Theology 101 exists to teach you Christian doctrine in an understandable way. I'm Andrew Kim and I am a pastor (www.bethanychurchsm.org/) and professor with a Ph.D in Systematic Theology. My desire is to share what I have learned so that you can have a deeper understanding of Christian theology.

Theology 101 © 2021 by Andrew Kim is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Why We HAVE To Assume God's Existence!
9 часов назад
Why God's Name Reveals Who He Is!
День назад
Why Should We Obey God?
28 дней назад
Choose God or Your IDOLS!
Месяц назад
What does Joshua 24:15 REALLY Mean?
Месяц назад
Why the Pharisees Get Angry With Jesus!
Месяц назад
Jesus' Most SHOCKING Story!
Месяц назад
Parables Are NOT What You Think!
Месяц назад
Why God Doesn’t Forgive THIS Sin!
Месяц назад
How is the Kingdom of God "Near"?
2 месяца назад
Why Do We Keep Sinning?
2 месяца назад
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?
2 месяца назад
Jesus Will Return to Earth to Judge?
2 месяца назад
Why We Don't Need A Priest!
2 месяца назад
Is God Against Interracial Marriage?
2 месяца назад
Should Christians Ignore God's Laws?
3 месяца назад
The Six Purposes for the Mosaic Covenant
3 месяца назад
Why We Can't Be Saved By God's Law!
3 месяца назад
@clarkbrady2786 15 часов назад
Thank you for clearing that up.
@Theology101AndrewKim 15 часов назад
No worries!
@dkkim9054 19 часов назад
1:28 "Hey guys, if you dont mind, can you stop ripping off the poor?" 😂😂
@Theology101AndrewKim 15 часов назад
@superquad7 День назад
You're teaching solid, biblical truth. Amen. Keep up the great work here. This is a fantastic video! I'm hoping to watch many more.
@Theology101AndrewKim День назад
I appreciate that!
@radmcbad1576 День назад
Wow, I am glad I stumbled onto your channel. I agree with you when you say we have to presuppose god, for a different set of reasons but I don't disagree with your reasons. The way I look at it, in order for the king to provide the certainty that he exists, one needs to treat him like a king and have faith first. You might say, that you should presuppose his existence sincerely and earnestly. Hebrews 11:6 KJV But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 NIV 6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. We also arrive at the wisdom message for different reasons, though I think your reasons here are also correct. When the atheist for instance, claims that the big bang was the uncaused cause and nothing came before the big bang. We should be able to plainly think about how from nothing, also nothing comes. However, what we believe, is there was always something even before the big bang. An eternal god, which is the unmoved mover. I think that their claims are brought about by spiritual warefare, instead of just the lack of wisdom. 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 2 Corinthians 11:14 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. Ephesians 6:11 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
@Theology101AndrewKim День назад
Great points! Although I would say that spiritual warfare underlies why unbelievers lack wisdom since Satan is the one who blinds the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4). So I don’t think we really disagree on much.
@jason002YT День назад
I love your video as you described me perfectly in the start of your video as I've had all the thoughts you talked about. I've even said to friends that I feel schizophrenic when it comes to believing in God. I truly struggle with agnosticism. This comes to my mind after watching the video: Per creation everything has to have a first uncaused cause, but doesn't "first" imply time? Did time not exist before God created time? I'm assuming the answer by the very nature of the question is: no, time did not exist until God created time. Though, that seems illogical as I said "until God created", "until" implies time did exist before God created it. How is this logical? If we only believe ideas that are logical by presuming axioms (in this case, God), and we say God is infinite, isn't that saying nothing at all? I mean lets replace the word "God" with "infinite", and we presume the axiom that everything comes from the infinite. How can we build a logical model from the axiom of infinity? I don't know, but it seems like if I start there I can come up with an infinite amount of ideas to believe in. Is everything we believe a presumption? Is that what faith is?
@Theology101AndrewKim День назад
It depends how a person defines "time." Time is a tool humans have created to measure sequence of events from a certain beginning point. The difference between living a in a time continuum or a timeless continuum is that time has a beginning point. Theoretically, one can live in a timeless continuum where there is no measurement of our sequence of actions/events since there is no beginning, as is the case with God. Thus, God is timeless since he has no beginning point (uncaused cause). We currently live measuring our sequence of events with "time" because our current timeline does have a beginning point. However, this does not mean that God was not acting or events did not occur before the our beginning point. So, God operates outside of our "time" because he did not begin at the same point as we do. We function within time because we have a starting point. Time is simply a tool we utilize to measure the sequence of events from a beginning point but if there are infinite past actions/events, as is the case with God, how does one measure that with "time" if there is no beginning point?
@jason002YT День назад
@@Theology101AndrewKim "Theoretically, one can live in a timeless continuum where there is no measurement of our sequence of actions/events since there is no beginning, as is the case with God." Per a timeless continuum, are suggesting that God has a sequence of events within that timeless continuum? "Thus, God is timeless since he has no beginning point (uncaused cause)." If he has no beginning point, how can he have a sequence of events? How could he ever arrive at his current event if his events sequence into an infinite digress? "Time is simply a tool we utilize to measure the sequence of events from a beginning point but if there are infinite past actions/events, as is the case with God, how does one measure that with "time" if there is no beginning point?" I don't know as I don't understand it, and hence I'm troubled to make any claims referring to the concept.
@KristaC-fi3lu 4 дня назад
I live this topic learning about God’s attributes!!! Do you have any more on God’s omnipresence?
@Theology101AndrewKim 4 дня назад
That’s good to hear! I am releasing lecture segments that go over the attributes of God in the coming weeks.
@dirkwestoven2091 4 дня назад
pretty cool explanation!
@Theology101AndrewKim 4 дня назад
Glad you liked it!
@KristaC-fi3lu 5 дней назад
I’m curious why the apostles drew lots in chapter 1 to decide who was to replace Judas? Why didn’t they pray about it? Is drawing lots like a game of chance?
@Theology101AndrewKim 5 дней назад
Here is an online article that explains the practice of casting lots: www.gotquestions.org/casting-lots.html This was a Jewish practice to allow God to determine the results from a game of “chance.” However, Christians don’t continue this practice because it is unnecessary, as the article states.
@KristaC-fi3lu 5 дней назад
Very interesting article on lots. God allowed it for that time. It was explained well!
@KristaC-fi3lu 7 дней назад
Just wondering, when Paul was arrested, did he ever get legal help or a lawyer to get him out of prison or did they not have that kind support? It seems he endured his imprisonment and trusted God alone.
@Theology101AndrewKim 6 дней назад
He defended himself and appealed to his Roman citizenship to get favorable verdicts. Also, he was a trained lawyer of Jewish law as a Pharisee although it wouldn’t help much in the Roman government.
@vd7313 7 дней назад
I think I fall in the middle. I don’t think it’s as clear cut as the 2 sides make it out to be.
@Theology101AndrewKim 7 дней назад
there are middle stances such as "soft" complementarianism.
@vd7313 7 дней назад
@@Theology101AndrewKim lol I don’t think I fit either one
@rebelalliance1074 8 дней назад
Unitarianism makes far more sense than Trinitarianism.
@Theology101AndrewKim 7 дней назад
How so?
@rebelalliance1074 7 дней назад
@Theology101AndrewKim , basic logic, history, simple facts.
@nicbentulan 9 дней назад
why bother including john here if bart's entire claim is about synoptic gospels?
@joaquinvargas6351 9 дней назад
Today tithe is false doctrine
@joaquinvargas6351 9 дней назад
Don't confuse offerings with tithe
@LoKnows 10 дней назад
@Theology101AndrewKim 10 дней назад
@dkkim9054 10 дней назад
Good one!🔥🙌
@Theology101AndrewKim 10 дней назад
Thanks 🔥
@ryanholmes5875 13 дней назад
Why would anyone think it’s about a good or happy situation?just that scripture alone with no context don’t apply to be about sunshine and rainbows 🌈?? I thought i was gonna learn something here but all you have to do is read the book of Joshua ❤🎉
@Theology101AndrewKim 13 дней назад
Did you even watch the video beyond the introduction?
@kevindavis4709 17 дней назад
What hurt me with Christian’s is. As a visually impaired man I found out some Christian’s can be shallow as the worldly folks.
@Theology101AndrewKim 17 дней назад
Sorry to hear.
@williamyang8989 18 дней назад
Came here for diamond buying advice. Left with so much more!
@Theology101AndrewKim 18 дней назад
@nickkeaton78 18 дней назад
Beautifully done brother! Just found your channel, looking forward to watching your content.
@Theology101AndrewKim 18 дней назад
Welcome aboard!
@LoKnows 18 дней назад
I usually don't "like" videos. I've gotten to the point with these videos, where I "like" the video before hearing it. They offer so much VALUE! Thanks again!!.
@Theology101AndrewKim 18 дней назад
Thank you! I’m glad these videos are helpful.
@andrewkim6037 18 дней назад
Great point, aside from God, there is no objective morality.
@Theology101AndrewKim 18 дней назад
Thank you! Hope you’re doing well!
@AnnaO-s5c 20 дней назад
Great job. Enjoyed the style of the video,too. Thanks!
@Theology101AndrewKim 19 дней назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@AnnaO-s5c 19 дней назад
@@Theology101AndrewKim absolutely. I don’t think this topic is discussed nearly enough. But when you find yourself victimized by this, it begins to be very important. I only hope to be one who learns the lesson and avoids becoming one who practices favoritism. Good leaders have to be impartial 🙏🏽❤️👍
@AZ-ou1oc 20 дней назад
The messiah is a man. The last Adam. And seed of the woman. Man is the image of YHWH. So the messiah cannot be YHWH. The messiah prayed to YHWH. He worships YHWH. The trinity is satanic
@KristaC-fi3lu 21 день назад
Simple but profound!! You sure get me thinking! 😄😄
@Theology101AndrewKim 21 день назад
I'm so glad!
@ketuaRT9 23 дня назад
with this specific issues, u have 2000+ materials for your video, since there's so many denominations of cristian out there waiting to be compare
@Theology101AndrewKim 22 дня назад
I’m not sure what you mean. How is there 2000 types of material?
@BoldFollower 25 дней назад
Do you have a video on the basics of what it means to be a Christian breaking down the Nicene creed?
@Theology101AndrewKim 25 дней назад
Not a specific video. But I can make one for the future.
@BoldFollower 25 дней назад
@@Theology101AndrewKim 🙏🏻
@BoldFollower 25 дней назад
Everyone needs to hear this. So many people major on minors.
@Theology101AndrewKim 25 дней назад
I agree
@LoKnows 28 дней назад
So good!
@Theology101AndrewKim 28 дней назад
@dkkim9054 28 дней назад
@Theology101AndrewKim 28 дней назад
@KristaC-fi3lu Месяц назад
That would be great!
@GezahegnAsmamaw Месяц назад
Thank you
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
You’re welcome
@KristaC-fi3lu Месяц назад
Very interesting. I never knew the context of that verse! You’d think that the Israelites would be in absolute awe of living around the Arc of the Covenant and witnessing first hand the power of God!!!! I don’t want to ever lose my awe of God’s power!
@KristaC-fi3lu Месяц назад
Wondering if you have any videos on the armor of God from Ephesians 6? I want to get better at daily putting on the whole armor of God.
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
I don’t have any videos on it but I will preach on it at some point!
@heleyy Месяц назад
Thank you🙏🏽
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
You are so welcome
@cashabea Месяц назад
@BoldFollower Месяц назад
One of the verses I was named after
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
@LoKnows Месяц назад
Wow, I’ve noticed syncretism happening everywhere. I just didn’t know it had a name to it.
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
Yup…very common unfortunately
@RoyalClothMinistries Месяц назад
Good teaching brother
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
Thank you!
@josephchon6037 Месяц назад
People need to watch your videos more
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
Thanks for your kind words. Feel free to share anything that was helpful to you.
@KristaC-fi3lu Месяц назад
Interesting how Elijah ran away in fear when he had just experienced the great power of God! I need to remind myself constantly of the great power of God I have witnessed in my own life time and time again!
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
@d2ajaygamer333 Месяц назад
@d2ajaygamer333 Месяц назад
@LoKnows Месяц назад
Aw man, just did a study on this. The hiding the truth part is insane!!! Thanks!
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
You’re welcome!
@stella3615 Месяц назад
The Bible tell us that the old heaven and the old earth will pass away and a new heaven and a new earth will come out of YAH. It did not give no indications that this place earth would be renewed, the bible said a new heaven and a new earth will come out of YAH.
@Theology101AndrewKim Месяц назад
That is debated. Scholars differ on whether the term “new” means ex nihilo new earth or a restored new earth. The word “new” in Greek can refer to either.
@stella3615 Месяц назад
@@Theology101AndrewKim I believe what the WORD OF YAHUAH TELL ME
@J.T.Stillwell3 2 месяца назад
This doctrine is incoherent. You cannot ascribe the property “can be created out of” to an absolute negation (nothing). A=A, not -A = A.
@Theology101AndrewKim 2 месяца назад
which is why only God can transcend "logical" categories...
@J.T.Stillwell3 2 месяца назад
@@Theology101AndrewKim that’s the fallacy of special pleading, and it leads to absurd conclusions. If God transcends the law of identity then it would mean he could be satan and himself, it means he could be himself and not himself, that he could exist and not exist. It would fallow thst God could make your statement that God “transcends logic” both true and false. This is what happens when you say that God transcends the laws of logic. On your view it follows that God could be a liar and not a liar. Once you go down this road sir, you’ve lost the debate. The laws of logical are literally what it means to exist, and therefore to say that God transcends the laws of logic is to assert that “God transcends existence” which is a meaningless string of words. Anything that is must be itself and not not itself because that what it means to be, that’s what it means to exist.
@dkkim9054 2 месяца назад
3:47 🤣🤣
@KristaC-fi3lu 2 месяца назад
I’m going to check all those passages out. I love to learn more about the Holy Spirit! What would we do without him!
@KristaC-fi3lu 2 месяца назад
I’d love to learn more about this topic of evil kings and really how God used them in spite of their wickedness!
@Theology101AndrewKim 2 месяца назад
hopefully I'll teach through 1 and 2 Kings one day so we can dive deeper into this topic.
@KristaC-fi3lu 2 месяца назад
Was the Holy Spirit there when God was speaking directly to people in the Bible like Moses?
@Theology101AndrewKim 2 месяца назад
It depends. Sometimes it is God the Father speaking (Isaiah 63:16-17). Sometimes it is the "angel of the Lord," a reference to pre-incarnate Jesus, who spoke (Genesis 22:12, Exodus 3:2; Judges 2:1-4; 5:23; 6:11-24; 13:3-22; 2 Samuel 24:16; Zechariah 1:12; 3:1; 12:8. And other times it is the "Spirit of God," reference to the Holy Spirit who spoke (Nehemiah 9:20; Nehemiah 9:30). So, you would need to look at the textual clues to see which person of the Trinity is speaking to specific Old Testament saints.