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Minecraft: Windmill Tutorial
3 года назад
@armandogutierrez2181 2 часа назад
Skull shirt is William's related shirt.
@UncleMilo 19 часов назад
Darn - there's a whole conversation you can have in order to get a good performance from Nathan.
@IDyce88 21 час назад
the dream with william in the car and Chloe on stage is actually very important. Chloe says "rachel's parents aren't real" and and they were talking about "life is a stage" right...and william tells her "well mayne there is reason WE PRETEND" (and he means we as in parents) mayne the LIES we keep hidden are worse..." he is insiuating there is something you don't know about James. Rachel is only 16...Frank's relationship with Rachel doesn't happen until she is older (i would guess around 18-19). Rachel disappears when she is 19 and had a relationship with Frank sometime priot to this, after she broke up with Chloe...judging from what we know Frank isn't the type to go for underage girls. Before the Storm is about the begining of rachel and Chloe relationship...but it doesn't tell us what occurs BETWEEN the begining and when Max returns...most of that you learn in the main LIS game with Max.
@IDyce88 21 час назад
Leo: The Lion, the sun, the centre of attention, fiery and creative, people gravitate towards them...known for their beauty and passion. In a room full of stars they shine brightest. Cancer: The Crab, the moon, the queen of emotions, senstive, nurturing, self-protective, empathetic. They have emotions as vast as the ocean. Max, Chloe and Rachel all have iconic quote: Max says her while sitting in the diner i think, Chloe's is taken from a book in Eliot's room and Rachel's is a line about the stars which she says in her room: Max: I wish i could stay in this moment forever...but then it wouldn't be a moment." Chloe: The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places." (this was also part of a quote by the famous Ernest Hemingway) Rachel: Who cares if the stars are dead. As long as we can still see them, that means they're real to us." these three quotes symbolised each character.
@IDyce88 22 часа назад
James is a complete hypocrite and there are so many things wrong with his defence that i don;t even know where to start. i get that he cares for Rachel but none of that excuses the LEGAL right that Rachel has to meet Sera. Oregon Law dictates (and yes we live in Arcadia Bay, Oregon remember) that 16 year olds have the right to make their own choices regarding this sort of thing...sure when Rachel was a baby James had a responsibility to protect her...but now Rachel is older and legally she has the right to meet Rachel if she wants or Sera has the right to meet her...especially if Sera has contacted a lawyer, Jame's power only goes so high. James' bias agaisnt drugs has nothing to do with this...and it shouldn't...but he uses it as an excuse.
@libbytingz День назад
Shaka brah brothers 🤙Hope you had a lovely weekend 🤍
@IDyce88 21 час назад
don't be an asshole to david...the poor guy has PTSD from the war...him apologising to you is the one time he actually does something decent. i've seen a lot of playthoughs where people unfairly judge him because they saw the David from LIS first and he smacked Chloe...it's an unfair judgment because if you think about it that hasn't happened yet...david is trying his best to help Chloe and Joyce and the reason Chloe flew off the handle and David and got smacked was because rachel dissappeared. things were looking up if you look at it from a chronological point of view...but then rachel dissappeared and Chloe started to blame people around her again.
@Cosmicfraud3209 День назад
Damon is nuts😮
@UncleMilo 3 дня назад
@UncleMilo 3 дня назад
I like how there's about 3 different options for each repair on the Truck.
@UncleMilo 3 дня назад
OK - a LOT of people seem confused by Eliot if they don't read the materials provided. Eliot was Chloe's boy-toy that she talked to Max about in the original game. Chloe's rebellion from being the good student/daughter/citizen included drinking, drugs and casual sex... and Eliot was the guy she used... and for her, it was about rebellion, but for Eliot, it was "real". She still has the tickets from their two-month anniversary and in the conversation with Rachel, she admitted her "v-card" had already been punched.
@ZeEvilOne 3 дня назад
51:21 "what uniquely twisted location does Chloe Price plus Rachel Amber equal"? ... six feet underground! Too soon?
@libbytingz 3 дня назад
@IDyce88 4 дня назад
crime of passion is much more accurate to the truth; it means it wasn't deliberate it was done by accident but when someone was in a fit of anger or emotional distress. Arson (as James thinks) is not correct at all because that would imply it was deliberate. rachel told you not to confront James! let her do it...it's not Chloe's place. emptying the pockets for david makes sense because you can make him look stupid; it's a question of being the smarter person, Chloe is smarter than she fronts and the olny reason why you wouldn't empty the pockets is if you have marijuana. but that is an optional thing you can pick up from Frank...if you don't get it then you are all clear and David will look stupid when you empty your pockets and have nothing bad. this in turn will make Joyce feel sorry for Chloe and feel less inclined to trust david as much.
@IDyce88 4 дня назад
the talk with Rachel about "logistics" shows a major difference between them: Rachel: she knows what she wants, she knows what she wants to do and who to do it with...she is certain. Chloe: she is full of uncertainties and doubts (which is far more healthy for a teen of 16, doubts are natural) her mum and David, fixing the car, money...leaving in general... James is massively bias agaisnt people like Chloe because he doesn't trust drug users.
@IDyce88 4 дня назад
if damon doesn't get the money you basically doomed drew to a life with no sports...that's messed up. he had a scholarship to play...now he lost it. at the end of the play, Rachel is using the play to express her feelings for Chloe and vice versa. "excitment is a mere conterfeit of bliss" this means Chloe wants Rachel to appreciate her for simply who she is.
@StarrySkies3472 4 дня назад
Blonde really is your color
@fabiangoritzer473 4 дня назад
You have to play the Bonus Episode because its sooo emotional🙃🙌
@armandogutierrez2181 5 дней назад
Before the play of the tempest is a good idea to see the chat between Nathan and his dad, then STEP In, then say to Samantha to SUPPORT Nathan..... That changes how the TEMPEST will be played.
@erenyeager14728 6 дней назад
Your sons 💀
@armandogutierrez2181 8 дней назад
It was better option accepted to show that she had in her pockets
@Lance_Lionroar 8 дней назад
This stream was fire ngl
@jarvisfowlkes3200 8 дней назад
Poor Chloe, nothing never easy in her life loving your gameplay
@IDyce88 8 дней назад
a lot of people don;t take the time to know this...but Chloe and Eliot have known each other since kindergarten, so a hug is not that odd...i mean yeah it's clear he likes her. and a lot of LIS fans don;t like Eliot...but just cause you don;t like a character doesn't mean you shouldn't take the time to know who they are and how they relate to everything. being a villain doesn't get you anywhere in LIS you have to use your head and make the other person look like the bad guy, if David is asking you to empty your pockets then you can twist that round on him...unless of course you have anything incriminating in your pockets
@armandogutierrez2181 8 дней назад
I agree with all.
@UncleMilo 3 дня назад
Eliot is also the "boy-toy phase" she told Max about. They were in a relationship after Chloe's father died and when Chloe tells Rachel her "v-Card had been punched" it was with Eliot. This, of course, was all about rebellion for Chloe... drugs, alcohol and casual sex.... but for Eliot, it actually meant something it was not.
@IDyce88 3 дня назад
@@UncleMilo yeah i figured that, i mean it's never overly stated that she screwed eliot but it wouldn't surpise me
@IDyce88 8 дней назад
your conversation with Ray Wells would have gone way better if you had talked to more people in front of the school...found a way to make him look bad. the victoria thing is completley avoidable, that's your fault for being "the villain". you always get blamed for bullying Nathan, you can't avoid that the key to success in that meeting is to have dirt on principal wells and how he does things...due to your lack of exploration you didn;t have it.
@IDyce88 8 дней назад
rachel is using Chloe as manipulation, yes she likes Chloe but Before the Storm is all about unhealthy friendships. two people can still be friends and yet not be good for each other. Max and Chloe have what is called co-dependent relationship, they lean on each other, support each other...they are hardly effected or bothered by what each other say...heck even when Max left Chloe tried to act like she was hurt but deep down she just wanted Max to come back. Chloe and Rachel though...there is no balance...there is no mutual support. Rachel tells Chloe what she wants to hear and Chloe laps it up like a cat with milk. in return Chloe pretty much throws herself on the sword for Rachel...so it's messing up things in her life...like her scholarship. true Chloe may not think it's overly important...but was it important to skip school either?
@UncleMilo 15 дней назад
Don't forget - in the original game, you saw that Chloe and Rachel had gone to things outside of Arcadia Bay - we even saw they went to Los Angeles for a concert.
@UncleMilo 15 дней назад
I honestly adore the scene of Chloe and Rachel on the train listening to the song. I let it run as long as I could in the game.
@UncleMilo 15 дней назад
So here are few things that are NOT SPOILERS (but you just didn't read the materials) A lot of people forget that Chloe was one year older than Max. Chloe is 16 in this game (so Max would be 15) Victoria and Nathan are also 15 as they are part of Max's class. Steph and Rachel, however, are the same age as Chloe. Eliot had the tickets celebrating the two-month anniversary (at the time of the concert). Eliot and Chloe already hooked up by this point (and he's part of the boy-toy phase Chloe talked about to Max in the original game). In the info you find from Chloe, it is very clear that Chloe's sexual relations with Eliot are on par with her drinking and her drug use - it's all about rebellion and breaking the norms.... but as you can see from their interaction, Eliot is more about the relationship than she is.
@libbytingz 15 дней назад
Wow! Thanks for this info, very helpful.
@UncleMilo 15 дней назад
@@libbytingz No problem... I am just a massive Life is Strange fan-boy and I am trying to be as careful as I can so as to no spoil your journey! :D
@dumahim 17 дней назад
For some reason, I thought the pencils were found stuck in the ceiling in the original version of the game. I went through the remaster recently and didn't see them. Am I remembering incorrectly or is this a remaster error?
@IDyce88 17 дней назад
there is a spirit in Aracadia Bay called the Raven Spirit (you may have noticed the raven appearing now and again and it will keep appearing in Before the Storm) the Raven is using the form of William to help guide Chloe through this difficult time of her life. rachel wasn't there when any of those events happened when you backtalked those guys...or was she...this is the thing...her friendship is manipulative because she is listening in on you. players never understood why Rachel and Chloe were talking about leaving constantly but never did; it's not rocket science, we can talk about our dreams or desires all the time...but actually doing it is another thing entirely...it takes time and effort. the two of them are only 16...it's not realistic that they actually ran away at this age.
@IDyce88 17 дней назад
i was in theatre a lot as a kid; i did peter pan, oliver twist...romeo and juliet...i was the lead role in all of them...honestly i was tired of acting after that and gave it up. but i still enjoy going to the theatre and watching great productions.
@IDyce88 17 дней назад
when Rachel asks about "true love" and the play...she's not talking about the play. she's using the play as a metaphor to ask what Chloe thinks about true love...so does Chloe think true love exists or not? notice that Rachel is looking at Chloe when she asks this question...she doesn't care about the story of the play. the game on the train is purely flirtation...not only are Chloe and rachel learning about each other but they are flirting. Chloe feels uncomfy and unworthy of being in Rachel's presence...Rachel thinks Chloe needs to have more confidence in herself than that. it may seem a bit weird that you tell rachel how you feel in the first episode...but they only have three episodes to tell this story in...and it's your only chance to tell her. so if you don;t say it now then you never get to say it at all. the only reason Rachel rejects Chloe is because she has other things on her mind...so she can't think clearly.
@Cosmicfraud3209 17 дней назад
The lore behind rachel is quite sad 😢
@thisishowitallends9321 17 дней назад
I’m pretty sure we’re in July now but pride month never ends, amiright? 😂
@jarvisfowlkes3200 17 дней назад
It's good to see you again hope your doing well
@libbytingz 17 дней назад
Hey :) thanks for stopping by! I hope you're doing well too.
@jarvisfowlkes3200 17 дней назад
@@libbytingz Your sweet I'm fine keep being awesome
@libbytingz 17 дней назад
24:15 they really said 🏃‍♂🏃‍♂🏃‍♂
@Cosmicfraud3209 18 дней назад
Chloe is so savage she dgaf 😂 shed confront a trex 😅
@libbytingz 18 дней назад
@@Cosmicfraud3209 she’s got some serious balls for sure
@IDyce88 19 дней назад
Chloe has nightmares about William periodically, when that happens be sure to try and understand what they are telling you...usually there is a message in them. the whole point of David is incremination, make him look bad by being nice...you need to do that for Joyce's sake. one thing to bear in mind about Nathan, this is before he had some of his issues, so to judge him by what he did in LIS is not wise...think of him as a different Nathan. Also there was a lot more you could have done in front of the school. recomend you explore more in future.
@libbytingz 19 дней назад
Noted, thanks!
@IDyce88 19 дней назад
"i'll just grab something later" that's called tactical avoidance, my therapist told me all about that. teenagers use that to avoid situations they don't want to be in. It's not that Chloe doesn't want breakfast or doesn't care, she knows that if she sits to eat breakfast she'll get into an argument...so therefor she knows it's smarter to eat later and neither her nor Joyce have to argue. i know david is a jerk but being rude ot him IMO doesn't really do much for anyone...for joyce's sake...you need to make david look like the bad guy.
@IDyce88 19 дней назад
A few things to know about Before the Storm (no spoilers): Chloe and Rachel are 16...Max is 15. the story is set around 3 years before the main LIS and 2 years after the Bonus Episode (recomend looking at that at some point). The story is primarily about the BEGINING of Chloe and Rachel's relationship and i do stress the BEGINING. a lot of fans think it is questionalbe that two people can like each other in a matter of days but that is not what's relevant to the story. It's the dynamics of the relationship. Chloe thinks Rachel is her new soul mate...Rachel well...she has other opinions.
@minnie_mike3056 19 дней назад
Let’s go! Been waiting for this🙌🏾
@pavelradev1990 19 дней назад
Hell Yeah. Love that you took the cash at the begging. The rebellious way to play this game gives you the most fun options. Great playthrough!
@libbytingz 19 дней назад
Villian playthrough even though it hurts me to be mean sometimes lol
@cassinitakano5736 19 дней назад
I absolutely love the theme music
@libbytingz 19 дней назад
SO good 👏
@xBloodXGusherx 19 дней назад
One of the BEST LIS games in my opinion! Thanks for playing this! Will have to catch up!
@IDyce88 29 дней назад
"good intentions?" Me: some of the worst things in history began with the best intentions...including Hitler. Chloe was destined to die in the bathroom...and the reason she keeps dying or almost dying is BECAUSE Max stopped that from happening. something u might not know...chloe was the blue butterly...that was her spirit animal.
@IDyce88 29 дней назад
the san francisco shift in reality is like Max's ideal reality...she would love that to happen to her...but unfortunatley it went wrong so she had to go back.
@IDyce88 29 дней назад
ok so let's get this thing out the way...because a lot of people misunderstand Mr Jefferson. he's not a pervert. or interested in his victims sexually...with the possible exception of Rachel but that was never made clear. what he is obsessed with is the beauty some young women give off due to their talent...people like Max, Kate, Rachel n Victoria. All models and artists have a peak time where they are their best and Jefferson is obssed with capturing that moment on camera and immortalising them. he wants to capture that and keep it forever before it fades...he loves the purity of the young talent artists...but of as he has come to realise they won't be willing models...so he resorted to drugging them.
@IDyce88 29 дней назад
the deer was Rachel, this is why you saw it in the junkyard in Episode 2.