Once Lost Ministries
Once Lost Ministries
Once Lost Ministries
The purpose of Once Lost Ministries is to encourage those that were (once lost) in their sin to reach out with the saving message of the Gospel to those that still are.

"For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another." Titus 3:3

In 1 Corinthians 9.22, the Holy Spirit through Paul told us, "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." We want to encourage the Christian to reach out to the lost with the saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It was a direct command from Christ to all believers to share the truth of who He was and the reality of our position to Him. Christ said in Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."

For more info go to: www.once-lost.com or email us at contact@once-lost.com
The Greatest Gain, Study in 1 Timothy 6
Месяц назад
Coming Out of the LGBTQ Community
3 месяца назад
Bible's Response to Total Depravity
3 месяца назад
Jesus' Unparalleled Impact on History
4 месяца назад
Mankind's Unique Reasoning Power
4 месяца назад
Debunking Myths About Polygamy
5 месяцев назад
Surprising Revelations About Common Phrases
5 месяцев назад
Surprising Insights from The Ark
5 месяцев назад
Christian Views on IVF Ethics
6 месяцев назад
Saved by works???
6 месяцев назад
Debating the Universe's Age with Starlight
6 месяцев назад
Sing To The Lord A New Song, Psalm 98 Breakdown
8 месяцев назад
Where Do Christmas Songs Stand In Today's Culture?
8 месяцев назад
Who Were the Pilgrims - Thanksgiving 2023
9 месяцев назад
Can we just be honest about HALLOWEEN?
10 месяцев назад
What is the Sabbath?
11 месяцев назад
@nicgordic8077 6 часов назад
Last trump! Read it for yourself. Not pre- trib.
@Once-lost 3 часа назад
Thanks for commenting, but I would hope you know we have read it, which is why we hold the Bible true to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
@Once-lost 3 часа назад
Thanks for commenting, and I would hope that you know because we love and study God's Word, that's why we trust what it says about the pre-tribulation rapture.
@JoeyC0914 23 часа назад
If only the Early Church fathers and 12 Apostles didn’t ask for Mary’s intercession… oh wait…they did. My professional and personal recommendation is to get some historical context to the Bible you like to thump. "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant." John Henery Newman A former Protestant
@Once-lost 14 часов назад
The claim that the Early Church Fathers and the Apostles asked for Mary’s intercession is historically inaccurate. There is no clear evidence in the writings of the Apostles or the earliest Church Fathers that supports this practice. In fact, the New Testament gives no instruction or example of believers praying to anyone other than God through Jesus Christ. The Bible consistently teaches that Christ is the sole mediator between God and man. Paul explicitly states this in his first letter to Timothy: "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5, ESV) This verse directly contradicts the idea of needing additional intercessors like Mary or the saints. The role of Christ as our exclusive mediator is emphasized throughout the New Testament, underscoring that believers are to approach God directly through Jesus (Hebrews 4:16). Historically, the practice of venerating Mary and seeking her intercession began developing centuries after the apostolic era. The early church, as shown in the writings of figures like Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome, and Polycarp, focused solely on worship of God the Father and Jesus Christ, not on saints or Mary. Scripture, not the words of men, should be the ultimate authority in matters of faith and doctrine. The Bible itself warns against human traditions that nullify God's commandments: "Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that." (Mark 7:13) The Bible explicitly condemns necromancy (seeking to communicate with the dead). Necromancy is defined as the practice of attempting to speak with the spirits of deceased individuals, which is explicitly forbidden in Scripture. Several passages in both the Old and New Testaments denounce this practice: Deuteronomy 18:10-12 - "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD." Isaiah 8:19 - "And when they say to you, ‘Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,’ should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?" Leviticus 19:31 - "Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your God." The Scriptures make it crystal clear that God’s people are not to consult the dead. Although praying to saints or Mary is often distinguished by its proponents from necromancy, in practice, it involves communication with the dead (i.e., saints who have passed on). This is inconsistent with biblical teachings that instruct us to communicate only with God through prayer.
@Sgomes-is4or 2 дня назад
This was a great conversation. Really digging in to the problems of calvinism and catholism. Most christians never grow in discernment to see the errors. Spencer smith is knowledgeable on music and the effect it has on people. Hope this conversation opens peoples eyes.
@Once-lost 2 дня назад
Then you so much!
@beeyeglad 2 дня назад
Speaking of divine feminism, it’s troubling to see more and more women buying the lie that they are a goddess or witch, believing in a fairytale over reality. And culture makes it cool on screens while companies slip occultic symbols onto everything from clothing to back to school supplies. Witchcraft and Wicca (and all other pagan religions as you talked about) promise power and fulfillment by worshiping nature or yourself. Just like the pervading self-love psychology trend. But there is no lasting fulfillment in self-worship, self-love or worshipping the creature rather than the Creator, it’s just a distraction from the uncomfortable truth that we all have sinned and are accountable to our Creator. I think that’s why it’s crept into the church, it’s much more comfortable not to feel accountable. Thank the Lord He is gracious to us and freely offers forgiveness through His son Jesus. Isn’t love based on truth, His love, better than any self-love or worship we could ever offer ourselves? It is! Marvelously so! I pray that the Lord will open their eyes to The Truth as His coming draws near! Looking forward to the upcoming videos on Catholicism, would love some on Islam as well. Both are very present where I am. Thank you guys! Maranatha!
@Once-lost 2 дня назад
Great points, indeed! We will pray for sure on the Islam series as that would be great for sure. We need to find a way to start it with a "C" though, HAHHA ;)
@beeyeglad 2 дня назад
@@Once-lost lol! I'll have to think on that one🤔
@beeyeglad 2 дня назад
Definitely will keep you guys in prayer too!
@Once-lost 2 дня назад
THANK YOU!!!! Definitely appreciated!
@KylePeart-qf6gk 5 дней назад
@Once-lost 5 дней назад
Every comment helps ;)
@KylePeart 5 дней назад
Comment and share if you can!
@Once-lost 5 дней назад
Every comment helps!
@bebopnfloy 7 дней назад
Right on! Ability is necessary, yes, but being rooted & grounded, after salvation, is far more necessary. As long as it takes.
@Once-lost 7 дней назад
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@DarleneOwens-fs1gq 10 дней назад
This is soo sad in away 😢😢
@Once-lost 10 дней назад
The Gospel is good news eternally upon the corruption and bad news is this world.
@donladfeasey5332 11 дней назад
So true my friend.. This world is falling apart and our children and childrens children will have to pick up the peices.. if anyone survives.. i am sorry my sons for bringing you into this world
@Once-lost 11 дней назад
God is good through it though, and promises freedom from this world if we would trust in His finished work! Teach your children to love Jesus, and hold fast to His word!
@5johnsneed7 15 дней назад
If you don't want to be a Calvinist, then don't.
@Once-lost 15 дней назад
Thank you! Choosing not to is a great example of the choice we have in Christ!
@ChristianVSMuslim7 16 дней назад
@Once-lost 15 дней назад
@Bigchickens 19 дней назад
Question is does God know the future bc He predestined it or not….tough topic and much patience and grace need to be with us discussing deep things like this
@Once-lost 13 дней назад
God knows the future because He is sovereign and all-knowing. His knowledge is not dependent on predestination alone but on His eternal nature, where past, present, and future are all known to Him simultaneously. While He does predestine certain events according to His will, His foreknowledge encompasses all possibilities and outcomes, not just what He determines. The relationship between God's foreknowledge and predestination is complex, but ultimately, it reflects His perfect wisdom and power. Discussing this requires humility, recognizing that our understanding is limited compared to God's infinite wisdom.
@elipeart 21 день назад
Crazy story!
@Once-lost 21 день назад
@debbieelliott8474 23 дня назад
Thank you for this video and your Calvinism series!!!
@Once-lost 23 дня назад
Thank you so much for listening and commenting!
@isaacsflores 26 дней назад
@Once-lost 26 дней назад
Crazy story, huh?!
@tesskeller2017 26 дней назад
Thank you for talking about this. No one brings this up and its important. I look at the times Paul said for the Church to mind the same things. A few scriptures back it up. The essentials ? The whole Word of God is essential. Cults take a verse and builds there whole belief system on that and ignore the others. Not rightly dividing the word of truth. I like Acts 20:19- 26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. Without the whole counsel of God the flock are vulnerable to wolf attack. Paul said because of this he is not guilty of the blood of any man. Spiritually. He never shunned to give the whole counsel of god.
@Once-lost 26 дней назад
Well said, Tess! Thanks for the encouragement!
@Sgomes-is4or 28 дней назад
When i stopped listening to secular music it wasnt easy but God showed me many good artist. Third adam series is a real eye opener. I enjoy some bluegrass and the kings brass. And i dont bother with bethel hillsong elevation or jesus culture.
@Once-lost 27 дней назад
Praise God when we learn to come to Him through His Word, and praise Him with our hearts and minds.
@ConnieParson-j7i 28 дней назад
They were probably just concerned that someone might be injured due to the sloped roof. 🤭
@Once-lost 28 дней назад
No kidding 😜😜😂
@jcezee2584 Месяц назад
Hello jay here
@Once-lost Месяц назад
What's up Jay!
@gustingdis Месяц назад
😂 asking Jeff Durban to examine Calvinism as a cult. Haha
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Agreed, I know it's a high hope 😁
@beeyeglad Месяц назад
Amen! What an amazing love!
@Once-lost Месяц назад
@juliluv2 Месяц назад
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Thanks for commenting!
@juliluv2 Месяц назад
Your welcome
@Pythondoom Месяц назад
What’s greater? Knowing the difference between “than” and “then”.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
😂😂😂 good one! Grammar is definitely not my strong suit. Ask my wife!
@justdogini Месяц назад
I was wondering why would you care so much about other people's gender and periods... But then i noticed what your channel is all about. You are truly a god seeker, congratulations.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
I truly care what they are doing to people, by distorting the truth and ruining lives. And yes, absolutely, our goal is to grow and know Christ more every day, by His word!
@joelmichaelson2133 Месяц назад
Gods word being an authority makes no sense if free will exists.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Authority does not negate free will. In everyday life, we encounter various authorities, such as laws, governments, and employers, which guide our actions and decisions. Despite these authorities, we still possess the free will to choose whether to obey or disobey. Similarly, God's word serves as an authoritative guide for life, but humans retain the freedom to accept or reject it. The Bible affirms both the authority of God's word and human free will. For instance, in Deuteronomy 30:19, God sets before the Israelites the choice of life and death, blessing and curse, urging them to choose life. This passage underscores both the authoritative nature of God's word and the free will granted to humanity. God’s commandments provide a path, but humans have the freedom to follow it or not.
@joelmichaelson2133 Месяц назад
You’re dead wrong. You’re getting lost in the concept of self.
@joelmichaelson2133 Месяц назад
Jesus is no more an authority then the Romans were an authority to Jesus.
@joelmichaelson2133 Месяц назад
You won’t find Jesus in a book.
@joelmichaelson2133 Месяц назад
You’re just repeating the Bible.
@ChristineFleck-p5p Месяц назад
First hearing this I cried hard. Then madness took over- keep praying hard about this
@Once-lost Месяц назад
I love your heart and concern for the truth! Thank you for sharing!
@ConnieParson-j7i Месяц назад
Complete indoctrination...by design. The enemy will stop at nothing to corrupt God's truth. I look forward to the day when the enemy will be stopped once and for all by the Righteous Judge. Hallelujah!
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Oh what a glorious day!
@KNYHT.FIRE-1 Месяц назад
Menstruation is a woman's monthly bleeding, often called your “period.” When you menstruate, your body discards the monthly buildup of the lining of your uterus (womb). Menstrual blood and tissue flow from your uterus through the small opening in your cervix and pass out of your body through your vagina.Feb 22, 2021 Men dont have a uterus, men dont have a cervix, men dont have a womb and cant get pregnant. This is as obvious as 1 + 1 = 2. The fact that there are people who seriously talk about non-female students needing female products is quite frankly insane and a symptom of deteriorating societies that reject GOD and His Truth per ROMANS 1.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Exactly what we said in the video!! Amen!
@Tigger1981 Месяц назад
The insanity is strong these days
@Once-lost Месяц назад
💯 x 💯
@flynnhuseby3431 Месяц назад
Great reminders! We're teaching this generation that their feelings trump their genetics. And yet if a student stands up in a classroom and says they feel like being the teacher, I wonder if the teacher would be the first to say that they need to sit down and be the student. Definitely strange times in which we live. Praise God for the absolute authority, truth, and love in God's Word.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Such strange times, and yet, we can know the infinitely good God!
@beeyeglad Месяц назад
Great video on such an important topic! Very encouraging and thought provoking. Thanks guys! Another great resource for young children, that has blessed my heart as well, is the Theo Presents cartoon series.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Thanks always, for commenting, and certainly will check that series out.
@flynnhuseby3431 Месяц назад
Such an important topic! Another verse came to mind... "Then he answered and spoke unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD... Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts." Zechariah 4:6 As we seek to serve the Lord by ministering the truth in love of Jesus to the next generation, may we always do so through the power of the Holy Spirit, not our flesh!
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Great addition to the conversation!
@Commenter2121 Месяц назад
Great video! I’m active LDS but I believe we are dead wrong on polygamy. Mormons misinterpret these biblical stories to justify our polygamist past. Read holistically, all instances of polygamy in the scriptures (book of Mormon included) are brought on my man and they always end poorly. I agree, Matthew 19 should put this to rest forever!
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Thanks for commenting. I pray that we all hold fast, not to our interpretations but to the Word of God, the Bible, alone!
@Commenter2121 Месяц назад
@@Once-lost Speaking of scriptural interpretation, I also believe the LDS church misinterprets Jacob 2:30 in the Book of Mormon. When read together with verse 29, verse 30 is simply affirming what verse 29 just said, this is why verse 30 starts with For rather than But. Verse 30 is saying that for God to raise up righteous branches of people, he will provide them with commandments, like he just did in verse 27. The last part of verse 30 is saying that if he does not provide them with commandments, they will follow the bad examples of those before them.
@josephemerson2893 Месяц назад
Matthew 24, 27-31 post trib brother like it or not
@Once-lost Месяц назад
One argument against this passage being definitive evidence for a post-tribulation rapture involves distinguishing between the Great Tribulation and the wrath of God. Believers will be spared from God’s wrath, which is different from experiencing tribulation (persecution and suffering at the hands of the world and Satan). - Great Tribulation refers to a period of severe persecution of believers. - Wrath of God is divine judgment poured out on unbelievers. The rapture is seen as occurring before the outpouring of God’s wrath, not necessarily before or after the tribulation that Christians may face. Verse 31 mentions the gathering of the elect. The term "elect" can refer to both Jewish believers and Gentile Christians. Some interpretations suggest that this gathering may refer to a post-tribulation event that is not synonymous with the rapture but instead is a separate event where Christ gathers those who survived the tribulation to establish His millennial kingdom. Verse 29 indicates celestial signs “immediately after the tribulation,” which could be understood as signaling the beginning of the end times rather than marking the timing of the rapture. - The passage emphasizes the visibility and public nature of Christ’s return ("like lightning"), aligning more with the second coming rather than a secretive rapture event.
@jcezee2584 Месяц назад
What’s up
@Once-lost Месяц назад
@OketchoJohn Месяц назад
Amen Amen thank you Lord Jesus Christ my God I love you Jesus 🙏 thank you Lord Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
@Once-lost Месяц назад
He truly is good!
@beeyeglad Месяц назад
Just finished the video and really appreciated this conversation. So many good points, encouragement and reminders just when I needed them! Thank the Lord for the true and lasting contentment only He can give. Thankful for your ministry, it’s been a blessing and will always keep lifting you all in prayer. Looking forward to the next live stream:)
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Always love hearing from you!
@jhonzin69 Месяц назад
Eu. Recebo. Tomo pose Da. Mensagem. De deus. Eu. Recebo.todas. Bensa Eu. Confio em. Ti. Paiz Faiz. Tua. Vontade Não. Minha. Obrigado Paizio pro. Tudo. Que Meu. Protetor. Gratidão. Vouvado. Seja. Adeus. Nome Pai. Filho. Pirito. Santo Amém. Raimunda. Compatilho. 7. Pesoa❤️❤🎁😮
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Obrigado por comentar e oro para que você continue crescendo e conhecendo Jesus através de Sua palavra!
@chiefgary1 Месяц назад
Good job Flynn
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Thanks for commenting!
@Yehonatan613 Месяц назад
and thank you again for getting back to me with your responses, i appreciate it so very much!
@Once-lost Месяц назад
You are so welcome!
@SarahWamala-vo9qx Месяц назад
Am happy U preach about Jesus.May God bless you so much.
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Amen! {1 Corinthians 9:16 NKJV} "For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!"
@flynnhuseby3431 Месяц назад
Another great verse that was on my phone for the Scripture of the day fits perfectly... "Let your conversation [conduct] be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for He has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5. It's so incredibly important to remember that God is 100% faithful. This not only allows us to trust Him but also produces eternal contentment. The Lord will always be there with us. Therefore, we don't have to go anywhere else. Besides, what other person, place, or thing could be better than Jesus?
@beeyeglad Месяц назад
Amen! So thankful for His faithfulness!
@Once-lost Месяц назад
Nothing compares to the love of Christ! Amen, buddy!
@jcezee2584 2 месяца назад
Yo, what’s up, Mr. Husby? It’s jay
@flynnhuseby3431 Месяц назад
Hey, buddy! I hope you guys are doing well! Keep shining the truth and love of Jesus, no matter what! :)
@Once-lost Месяц назад
@Yehonatan613 2 месяца назад
I wish i understood this, but I don't
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
How can we help?
@Yehonatan613 2 месяца назад
@@Once-lost wow tysm for responding. It seems so abstract, putting relativity theories on the side, we know it takes a certain amount of time for light to travel far distances, therefore, for light of distant stars to reach us would "seem" to require a very long time, therefore to entertain the possibility that the light of the stars actually reach earth instantly, is hard to process
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
No problem, happy and love to work through these items, which is why we are here!! With Jason Lisle's Anisotropic Synchrony Convention (ASC) theory, it's crucial to understand the foundational premise: the theory is not merely an analogy like observing a deer across the street versus observing stars millions of light-years away. Instead, it presents a sophisticated framework for reconciling observable universe phenomena with a young Earth creationist worldview, grounded in a consistent and literal interpretation of the Bible. The ASC theory posits that the speed of light towards the observer is instantaneous, while away from the observer, it remains at the conventional speed (approximately 299,792 kilometers per second). This convention is a legitimate choice within the realm of physics because the speed of light, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, allows for different synchronization conventions due to the relativity of simultaneity. Lisle leverages this aspect to argue that we can indeed see stars in real-time within a young Earth framework, thereby addressing the starlight-time problem that challenges the notion of a universe that is only thousands of years old. This theory isn't meant to discard the laws of physics but to apply them within a different set of parameters that are equally valid within the scope of Einstein's relativity. The choice of a synchronization convention is a philosophical one, not strictly a scientific one, because it pertains to how we measure the speed of light based on our frame of reference and assumptions about simultaneity. Critics often mistake Lisle's ASC as an attempt to fundamentally alter the physics of light. However, it's more accurate to see it as offering an alternative interpretation that aligns with a biblical chronology without contradicting observable data. The real power of Lisle's approach lies in its challenge to the presuppositions underlying modern cosmology. It questions whether our conventional interpretations are the only possible ways to understand the universe, especially in light of biblical revelation. Moreover, Lisle's ASC theory is an invitation to explore the boundaries of our understanding of the universe, encouraging a dialogue between faith and science that respects both the infallibility of Scripture and the integrity of scientific inquiry. It underscores the belief that all truth is God's truth, whether revealed in the Bible or discovered through scientific exploration. By proposing a model that allows for the coexistence of young Earth creationism with the observation of distant starlight, Lisle contributes to a broader conversation about the nature of reality, the limits of human understanding, and the majesty of God's creation.
@Yehonatan613 2 месяца назад
@@Once-lost firstly, thank you so much. Instinctually, the ASC response doesn't give me that feeling of "that's God's truth/the truth". I believe (obviously) God forsaw that this would be something that we would seek explanations for, and therefore i believe the true answer would be a "ah, that's exactly right" as is the case with all true things understood. To us simple people it seems like the ASC response is an easy way out, an attempt to willfully choose young universe as opposed to showing that it really is young universe (which is what I actually believe, the universe is young). For simple people, we are looking for an actual explanation that will feel "exactly, it couldn't be any other way actually". That's why I struggle with Dr. Jason's theory.
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
I totally understand, as I can relate and I'm pretty simple myself, often relating with Peter then with Paul. As for the argument, before I even spoke with Jason, I proposed an idea of why isn't it just as simple as when I see something it's instant. And that's what he is saying in this explanation except with a big giant doctor explanation behind it because the man has literally covered this with articles and articles beyond our comprehension. In its simplicity it's exactly what it sounds like, you see it and it's instant. It honestly is Occam's Razor and I think too many people actually make it too complicated.
@flynnhuseby3431 2 месяца назад
It was a joy to be able to share @ The Eternal Living Word Church (ELW). Thanks Pastor Danny!
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
Love that guy! Also, great teaching buddy!
@Chemosh418 2 месяца назад
If Jesus means god hood in John 10:30 then the 12 are also 1 with the father and Jesus.
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
In John 10:30, when Jesus says, "I and the Father are one," He is referring to a unique unity of essence with the Father, indicating His divinity. In contrast, when Jesus prays for His disciples to be one with Him and the Father (John 17:21), He is speaking of a unity in purpose and love, not essence. The disciples share in the mission and relationship with God but do not share in the divine nature as Jesus does.
@Chemosh418 2 месяца назад
@@Once-lost if the 12 don’t share the divinity essences why did Jesus ask for them to also be 1 with him and god?🤦‍♂️
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
@@Chemosh418 Understanding unity in Christ and following His commands is essential because it reflects our relationship with God and our role in His mission. Jesus prayed for the disciples to be one with Him and the Father (John 17:21) to illustrate the spiritual and relational unity that believers should have. This unity is about sharing in God's love, purpose, and mission, not His divine essence. When we are united in Christ, we live out His teachings, demonstrate His love, and work together to fulfill His mission on Earth. This unity strengthens our faith, fosters a supportive community, and helps spread the Gospel. It means aligning our wills with God's will, living in harmony with one another, and showing the world the transformative power of God's love through our actions and relationships.
@Chemosh418 2 месяца назад
@@Once-lost if the 12 was included in the oneness they have to share divinity yes?
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
@@Chemosh418 In John 10:30, when Jesus says, "I and the Father are one," the Greek word for "one" is "ἕν" (hen), indicating unity of essence or nature. This means that Jesus and the Father share the same divine nature. In John 17:21, when Jesus prays for His disciples "that they may all be one" (ἵνα πάντες ἓν ὦσιν, hina pantes hen osin), the word "one" (ἕν, hen) is also used, but the context shows it refers to a different kind of oneness. Here, Jesus is praying for a unity in purpose, love, and mission among the disciples, reflecting their harmonious relationship and collective mission, not a shared divine essence. The key difference lies in the context and the type of unity described. The oneness within the Trinity is about sharing the same divine essence (ὁμοούσιος, homoousios), whereas the oneness Jesus prays for among His disciples is about relational and spiritual unity, aligning their wills with God's will and working together in love and purpose.
@cythera431 2 месяца назад
There are too many people with blogs on RU-vid, especially self-anointed (and self-righteous) male preachers/false prophets. How did Robert Morris amass over $100 million? And James Robison, Jimmy Swaggert, John Lindell, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis are all multi-millionaires. The list goes on almost endlessly. This makes no sense, and Jesus would not even recognize His Spirit and teaching in their lifestyles...or in their pride, judgment, and works-righteousness. Most corporate CEOs of for-profit corporations are not worth $10 million. These self-righteous "Christian" shysters are an abomination. Every day they harm the body of Christ.
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
You are dead on!
@flynnhuseby3431 2 месяца назад
Great reminders and well said. It's funny when we, as fallible and mortal creatures, attempt to explain the character of the infinite, immortal, and omnipotent God who is outside the universe. There is such a depth and simplicity, unity and diversity to the very nature of true and living God. Sadly, the religious leaders of Jesus' day also struggled with the deity of Jesus! The only way to truly understand and know Him is by humbly searching the Scriptures.
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
@auntietheistjuror 2 месяца назад
Could you please tell me what, exactly, this has to do with atheists?
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
For sure, and thanks for commenting. It's an atheist attempting to debunk Christianity as he stated in the beginning.
@auntietheistjuror 2 месяца назад
@@Once-lost A more obvious Muslim it would be hard to find! It’s genuinely hard to see how anyone could think he was an atheist. Are you new to apologetics?
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
Hard to find any honesty in most conversations these days. We've been doing this ministry for almost 15 years, diving into apologetics 😊
@auntietheistjuror 2 месяца назад
@@Once-lost Well, that's honestly Hamza's Den, Muslim apologist. You can tell this because he used the contents of the Bible (which he believes) to undermine a common Christian doctrine. Atheists tend to use Biblical contradictions as a means to ‘debunk’ and they don’t think the book is divinely inspired.
@Once-lost 2 месяца назад
Oooh, I gotcha. Never heard of him. Thanks! I'll fix the thumbnail