Wheel of Genre
Wheel of Genre
Wheel of Genre
Each month we read a different genre. Spies, mystery, horror, romance, SF - it's all on the shelf.
Ep. 127: Solaris by Stanislaw Lem (SF #23)
2 месяца назад
@emorineau9294 10 дней назад
These was really lame, I was expecting to hear the story, not comments on it.
@maddsvlogs 3 месяца назад
Piggy is all of us
@Staylecrate 4 месяца назад
Rereading it now. It bugs me that he has 4 arms in the book but on the cover only 2.
@Aakashputtur 3 месяца назад
Can you suggest me your top 5 books?
@Staylecrate 3 месяца назад
@@Aakashputtur yeah absolutely. Not including Hyperion. 1 The Book of the New Sun (2 books) 2 All Tomorrows 3 The three body problem series (including the redemption of time by a separate author) 4 Neuromancer 5 A fire upon the Deep I really like scifi and cosmic horror but the book of the new sun just has a way of gripping you and makes you not want to put it down. It has a lot of elements from different genres. How about you? What's your 5?
@Aakashputtur 3 месяца назад
@@Staylecrate i don't read much but most of em are in local indian language so i'm sorry brother, btw i just searched "all tomorrows" on google just to research little bit about the author and the book but the images that came out really freaked me out what are those creature Lol bro u can't do this to me i work at a train station as a data entry operator in a remote town i live alone😂 anyway i will check " a fire upon the deep" sounds interesting
@Staylecrate 3 месяца назад
@@Aakashputtur lol. Oh sorry, an anthropologist wrote it. It's about humans millions of years in the future. After colonizing mars and then the rest of the galaxy. They encounter an extremely intelligent species that thinks of us as, well, nothing. They have a mission to change life in the universe. So they invade all the different worlds, rewrite our genetic code, and change us into all sorts of twisted creatures. If you resist them they would take almost a sick pleasure in letting you keep your intellect but could only do something like filter their waste. Their is a second book story advances millions of years showing how we evolve further from these forms. Aside from the crazy art it's amazing to think about.
@IamN0-1 4 месяца назад
The cruciform: I got good news and bad news--- The good news i can make you virtually invulnerable and immortal The bad news, in time you will the next Corky Thatcher in the reboot of Life Goes On 🤣
@Janis-u8j 4 месяца назад
dramatically concise summary of these dystopian novels. You’ve done a great job of getting to the gist of each story. “Good luck surviving out there.”
@midwintersnight 7 месяцев назад
I'm reading it right now. Can't wait to get to the other pilgrim's stories!
@Staylecrate Месяц назад
@@midwintersnight such amazing stories. If you haven't yet check out Gene Wolfe's "The book of the new sun". It's another masterpiece of sci-fi fantasy that is a 4 book series and then a 5th book was written even though the story appeared to be over he decided to write the 5th book that masterfully tied it all together (or so I'm told). I'm waiting for the book store I go to, to get it from their warehouse. I'm not gunna lie, it's a tough read. And there are things you think you missed because of how it tends to jump around through the main character's life. But most things get resolved and something's are actual mysteries that people are still discussing 40 some years later. If you have read it let me know of anything in the same wheel house as it and the Hyperion Cantos. Also check out "the sparrow". Really cool
@surayaftak 8 месяцев назад
Alright, you got me
@Sodapop352 9 месяцев назад
Well I mean it wasn’t crazy for 5th grade me- I read it in 5th grade it’s the best book ever
@FactsCountdown 11 месяцев назад
So which one you will recommend as " the one who walk away from omealas" is not available on Amazon so which book is similar to the omealas one
@coal7046 5 месяцев назад
You can find the one who walks away from omelas online it's a short story
@Abcdasapabc 11 месяцев назад
@MEGVTRON 11 месяцев назад
what color are the people?
@dagger3716 11 месяцев назад
Kinda sounds like fallout 4 ngl
@davidp5178 11 месяцев назад
I read it in highschool. I fell in love with the book. Read it three times after. Lol.
@QuietM4n 11 месяцев назад
So he was just kind of a dick head, right? I mean you take children who have been taught to follow your instructions to the letter and tell them it's a war game pitting them against each other and then when they behave in a manner that’s appropriate relative to their instruction you use this as evidence of the inherent evil in humans.
@thecornfieldiii2069 11 месяцев назад
Sounds kinda based
@HornyIndianMan 11 месяцев назад
Shut up Nerd You: 🤓 Me :😎💁‍♀️
@BDnevernind 11 месяцев назад
What are some examples of Utopian books?
@wheelofgenrepodcast 11 месяцев назад
Some of our favorites are "Utopia" by Thomas More, "Red Star" by Alexander Bogdanov, and "Herland" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Check out the podcast for in-depth conversations on each of them!
@giovannamautone Год назад
Look if you have to look for the world you want to say just record it again. C'mon
@wheelofgenrepodcast Год назад
We record the podcast live. Keeps the adrenaline pumping. Keeps the soul burning. I regret nothing, and if forced to live this life 10,000 times again, I would smile.
@giovannamautone Год назад
@@wheelofgenrepodcast of course it's a podcast, of course it is.....
@wheelofgenrepodcast Год назад
@@giovannamautone What's THAT supposed to mean (-____-)
@keepcalmandripthebong543 Год назад
Lol bro gets his info from Wikipedia
@wheelofgenrepodcast Год назад
Oh hell yeah 😎
@sirplaysgames8331 Год назад
Schaefer doesnt understand america then
@wheelofgenrepodcast Год назад
@@sirplaysgames8331 Sometimes I don't know if even I understand America anymore 🥲🦅
This is a liberal/leftist twist on a classic if I've ever heard one.
@shekharmoona544 Год назад
Ninja what?
@helenbostock2350 Год назад
Never heard that before