I enjoy swearing at videogames, while I happen to be recording it. Usually 2 game series run concurrently, with daily uploads. You can request a game to be played, but there's several in the queue since they're usually rather long games.

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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #11
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #10
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #9
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #8
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #7
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #6
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #5
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #4
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #3
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #2
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Let's Play Hobo Tough Life | Stream #1
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #14
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #13
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #12
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #11
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #10
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #9
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #8
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #7
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #6
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #5
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Let's Play Wizardry 8 | Stream #4
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@mikedimarco1889 2 дня назад
I heard about this game recently and looking forward to playing it myself. Happy to see this playthrough in your playlist channel, a lot of stuff I'm looking forward to watching. Keep up the good work!
@mikedimarco1889 2 дня назад
The game is certainly rough around the edges, but the story largely makes up for it. I like how Machival himself foreshadowed Uraths revival by having Joseph submerge his hand in the forge, what he said was a lie but there was a grain of truth in it. It is funny, however, how the forge changes form between the first and 2nd time we see it. The first time the forge has a convenient hand-sized hole in it. The 2nd time its an open pit that one can swan dive into.
@mikedimarco1889 2 дня назад
While the PC version seems to have fixed a lot of small issues, they seem to have missed some critical things when making the transfer. Namely I never noticed a chain attack walkthrough, a camera tutorial nor an equipping your summoning ring tutorial, which is critical to understanding how summon rings gather power. Overall if you first played the PC version you were in the dark about things critical to the game and just needed to figure it out yourself. The camera and chain attacks are one thing I suppose, but you'd never know your summon rings gain a low amount of passive experience at all times, but more when they are equipped unless you were really perceptive.
@mikedimarco1889 3 дня назад
Rosiland casting magic through a wall, awesome
@mikedimarco1889 3 дня назад
Ya the third part of the game drags on if you do all side quests. After you defeat Murod, Sornehan and Galienne all the tension is depleted since the Demons had little build up, were only seen for 5 seconds prior to their final fight and don't speak. Poor Durgan, guy is a chad for sticking it out that long, possibly the most annoying quest in the game and easy to miss.
@mikedimarco1889 4 дня назад
Both Jehkar and Rosiland can be very power if you use blunt and staff respectively and max critical hit on both; but thats pretty reliant on getting the debasser and fellstaff from easy-to-miss 1 time vendors
@mikedimarco1889 4 дня назад
Too bad you didn't accept that Oni's sidequest; you may have discovered vendors in Wolong if you had went back
@mikedimarco1889 5 дней назад
The backstab is being cancelled because she is retargeting an enemy that is currently attacking her, as they are a higher ai priority than a helpless enemy. Having multiple characters in melee helps spread the aggro around, letting you be more free to backstab. I would think if Flece 'grew up' in Orenia then she should have been old enough to have solid memories of her time there. Perhaps that statement shouldn't be taken literally or she has repressed memories because of the trauma of losing her mother. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but would Machival logically be able to access Yago's memories regarding the Nhuvasarim lore? Seems like a stretch since Yago wouldn't willingly reveal that, but I'm sure we're not meant to think on it too much.
@mikedimarco1889 5 дней назад
Keeping the soldiers alive for the entire descent only means they become Pijian fodder.
@mikedimarco1889 6 дней назад
Imagine the key to the slave pit phasing down into the slave pit. Great game design
@mikedimarco1889 6 дней назад
The closest character to the monster pulls aggro, regardless of whether you've attacked it or not or what kind of damage you are doing. When an enemy dodges an attack the graphic of moving backward can move them closer to another character thus forcing them to switch targets. Also the minotaur's melee range is wider than normal so flece will always get aggro.
@mikedimarco1889 6 дней назад
The trip ability is actually logically accurate; you can't trip flying enemies, very large enemies or enemies with 4 legs. Basically only works on average sized humanoids.
@mikedimarco1889 8 дней назад
I was also happy to find this series and am enjoying it. Well commentated. I'm really looking forward to your reaction to the reward from turning in that bleeding heart guys lute.
@mikedimarco1889 8 дней назад
I'd agree with your logic but sadly "Sneaking' simply makes you move without making a sound and invisibility only makes you invisible. You need to combine Invisibility with Sneak to be truly undetectable; and even then, a monster can still detect you if you get to close. The rule of thumb with backstab is to never get too close, rather start a few yards behind the target, use the ability and let Flece close the minimum distance needed to perform the attack. And Flece having invisibility allows her to use it even if no other casters are in the party.
@audiogarden21 9 дней назад
5:50. "A mode for players who 'excel' at action games. Not me." Chairman Lmao.
@mikedimarco1889 10 дней назад
Wow. I had no idea you could skip the ghost rider fight entirely by getting to Lenele without getting an encounter. I wonder if it was a built-in mercy rule thing?
@bean_curry 10 дней назад
Drinking game idea: take a shot every time they say "chaos"
@Halfstunthalfman 11 дней назад
Let’s gooooo my first time watching this game!!! Looks exciting!
@billybrooks1365 12 дней назад
William's going to need liposuction after all that grease 😂 I can't wait for you to play the sequel eventually.
@comradecrimsonsmaidenporiu8766 12 дней назад
Yoooo this game is awesome neat choice :D
@mikedimarco1889 13 дней назад
Joshua > Joseph anyway
@mikedimarco1889 14 дней назад
I know the game is called summoner, but its best to pretend summons don't exist in this game. They are ultimately a waste of your time
@mikedimarco1889 14 дней назад
Potential plot hole created in this part of the story; the conversation between Flece and Yago implies this is their first meeting, yet due to what we find out later (cough cough spoilers) Yago must have recruited Flece, and thus already spoke to her prior to Joseph entering Lenele since she so conveniently was waiting to encounter Joseph when he tried to enter the palace. One could argue that such a deal was struck between this conversation in the palace and Joseph being reunited with them but, again, its beyond coincidence that Flece was conveniently waiting for Joseph at the gate to the palace. One could also argue that this conversation between Flece and Yago can be handwaved for the sake of keeping the player in the dark, and one could ignore this potential plot hole.
@mikedimarco1889 14 дней назад
I've watched a few of parts of this playthrough. So far I can say I enjoyed your commentary and sense of humor. I hope at some point you do click on boxes/ barrels because my OCD demands it. And I agree with you; Superb >> Superior.
@billybrooks1365 15 дней назад
1:53:02 Ayy from the Fallout LP!
@devilhdante 16 дней назад
1:47:06 No, it's because you forgot(yet again) to equip his heavy combat armor. You do realize that you have to double click twice (once to unequip your current armor and again to to equip the armor that you choose) in order to equip armor, right? 😂
@devilhdante 19 дней назад
Orcs work for the city government. Halloweeners work for the Yakuza. Eye-Fivers work for the Mafia. 3:09:47
@devilhdante 21 день назад
When looking for the feathered serpent: once you enter the cave, you go down one and then west 3 times! How did you forget this?! You did this once already. xD And you alluded to the directions at 1:31:43! Also, why do you refuse to to use the computer terminals?! They shut down the alarms, jam the cameras and tell you where the the package is! Honestly, you make stuff harder for yourself....
@mikeo.4203 21 день назад
I remember this game as kid. I felt such an immense accomplishment once I was able to get past Lenele. I think I was like 9-10 when I played it. Had a hard time with this game. I gotta play this game again!
@comradecrimsonsmaidenporiu8766 22 дня назад
"Well that was a bad idea" 🤣
@devilhdante 24 дня назад
37:06 This is why you level up attributes first before skills. If Joshua's body skill was max, you wouldn't have gotten the shit kicked out of you so quickly by the Black IC. Also, at 1:04:20, don't know why you keep saying the security badges aren't worth it. They DO last indefinitely and if you leveled your charisma, they would work very well. 🤔 2:26:40: You forgot to sell your datafiles from Mitsuhama to Roscoe after you freed Aragorn. 😅
@devilhdante 25 дней назад
Nope, Stark stays at Underground 93 in the P-Barrens(Puyallup Barrens) after you rescue him from the wilderness and get him the prototype cyberheart from Fuchi. Also, you robbed Freya and dismissed her. 😂😂😂 Also, you should've bought Rebound level 6 from Kipp David. Rebound deflects attacks back at Blaster/Black IC, which would help lessen the amount of damage you take plus it damages them.
@alanlogan6663 Месяц назад
Have had the original game on PS1 since 1998, one of my favorites, a mix of Resident Evil/ Final Fantasy
@devilhdante Месяц назад
Also, you finally realized you were talking about Mana Storm and not Mana Blast in terms of mana drain 1:09:30. Idk how you managed to get the 2 spells confused. Only took you an episode and a half to realize the difference. 😂😂😂
@devilhdante Месяц назад
Caleb's contact Kipp David sells better versions of rebound and degrade(level 6) compared to Gunderson's (Wilma only sells you level 3 versions). Also, you didn't sell the shotgun. You just unequipped it when you got Winston his spurs and other cyberwear. You've been carrying it around. The badges sold by Max lasted more than 1 run in my multiple playthroughs. They stayed in my group items. I got by guards easily(the only issue was the random encounters with security mages where there's a 50/50 chance of either being attacked or the mage waves you by). Also, why the hell didn't you use the security terminal on level 1 to shut off the alarms?! If you had invested some karma in electronics for Joshua, you could've shut down the alarms and jammed the cameras. You even mention it at 2:29:09! 😂🤦‍♂️ Winston's rate went back to his normal rate because he got the shit kicked out of him twice (once by Lone Star in Renraku Arcology and once by Mitsuhama security). Lastly, the difference between this playthrough and your other lets play is that you fastforwarded through the grinding; you're too focused on reading chat, which leads you to cancel missions and get sidetracked frequently; and you recklessly dive into things like rescuing Aragorn without proper planning or execution.
@alanlogan6663 Месяц назад
Zombies can, indeed, go through doors. At least in this particular game
@alanlogan6663 Месяц назад
Your best one
@R0YB0T Месяц назад
really like the frame around the video
@zenmichael Месяц назад
Why do the underground wizards have chia hair heads?
@devilhdante Месяц назад
Also, the reason why Winston may be leaving the party is maybe he doesnt like working with Walking Bear? I've noticed that some shadowrunners will leave after a run(when you get paid by a Mr. Johnson) due to certain conditions. For example Freya, the elf mage that you can recruit in Club Penumbra, will leave after you do a run with Vigore and Jarl. She will reveal that she doesnt like them because their contracts are a little too slick and she doesn't trust them(rightfully so)
@erosoropeza8609 Месяц назад
@erosoropeza8609 Месяц назад
@devilhdante Месяц назад
Edit: How did you manage to confuse Mana Storm with Mana Blast?! 😂🤦‍♂️ Dude, you need to focus on your current run. You've gone to Gunderson twice for runs when you were still under contract for simple matrix runs with Mortimer Reed...😂 😅 You keep forgetting where to deliver the package/client and you forgot that you were in the middle of a bodyguard run when you got jumped by a Johnny Trenchcoat in the Penumbra district. 😂🤦‍♂️
@devilhdante Месяц назад
1:35:12 Alan Turing appears Btw, you didnt equip their armor jackets. You just unequipped their armor.
@devilhdante Месяц назад
Mortimer: "Where the f**k are those a**holes?!" 🤬 Also, why would you go to the hospital to heal youself when Walking Bear had a heal wounds spell?! 😅🤦‍♂️
@mauricesteel4995 Месяц назад
Ureksa does fight with a new version of his spear.
@mauricesteel4995 Месяц назад
oh,yeah, when i fought her, i did with my Mystic Ore enchanted Knuckle. i was livid, that thieving little piece of...
@mauricesteel4995 Месяц назад
Yes, there was an entire dungeon that you skipped by being spotted by the guard instead of going inside the cave.
@mauricesteel4995 Месяц назад
Took me a long time to realize that different guardian spirits can enchant different types of weapons. Rasho here, or how we know him, Bighorn, can only apply Mystic Ore to Axes and Drills. Other spirits (that are decided in the summoner's questionaire) can enchant other types. After you beat the game, there is a way to enchant all types of weapon.
@devilhdante Месяц назад
Yay, you played it again! 😊 Has your voice changed? Or is it a different microphone? I know its been 10 years since that Shadowrun LP, but your voice sounds both the same and different. On another note, those Halloweeners really want to kick the shit out of you. xD