Africa Without Borders
Africa Without Borders
Africa Without Borders
Africa Without Borders has started as a charity to help the African people know Jesus Christ . We train pastors , we conduct missions and are engaged in children's work and youth work . We desire to also help in practical ways those who are poor and on the edge of African Society. Jason and Dorcas Burns head the mission work in Ghana but desire to work in other African nations. Please donate to Patreon or pay pal on this channel to Africa Without Borders thankyou for your love and support.
Boat Ride To Rotterdam
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Boat Ride In Netherlands.
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Witnessing to a  Roman Catholic
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Middleburg a message for Europe
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Street preaching Rottadam Holland
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Rottadam Market
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@svsv123 День назад
Lets talk little logic here. Lets assume Jesus was messenger of God. A messenger of God attains 0.1% or 0.001% of God’s Power. God being infinity and even attaining 0.001% of his power still makes it infinity. And therefore, Jesus was not just messenger but he was the GOD. Jesus = Allah. (No difference) P.S I am Hindu.
@basitjavaid-eb9lf 2 дня назад
If islam was a lie there won't have been 1.9 billion Muslims
@panter421 2 дня назад
Jesus is Lord! And Lord forever.
@apatternofsoundwords5084 3 дня назад
Now here is the true question sir: Do you TRULY believe God is sovereign? And by sovereignty I am speaking that ALL is out of God and ALL is caused by God....both good AND evil....and every single facet of everything that happens in HIS creation.That means God has scripted every action,every thought,every so called "choice" we make! This means that God is totally RESPONSIBLE for all that takes place in HIS creation....and God never gave man a will that is completely FREE from His sovereignty and no choice any human makes is apart from Gods causality. If you do believe that God is the author of good and evil....and the most popular religion on earth ,namely Christendom, do not know who God is nor who His son is....and the trinity is also unscriptural nonsense! If you believe in the immortality of the human soul,the trinity,that death is not REALLY ceasing to exist but that a person lives on after only his body dies in some ethereal spirit or soulish body,the false teaching that Christians go directly to heaven at the point of death and all unbelievers go to hell directly at death,and of course the most wicked of all teachings which is that God gave man a will that is free and that man chooses to go to hell and that God will mercilessly torture billions of people in fire forever and ever which is a totally unscriptural teaching and this is why Christians who believe these doctrines are NOT believers but actually serve and worship the non god called Baal Peor! They also do not believe Jesus literally died meaning HE HIMSELF tasted death for every creature and ceased to exist for 3 days and nights!!
@Zwemer100 3 дня назад
If you watch the video above Packer deals with your main question. Human logic is not God's word and we have to hold to two sides of the coin God is in control but those who go to hell are responsible. As for the rest of your comments, they are unbiblical and smack of rationalism. If you stand on reason and not God's word, you don't know where you came from, you don't understand why you are here, and you don't know where you are going. But the Bible tells us God created the world, we are here to love God and our fellow man and we go to heaven or hell. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day.
@doveheneagle5898 3 дня назад
RE: YOUR HEALTH Would you like to try this tonic? It was very helpful for me. You may google it too..to educate yourself & perhaps use from one of Barbara O Neal's medicinal tonics or advice... Google her RU-vid videos...if you're interested. THE TONIC Red onions, ginger, garlic, lemon (maybe a pinch of cayenne pepper)...chop in pieces, & boil, then drink....and see how you get on. I had the tonic, hot, like tea, without honey, & the respiratory issues i had repeatedly trued to get rid of, with antibiotics, etc, was cleared....i took it continuously, daily, & still do, every now, & again, ti clear uobaby possible build up, now that we're approaching winter. Get well soon!
@doveheneagle5898 3 дня назад
Like i responded to a few channels who were quick to pass judgements, not bearing in mind 1 Corinthians 4:5, which i hope/pray, should warn everyone of us. Yes, we must be careful! This is a church matter, & should remain so, & private, within the church, not for the entertainment of the world. Scripture is clear. This should NEVER have been on the churche's website, accessible by anybody, including the world. It is PRIVATE. Also, without condoning any sin, the NT is clear what the Church should & not do.... depending if it is habitual sin, sudden unexpexted consequence of SLIDING into sin, or (&) if it is accompanied with unrepentance, repentance, or indifference. The church should stick to the discipline commanded in the Holy Scriptures only, which hopefully should lead to the action commander in 2 Corinthians 2:6-8:. 2 Corinthians 2:6-8 The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.. i urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. Bearing in mind Galatians 6:1-4 Humility, compassion of Christ, fear of falling, genuine love towards tge brother must be observed, without hypocrisy & partiality. Also praying compassionately and passionately for one another, following confessions of sins, one to another, as JAMES 5:16 says, that we might be HEALED..(paraphrased)...DID THE CHURCH FOLLOW THESE COMMANDS, following pastor Steve Lawson's confession to them? THE LORD HIMSELF WILL JUDGE! Even if pastor Lawson in the past & perhaps still holds to that doctrine, of a hard/harsh line against the sin he may now be involved in, it's important to bear in mind, he is a product of some unscriptural doctrinal teachings, based on the Calvin teachings & perhaps he also holds to the equally false doctrine of the secessionists, which on it's own breeds classismn, cliques, ...creating a somewhat religious inferiority, & superiority complexes in the various groups (between the secessionist & the charismatics (or) & the Pentecostals...in how they are viewed, with the secessionist unconsciously looking down on the charismatics/Pentecostals....since the cessessionists appear to not want to be associated or seen with the charismatics/Pentecostals. Secessionists unconsciously susceptible to legalism, causing them to deny the possibility of falling which may be averted through WORD OF PROPHESY/KNOWLEDGE/WISDOM, or any of the speaking gifts, through credible lips (BUT THEY HAVE REJECTED THE HOLY SPIRIT, MOVING AMONGST THEM VIA THESE SPIRITUAL GIFTS, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE & TEACH THAT THE GIFTS HAVE CEASED, WHICH THE BIBLE DOES NOT SUPPORT.... SCRIPTURE SAYS THEY WILL CEASE, WHEN RHE CHURCH IS NO MORE IN THE EARTH, WHEN THE LORD SHALL APPEAR THE SECOND TIME...while the extreme of charismatics/pentecostals, are susceptible to licence.(YOU CAN SEE THESE ON DISPLAY IN MANY PLACES... INSTRUCTIONS ABOUND IN THE BIBLE ON HOW & WHEN, & BY WHOM THESE SPIRITUAL SPEAKING GIFTS ARE EXCERCISED....for the benefits of the Church or (&) for unbelievers present. I couldn't agree more.... people should be VERY CAREFUL!....we must all give account to the LORD WHO IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH, HOW WE TREAT ONE ANOTHER IN OUR WORDS, THOUGHTS, MOTIVES, & ACTIONS. May the LORD help us all!
@yuukashima3902 4 дня назад
Change the title dude, she got owned big time bu the old doctor 😂😂
@ARRAM57 4 дня назад
Jesus also prophesied that he would return before .....let me quote. “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom,” what does that mean?
@Zwemer100 4 дня назад
@@ARRAM57 The next chapter Matthew 17 we have Jesus transfiguration . Most scholars think Jesus words are referring to that .
@ARRAM57 4 дня назад
@@Zwemer100 Some scholars will engage in trying to make Jesus correct whatever he says. On the other hand, most people see this as an example of a false/failed prophecy.
@Zwemer100 4 дня назад
@@ARRAM57 The words you quote are in chapter 16 of Matthew so if you have in chapter 17 of Matthew the transfiguration then it's a possible explanation. Second issue is Jesus is the Son of God so he could never get any prophecy wrong. It is our understanding of the texts that are the problem. R C Sproul, and many reformed scholars have other good explanations . If your a Muslim you have nothing to stand on. The western scholars who would say that Jesus made a mistake are many but non of them understand the prophetic ministry of Jesus . One has to look at how prophecy was done in the old testament then apply to the new . It's not as simple as just reading one verse literally . Now those same western scholars methodology you would never apply to the koran. My advice is to read John Gill commentary on the passage and R C Sproul. Then you will have more understanding.
@ARRAM57 4 дня назад
@@Zwemer100 It would have been more inspiring if the bible and quran did not need anyone to interpret what is written. If it were clear and obvious there would be no dispute. Instead we have "scholars" who need to decipher the meaning of passages to make it make sense.
@Zwemer100 4 дня назад
@@ARRAM57 The basics of salvation are clear in the bible but when your talking about prophecy it's not that simple .
@michellecheriekjv4115 4 дня назад
I love horses...its beautiful there ...
@michellecheriekjv4115 4 дня назад
We love you Brother ...🌷💞 You have been ab incredible encouragement....📖👑✝️
@michellecheriekjv4115 4 дня назад
"Happy Birthday Brother".💐🎂🎈🎁🎊
@saidul02 5 дней назад
dont see any logic in that women 😜, how she destroyed zakir. using music skip passing zakir lecture well done disbelievers
@penitautua6495 5 дней назад
@lucaskwadzozowonoo6771 5 дней назад
Good evening rev.for the great work
@Zwemer100 5 дней назад
God bless you brother praying for you.
@faisonodst9955 5 дней назад
Anger is not a sin. Jesus was angry… that is not a thing.
@johnmarjaable 7 дней назад
King Saul was a backslider. See Samson! God sees the heart.
@johnmarjaable 7 дней назад
You are so very right. He is not finished at all. David was not finished.
@marildatuomala1820 7 дней назад
@marildatuomala1820 7 дней назад
You one of the few that are reformed and show true love. I don’t see that from a lot of Reformed people and leaders. Thank you and God bless you.
@marildatuomala1820 7 дней назад
You one of the few that are reformed and show true love. I don’t see that from a lot of Reformed people and leaders. Thank you and God bless you.
@gaylehoy2065 7 дней назад
I am praying for Steve and his wife --- but to be honest we do expect our leaders to be above reproach in matters such as this. he was sacked or fired so it was not over something just a little bit naughty --- Over the years have you noticed where once we stood firm on these matters concerning our leaders we now sway back and forth in allowing excuses and restoration to come into the fray. No wonder the church is going backwards to a degree -- now the watching world laughs at us -- we cannot stand firm on anything -- whether it be in this sort of thing or making excuses for the sinner to continue his ministry. Lets not put men up high on the ladder of life where they can fall. The Word of God stands there. One only needs to look at the last 5 years to see how these mighty men have fallen at the detriment of the name of Christ. We should be thinking and praying for his wife of 40 years and is probably hitting 70 herself - oh for the sins of her husbands wandering eye and for her to cope with this at her age it must be devastating.
@ireneswanepoel1293 7 дней назад
Prayer for full recovery in the mighty Name of Yeshua our messiah 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@jimmiebug 7 дней назад
Calvinism is a doctrine of men, and very dangerous because it changes God's nature, and truth found in His holy Word. They would have to say God determined Steve Lawson to do this, and even caused this, which is an absolute lie. It was because he has free will like all men, and chose on his own to make this choice. Yes, he has disqualified himself to hold the office of an Elder, and Pastor, but like all men he can repent and be restored to his walk with God. He like all sinners should repent, and admit that Calvinism is not the God of scripture, nor the Christ of salvation for whosoever will believe. Calvinism gives men a pride to all men that fall for it, which is contrary to all that our Lord represents. I have even heard and watched Steve Lawson say that anyone that is NOT a Calvinist doesn't know the Bible! What arrogance!!! As Rick Godwin use to say, " Give me a brain and a break!" AS God tells us, Pride goes before the fall! We all sin, because we fall short of God's glory. And yes salvation is for all who will come to Christ! Saying all this praying that he will see the truth, and seek the Lord through His Word.
@angloaust1575 8 дней назад
Its a sin however the word terrible isnt an accurate Description!
@mishalconnect2996 8 дней назад
U r skipping zakir naik reply at beggining
@arthurhoyte-zk6bl 8 дней назад
Restoration, my foot!! If he is a child of God he does NOT have to be anything else.
@Zwemer100 8 дней назад
Restoration in the context of ministry
@arthurhoyte-zk6bl 8 дней назад
Who is this person speaking; the one making the video? Why doesn't he just wait until he is well again? Is it so important to talk about Steve Lawson at this time? What is the rush? When will these people come to terms with the fact that there are tons of wolves in sheep's clothing in the "church"? The man is a FRAUD!!!
@squaredrive69 8 дней назад
zoker nalayak🤡destroyed badly by this lady😂
@philipdavid1233 8 дней назад
What you saying about pride is true. That is a bad sin to be prideful and arrogant and that’s the biggest problem with Calvin is an they created this monster and now it’s smacking them in the face and it seems like they refused to humble themselves and show Steve Lawson, the love of God when he needs it the most I think it’s a shame we all fall short so my prayer is that may be the Calvinist can search their hearts exam themselves christ died to save sinners and isn’t that what we all are is anyone think they can stand? Take heed less day too should fall will Calvinist swallowed their pride and humble themselves I pray and hope so. God bless.
@Zwemer100 8 дней назад
Spot on.
@geraldreineke1348 8 дней назад
let me add to my comment below, in the old testament a persons thoughts did not condemn him by the law his actions did listen to Dr R C Sproul on 'the degrees of sin' he teachers it well
@geraldreineke1348 8 дней назад
don't use examples of unconverted sinners like the woman at the at the well, even that woman caught in adultery why was not the married man brought with her was he not as guilty ? in a true Christian marriage things can and do go wrung and do and forgiveness can put things right , but adultery destroys TRUST even with forgiveness its never the same, more so with 'a man of the cloth'
@asureguidetolove8903 8 дней назад
Brother, I hope you would agree that while indulging in adulterous thoughts is vile, going further by practicing it in the world is at a more heinous level. It brings it into the realm of public reproach and destruction of one's witness to others, and that is the issue in the pastoral qualifications "above reproach", "blameless." Casting the convictions of reformed folks as merely pride is itself Pharisaical. You are labeling the entire movement as proud. Sounds like Eliab, "I know the naughtiness of thine heart."
@Twilight712 8 дней назад
I m mad mad Hindu but i agree with sister..zakir is fraud and misleading every religions to make islam superior.hats off sister from india❤
@mohammadsadiquhasan6111 8 дней назад
I think Zakir destroyed the lady Not lady destroyed the Zakir Amd this guy who has shared the video making fool to everyone , such a bastard
@rayewilliams4431 8 дней назад
Dear brother Bless you. That was so beautiful heart outpouring and compassion for a fallen brother. I am a sister .I am grieving myself a lot and praying for strengthening of our brother who is going through a lot abandoned like this. I have stumbled by His Mighty Hand across your video. Love your compassion brother! Praying for your health as well as health of your father. Please use homeopathy not antibiotics. I myself am struggling with lot of health issues as well as spiritual warfare. I wish I could talk to you! Grace and Peace from Our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son and Our Wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ and Our Guide and Teacher Holy Spirit!
@veritasmatters2662 8 дней назад
Such a good word for us all. Thank you Brother. 🙏
@johnsteele870 8 дней назад
They are practicing what Steve Lawson preached himself. He said himself if you sin sexually as a minister you are finished. Get a Job in a drug store or become a paper boy, because as a preacher you are forgotten. These are Steve Lawsons beliefs. David after he sinned with Bathsheba lost authority and respect. He didnt deal with his son who raped his daughter. Mark wasnt restored after sexual sin. I dont think it is practical for someone who has committed serious sexual sin to be put back in the pulpit. Also these men have made themselves very rich through rhe gospel which I find unbiblical.
@doctor1alex 9 дней назад
You make a lot of important points. We don’t know the facts and circumstances. The neo reformed movement does have an issue with pride. We are best placed to watch over our own heart and refrain from making any premature judgment whatsoever. Whether in the of case of adultery, such a man of many years in the pastoral ministry could return to the same ministerial office I doubt, but nonetheless you make a good argument from the silence of the Scriptures against any kind of dogmatism on the matter.