manager, and enable Show dependencies.
@PogArcade 6 дней назад
@mavericklast2555 6 дней назад
I question how you know that I just started working on spawning in my MR game, Sorcery!
@shncn 6 дней назад
Sundays are better now
@Texflamingo 6 дней назад
@controltowervr4489 7 дней назад
Thanks for the great tutorial. FYI, if the character IK is outside the VR rig and your character goes very fast (like say... your character is traveling with a jetpack), your visible body will be 1 frame behind your actual VR body and making a interesting out of body experience (seeing your body from above). To resolve this, I just moved the IK under the VR rig so that the late update is done at then end of that frame and not on the next frame.
@SamRoberts-f1r 7 дней назад
Was expecting a polished tutorial, got pink hands straight away, as others have also noted, downloaded correct versions of everything. It helps when you make a tutorial to stop at sections where there are known bugs and provide workarounds and fixes.
@bobbysmurf9915 3 дня назад
Did you select Universal 3D when starting your project? In the video its labeled as 3D (URP) but now its called Universal 3D.
@Taborgamer-np5dn 7 дней назад
i cant find the xr action base
@italovisconti 8 дней назад
Hi! does the tutorial of the table tennis game shown in 1:31 is already available? Ty 😉
@ikarosound2504 8 дней назад
this is cool but I cannot let virtual keybord work, there is out there a tutorial about it?
@HafsaZareen 9 дней назад
Can i make an apk of this?
@mactruckdgTRR 9 дней назад
Is this outdated
@QuarkLaurent 10 дней назад
Hi, are you french? your accent...
@Psalmvr 11 дней назад
11:54 when he pulls up the starter assets i dont get what he gets and im very confused
@Iconsense-i5m 11 дней назад
I can not find XR controller component ,what should I use instead of that?
@KaanErayAKAY 11 дней назад
Very Good Tutorial Thank You!
@LongyDev 11 дней назад
everything is working but the rubber. it doesnt seem to care about me changing the alpha of pens?? can anyone help?
@FearfulMonku 12 дней назад