Archaeologist, Environmental Scientist, Author, Conspiracy Debunker
The Truth About The Bass Pro Shops Pyramid
2 месяца назад
Hunting Rare Golden Fossils
3 месяца назад
Awful Archaeology Ep. 8: The Nebraska Man
3 месяца назад
What Happened at Roopkund Lake?
4 месяца назад
Awful Archaeology Ep. 7: The Gosford Glyphs
4 месяца назад
Dark Routes Ep. 3: The Carvings of El Morro
5 месяцев назад
Archaeological Ethics
5 месяцев назад
Dark Routes Ep. 1: The Ruins of Guadalupe
6 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
1.4 Million Subscriber Special - (PHASE 3 LAUNCH)
6 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
Phase Three is Coming
9 месяцев назад
We Are Going To Peru
10 месяцев назад
Göbekli Tepe: The Place That Rewrote History
10 месяцев назад
Harran: Ruin and Rebirth in the Fertile Crescent
10 месяцев назад
Sogmatar: Into the City of Tombs
11 месяцев назад
Türkiye Teaser Trailer (2023)
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The Big Announcement...
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@MarioLopez13452 Минуту назад
I'm too stupid I only understood about 30% of what he said.😅
@FullbladeJustice 4 минуты назад
@morgan4212 6 минут назад
Hey Milo Im not for sure how to get ahold oh you but need help figuring out this elongated skulls , i know theres some who were shaped by parents but im seeing skulls that have oversized orbital bones and other things that i cant explain, I need the professional
@seanjarnigan8978 10 минут назад
The happy Gilmore run up was great.
@SavingHumanityExperiment 11 минут назад
Its so funny how everyone here has some funny joke to say as if any of them could prove anything that they were ever told is even remotely true can You prove that space exist ? Can you prove what the sky actually is ? can you prove the shape of the earth ? no no no no can you prove how the things that call themselves humans were born ? no Can you prove that this entire system that we are being governed and controlled by is one big lie and distraction designed to keep us enslaved till we die ? yes
@horbinrodas 15 минут назад
Hard rock break softer rock
@claytucker5025 24 минуты назад
Honestly, his video about us being stardust was very surprising. I never would have thought that he would have actually chosen to talk about factual science.
@Murphthemick 29 минут назад
We need the reaction to jre with graham hancock and flint dible
@abramurbanski1902 29 минут назад
33:25 so true 👍
@boryskharchenko3860 30 минут назад
Bro even a thirteen years old child is understanding that trying to power something with Baghdad battery is like trying to send a Hubble telescope on the moon with a fuckind fireworks!
@reddcube 31 минуту назад
Why does this video have open captions?
@syecole 34 минуты назад
Hey, Milo. No idea if you'll see this, but.. Just finished this video, and I want to say that you have my massive fucking respect for the Buttercup section. That is legitimately the best part of this video, to me. Your content has been nothing but inspiring. If you ever happen to do a talk at Ohio State University, I would love to have a heads-up and an opportunity to pick your brain. Cheers.
@666FUC6KER666 35 минут назад
idk if you meant to say 'yeast coast' but that's for sure what it's called now
@jodracona2722 35 минут назад
I like the word "skrajillion" a lot, might start using that one!
@PicklemyRick 38 минут назад
Hollow earth!!! I love conspiracy theories and Agartha is dope!! Can’t wait to hear you talk about secret caves to the middle of the earth, nazi hideaways and nephlim 😂😂
@CalikoiCat 40 минут назад
isnt the main character of Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) also named Milo
@PicklemyRick 40 минут назад
Bro the fact we can see your breathe in this is insane! I love to see the dedication to your community and craft. Keep up the good work man 🪬🗿🛕🔮🔆🔱🥸🤔🧐
@dimsamuser4330 51 минуту назад
Sadly, despite what is said at the end of this video, Filip will not change. He has a following based upon conspiracies, and if he changed, he'd lose that following. It would be the same as Graham Hancock deciding to drop his Ancient Apocalypse theory and start doing research, or Milo himself deciding to not do research anymore and join the conspiracy theorists...it's just not going to happen. Why? Because money. It's all about finding a following, and keeping that following. It's the same reason McDonald's doesn't go into the clothing business or NASA doesn't open a chain of tanning salons...why change what you do when you already have it perfected? Now some people do try different things to varying levels of success...but that's risky. And why take a risk when you don't need to? Why fix something that's not broken? Filip obviously isn't hurting for followers (as shown by the 1.5 million on TikTok); so why would he change it? It's not like at the start when he was telling true facts (in that stardust video) and didn't have a following yet and could afford to take risks and try different things (like conspiracy videos)...he has a following now. He can't change his platform anymore now; it would fundamentally go against what his followers believe and he'd lose everything. We live in an age where people take things at face value. They just see what is before them and don't question it. These people don't have the energy to look up the facts for themselves, so they turn to videos to watch online. And the problem stems from the fact that some people chose to watch the videos that also don't have the energy to look up facts for themselves like Graham Hancock and Filip Zieba. Same goes for the other side of the arguement: Archeologists and other scientists don't have the time, energy and resources to devote to debunking conspiracy theorists when they could be doing other more important research in their respective fields. The real issue is that Graham and Filip show their media in an entertaining way (like Netflix and TikTok, respectively) so people will stay tuned in and just believe it because it's a whole lot easier than actually doing research. These people choose to not be Googledebunkers by choice; not just because Filip says so. If we want to get to the real heart of the problem, we have to make it worth people's time to actually do research. Instead of it costing a ton of money to go to college, it should be free or even paid. People would want to go and learn then, as they'd make money from it, and in turn learn something! But educators in America are paid less and less, and costs for going to college keep going up and up. Kids don't want to grow up to be professors or teachers now; they want to be RU-vidrs and influencers as it makes more money, doesn't take years to do and is significantly easier. So instead of asking Filip to change...ask society to change. Make people want to learn again. Make it cool to learn. Make it worth while for people to learn. Make it have some incentive for them to do it. Because by changing the system, it will force the players to change along with it.
@vojtisekjeptisek799 57 минут назад
Sloth, a mammal was Once over 7 feet tall ( im not trying to prove you Wrong, what She was saying Is dumb there were no giants)
@sobel4511 58 минут назад
Omg it's like a big, violent capybara.
@LexLuxray Час назад
17:42 321 (height of pyramid) + 192 (height of arch) = 513 + 42 (Bill Clinton was the 42nd president) = 555, which is the height of the Washington Monument. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE
@PhilWithCoffee Час назад
There's also no evidence that slaves were used to build the pyramids.
@chris7263 Час назад
this is what comes of having no skills of your own. When you’ve never worked at anything long enough to get good at it, you think everything has to be done by robots, or else aliens/magic.
@FloridaBeachGirl123 Час назад
@Upsideround Час назад
As a general contractor the fact that people think this stuff can only be done with "modern" technology is frustrating. I have used water levels when my laser was broke. This guy has no basic understand of simple building principles
@creeper7444 Час назад
In defence of Wikipedia: Wikipedia is one of the best sources on the internet right after straight up science papers... depending on the topic. On the scale of "how good Wikipedia is as a source" physics and chemistry are number 1 and right behind that would be biology. On the bottom of the spectrum one would find recent and present politics. The more political a topic is the less trustworthy it is, or to be more precise: The more often a Wikipedia article is edited the less trustworthy it is. I don't have a complete list but I would guess that archeology articles are in the higher mid range of the trustworthiness spectrum. Maybe even before psychology.
@williambeckham2793 Час назад
Bro is snorting
@farmgirl4007 Час назад
I have disabilities and congenital deformities…… in the future someone will dig up my skeleton and decide I am a hidden alien species, then come up with some amazing conspiracy theories about ‘us’ there will be some amazing art work depicting my ‘species’ to go with it…..they might even give my ‘species’ a cool name to go with it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The foil hat brigade will NEVER surrender to the pressure of common sense and sanity❗️
@floresgt3 Час назад
To be fair. You can not pretend to know. Science, meaning testing for any side is kinda meta sir. If you think about that, it tracks. His dumbass argument.
@farmgirl4007 Час назад
I think if I stumbled upon an ancient cave filled with tiny wooden male dolls made of wood- some with missing arms…..Thought number one would not be 💭”oh no, I am terrified of the tiny armless dolls!!”💭 I would however be more concerned about, who put electric lights in the cave and what terrifying demon scum is powering them?!?!. There can OBVIOUSLY be only 2 possible explanations….. 1) it is the gateway to hell 2) it is clearly the work of an alien super-race Ok, is it safe to take off my foil hat now????
@Alynnra Час назад
The word googledebunkers no longer has any meaning.
@reith6073 Час назад
The most shocking mystery is that they actually put this on the internet
@Zchizoidddd Час назад
MAINSTREAM ARCHEOLOGY WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE THAT ALL THE BOG BODIES THAT HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED ARE, INFACT, DEAD. (yes I know I am insanely late, I think this might be the last video in the binge of your channel, love you bro, keep it up)
@RandoMan07 Час назад
I thought that was the Fantastic 4 logo.
@sharondornhoff7563 Час назад
As a biology geek, I'd expand your "People like to bang" counterargument to hyper-diffusion to say "Everything else likes to bang, too". Why? Because the *other* lasting proof of our current global civilization that'll outlive it - indeed, that'll probably outlive humans - is the insane number of tagalong species of animal, plant, fungus, protist, bacterium and virus which we've spread around the world in our wake. Whether deliberately introduced or accidental, we've unleashed so many invasive organisms onto islands, continents, and bodies of water which they couldn't possibly have reached naturally that we could all die tomorrow and Nature will still be scrambled for epochs to come.
@Rellygottamac Час назад
You guys if we’re gonna all survive we are gone have to all band together black white blue brown the elites are gonna leave us here when shit gets bad watch
@Zeno11Salazar Час назад
Honestly loved this two parter. Don't have time to talk a lot, so I'll just leave it at that for now.
@natquesenberry6368 Час назад
Tulare is pronounced "too-lair-ee."
@scottdetail Час назад
this video made me googidybunkers
@MrRazielKOH Час назад
They aren't the Celtics. They're the Celts. Celtic is an adjective, and the basketball team bastardized the word by adding an 'S'. That's why when you search for information on it, all you can turn up is the basketball team. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celts
@Grunt_Gaming Час назад
“I’ll watch just one more video before going to bed” The video I choose:
@JS-ix6rk Час назад
Has Filip responded?
@GenX_files Час назад
Was wondering this too
@kAY-yl5en 2 часа назад
We just don't do it cos it's dumb. Who TF needs a pyramid?
@alexandergarfield1561 2 часа назад
It is always one of the greatest struggles when talking to these people. Deciding whether these people actually believe this or just doing it for clicks.
@Levi__athanGrab 2 часа назад
Your talk about deradicalizing friends reminded me about my own friend group, I had a friend who is falling down the Andrew Tate pipeline, possibly even very far down in. Over the course of the year we managed to get him out.
@fishyfishy_. 2 часа назад
The D Arrow prabably meant a triangle with a line going from the flat to the point
@tomko8477 2 часа назад
The geographic coordinate system of latitude and longitude was invented and popularized long after the great pyramids were built. Ancient Egypt time travel conspiracy incoming.
@TortangTalong5899 2 часа назад
Why not call your fans and followers "googledebunkers".
@zacyule4674 2 часа назад
I like rocks
@toast6375 2 часа назад
31:55 you have 107k likes