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Colonel Carson E.R. Holman
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1985 Senior Oration
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Yhteinen maailmamme
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The Price of Freedom
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Paavo's Name
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Mother's Memorial Service
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CLI Diploma
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@spoonysmalls 15 дней назад
Donald Trump heard the call. Maga 24
@alsatiancousin2905 Месяц назад
The lady at the start of the clip, quite eloquently puts the immigration issue into words. Have an open mind, understand that immigration can bring a lot, but at the same time not allowing exploitation. Of course, this is the tricky part.
@toffotin 2 месяца назад
I got sucked into a RU-vid wormhole and this is maybe the fifth Finnish-American video I've watched in a row, and it's funny how all the people who can still speak a bit of Finnish sound Estonian.
@stch1976 2 месяца назад
Please, do not compare people who come for a better life in the 1800's to people who come scan and sceme. It's okay to say shit out loud when it's the truth. Why is Mpls the way it is now? Sure ain't because of those pesky Scandinavians.
@earthwatcher2791 4 месяца назад
CLMI Class of '07' alumni here. RIP col. Holman. God bless the USA!
@jamescbliss2225 7 месяцев назад
My grandparents came from finland and settled in Ashtabula harbor he worked unloading the ore boats wea a huewitt operator hackurey was his last name
@philippetays4263 8 месяцев назад
the last speaker,,,,i can get through this cause i am finnish you bet SISU
@juhatauriainen2169 9 месяцев назад
It would be interesting to hear the stories of these people now, after some 12 years or so.
@jermulaattori2259 9 месяцев назад
What a stupid idea is that teaching your kids Finnish would result them to speaking English with an accent while living in a society that’s 100% English.
@excitedaboutlearning1639 4 месяца назад
That's actually not a stupid idea at all. Almost all bilingual people have a trace of the other language. For example, when you listen to Fenno-Swedes speak Finnish, you'll notice that the pronounce their Ls differently and the same applies to ö before r. Most people retain traces of their heritage language. For example, if you listen to Finnish gypsies, you'll notice that they have a distinct accent. You have to look at the societal context: #1 discrimination is often based on perceived differences. #2 These differences lead to an us-vs-them mentality. Finns, Italian Americans and many others didn't want to be seen as "others" because they were different. So, they intended to minimize those differences by not speaking their mother tongue to the next generation. The first generation immigrant's English was heavily influenced by Finnish. The third generation immigrant's accent is almost indiscernible from other native speakers' accents. This elimination of a foreign sounding accent reduced others' perception of foreignness and thus led to better opportunities in America.
@erichani1 11 месяцев назад
Finland has two official languages Swedish finnish
@Ranta-Hurri 4 месяца назад
ja 4% kansasta on äidinkieleltään ruotsinkielisiä eli virallimen kaksikielisyys on keinotekoista ja ylimitoitettua. Suomessa on myös 3 eri saamen kieltä. Pohjoisruotsi on alkujaan täysin suomenkieleistä aluetta, mutta ruotsalaiset ovat tehneet kielen olemassa olon niin vaikeaksi, että sekin on sieltä suurimmalta osin hävinnyt. Ruotsalaisten suhtautuminen suomenkieleen on aina ollut hyvin väheksyvä ja kielteinen, näin on edelleen.
@Don_Matteo Год назад
I have just recently got interested in Finnish expats. I'm a what they call "paljasjalkainen" Finn living in Finland. Never been to North America in my life but I know that generations ago some of my relatives did immigrate there. It is funny how now things are starting to look more and more like those old times that even I am seriously thinking about leaving this beautiful land.
@JUMALATION1 Год назад
I would love to visit a town like this and actually get to speak Finnish with these people.
@tariqkhader6196 Год назад
Comparing the Europeans who came to the USA circa 1880 with Africans and Asians who migrate now is ridiculous.
@Taiga300 Год назад
How come? I think you are just prejudiced, that's all.
@tariqkhader6196 Год назад
@Milla yes I am, however I'm also correct
@Taiga300 Год назад
@@tariqkhader6196 ok then whatever you say i guess
@stch1976 2 месяца назад
@@Taiga300 You know exactly why so sit your ass down.
@tylsimys67 Год назад
Damn how I hate these "politically correct" commentaries: if you were not already an able workman leaving Scandinavia, you were dead. That is, you KNEW the tools and pretty much conditions, only challenge was the language. Something else than coming from Africa, Asia or South America - and why the hell wouldn't it be?
@gloria3373 Год назад
Thank you for sharing this video! Was it from Graduation 1983? I think I see my son David Lindell in the background.
@taganize Год назад
I remember both David and his brother. The guy you see I believe is Norberg.
@kristiinatoivola2442 2 года назад
Todella mukavaa kuulla.... SISUA .... SUOMALAISUUTTA
@Zelgah 2 года назад
2:35 Tornio mainittu!
@huntrezz01 2 года назад
great advertisement ever 😍😍😍😍
@alexo1909 2 года назад
My great great grandfather immigrated from Finland to Northeastern Ohio with the last name maki (Makee)
@Silverwings1234 3 года назад
My precious Finnish family ! Every single one of them! God bless them, my cousins, aunt and uncles! #Finnishsisu
@vakoniemi 3 года назад
So true
@williambenner5531 3 года назад
: x
@juikke 3 года назад
I like the moment in 8:17 where the older gentleman William Mackie(”Mäki”) who speaks very good finnish and having a thick South Osthrobotnia accent/dialect in his speech!
@redblock5949 4 года назад
vittu mitä paskaa
@sepposavinainen2660 5 лет назад
Kranaatinheitin kruunas :D
@sepposavinainen2660 5 лет назад
no,mä sain 62-mallin... Mutta hyvä sekin oli. Tarkka kuin mikä. nykyisen kahden euron kolikkoon vedin 10 laukausta. Matkaa oli se standardi 300m. Luotettava kuin mikä.Jos tohon on tullut parannusta, niin aina parempi :)
@TheLemminkainen 5 лет назад
1:50 americans,mexicans,german welcome but no islamic trash. Look what muslims have done on Minnesota ??
@ristuksenvittu 5 лет назад
Immigration is nothing new in Usa. USA was actually built on immigration and nothing will change that. I am a native Finn and i speak Finnish as my first language and i live in Finland so the immigration is kind of a new thing. Still in the 90s you would not see a single immigrant unless you lived in Helsinki but nowadays you see all the colors on the street in most of the cities here. And i must say that i dont give a damn about the color of the skin but political and religious beliefs kind of scare me. I am an atheist myself and i do accept people believing in gods, angels and such but the other beliefs like women being subhumans or death sentence for being a homosexual are not my cup of tea. I just want all people to be equal but islam is an extremely racist religion and i do not like that.
@smiauu 4 года назад
sut on aivopesty pelkäämään islamia. kannattaa ottaa asiasta selvää ennenkun jaat eteenpäin oikeiston vihapuhetta
@TonTos.Tomahawk 6 лет назад
At least the guy at the end speak truth.
@TonTos.Tomahawk 6 лет назад
And you people definitely look Finnish the best thing you could do is stay away from that racist repressive country dark filthy highly imoral peadaphile perverts alcoholics​ mental problems 70% woman bi poler ,80% inbreed. These people lie. I lived there 15 y.
@TonTos.Tomahawk 6 лет назад
A joke sisu.
@TonTos.Tomahawk 6 лет назад
What a joke
@lorivachonkarvonen3977 6 лет назад
Love this! Thank you for sharing. I see a pic of my Grandma, JIngo Viitala Vachon, when Mr. Randell is flipping through the book. Both of her parents immigrated from Alavus to Calumet Michigan in late 1800's. Homestead in Misery Bay, the house is still standing and still owned by family. <3 Thank you again!! I'll watch the other parts too!
@oxxal7357 Месяц назад
My dads aunt also migrated from Alavus to New Jersey. :)
@sirpajaaskelainen560 6 лет назад
Everything has changed, how much can we take, if soon we cant even feed our own native people!
@sirpajaaskelainen560 6 лет назад
In the 70´s - 80´s Finland took refugees from Vietnam and everything was great. Now they are coming from places, mostly from Africa, for the belief that we have better income. Our unemployment is high, so it takes a lot of strain for finish people, I have heard many times that most people don´t want to work just take the social money. There are courses and courses for foreign people and i feel that we are not so important. I am an immigrant child from Australia, they needed labor in the 60´s and my parents found jobs, for personal reasons had to move back to Finland. As Olli said 4 years ago it is not racism, but people that are leaching to us!
@ThePerksdeLeSarcasmeSiorai 5 лет назад
sirpa jääskeläinen As a Vietnamese American, I’d like to clarify that those Vietnamese refugees from the 1980s were and definitely still are very grateful to any country that took them in (whether it is the United States, Canada, Germany, Nordic countries, and Japan, etc). Many went on to integrate into any society they moved to and took part in creating vibrant communities abroad. The Vietnamese can assimilate so easily and willingly that their children from the second and third generations often lose the ability to speak the Vietnamese language fluently. My cousins cannot speak Vietnamese but they can understand everything perfectly so there’s no way I can badmouth them behind their backs 😂 . There are still the newly arrivals who complain about everything but I almost always school them and constantly remind them to be grateful that they have the chance to live in America. Nevertheless, the so-called “refugees” and “immigrants” you describe only seem to leech off from taxpayers’ money and they are ungrateful parasites. Believe it or not, the majority of us Vietnamese hate those who rely on government handouts (there’s an ongoing joke in Vietnamese community against those who live on welfare on purpose) and hence, many vote Republican. Protecting your culture isn’t racism. Many white people from North America and Europe move to Asia but they do not receive benefits from those governments and they certainly aren’t imposing their cultures. I wonder why can’t Scandinavian countries do the same. I always admire Finland’s education system but it seems like political correctness has corroded education and common sense. Still, you need to take back your country and deport those who don’t even have an ounce of respect toward Finnish culture and people. They don’t deserve to live in Finland.
@jani3106 6 лет назад
Did The finns get all social benefits when moving to America?Did another groups get the "all inclusive" free treatments when immigrating just were they wanted? that we are giving now to the mostly muslmin men 16-45yr old who are coming here and receive all free healt care, theeth are fixed Even with gold because "it is in their culture." There has been 20000-50000euro operations on immigrants theeth. I go to work and pay all of these with My taxes and cannot Even afford a private dentist to fix my own few theeth so most finns have to go to The citys non private healthcare center and have to wait at least 3months for one 30min Time to the dentist exept If you are in great pain they Will fix The main issue quite fast but all other thooths are not noticed at all. We give them free housing and all furniture and everything that person could ever need. All brand new. Tv's bikes,computers,phones.. new phones because they all have smartphones when arriving and new brand clothes but The passports has always ended up in the ocean or vanished somewhere else after traveling and having fun for a quite while in many EU countries posting their party pics on Facebook... 3/4 age tested had lied their age to Be younger cos its better to Be under 18 right? Of course. We cannot compare in anyway The situation when finns moved to America and supported themselfs! And in Sweden. The finns went to work to the factories in Sweden cos they could not find enough swedish workers who would do the hard work. Nowdays all we have is people moving there where the free money is handed out for doing nothing and no reason to go to work because the money they get is pretty much the same so why the hell go to work.
@venkkooo Год назад
When most finns went to Minnesota, they were shunned, and became like the irish. You could find bars with "No finns" signs on them at the time.
@Lumporz 6 лет назад
Karstula mainittu! Näkötornilla tavataan!
@nerdragexx1069 6 лет назад
@BrianJuntunen 6 лет назад
I can't remember Finns blowing things up and shooting up nightclubs, sorry.
@petrusinvictus3603 6 лет назад
Come on! Join the Nordics! Even Scotland will come back!
@petrusinvictus3603 6 лет назад
Pretty good english speaking come to Helsinki UN. Almost free (180 euros per year), and if you get the nationality, free healthcare and so one. I spent a year in suburbia Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Finland, the Socialstate, as Sweden, Norwey, Denmark and even Germany and France..
@billdegrace2593 6 лет назад
Had Spike for English and public speaking.
@shirley-annkauranen7622 6 лет назад
you can't compare Kalevala or the Norwegian Saga to religions, if you want to look at the religion then check out how many Lutheran churches there are, as well as newspapers, cultural groups in sports, theatre, music, Finn schools, etc that are in the Finnish language to keep the heritage, culture, and language alive... it is a question of ones own identity that most people want to keep... I don't think immigrants today are asking us to embrace theirs but to let them keep their culture, heritage and language and not to assimilate and lose their own identity
@trudifruty6078 7 лет назад
Deport all of the illegals and refugees back too were they came from an the population will go down in AMERICA.
@terrybaker8156 8 лет назад
It is completely unfair to compare the white European immigrants of the 19th to early 20th century to the ones coming today. My Dutch ancestors had no social welfare state to go, they were the poorest of the poor and the worked the land and built their entire lives from nothing. Nowadays, a bunch of black and brown immigrants get given every damn thing they demand and never fucking work.
@vektahFI 8 лет назад
You are no better than the same Americans who saw your ancestors and many like them as second-class citizens. It's equally unfair to generalize and say "black and brown" immigrants move here simply to mooch off the government.You should try to open your eyes towards how hard working most immigrants are, and the lengths they go to in order to support their families.
@markandrews5569 8 лет назад
Lets not forget that when talking about ancestors of the past they did not have the benefits of todays immigrants (medical, unemployment, bilingual, welfare, etc..)
@bethcabognason2798 9 лет назад
Verynoce. Story im so touching
@liupengcheng9030 9 лет назад
suomi mainittu
@erichani1 10 лет назад
we're hispanics we have pride too lol
@jimdavis8391 10 лет назад
Finland is a lovely country.
@erichani1 11 месяцев назад
Finland looks very clean too I love to go to finland