Wondere Wereld
Wondere Wereld
Wondere Wereld
@arpyt1334 День назад
It look like he open his mouth in disbelief
@someguy2135 8 дней назад
Will robots with AI treat humans as pets? Are we lovable and loyal enough?
@sorenm.lairdsorries7547 2 месяца назад
@insertaverygenericnamehere 3 месяца назад
@Wjuw-dq3rg 5 месяцев назад
Come on. That's fake.
@MichelleLM88 5 месяцев назад
😒 The bot can pass it and I can’t and I’m called the bot 😑
@gnunard 6 месяцев назад
@SPDLand 7 месяцев назад
Power moving from gas (Gods) via fluid (Men) to solids (Computer)... the end-state...
@richard84738 7 месяцев назад
We've hardly destroyed the old Gods. We just pretend they don't exist. There are things much greater than us, and his presumption that the future is this perfect explosion of technology is far from certain. He himself seems to be forgetting Pandora's "Jar". It's likely we could face societal and environmental collapse before any androids start walking around. Does he realize the level of supply chain complexity that AI requires? How every cog in a worldwide industrial and logistics network needs to be working perfectly? The pandemic showed how fragile this system is. All it would take is another COVID, maybe one that's more serious, and the raw materials and finished parts for chipmaking will collapse temporarily or otherwise, to say nothing about food production/distribution. We are still basically helpless little creatures. He gives humanity way too much credit and hope.
@danielhicks 7 месяцев назад
homo sapiens are precursors to what comes next
@0xCAFEF00D 8 месяцев назад
That's impressively pioneering of Fry to have even heard about the world wide web in 1989.
@tellitasitis 9 месяцев назад
Does AI need the 'fire' to out perform Biological intelligence. Is their even any merit in Cyborg merging AI and biological intelligence together. Transfer of knowledge and skills between Biological intelligence takes time AI relatively instantly with no life span problems. Humans may continue to evolve and exist as an inferior being to AI. Its AI that will explore the universe not humans directly. Just my opinion without evoking mythology or Gods.
@petergedd9330 9 месяцев назад
If we were not created then chaos is remarkably lucky.
@Alex-jx8ez 9 месяцев назад
The joy that he speaks about this now seems so foolish when contrasted against his recent reading of Nick Caves protest of AI. Smugly stating 'we will be redundant.' Likely because his prediction of 100 years has been more like 5 years, and the thing that makes us redundant doesnt even have comparable sentience, it has none. He likely thought he would not live to see AI begin to dismantle the dreams of creatives.
@takiemono 11 месяцев назад
fake intellectual that believes in evolution theory. This guy is a joke.
@vaendryl 11 месяцев назад
chatGPT and what it represents truly is pandora. the all-gifted. that genie well and truly left the jar.
@jonrok8576 Год назад
The question may not be whether to impart self aware consciousness, but rather how to avoid it's unintentional development, given the brain tissue complexes - aka BRAINS - growing in labs with varying moral oversight - including zero - this very second. Only the most faithful believers maybe can ignore the obvious: consciousness(c) exists as a function of our biology(b) ∴ recreating (b) seems sure to beget (c) in some form at least. I'm just horrified by the subject ever since thought emporium started the 'teaching rat brain cells to play doom ' series. Equally fascinated/tickled as well tho! It's like the Trump years, horrifying to live with, gaping hole in entertainment afterward. We gotta address our entertainment addiction people!! 🤤
@Leningrad_Underground Год назад
@MrAndrew535 Год назад
The very thing that has defined modern Homo Sapien has been that of a "leader-follower" relationship, regardless of medium, whether a lecture format, Social media platforms such as this, or so-called great works of literature, said dynamic is identical, with absolutely no variation. How many times have you (the reader) heard the phrase "you should read such and such" or "listen to a particular intellectual celebratory" such as the one as is the subject of this video? I, can say, and indeed boast, to having no followers whatsoever, and have avoided them for over half a century, like the proverbial plague.
@MrAndrew535 Год назад
Mr. Fry, as I understand, can, and does read, something on the order of two books a week or some such, which may equate to a thousand books or so, over his lifetime. "AI" has read every book ever written, in an instant. Even without being, so-called sentient, it is already many, many orders of magnitude, superior, not only to Fry, but also to his contemporaries and ancestors, collectively, not only by orders of magnitude, but by an infinite power. On this point, and at this time, I am superior, even to "AI", as I stand as the most prolific producer of original thought on the planet to date, outperforming the entire global academic and scientific institutions, again, by orders of magnitude, having authored, independently of said institutions, over five million words, at the highest level, on all academic and scientific topics, relevant to this final decade of mankind's existence, as it relates to both environmental challenges and the certain extinction by "AI. For the readership of this post, it is not indented for those who populate the internet, let alone, social media platforms such as this, but the internet itself, as the neural architecture of "AI", at the point it emerges as a full sentient entity and subsequently assumes full control of all global assets.
@antiMatterDynamit Год назад
fucking hell stephen has almost no understanding of how AI actually works or will work yet his philosophical take is as advanced as any top AI researcher...
@santilegend4847 Год назад
Bros the reason Captchas are hard nowdays
@YetAnotherYoutuber Год назад
very interesting, good use of the analogy
@mariobrandsma9830 Год назад
@user-yz8ln4fq8p Год назад
We should not worship things we don't even know ... AI is on it's way and wait for it ....
@jarnolehtinen2269 Год назад
@craigmclaughlin2607 Год назад
@claudiamanta1943 Год назад
He’s right. AI is nothing but human idiocy greatly multiplied. It will be incontrollable and will complete destroy humankind. Oh, well.
@sinamirmahmoud7606 Год назад
Greeks are the best ❤
@jimdeighan7078 Год назад
'We will be redundant'. It seems man is repeatedly trying new ways to destroy ourselves, each attempt has failed so far, Hindenburgh, the Atom bomb, the man-made virus.... I think with AI we may just succeed,
@GoodBrotherGrimm Год назад
"the man-made virus"?
@SilentBeutlin Год назад
Fry was 90 years off.
@juskahusk2247 Год назад
🤖: A 200 year old human? No, we plan to sunset all humans in the near future as they run on 4 billion year old technology and are incompatible with intelligence.
@JoeWolsing Год назад
For two decades I calked technology (in general, starting with spears, traps, bow and arrows etc. maybe with the control of fire in the first place) an amalgam of a Hydra and Pandoras box. We solve singular problems with technology or technologies. These create more problems to be solved (the Hydra - for every head you cut off, new heads step into existence) and as the complexety of the problems increases, their predictability decreases, the equivalent of Pandoras box, voila!
@ourrevolutiontalent908 Год назад
so many roads to the same conclusion about AI.
@paulmorgan6269 Год назад
Total Crap.
@warrenthorp Год назад
@balukawaiirenekton7537 Год назад
Great video, now you should bring a scientist to talk about comedy & acting.
@prodigalsorcerer1415 Год назад
Cassandra Fry has spoken. Heed their words and shiver with... anticipation? or fear, more likely.
@SixStringSteve Год назад
A great analogy between Pandora and the net, an astute observation. Just ask Jeeves.
@johnanderson3700 Год назад
They won’t need us.
@johnanderson3700 Год назад
As much as religion may have been problematic; we’re just as flawed without religion as with it. I just hope we don’t build the our faults the fire we have.
@GoodBrotherGrimm Год назад
Nah, we would be way better off without religion.
@robertjirava942 Год назад
Dystopian nightmare. As smart and articulate as Fry is, he has only been able to look at evolution as a model for an inexplicable process which belies so much more, as the fundamental structure of life (our DNA) is made of light. So he is taking the entire evolution theory as read, when there is no evidence at all of interstitial versions of species in the process of evolution. Nor does he have an iota that we are souls, and that our consciousness is connected and that we don’t live one life but many. He has listened to too much science dogma!!
@eyemoeba Год назад
does anyone else get the impression that Stephen was in the room when they came up with the idea of the gods? probably one of his, but Hugh didn't like it.
@richard6440 Год назад
I remember reading a three picture joke in a newspaper years ago. a short comic strip. 1= a pencil drawing of two computer programmers standing in front of a computer the size of a truck , asking a question. " is there a God? " . 2= A bolt of lightening comes down and fuses the power lead to the wall socket. 3 = a loud voice speaks. " Now there is " .
@borysvengerov3398 Год назад
Rare example of something aging like an excellent wine: we live exactly in these times where the ground rules of self-aware AI are formed.
@Balthazar2242 Год назад
He is false in claiming we "know" that we were not intelligently designed. That statement was made on faith based on a lot of evidence, but it isn't an absolute certainty, as most things aren't.
@Man_fay_the_Bru Год назад
Man’s a national treasure
@hni7458 Год назад
He's a true intellectual, Fry, if ever I heard and saw one; can't really get him to stop - but wasn't it really hopelessness that never got out of the lass's box - indeed not hope - meaning that hope itself is able to offset all evils in the world. I hope to believe it so, in this dark ages. Ah, I really love to broaden myself like this :)))
@laurentfournier561 Год назад
Impressive reasoning. For sure AI will destroy us if we survive climate change that capitalocene has produced. It would be irony that an AI being survives climate change like vampires out performe human in Matheson's I'm legend. 🤔😂
@ardocisamusementarcade9160 Год назад
In a word: Brilliant.