Summer in CO ft a Special Guest!
12 лет назад
Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep
12 лет назад
Back to the Webcam
12 лет назад
Catching Up and Harry Potter
12 лет назад
HP survey
12 лет назад
Make shift Harry Potter survey
12 лет назад
Youtubers and Harry Potter posters
12 лет назад
Discovering talent
12 лет назад
A Video Brought to You Via Text
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
Dftba help
12 лет назад
Baby Cousin Time
12 лет назад
Beach, beach, let's go to the beach
12 лет назад
Last Time
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
Mr Planner
12 лет назад
Spur of the moment
12 лет назад
Summers finally here
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
The UK has like only 5 actors ;D
12 лет назад
I almost forgot to make a video
12 лет назад
Long Time No See
12 лет назад
More Avatar and other things
12 лет назад
I am the Avatar kinda
12 лет назад
Avatar! (not the movie)
12 лет назад
Its a one taker
12 лет назад
Hannah Fails at Multitasking
12 лет назад
@toshiareyes4842 8 лет назад
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
KristenDotCom - a Norwegian girl that has a wide range of videos and is great with video effects. (Face-book: the new headdesk, VOWIO #2 "Autumn", Day Trip) DanRezler - A Hoosier who loves cooking, nerdy things, and making jokes. (Dan leaves the House, Maximilian's Film Corner: Clayzilla, The Clockwork Universe) ThePianoGuys - One plays the piano, another plays a cello, but together they make awesome (often funny) music videos. (Cello Wars, Me and My Cello: Happy Together, Waterfall)
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
@emcskills 12 лет назад
So judging by the video, it seems like I'm the only one who participated in the name game. Why would no one play with me? BTW it was awesome meeting you guys yesterday!
@FiveDegreesOfAwesome 12 лет назад
I use a Canon rebel t2i. But the t3i is better for vlogging and they just came out with the t4i. A DFTBA musician I really like is Tom Milsom. But some of his stuff is experimental -Emily
@FiveDegreesOfAwesome 12 лет назад
Ohmigosh baby! -Emily
@FiveDegreesOfAwesome 12 лет назад
I'm using the rebel t2i. Its canon. But the rebel t4i just came out!
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
On Tumblr there's a meme thing going around, and I think it's from Korra. You take something that sounds nice and peaceful and then add "but everything changed when the fire nation attacked." I saw a picture of Colorado with that sentence, and I laughed then felt sad. So I don't blame you for "taking the fire thing lightly" as you put it.
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
**I guess it's not the worst in history. Yet anyways. These are just snippets of things I heard, so whether they hold credibility or not it's still scary to think about.
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
hawaiian skin* cuz your hawaiian. <3
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
I'm excited to film my video for next week now. Day trip to the mountains!
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
ohhhh ussss...... <3 <3 <3
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
I actually did make a video, and I uploaded it from my video editor, and it took an hour to do so. I went to bed and woke up the next morning and it had failed. Bah. However, I did want to say happy birthday to this collab, and congrats Shane on graduating! Hopefully the "real" world isn't too merciless.
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
I am going to comment before I forget to say it in my video next week. Black widow was iron man 2. I know we didn't get her back story but I think that was the only reintro that we got. And I have to say I was a big Iron Man fan going into the movie but the Hulk maybe at the same level now.
@orngecrushgirl 12 лет назад
punishment: make a whipped cream pie and smack it into your face
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
Bahaha last picture got messed up. *sigh* But yeah. I'm super glad this uploaded. Now I go to bed.
@me68883 12 лет назад
@syrymu 12 лет назад
Your father looks so energetic!! Ohmigosh! Senior year!! It'll be awesome once you get all your college stuff out of the way. AP physics is a really hard class. I took that AP test twice so I hope you get into that school. And Im doing VEDA so I'm like so busy and unable to make double videos on Friday... But I'm still doing the collab!! And GO to prom!! I went to my school prom, its an experience you only get once! Go to internet prom too! long comment is long :)
@syrymu 12 лет назад
Ohmigosh Doug!! I remember that show!! I loved it :)
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
I really did like the extra scenes with snow and seneca. It made the end so much better.
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
Just my luck. I swear I filmed and uploaded a video yesterday. It's not here. Bah. But yeah, I also found it weird that so many people weren't happy that they were black. It doesn't make sense. Silly people.
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
Ahh, I forgot to talk about VEDA. I guess I could try, but I think that I'd be the first to quit if we went with the whole who-can-go-the-longest thing. But I'll try!
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
The questions are in the description, and the questions are squished together. I have not the motivation to go change it. Sorry.
@gydesenme 12 лет назад
I love you. lol :D
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
1: you are hawaiian 2: sharks are people... they are MY people!!!
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
feel better!
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
Don't worry it uploaded friday. And I will watch Rhett and Link when I get the time.The cane video sounds funny.
@syrymu 12 лет назад
Hank and John just addressed this whole thing today on a post somewhere I can't seem to link too...
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
I read that article too and I can't do my homework because it's all that's been on my mind. I have no clue what to think, and I hope this gets sorted out soon because the credibility of nerdfighteria being a safe place has now gone down the drains.
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
I know, the moment I mentioned it, I felt like a hypocrite. Oops. Haha but now it's time for Emily to join a second collab, too!
@teenagewhovian 12 лет назад
Amazing. Peanut butter face FTW. XD
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
@Rockerkid27 Thanks, my mom definitely thought I was losing it when I was editing this together.
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
This is perfect. Good job,
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
I like the dancing idea now too.
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
... who wrote that last comment? thats my old youtube page/name......
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
One of my other internet friends, Sami, also went to see John and Hank on Wednesday. That's so cool! I got my copy yesterday (Friday) and I finished it six hours later. This book made me cry more than Harry freaking Potter did. ~Hannah
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
FIRST!!!! cuz i love you mostest!!!!!
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
I didn't realize that your state's team was the one that lost. That's how un-knowledgeable I am when it comes to football. Now that I think about it, I can't match any football team to their state other than the Broncos and Colorado, but it's kinda hard not to know your state. Sorry, it's nothing personal, I promise. D= ~Hannah
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
Yeah, I managed to make a video worth a dislike! Check that off my bucket list.
@gydesenme 12 лет назад
First..... I love ya..... Miss you tons
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
I forgot that my last video was going to be my final one from 2011... That's alright though, I liked that video. Also, the striped sweater song is stuck in my head. I sang it out loud and my little siblings looked at me weird. They didn't know the reference. I don't know where I went wrong. Also, I love Phineas and Ferb, but I never got to see the Christmas special or the movie. Is it good?
@Rockerkid27 12 лет назад
I forgot to comment on last week I think but phineas and ferb counts. That is one of my favorite shows.
@gydesenme 12 лет назад
i keep forgeting the days as well it weird
@TheHannahFactor449 12 лет назад
Alright, if Emily is okay with the double days for uploads then we can stick with that. Have you ever seen that thing where it says 2+2=5 in large quantities of 2? We could have an intro where it says something like 1+1+1=5 in large quantities of awesome. If that's too cheezy then we can trash it. But should we have an intro? Also, should we start the punishments after New Year's? I don't know how many times we've all been punished for skipping or going over time or what. Merry Christmas! Hannah
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
we're playing, scene it asap, btw. :D
@riannetta1 12 лет назад
byeee buddyyyy! hope you find your dad!
@gydesenme 12 лет назад
Yay I was mentioned