Sandals Church
Sandals Church
Sandals Church
Sandals Church exists to be real with ourselves, God and others.
The Separation of Sin | Sandals Church
2 месяца назад
Jesus Died Misunderstood | Sandals Church
2 месяца назад
@raquellarkin2565 24 минуты назад
Thank you pastor Matt we love you I don’t mean any disrespect but I think you talk about marriage a little to much
@PJPer-zs8uj 3 часа назад
Can meds cure???
@effiemyrick1123 16 часов назад
My heart has been so heavy in trying to find the perfect sermon for a dear friend who is in hospice. I was so fearful that I wouldn't be able to lead gary correctly. I believe God led me to this. 🙏❤️
@CMathewGomez День назад
Tweet others and Sin burn were the top for sure!
@carriethompson9826 День назад
Will you please share more of these?
@carriethompson9826 День назад
I like taking pictures of them and making a book of them. 😊❤
@matttinnell2912 День назад
Slippery slope to go around telling people they don’t know Jesus. There’s a better way of witnessing
@christophermoore8041 День назад
Why 🤔 do ppl call weed bad when GOD calls it good evergreen thing GOD calls it good in Genesis
@guopa1 День назад
It's not what it seems! God invented female because for Adam n suitable helper could be found. Consider that in heaven there are no gender. So this should tell you that the female is actually a male reinvented with a womb, ( a wombed man is what a woman is) created and for a purpose. God invented the female for a reason. Earth was an invention from God and all its contents are as such, cannot be found in heaven. If you happened to visit heaven you'll find creatures that do not exist on earth and visa versa, maybe some similarities could be observed but still drastically different. There's a verse in the Bible 1 Corinthians 2:9 God Almighty said, there he will create new things for those that love him, things that even man couldn't possibly imagine nor has it even entered our minds imagination. This should indicate to you the imfathomable imagination of God's abilities of creative process. You can't even comprehend some things that God will create, doesn't exist in human mind, never will. As a multi linguist i can assure you that it's a matter of semantics. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as "Him" in John 14. Ok, to the misconception. This problem arises when people translate a language in literal sense without thinking that maybe that meaning doesn't exist as such in that language into which it's translated into. Other languages use grammatical genders that may not correspond to actual gender. For example, in German, the article "der" is masculine, so you would say "der Mann" (the man). However, when referring to men in the plural form, you use "die Männer" (die is a feminine article). This doesn't mean the men are now considered female. Similarly, in Hebrew, the word for Spirit ("ruach") is feminine, but this doesn't imply that the Holy Spirit is female. In Greek, the word for Spirit ("pneuma") is neuter, and sometimes masculine pronouns are used in reference to the Holy Spirit for grammatical reasons. These variations in language do not indicate a change in actual gender but are simply a feature of linguistic grammar.
@musicplagiaristcatcher1931 День назад
That hit me hard..
@mattgrizz1153 День назад
Is Davis a better representation of us or Jesus. How about this, we’re Israel all scared and David is Jesus and through David Jesus shows up he’s there to fight our battles and that we are there to serve him. Truth is without him we’re nothing.
@skinnerg1872 День назад
I was like young Kevin Bacon, nope
@dfboiler День назад
somehow I think, the guy who believes a father at the grocery store with his kids must be punishment served by is wife, probably isn't much of a father, and probably less of a husband
@bryanunderground 2 дня назад
My dad always copies me and throws me under the bus. He one on those that he will make you sad before he takes you to Disney land so you can look ungrateful. He does this before church or attending celebrations. He made feel dumb in the faith when I asked questions so I decided to leave the faith only to find out people looked up to me. The attacks come from the inside just as much as the outside and I’m tired of praying and just want a specific blessing where I can feel safe and loved not constantly challenged. I feel like I should never trust. Even when I read the Bible it just reminds me never to trust.
@bryanunderground 2 дня назад
My dad always copies me and throws me under the bus. He one on those that he will make you sad before he takes you to Disney land so you can look ungrateful. He does this before church or attending celebrations. He made feel dumb in the faith when I asked questions so I decided to leave the faith only to find out people looked up to me. The attacks come from the inside just as much as the outside and I’m tired of praying and just want a specific blessing where I can feel safe and loved not constantly challenged.
@BLMacab День назад
Ignore his approval and be your own man....and you will make mistakes but over come them...also research gaslighting and narcissism....that's sounds like your dad
@jeezy3765 День назад
I’m sorry about that yo. I’ve never heard of a father doing that to their own son, so I can’t even imagine what it’s like. God is calling you to change that for the generations to come.
@nancy9731 2 дня назад
This is how the Apostles said to be saved: Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Understand that God is ONE Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: Colossians 2:8-9 KJV Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. [9] For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. The Holy Ghost IS Jesus. John 14:16-18 KJV And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; [17] Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. [18] I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:26 KJV But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 10:30 KJV I and my Father are one.. And remember the epistles were written to people who had already complied with Acts 2:38.
@janjames6168 2 дня назад
Preaching through his book????!!!! The only book to preach from is the Bible. Just promoting sales then. Evil.
@nataliaviera9293 День назад
I’m not even Christian but I think your comment is ridiculous. So quick to use the word evil as if you’re so high and mighty. Pray to the lord that he will humble you and show you your own flaws.
@user-rj2cs2qt9y 2 дня назад
TY for the encouragement.
@joypearson7139 2 дня назад
I need prayer
@idamcneill8005 2 дня назад
He doesn't seem to be talking about money to me. Its about serving, and loving & helping others.
@cindydianachristie5150 2 дня назад
Yes pastor im a health worker and i even got mental illness, pills only wont work out, ive tried many times, but back to Jesus, repentance and deliverence heal me
@thesalinashow 3 дня назад
I thought that was Kevin Bacon at first and second glance lol
@bryanunderground 3 дня назад
God does not have favorites but still didn’t God hate Esa and love Jacob? He loves those who love him?
@bryanunderground 3 дня назад
I want one!
@heathervelazquez8930 3 дня назад
Amazing series! Thank you for listening to the calling to preach on it. I saw the trouble of what young men will have to go through about 8 years ago as my sons were entering their teens. There wasn’t much support back then on how to raise boys into men as a mother. Biblical books on the subject did help though. As a woman and mother of men my heart breaks to see how men are treated in society.
@brittorajofficial7976 3 дня назад
St. Augustine one of the greatest theologian of Christianity 🤍😇
@tammyturner8027 3 дня назад
Wow, ❤
@corkeylou 3 дня назад
Good message. Thanks for being real. Great points. :-)
@LeoDizonMendoza 3 дня назад
Great sermon, so thankful for this series ❤
@AlexKomnenos 4 дня назад
Preacher you’re beginning with this bass ackwards. If your message to anyone is “how does God make your life better?” Than you’ve lost the plot. You’re preaching a man centered message about what God does for us.
@Uncocochanel379 4 дня назад
Lord deliver me please from anxiety - Chrissie ❤
@loldude8901 4 дня назад
I think that pointing your finger at someone and accusing them of being non-pious (not one with Jesus) is a form of bullying and thus a sin and evil. This pastor is evil, a deranged wolf wearing sheeps clothing. Beware of the so called truths he teaches, its comedy, not knowledge.
@ijayski 4 дня назад
I need prayer I am alone after divorce and my ex wife left the state with our kids and I really have no one in my life. I turn to alcohol and that’s hurting me as I’m 60 years old. Please pray for me. Jay
@tinawinstead1841 4 дня назад
I need counseling but dont know where to go.
@tinawinstead1841 4 дня назад
I need prayer 😢
@RO32HIE 4 дня назад
The Lord made everything and cannabis happens to be one of those things. For you to demonize anything that comes from the earth is blasphemy against the Lord IMO. Just for biblical reference which I didn't hear a single verse quoted, books but no chapter or verse, I do not listen to the words of a man but of Messiah Yeshua. Purportedly the Bible supports the use of all the various seeds and herbs because they were created and blessed by God and could not be wrong to use. Consequently, the plant called hemp is proper for Christians to use for food, medicine, and enjoyment (Gen. 1:12).2 In Genesis 1:29-31, the Bible further indicates that all herbs are given for food.3 Much is made about the statement, found in the KJV, which supposedly speaks of hemp being the plant spoken of in Ezekiel 34:29, called a “plant of renown,” which would heal (Rev. 22:1-2).
@brendyvanessaramirezlopez9490 5 дней назад
If you have read the Bible there you can see miracles from diseases. If your relationship with God is so strong, why don't you fast and pray so that God grants you a miracle and you no longer need to smoke? Remember that it says Psalms 41:3, Saint Mark 11:24, the Bible tells us about many miracles and if only we had faith like a mustard seed. Remember God is the same yesterday, today and forever so we have to unite in prayer for healing and mercy. blessings
@B_MONEY140 5 дней назад
Hello everyone im generally just honestly curious because I'm growing closer to the Lord and have changed my life, a complete 180. About 8 months ago i was at my lowest point in my life i was addicted to fentanyl and have been using downers for more than half of my life since i was 12 years old because of my parents shooting me up with herion/as well as other drugs. Of course i have taken accountability for everything after that i did. I have repented and felt the love of the lord through the holy Spirit as well as Jesus christ's comfort. I put my self in rehab after losing everything my house, car, fiance, and my son. It is a miracle and a blessing that i didn't pass away. I have used marijuana to help me fight my extremely intense cravings/withdrawal from all opiates. But the main reason i have been using marijuana is because at a young age i witnessed my uncle commit suicide in front of me with an AK-47 as well as the blind/lost life style at the time i also have had 2 friends die in my arms from gang violence. I have been diagnosed with severe PTSD and Anger/Mood disorders from all the trauma not including the awful abuse/neglected child hood. By the time i was 13 i was homeless both parents were in prison and you can peice the rest together. Obviously this is my testimony to help others in similar situations, i am also working on my college degree to become a licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor. My point is what are your kind/respectful opinions about this. I am not a chronic user of marijuana but at the stage of my growth closer to God i cant help and wonder. And one last thing i have tried tons of medications to help with my diagnosis but weed has been the only thing that has helped.
@salomeabugaian5969 5 дней назад
I`m a nine w8, like this video. Great advice. The phrase ` saying how you feel will bring conflict` got me.
@TheDrunkPsychic 5 дней назад
I think ppl are misinterpreting the message. I dont think hes saying dont tske medication, but he is talking about doing the work instead if relying on a pill to do it for you. Everyone i know with depression on meds still speak like they are depressed, the meds eliminate the low lows and hifh highs.
@MarkTheManifestor 6 дней назад
The God of your Bible is dead. You read the words, but you don’t know the gospel.
@MarkTheManifestor 6 дней назад
Total BS. This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about. Nowhere in the Bible does it say “ I’ll answer when I feel like it” or “ I’ll think about it”. No, instead, it says ask, believe that you already received it, and it will be given to you. But Christian make all kinds of excuses when that is not true. You are not believing you’ve already received it, that’s why you don’t have it. God takes commands, not requests.
@stephaniemckee4167 6 дней назад
How do you know there were 2000 pigs?