Manchester Umc
Manchester Umc
Manchester Umc
Manchester United Methodist Church
129 Woods Mill Rd
Manchester, MO 63011
Rev. Ron Beaton, Sermon 8.11.24
Месяц назад
Rev. Ron Beaton Sermon 8.4.24
Месяц назад
Rev. Andy Blacksher, Sermon. 7.28.24
Месяц назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 7.21.24
2 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann 7/21/24
2 месяца назад
Rev. Andy Blacksher, Sermon. 7.14.24
2 месяца назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 7.14.24
2 месяца назад
Modern Worship Prayer at MUMC 7.7.24
2 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann's Sermon, 7/7/24
2 месяца назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 7.7.24
2 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann's Sermon, 6/30/24.
2 месяца назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 6.30.24
2 месяца назад
Herb Walker Memorial at MUMC. 6.22.2024
2 месяца назад
Rev. Andy Blacksher, Sermon. 6.23/24
2 месяца назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 6.23.24
2 месяца назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 6.16.24
3 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann's Sermon, 6/16/24
3 месяца назад
Opportunities to Serve at MUMC 6.9.24
3 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann, 6/9/24
3 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann's Sermon 6/2/24
3 месяца назад
Rev. Kurt Schuermann, 5/26/24
3 месяца назад
Opportunities To Serve at MUMC 5/26/24
3 месяца назад
Rev. Andy Blacksher, Sermon. 5/19/24
4 месяца назад
Volunteer Appreciation week at MUMC, 2024
4 месяца назад
@qwerty-so6ml 29 дней назад
Heterosexuality is a sin. Angels left their first estate to fornicate. Are angels male or female? No. How do they fornicate? They take on an idol (human host body) to participate. One Gospel: Gospel (GOOD ANGEL) of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
@BKDBrian2 5 месяцев назад
INTRO: Have you seen our dog? Have you seen our dog? She has four legs and she is brown. She might be in this part of town. Whatever will become of our dog? VERSE 1: Have you seen our dog? Have you seen our dog? She has four legs and she is brown. She might be in this part of town. Have you seen our dog? VERSE 2: Have you seen our dog? Have you seen our dog? She rarely barks; she doesn't growl. She never whines; she doesn't howl. Have you seen our dog? VERSE 3: Have you seen our dog? Oh, have you seen our dog? She eats and drinks and reads and swims. She sings opera, jazz and hymns. Have you seen our dog? VERSE 4: Have you seen our dog? Have you seen our dog? She has black eyes and has no fleas. If you find her, tell us please! Have you seen our dog? (repeat verse 3) OUTRO: Have you seen our dog? Have you seen our dog? Oh, Genevieve, where can you be? Genevieve, come back to me. Come back to me.
@danicawilson1 7 месяцев назад
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Matthew 7:21-23
@danicawilson1 7 месяцев назад
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4
@danicawilson1 7 месяцев назад
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
@danicawilson1 7 месяцев назад
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
@danicawilson1 7 месяцев назад
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Matthew 7:13
@danicawilson1 7 месяцев назад
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. NO man comes to the Father but by me. John 14:6
@mini30coupe 7 месяцев назад
My 17 1/2 yr. old shitzu will rip tomorrow 😢
@KBJ95 7 месяцев назад
Truly amazing song! Keep uploading please. Amen and bow wow ✝️🐶
@pedrocosta8664 8 месяцев назад
Incredible, amazing
@therealstripes10122 11 месяцев назад
the smile 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@edgardelaneau4834 Год назад
S/O MCO pole sup
@JimmieJonesJones 2 года назад
@kiwihans100 2 года назад
This is a miss quote of Jesus actual words! Since there were NO COMMAS in the orginal text of Luke 23:43 it should read "Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise. If you place a comma before or after 'today' it CHANGES THE MEANING! Not till the 14th century were punctuation marks added to the texts. The temptation was to manouver them to suit the beliefs of the translators! We need to believe what the bible ACTUALLY says rather than twisted words!
@kiwihans100 2 года назад
Since God's word does not contradict itself, How could Jesus promise the evildoer he would be with him 'in paradise' that day? Jesus died 'that day', was buried and rose on the THIRD DAY thereafter. This the gospel! He ascended to heavan 40 days later and said that "No man has ascended to heavan but (Jesus) John 3::13. The resurrection BEGINS at the' Last trumpet' which Paul explains occurs when Christ returns in the future ( 1 Cor 15:52 ).
@paulo27358 2 года назад
Made me cry lol beautiful
@mohammedfaisall1651 2 года назад
Was Jesus a Pacifist ?? Pacifist is a person who does not believe in war and violence. During the time of Jesus (peace be upon him) Romans were having illegal expansions in the territory of modern day Israel. A prophet of God is 2 things in one that is (A spiritual reformer) and (A social reformer). So Jesus (peace be upon him) being a prophet of God would never be silent on the corruption around him, but he would try his level best in resolving and removing corruption. So Jesus (peace be upon him) would try all possible methods to fight corruption or evil people (even if fighting is the last option). Even Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) participated in the war because it was the last option. So in short Jesus (peace be upon him) was overall a peaceful person not completely because even he believed in punishing people for bad acts. But not as peaceful as portrayed in the Gospels because Jesus (peace be upon him) being a prophet of God would never hesitate in participating in war for removing evil practices only if war is the last option.
@dr.alanhales544 3 года назад
Manchester Umc. Rev Greg Weeks is wrong. Anyone who knows the Bible will know that neither Jesus or the malefactor went to paradise that day. Rev Weeks should have believed those who said the comer is in the wrong place. Because this is how it reads, "I'm telling you today, That one day soon you will be with Me in Paradise". And if Rev Weeks knew the Bible, he would know that the malefactor went to Abraham's bosom with the Old Testament righteous. And Jesus went to Hell, "Hades". Acts 2: 27--31. The same place as Lk 16: 22--25. Nowhere does the Bible say paradise is in the underworld. Paradise, Greek, "Paradeisos", is only mentioned three times in the New Testament, And it's Heaven. Jesus didn't go to Heaven until He rose from the dead. So you can see how Rev Weeks has misled people.
@VideoBee_YT 3 года назад
Awesome 👍 this should blow up famous, it deservers to, i hope it does
@CamMMA 3 года назад
@b.k.r.doggielover5449 3 года назад
This video helped me when I lost 2 of my best friends, my sweet and precious dogs. That was in 2011 and 2016. Rest in Peace, my precious family members, Coco and Bonzo.❤🐶😪😪 Until we meet again. 🐶❤
@m1hal1s12 4 года назад
Wow , simply genius
@ThomasOatman 4 года назад
Powerful !! Thank you.
@emmanuelabhishek4284 4 года назад
Praise the Lord
@emmanuelabhishek4284 4 года назад
Wonderful message
@dr.alanhales544 3 года назад
Emmanuel Abhishek, How can error be a wonderful message?. Rev Weeks has misled Biblically ignorant people. See these Biblical truths. Anyone who knows the Bible will know that neither Jesus or the malefactor went to paradise that day. Rev Weeks should have believed those who said the comer is in the wrong place. Because this is how it reads, "I'm telling you today, That one day soon you will be with Me in Paradise". And if Rev Weeks knew the Bible, he would know that the malefactor went to Abraham's bosom with the Old Testament righteous. And Jesus went to Hell, "Hades". Acts 2: 27--31. The same place as Lk 16: 22--25. Nowhere does the Bible say paradise is in the underworld. Paradise, Greek, "Paradeisos", is only mentioned three times in the New Testament, And it's Heaven. Jesus didn't go to Heaven until He rose from the dead.
@kamouflage1 4 года назад
This is amazing! It should have a lot more views!
@sorakawamoto6614 5 лет назад
@TheKritter91 5 лет назад
Let me help you as a Greek... Παραδισο 2 part word Παρα - before Δισο - rooted from δοσε meaning to give. Those two words put together mean literally "to give up beforehand". In a word: "to surrender". Simply put, the Greek word for "I surrender" is Παραδινο. Paradise is the place of surrender in the presence of God. It is written that "the body goes back to the earth and the spirit goes back up to God who gave it. Paradise is different from heaven. It's actually a rare word used only 3 times in scripture.
@TheKritter91 5 лет назад
Every concordance and definition of paradise I've found doesnt line up with the Greek translation of the word. A mystery hidden in Christ Jesus.
@dr.alanhales544 3 года назад
Nicholas K, Paradise IS Heaven. See the end of this post. Anyone who knows the Bible will know that neither Jesus or the malefactor went to paradise that day. Rev Weeks should have believed those who said the comer is in the wrong place. Because this is how it reads, "I'm telling you today, That one day soon you will be with Me in Paradise". And if Rev Weeks knew the Bible, he would know that the malefactor went to Abraham's bosom with the Old Testament righteous. And Jesus went to Hell, "Hades". Acts 2: 27--31. The same place as Lk 16: 22--25. Nowhere does the Bible say paradise is in the underworld. Paradise, Greek, "Paradeisos", is only mentioned three times in the New Testament, And it's Heaven. Jesus didn't go to Heaven until He rose from the dead.
@larrycourtney3647 5 лет назад
My friends the world is changing very fast to Solomon and Gomorrah
@kathybalmer9767 6 лет назад
You never disappoint, Rev. Weeks! This was an exceptional message and delivered masterfully!
@kathybalmer9767 6 лет назад
Rev. Greg Weeks is a kind, caring and brilliant man! This is what Christianity looks like! Listen...
@maxdoubt5219 6 лет назад
People swear off religion for various reasons but when listening to their stories a definite theme emerges: "I learned too much."
@NtegFamilyYouTube 6 лет назад
This is Amazing, Powerful, Thought Provoking, and Inspirational!!! Tremendously grateful for the opportunity!!!
@jimpeich 6 лет назад
Whether life is going great or you're in a season of struggles, there's a message here for you.
@dizianalizvehaberleri4779 6 лет назад
Can you come to the channel and watch football videos If you do that I'm very happy ... youtube․com/FutbolKamera
@DonaldKronos 7 лет назад
First, let me say that I see one person so far has given this a "thumbs down", but it wasn't me. - Anyway, that repeated rhetorical question of "How could anybody not believe in God when they see that?" deserves an answer. To assume that such things as mountains, oceans, and a starry sky, all indicate a god, is no different than assuming the sound of thunder indicates Thor's hammer, or the discovery of a rabbit hole proves the existence of Wonder Land. It's a non sequitur. Such things are produced by natural processes. Very simple natural processes. A rabbit digging a burrow is a natural thing for a rabbit to do, and the formation of stars takes much longer but is a natural thing for gravity to do with the huge quantities of hydrogen gas spread thinly throughout vast regions of space. Mountains are formed naturally by plate tectonics, water generally weighs less than rock and erosion happens. There's no permanent mystery and no need to invoke any gods to understand such things. Sure it's understandable for a young child who has been taught that God is responsible for everything they don't understand, to think such things must be the work of that God they were told is responsible for such things, but that WRONG ANSWER is often the end of their curiosity and a hindrance to learning.
@phillipkuhlman7468 7 лет назад
@loriyancey5285 7 лет назад
Pastor Greg, I love this message. I never thought I would hear a United Methodist pastor embrace diversity as you do, and as you do from the pulpit. Bravo! I'm so proud to be a part of our MUMC family.
@randitaylor262 7 лет назад
So full of meaning for the human race; dogs do love unconditionally! So thankful for our Minnie and so blessed by our Creator! Thank you for the message.
@phillipkuhlman7468 7 лет назад
@hektorsoininen 7 лет назад
@kierstenrose 7 лет назад
Such a great and powerful sermon for the Church.
@s.j.sparber6946 8 лет назад
May God Bless all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ohmusicsweetmusic 8 лет назад
I trust the Methodist Church will do what Jesus would do. We have plenty of other denominations where those who feel more comfortable excluding and judging people may attend church. I just hear over and over again the words of Christ himself who, without exception said: "Come unto me ALL who are heavy laden and I will give thee rest." Shame on us for how we've (once again!) hurt and shamefully excluded an entire portion of our population. Still, Sunday continues to be the most racist, judgmental day of the week. Just look at the congregation and decide how well we are reaching those who so desperately need the presence of God in their lives. We exclude them out of our own selfish, evil desire to feel comfortable and fuzzy at church. That's not what Church is about folks! Shame on us.
@guitrod1 8 лет назад
Thank you for this great message of God's love for us. And for the song, which at this time is very meaningful for a friend. God Bless.
@multuminparvo5 9 лет назад
Revisiting this, it still means so much to me. Why are so many people "disliking" this? Knowing what is distasteful to viewers will undoubtedly help me in my whistle-blowing work. I'm wondering if the sons in Christ's family do not feel that the moms in Christ's family are adequately reciprocating the level of care required by God, but I could be way off base. Feel free to jot a note or two below to let me know...thanks. :)
@mattandbethboughan3 6 лет назад
There are multiple things that would cause a person to dislike the content of this sermon. The foremost of them is stating that we as Christians should reverence Mary as the Catholics do. While, we should have a respect for her, just as we should have a respect for the Apostles and the Prophets. On the other hand, when one examines the official Catholic doctrines, as seen in their Catechisms, Popes', Councils official rulings, Cardinals, Bishops, and priests teachings down through the centuries, what is actually taught is more than mere respect, it is worshiping her. For more discussion on that topic see www.linkedin.com/groups/3056461/3056461-6157366223593029634. Additionally, James was not a believer prior to seeing Jesus resurrected (John 7:5). Thus, the reason Jesus entrusted Mary to John was because John was a believer at that time. While I do believe in the authorization for women in church leadership positions, the argument that is presented here is very weak! Thus, I can fully comprehend how someone who does not believe that women should be allowed to be in church leadership would frown on that portion of this sermon.
@sharonkg1 9 лет назад
Love your video Anthony! Your faith journey continues.
@22poeg 9 лет назад
Rev. Greg, thank you for sharing your sensitive and compassionate words on RU-vid so that I could, likewise, share your sermon with my Mother and Sister. They join me in expressing our family's gratitude. Peace & Love, Tom Poe
@jackiecarrswinnie9258 9 лет назад
Enjoyed the sermon and the context.