I like films, shows, games, books and just finished dumping a lot of time and money into Student Debt and a University Degree so I'm doing what any sensible person would do and I'm making RU-vid videos about films, shows, games and maybe books if I have the time.
@gatorsniper 14 дней назад
Good video
@gatorsniper 14 дней назад
Holy hell I hate finding all the riddler trophies it’s the worst part of any of them
@drekbleh7081 14 дней назад
"You know everyone feels off, but Deigo and Lila becoming parents and have kids (and providing a good life for them with Lila's parents) feels like they're the only ones in the family making progress despite struggling-" >The 5 and Lila thing happens "...why would anyone do this? Why must the last bit of wholesome progress be tainted last second?"
@just-a-simple-mirage 14 дней назад
It baffles and confuses me. I don't even think we can even blame AI for this one it's just bad writing.
@OffTheTopRope 15 дней назад
Nice video, keep it up 👍
@hunter7643 22 дня назад
I thought season 2 was good :( but yeah if s3 and 4 just didn’t exist it would be great. Oh if only I could go back to being fully enthralled with what they were going to do next with the characters in season 3 lol
@just-a-simple-mirage 21 день назад
Compared to S3 and 4, Season 2 is great but compared to S1 it just lacks that charm. Still good but it does the classic sequel season thing of adding a bunch of lore for hooks that we now know lead nowhere.
@mrdc687 22 дня назад
It’s not bad
@just-a-simple-mirage 21 день назад
I enjoyed playing it too much to say it was bad, it's just disappointing and poorly executed.
@mrdc687 21 день назад
@@just-a-simple-mirage well I found nothing wrong with it
@bamjamw 22 дня назад
im starting to appreciate season 3 more now that ive seen season 4 season 3 had so many unexplained storylines that where supposed to be touched this season but i guess they didnt have enough episodes
@just-a-simple-mirage 21 день назад
Season 3 wasn't great and possibly still my least favourite but it at least felt complete. Season 4 feels rushed and missing large chunks of a much larger story.
@mancamiatipoola 27 дней назад
I feel like most modern devs are pretty out of touch with the community they are trying to make games for. Most RTS games from the early 2000s became successful because they had solid campaigns with decent characters and voice acting and story. The multiplayer success came after that. Now devs are trying to skimp on the campaigns because they are hard to make. They require the most investment of time and resources. But most gamers nowadays are casual people that have jobs and families, they are not the try hard kids of the 90s who were a niche in the entertainment industry. And the numbers also show that most people play RTS games for the campaign, not the pvp aspect. Here is a good question: when is the last time you played a RTS game that had such a good story campaign that you still remember it to this day? For me it was Homeworld Deserts of Kharak which had a short but memorable campaign with a great story and decent voice acting. Those guys didnt try to make it into the e-sports scene, they just made a great sci fi RTS game on a desert planet and made it look interesting. Stormgate feels like an ugly retarded deformed clone of SC2 and that is too sad. Giant Grant Games made a very good video on this subject called "Why the next RTS game will fail". He is talking about RTS games in general, but boy it sure feels like it targeted this game...
@just-a-simple-mirage 27 дней назад
I agree largely with what you're saying, though I don't think the devs or execs of these games are out of touch it's just that they only listen to the praise. Short small changes or criticism is fine, we see this with Stormgate where they're saying they're going to fix the models and polish of the campaign pieces they've released, yet this won't change the story or the content that just isn't grabbing people. That kind of change is too big, even though the campaign seems hardly built, so the devs will only in that respect uplift and highlight voices that praise those elements. Is Stormgate the worst story I've ever watched/read/played? No. It could be way better though but that would require a fair amount of time and effort that would be seen as a draw away from the money-making Online. I'll check out that video as well because I do think RTS as a genre is one that never broke out of that traditional hardcore gamer that wants that good solo experience and that doesn't make the millions and billions companies want.
@bigbox1431 28 дней назад
Correction: PlayStation never said they were reverting back to a single player focus. While they did cancel 3 Live Service games in 2023, Hiroki Titoki said that their GAAS strategy remains unchanged. Plus, in May we saw the majority of their studios were working on Live Service projects.
@just-a-simple-mirage 27 дней назад
This is true, I went back to look at his statements and whilst it's mostly corpo speak he does mention staying on the live-service path. Although, there was a significant downshift in the output of that (12 to 6 for 2026) and I don't think I could confidently say that the majority of their studios are working on LS. It also doesn't change the bloated LS market either, there are a lot of them that die before even a week has passed. Naughty Dog and Insomniac ditched theirs and Playstation's big game this fall/Christmas is a single-player platformer in Astro Bot. Sony does also have the PSVR2 so I would assume a portion of their studios are working there as well. Helldivers looks like it managed to carve itself a place even after they came in to ruin the party but Concord look DOA and with Bungie and Firesprite actively falling apart and PS London and Deviation Games having actually fallen apart I'm not sure how many of those initial 12 games are still going especially with all the job losses and studio closures. It'll be interesting to see it play out over the months and I'll be interested to see if something as big as GTA 6's Online can break through the barrier so many other Live Services have died at.
@bigbox1431 25 дней назад
@@just-a-simple-mirage In May 2024, PlayStation held a big presentation and showed off a bunch of slides. On one slide, they showed a too row of "single player focused studios" and on the bottom row was "transitioning or Live Service focused studios". If you count up the studios, you'll see the bottom row had more.
@shyzunk Месяц назад
I still remember the emotional moments in warcraft 3 campaign so many years later even though mechanically, it was clumsy and graphics were intentionally underpowered for it's time. With Stormgate one, my main feeling so far was "Is that it?" Both story and length are lacking. Actual missions get better over time, but so far 9 missions were announced and I played through 6 of them in half an afternoon. It would be a nice free intro to the campaign but if I am paying full price for future mission packs they better have more stuff in them. And I would like them to add more content to the current ones as well to restore good faith.
@just-a-simple-mirage 29 дней назад
100%, Starcraft 2 was my first RTS and the moment the Zerg overrun Mar Sara has stuck with me even before the cutscene kicked in. Launching into EA without an intro campaign to match that or have any kind of hook will require some reputation repair for me personally.
@snuffeldjuret Месяц назад
10:18 oh yeah Im gonna buy starcraft remastered and play the campaign for the first time since the 1998 lunch
@snuffeldjuret Месяц назад
what is even more important than good gameplay for an esports game is a large viewer base, and that comes from just a big audience
@snuffeldjuret Месяц назад
I really dislike the resources in this game crystals and gas is awesome gold and lumber (and oil) is awesome food lumber gold stone is awesome yellow glowy mineral and green glowy mineral is not good
@zeoncrystal Месяц назад
3:45 yes yes yes wholeheartedly agree, Stormgate feels like it wants to do so many things but it lacks a clear direction.
@mihaideta9800 Месяц назад
well keep in mind that they marketed it as a free starcraft so they kinda made it for multiplayer more pvp than for campaign and all that. I mean the campaign is weak, weak story not very "i care about these characters" like, but thing about it as a free rts like age of empires online was once, and it was closed later. But i think its a nice game from a lets play a rts pvp for free game.
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
To me it wasn't clearly communicated that it was going to focus so heavily on the multiplayer PvP. I backed the project thinking that the online was just a bonus if I liked the campaign they were doing. I think a FTP RTS is a good idea but the monetization heavily leans towards a pay-to-win exploitative loop that really doesn't fit for an RTS and since a lot of other free RTS games have closed down I don't see a bright future for the game as of right now.
@mihaideta9800 Месяц назад
@@just-a-simple-mirage when i read about the game this is what i undersstood from that very old article and that is was going to be free. But my opinion is that the game needs a lot of refining from a design point of view and i like a free rts. But again if you backed it i understand your displeasure, plus you payed more than the game itself. On crowdfunding i'd never pay more than what i pay for a pizza, because tehre are lot of project that show a overachieved project.
@wwld9823 Месяц назад
I don't understand why you people are so afraid of playing with other players, just pretend they are AI its not like you need to talk to them
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
It's not about being afraid of playing with other people, it's about not wanting to have to be connected to the Online Metagame that many multiplayer games have especially RTS games.
@ThatZenoGuy 26 дней назад
AI don't use the most comically cheesy sweaty and OP meta tactics every single time. Modern sweatlords do, however. Why play a game when it is a stressful sweat-fest, when I could just play some singleplayer game and have fun?... If I wanted heavy competition, I'd join a boxing league.
@procerusgigas Месяц назад
Honestly game looks like trash, its super slow, sc2 was action packed. And visually its really bad as well, which doesnt help.
@ameeshupadhyay Месяц назад
AOE2 and the age games are still out there for the RTS itch if you're boycotting Activision
@RitsuCurisu Месяц назад
It feels like a SC2 Custom Map ported to Warcraft Reforged.
@htpcnerd Месяц назад
At 4:22 you made a very insightful comment that I haven't seen mentioned in reviews or forums. "If you're playing an RTS, you're probably an introvert who doesn't like other people or want to play with them". Completely agreed. It's not catering to solo gameplay, and it is odd.
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
I think it mixes with the larger point of the game not target the core RTS demographic with quality singleplayer content. Introverted or not, most RTS games live and die by their campaigns.
@Sleexb Месяц назад
Classical case of putting the cart before the horse.... StarCraft did not emerge into this world with everyone wanted to do eSports in it right away. People got hooked on the fictional universe first then multiplayer
@paulpanzer7628 Месяц назад
I think Stormgate will bring the RTS genre forward. In the sense that future RTS developers can look at it and know what mistakes to avoid.
@JustinK0 Месяц назад
The bad "player vs player" players dont care about pvp and the other features are farther behind (because competitive pvp is a lot more important) so they dont like the current state of the game. Rather than moving on, they are crying and watching other videos just to complain about it.
@foujiz Месяц назад
And yet, your "most important" pvp mode only represent 15% of the launched games. Because what REALLY brings customers to a RTS is, and has ALWAYS been, the campaign.
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
I'm a little confused on if this is insulting me or people who like RTS PvP. In either cases I think PvP is important for the genre but without a strong base for solo or casual play would there be enough fans to support a competitive scene?
@pixel1145 Месяц назад
This game looks so ugly and uninspired. There are zero reasons to prefer this to SC2, and Stormgate manage to look way worse than a 10+ years old game, meanwhile an unknown studio can deliver a way better quality with immortals gate of pyre. Same engine by the way, you may not like it, but it's well done. Units in Stormgate looks like plastic toys, boring, badly made, and they have the amount of poligons you could find in the first quake. All this in unreal engine 5? That engine can eat millions of poligons like it's nothing and this is what we get? Also the maps are all blurry, zero details, repetition like there is no tomorrow...this would be ok for an indie solo dev, not mighty ex Blizzard
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
Thanks for the game reccomendation, I'll look into it. The engine itself isn't an issue, I have similar complaints with the art style which I think lead into how the game itself feels. That visceral feeling is missing so far and something I can hope they add though I'm not holding my breath.
@jeusmarcomascarina4102 Месяц назад
​@@just-a-simple-mirageIf I ever want to play like this art style. I rather play war legends because they had more interesting storyline than stormgate.
@jesseroper1206 Месяц назад
Sounds like you only played the beta
@pixel1145 Месяц назад
@@jesseroper1206 I backed the game, I got access to all betas and EA
@agooglyminotaur169 Месяц назад
Most people who are still playing SC2 and WC3 do so for 1v1 multiplayer, and I think among hardcore fans that's seen as the "core" game mode of RTS. And Frost Giant has said that they don't intend to release a full campaign at launch - it will theoretically be released in mission packs of 2-3 at a time. That said, I agree with all the other points you made. What they've released so far looks unpolished and like the company is spread thin. And for people who are looking for an engaging single-player RTS campaign to play, this ain't it.
@foujiz Месяц назад
Most people that are playing SC2 are doing it for the custom games. The ladder is dead and does not represent a sustainable playerbase. Campaign, co-op and Arcade players, that sometimes go on the ladder are the heart of an RTS. Not the 1v1 fanatics that, as their own graph shows, are a minority. By forgetting WHO are the true RTS players, they doomed their game. The gameplay could be perfect, with that art direction and story, there is NO WAY I'm switching over to Stormgate.
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
I can understand seeing the long-term players as 1v1 players but I also think that there needs to be consideration of converting casual players into hardcore players and that comes with a decent solo experience with RTS games in my opinion. As for the campaign releases, we'll have to see how it goes and their quality upon their release. It does look so far that this will be a mostly online experience which is a shame for me personally.
@agooglyminotaur169 Месяц назад
@@just-a-simple-mirage Completely understood - I generally tend towards single-player games, even though I played a lot of 1v1 StarCraft, so I get it. The weakness of the campaign definitely contributes to sapping my enthusiasm for StormGate.
@alisamartinez7645 Месяц назад
This is why they can keep this shit!! I care an crap about pvp!! Thats not the reason to play Rts.If you cant deliver an Rts with good Story campaign then they can go fck themselves!! But what else im expecting from ACTIVISION Bobby Kottik bootlickers!? They make the same shit like theyr previous greedy company!!💩🖕
@pumpkinpie8235 Месяц назад
The worst is the artstyle and graphics, looks so ugly and nothing makes sense from a visual perspective.
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
Whilst I don't think the art style is the absolute worst I've ever seen I do think there is an issue with how they've used it. Some units look too similar and the environments are way too cluttered and busy which can be distracting or outright blocking in some cases. It's part of what I think won't be able to be changed in a meaningful way for the better during the game's early access run.
@ObeyRL99 2 месяца назад
I like the review. somehow I've played this for 3 hours and couldn't be bothered to finish it. None the less I watched your review to the end.
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
Thank you! Animal Well is a great game and truly unique but I do admit it can feel a little tedious, I'd recommend watching a playthrough for sure just to see the ending which is very nice imo
@yanisttc 2 месяца назад
What I like about this game is that it rewards the curiosity that you can have exploring the map and linking elements together. A great thing to notice in Animal Well is that if there is a part on the map that is black, it doesn't mean that there is nothing here, it means that you didn't discover this part yet and that you need to find a way to it. Also , no item is useless. Keep exploring, there are still many mysteries that need to be solved
@just-a-simple-mirage Месяц назад
I imagine I missed a lot of tiny details in the game which is just a testament to how detailed and beautifully crafted the game is. I can't wait to see what secrets are revealed over the next months and years.