@nopenope3678 18 минут назад
It’s due or die for phase 4 cause it about to crash into a brick wall if it cant
@samgriess438 21 минуту назад
they arent doing anything to bring in new players to the game, just ways to divide the current players!!!! everyone jumps from stupid version to version... waiting for their mode THEY ENJOY playing to continue development!!!! while the devs are constantly split up between projects after projects who would have thought firing over 20% of your gaming staff would have a negative impact on the quality of your products???? EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN Microsoft needs to get out of the gaming industry everything they touch falls to shi†
@daltonnelson94 Час назад
I enjoyed SoD P1 and P2. It was very alt friendly and the 10 man raids were easy to form. P3 was no longer alt friendly, ST had way to much trash, and the 20 man raid size made it so much harder to form groups. I'm honestly really enjoying cata. The hype for SoD has died for me.
@IBBBRsDaHunters 4 часа назад
cata pvp (arena) is so good - why would i suffer for hours trying to rank up in sod?
@tusiranjekupanje1421 35 минут назад
Suffer to get rank up?what r u talking dude,u want instant rank,instant gear,instant exalted rep?go play retail shit and stay in org and wait for que nab
@nielsskrddergaard3387 5 часов назад
I basically just need something to do in SOD to play again. Raid-logging once pr week doesn’t really feel that meaningful when it’s the only thing to do..
@samgriess438 19 минут назад
but they want you to pick which version you want to play... btw we are pushing SoD phase 4 back until you are all bored with cata and the other garbage we made... cause we have to "give cata time to breathe" - Blizzard.... NO Microsoft!!!
@ffarkasm 5 часов назад
Haha, it is summer. Nothing saves WoW now. Just come back in November as I will.
@-Maiki 5 часов назад
Phase 4 is where it's at!
@Alienshroom 5 часов назад
Era realms are packed now. I had little faith in SOD from the start mostly because I just simply was not looking for class changes. I was lazy and I knew I should have took advantage of the false SOD hype and took more advantage of the empty grinding spots. It's been getting more and more packed the longer phase 3 is out.
@fieswow 6 часов назад
Phase 4 will be huge. If it comes back and hit the people with good content it will raise, but if the stick to there concept which the follow right now, sod will die
@facehugger8995 6 часов назад
phase 5 will save it my server has no alliance cause everyone wants to play shaman tbc will fix that imbalance hopefully
@jagkanlagapasta 6 часов назад
Blizzard will make imba epic recipie that ruins the item progression Dont get you hopes up
@kalsizzle 7 часов назад
I’ll probably end up raid logging for the most part like I already am. Kinda burnt out from all the different available versions of WoW. I hope the population does come back and sticks around though.
@ixplain 7 часов назад
Sod turn off is that you dont keep your toons nor transfer to Era. Why bother ???
@simionpaul3935 41 минуту назад
Because sod is a big ptr. The said this it is a project for classic plus
@Davidhenry1210 7 часов назад
It was never in danger. Sod was always a "throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks" thing. Just the first version of classic+. Don't treat it to serious.
@Goreze 7 часов назад
cant WAIT
@kerokupo 7 часов назад
too late, epoch time
@MikeyPaper 4 часа назад
Dead on arrival.
@hamadalmutairi97 8 часов назад
Turtle WoW is the way to go.
@facehugger8995 6 часов назад
na project ascension
@MikeyPaper 4 часа назад
Turtle wow is dying. Population dwindling hard
@bohne8746 8 часов назад
I don’t think so. It‘s just a season after all…so many guilds disbanded and just for the remaining season I for instance don’t wanna find a new one.
@kerokupo 7 часов назад
same, i dont have the will to go through the whole guild process. finding the right guild will mean going through 2 or 3 guilds, and then ur on the bottom prio list for a month, and then theres only 2 months left of gameplay left
@bohne8746 7 часов назад
@@kerokupo absolutely. I mean I searched my guild before launch and talked with a few people on discord before joining the guild. P1 was an absolute blast. P2 still was very good but with P3 people just seemed to care as less as blizz did😅 maybe we get a more permanent Classic+ somewhen:)
@monocerotis6917 9 часов назад
If you constantly put in a lot of overpowered items that were not included in the wow classic version, it will ultimately have consequences because wow classic 2005 was never balanced. What happens if we put in a lot of epics, rare items, plus exp buff and Nighmare pve event that destroys the entire economy and the entire social interaction in the game? Who wants to play this kind of game version? For my part, it would have been enough New runes, new 5man elite quest, redone all the caves, in the beginner areas, for example passages or how the cave was designed in terms of design! They had created something new in the game! The same applies to quests in the instances, they could have been put in more like that. Or heroic mode to all instances, Rewardings - Heroic tokens you can buy gear for! This heroic mode should be like very hard content! Hire more Game master who can bann bots or gold seller faster. Pvp event would have been enough with new battlegrounds for the game! Example Azshara who could have been a new one and with new reps and item rewardings.
@Fatesmaster 9 часов назад
Not gonna lie I think im done with sod. I have dedicated my game time to other games now and have people relying on me there. I would assume im not the only one in this situation.
@Mrsneezy111 9 часов назад
Im genuinely afraid that most people gone are not coming back no matter what. Way too much damage was done in phase 3, for many its not repairable. For me personally, I havent logged in in weeks. Im done. Unless this PTR shows that they have undone the damage done during P3, im not coming back. I just wanted classic plus with new dungeons, raids, gear, profession stuff, etc. Not god awful PvP events, and a broken, boring, tedious PvE event in the incursions that broke the economy and thus most of the rest of the game.
@zerodas3293 9 часов назад
Great video SoD hype. That aside Can tell us when the paladin video is coming you know the one with what all wrong with our Runes thanks mate
@ohchinchindaisuke1927 9 часов назад
They HAVE to stick the landing on phase 4. I mean they need to make this shit fun and try to undo the wrongs of P3
@joelswatten9611 40 минут назад
I agree but I'm worried about Feralas and Hinterlands incursions being the optimal way to level. They really need to disable experience past level 50 in these two incursions or leveling in the world is going to be dead
@stagnacja1 10 часов назад
Off course it will.
@jairomy 10 часов назад
Bit late. The ship has sailed for most sadly.
@phillipshearer3229 10 часов назад
@heroofhyrule9778 11 часов назад
@battlebornsupermoto954 12 часов назад
Except the gatekeepers... im so over it...
@DaltonRayStephens 6 часов назад
Just be slightly good and don’t have grey fucking parses and we won’t have to gate keep your ass
@jamieplays99 14 часов назад
The intro alone kinda got me hyped for P4
@MikeyPaper 14 часов назад
I really hope it comes back. But a lot of damage has been done and the game is dying QUICK. They better do something fast or else general hype will die off further and no one will want to come back.
@DeeceTV 14 часов назад
I feel ya, I'm praying this week coming will be a huge week for SoD, with big news, the PTR releasing etc. I do definitely agree something quick needs to be done!
@samgriess438 20 минут назад
@@DeeceTV why would anyone want to beta test on your dime and time for a $3 TRILLION company?!?!?!?!?! its absurd!!!! in fact I was banned FOR A YEAR on their forums for calling out SoD as us being their beta testers!!!!! then 3 weeks later they announce this PTR nonsense
@jamarshall4710 2 дня назад
What are the gear requirements for solo'ing this
@eikeksi11 4 дня назад
Aint that 20% reduction for bear form, you come as tank, take tank rune, and put cat dps into the melee group
@Hexis247 4 дня назад
Grounding totem works against the blood on Hakkar 😉
@Marunius 6 дней назад
I want to start playing now, could someone please help me find out what races are top for warrior, paladin and enh shaman? All roles and pvp/pve. I cannot find anything online :(
@TheGreatAlew 8 дней назад
This video has made me a ton of gold and inspired me to get back into content creation. I really appreciate it man! I wanna note, get yourself a fist of the forsaken as a main hand. With the new upgrades fist is an absolute beast for damage and healing on proc. Thank you !
@DeeceTV 8 дней назад
Love to hear it! 😄, yeah the weapon is pretty good now it’s been reworked will probably pick it up, who knows could be useful at 60 also
@brandonlewis3379 8 дней назад
SOD is an awesome concept I could see them taking things they've learned from SOD at the end of the season and implementing them into a new type of season, what that will be in 2025 we do not yet know.
@mattcrazy7070 9 дней назад
Personally I fell off of SOD. Phase 1 and 2 were pretty fun, but since then I’ve had no drive and want to jump back in
@ClassicTophatGaming 10 дней назад
Do this 499 times and after the 500th the necklace still stop dropping.
@baade6010 11 дней назад
sod sucks, just play cata you get most of these "Runes" as baseline abilities.
@lucidrians2641 11 дней назад
blizzard: *constantly releases shit* playerbase: 'maybe this time it won't be shit?' delusional.
@dmasiodnmiod 11 дней назад
@davidsawyers8754 11 дней назад
Shaman are fine. Get Good noobs.
@badwolfxd3593 11 дней назад
The fact you didnt mention lava lash should be usable as 2H shaman is tragic. 2H shaman is sooo bad, it needs a fix. Delete DW!!!
@user-fr6nc8zh8x 11 дней назад
If you main retri ,why didnt u mention Divine Storm on Chest? Its completely forgoten and yet ,could be tuned to work like in wotlk with that set bonus that refreshs its CD. Could bring retri back on track,improve dps,help on aoe, heal the team abit and be awesome in pvp
@gregorhennigs463 11 дней назад
Pro Tip: you can kite the npcs you just freed at the steps to the endboss and then kill the endboss with those npcs or atleast those 4 snakes