Mas Amor Tango
Mas Amor Tango
Mas Amor Tango
Welcome to join our tango journey with Mas Amor Tango!

We are Kseniya and Serkan, a couple that shares the passion of dancing tango.
We started practicing and decided to build our career on this passion!
We want to build our own école and unique style of tango.
We have been thinking how often we live our lives in toxic routines, with all those automated actions like robots or slaves, being unable to escape from the cages we built for ourselves.
We both believe, There is a way to remember that we are human beings and this is connected to art.
We would like to do our part to influence the society and leave our mark in tango community to grow bigger and better.
Together we can make the difference in this crazy world!
We can stay human and make the beauty happen again and again!

Subscribe and Follow Us to support, watch every step we take until we become world champions and be with us while we are creating our school!

With Love!
