Fr. Francis Homilies. Theological reflections on the Sunday Lectionary readings.
22nd Sunday in O T  2024
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13th Sunday and TLM BAN Reflections
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11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 24
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10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024
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Corpus Christi 2024
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Voter Encouragement Video 2024
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Trinity Sunday 2024
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Pentecost 2024
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The Ascension 2024
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6th Sunday of Easter 2024
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5th Sunday of Easter 2024
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4th Sunday In Easter 2024
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3rd Sunday in Easter 2024
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Divine Mercy Sunday 2024
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@robertgortoniii9583 4 дня назад
Thank God for the Novus Ordo Mass!! I would never had remained Catholic if there was only Latin Mass
@stevensonrf 4 дня назад
@@robertgortoniii9583 how disgusting.
@robertgortoniii9583 4 дня назад
​@@stevensonrf I am a Music Director have been for forty years. I love the hymns we sing at Mass with organ. I love the sound of the people at Sunday Mass singing and particpating.We have the traditional Catholic devotions May Crowning, Stations Of The Cross, rosary prayed before Mass during months of May and October. Our Parish Rosary Society does the Living Rosary every October followed by benediction. Mass attendance is up in our Parish since Covid. Using "Worship Fourth Edition Hymnal" in our parish has been well received.
@stevensonrf 4 дня назад
@@robertgortoniii9583 And many parishes that welcome and celebrate the traditional Latin mass, can also report that they have great attendance. Many younger people love attending the traditional Latin mass. People also love the hymns that they sing at the traditional Latin mass. People love praying the Rosary before, and after mass in Latin mass parishes. People who love God will find Him There in the beautiful Latin Mass.
@Hallow334 4 дня назад
Makes you wonder if Jesus really didn't want the man to say anything or if he was using a little child psychology on him. It's almost wishful thinking to have a man, who was deaf and mute since birth, to not speak, now that he is able. Jesus knew he was going to tell about his healing so I wonder why he told him not to speak of it. My saying is "Preach the Gospel at all times, use memes if necessary". Sweetwater always throws a few pieces of candy in with your order. I order from them every now and then. I hope you have a blessed Sunday! Kind of off the subject, but I was wondering If Vatican II was responsible for the proliferation of the distributing and receiving of the Eucharist by hand, rather than on the tongue. I was doing some reading and I know throughout the Church's history, it was received by hand in times of persecution, but it seems from what I have read, it was an Apostolic Tradition to receive it on the tongue. I read that around the time of the Council of Saragossa, in 380AD, people were excommunicated if they continued to receive it in the hand, and not on the tongue. There is a huge debate going on about it since it is the year of the Eucharistic Revival. I was never taught to receive it on the tongue, but I am going to start this weekend. God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf 4 дня назад
@@Hallow334 “Use memes when necessary” 😃👍 Good one J.B.
@pmlm1571 3 дня назад
Hi, Hallow, I just wanted to chime in on Communion on the tongue, that you brought up. In my opinion, if the leaders of our Church really wanted to increase the level of belief in the Real Presence, the obvious target would have been around Communion time during Mass: restoring kneeling at reception and, above all, reception on the tongue. The Sense of the Sacred has systematically (my opinion) been destroyed. As we pray, so we believe: our physical gestures and postures work on our souls for we are hybrid beings, both animal and angelic. By kneeling we feel humble, by receiving instead of taking we are humbly fed by Another, by not using our hands to receive we acknowledge the vulnerability of Christ in the Host, our belief in It being His real flesh and blood indeed, and our wish to not let even a speck of His Body fall unheeded to the ground. We safeguard Him by cutting out the obvious weakness in the "chain of custody" of the Consecrated Host: no satanist or even an idle or ignorant person can just walk away with the Host to do God knows what with Him. One time I myself, seeing a man at Communion leave the priest, there was some stir, the man walked away with Him in his hands but did not put the Host in his mouth: I followed the man out of the church and caught up with him as he was some yards down the public sidewalk. I got him to bring out the Host, now in a plastic baggie, from his pocket, and heard his explanation about not being Catholic but doing this for a sick friend. Who knows? Then an usher caught up to us, I saw the baggie into his hand, and I went back inside. If everybody in charge REALLY believed in the truth of the Real Presence, the ancient custom of receiving on the tongue would not have been so proudly jettisoned in favor of, what? Just what, exactly, have we gotten in return for destroying a specific and reasonable tradition which amplified (rather than contradicted) the reality of the Sacrament? Just my two cents! Cheers, Hallow.
@Hallow334 2 дня назад
@@pmlm1571 I agree. It doesn't make sense that we genuflect when getting in and out of the pew (that lost art is a discussion for another time so don't get me started 😁) when our Lord and Savior is in the tabernacle, but not when we receive him into us? I posted a photo of a list of Catholic Saints and popes, who stated communion should be received on the tongue, in two different Facebook groups, one being Catholic Defenders, and it turned into a war of words. Traditionalists vs. what I refer to as Modern Catholics. Some of the posts on both sides were no becoming of Catholics, but the ones from the Modern side were downright sickening. I did find out that people in the USA did not start receiving Communion in the hand until Pope Paul VI sent a letter to the Bishops Conference giving instruction on it, in May of 1969. It was fully accepted in the US in 1977. It sounds like this was a gift of Vatican II to me.
@pmlm1571 19 часов назад
@@Hallow334 some gift. As to the transition from the universal norm of receiving kneeling and on the tongue to allowing the option to receive in the hand (while retaining on the tongue as the norm), to what we have now, which is treating as defectives in need of "pastoral care" those who continue to use the norm--it has all been insane. It certainly had/has nothing to do with helping people to believe in the miracle of the Real Presence, because to do that you would work to increase the sense of the sacred, not erase it. I believe the US bishops applied to Pope Paul for permission to allow the option, and he conceded, giving guidelines which were inevitably ignored. Well, I won't wind you up on the ridiculousness of genuflecting at the pew but not at the Communion if you stop me now (that problem is being fixed by erasing genuflecting altogether--what sort of thing is that to be doing in the "sophisticated" all grown-up 21st Century?l). It's all insane, a death wish being carried out before our eyes.
@ИринаКим-ъ5ч 6 дней назад
Lopez Thomas Lopez Eric White Donna
@pmlm1571 12 дней назад
Thanks for speaking up for the normality of tradition. There is a "handing on" in humanity that is of the essence. We don't poof in and out of existence, we come via moms and dads and teachers and trainers and those who feed and build and protect etc. Christ could have poofed into His Incarnation but instead He came "through." Protestantism in its rejection of reason in faith rejects this notion of participation. They try to have nothing "between" each man and God. In that attempt they reject God's design. They reject participation in favor of magic--a poor choice. Catholics respect good human tradition and, of course, we love Sacred Tradition. Cheers, Padre. p.s., the church looks great. Love to see the view from the choir loft now able to be used once again.
@stevensonrf 12 дней назад
@@pmlm1571 hopefully you can visit in person soon.
@minui8758 13 дней назад
Does anyone know why there was no Dominus Vobiscum at the second mass?
@pmlm1571 21 день назад
DNC=Death National Convention. Instead of the Transcendentals, we see on display Evil, Lies and Ugliness. These are the Descendentals, the voiding of Reality through lived hatred. The veil between the supernatural and the natural struggle is now so thin as to be transparent to all, not just to the wise and good. Anima Christa, salva nos. Happy John 6, Padre!
@Wawalsh1234 21 день назад
Love you Father!
@stevensonrf 21 день назад
@@Wawalsh1234 God Bless you😇
@Hallow334 21 день назад
Corpus Christi looks great! I really like that flagstone. The outdoor area looks great too! How a person, especially a Catholic, could vote for a party that supports and embraces so much, that is clearly evil in the eyes of God, is beyond me. People don't get what the real meaning of submission is, when it comes to Christianity. Submission means that a person is dedicated to the same "mission". That is where the word comes from. It means a wife, or a husband for that matter, is working under (sub) the same mission as her husband or his wife. They both have the same mission and the same goal when it comes to a family. I has nothing to do with a woman just giving into her husband or somehow being less than him. God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf 21 день назад
@@Hallow334 Well said.
@ssnoc 21 день назад
The Church looks beautiful, I love the slate floor; it has a 70’s retro look, nice job 👍 The country is morally bankrupt and sinking in depravity. This election will be hell on earth.
@Hallow334 27 дней назад
I hope you had a great Feast of the Assumption! Thanks be to God, I will never forget John Chapter 6 now. I don't know how many times I have read the Bread of Life Discourse, but it is now imprinted in me. It's amazing how the Lord can speak to you. Even if it's just one word, it can make all the difference. I forgot to thank you for the shout out when I spoke with you on the phone earlier. Thank you for all you do! God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf 27 дней назад
@@Hallow334 God bless you J. B. 🙏
@pmlm1571 27 дней назад
Love the text from Justin Martyr! Happy Feast of the Assumption, Padre.
@stevensonrf 27 дней назад
@@pmlm1571 And with You too.
@Hallow334 26 дней назад
I concur. I had to go to wordonfire and read the entire article.
@clipPRmusic Месяц назад
I’d like to add a quick warning to this comment: it may come off as rough or very forceful, even though that is not my intention. This Mass is a masterwork of beauty. Can I witness this myself? No, not really. Do I care? Not at all. Why? Because this mass is beautiful in its own right, but Vatican II was important for the Church to modernize and expand. Additionally, Vatican II was not what changed the liturgy (that was a post-conciliar thing) but it was the most important council for deciding the future of the church too. All I ask is to please stop blaming the Mass on Vatican II, and if you don’t have a Vetus Ordo mass nearby, try the best to make the Novus Ordo as reverent as possible. Why? 1. Novus Ordo is valid. 2. The more you try to do to make the Novus Ordo reverent, the more sacrifice you are putting in personally to see to it. Sacrifice is worship. 3. The Vetus Ordo will not die. Even though Pope Francis has limited it, he refuses to ban it, for many reasons.
@user-nk2dy3qv5g Месяц назад
Thank goodness I forgot to tune in to see the opening day. I am not even watching this Olympics when I heard about the disgusting show!
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@user-nk2dy3qv5g same here!
@nglpos Месяц назад
Thank you, Father. Much appreciated.
Месяц назад
Sad to say that this is so true. BTW I’ve boycotted the Olympics too
@Wawalsh1234 Месяц назад
Another outstanding video Father. I worry about the next Pope and what direction he will take. Francis is not my Pope.
@Hallow334 Месяц назад
Greetings, Father Francis! Each Olympic games still occur every four years, but are staggered, so we get one every two years. I saw a few seconds of the video on RU-vid and turned it. The photo you showed is definitely worth a thousand sins. I would like to say, I can't believe the media tried to spin it like they weren't mocking The Last Supper, but were instead depicting a celebration of wine with Dionysus, but I can't. The progressive media has become infested with evil and they don't do a very good job of trying to hide it. CNN and MSNBC are the absolute worst. I refuse to watch the Olympics live, although there are a few sports I try to catch the highlights of, on RU-vid. They mocked it, simply because they knew it would offend Christians. The abomination mafia, as a whole, has fallen into such a "deep state" of sin; without conversion, repentance and prayer for forgiveness, which due to their stiff-neckedness I don't see happening; their fate is all but sealed. People, who support them, including many in the Church, aren't too far behind them, if they don't change their beliefs. It is so sad that even leaders in the Church have placed their political ideologies ahead of their spirituality. I truly believe, in the cases of Catholic leadership, as well as the laity, it all comes down to the fact people have lost the fear of God. How else would you explain people defending and supporting sins, which God calls abominations in the book of Leviticus? People will rue the day they chose to defend and support sin over the Word of God. May God continue to bless you, Father Francis! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
abomination mafia! So true!
@pmlm1571 Месяц назад
Thank you for standing up for Our Lord in His Last Supper and in the Consecration. I laughed at the zapping graphic... I have boycotted the Olympics ever since it went political many years ago: but I remember everybody watched, when I was a kid. It only happened every four years, the athletes were proudly representing their countries. It embodied world peace, and it was good clean fun. not now...
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@pmlm1571 I also remember how special the Olympics once was. 😔
@Hallow334 Месяц назад
Bear with me on this, but just a few lines down in scripture; Jesus gave us the first lesson on entitlement. That was, "Don't feed the bears". After the miracle, many of the 5,000 did not seek Jesus because they recognized the miracle he performed, but rather because they received free food. Bears and the entitlement crowd are very much alike. They will take and take until your cabinets are bare. Once the free food stops, they will both become aggressive, to the point of being barbaric, and be unbearable to be around. You might even have to put up barricades to keep them away. God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@Hallow334 great insights, JB
@ssnoc Месяц назад
Is audio very low and only one channel ?
@codgerjim Месяц назад
Excellent commentary 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. Christian responsability! As my sainted mother and father taught…..Jesus will supply our needs….not necesaarily our wants. He expects us to do our part as well. Peace be with you🙏
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@codgerjim excellent point, Jim!
@Wawalsh1234 Месяц назад
Hello Father, the second picture is my iPhone Lock Screen photo. I truly appreciate your efforts to get this message out. FIGHT!
@user-nk2dy3qv5g Месяц назад
I appreciate your unscripted perspective, Father Francis, and thank you for sharing it. During my TV viewing, I witnessed the entire event in real time. Upon hearing the shots and then seeing President Trump suddenly lower himself, I was taken aback. As the Secret Service hurried towards him, I felt a terrible sensation and was apprehensive about the outcome. Immediately upon his standing up with a bloodied face and holding up his fist, I jumped and cheered with the rally participants. I had faith that he would be fine at that point. The epic scene will be immortalized in history books. I was also impressed by the strength and bravery displayed by the rally participants. No one fled and became frightened, which could have resulted in a stampede. Rather than moving, they calmly remained where they were while impatiently waiting. The two supporters of President Trump on the bleachers, who were looking for any suspicious activity in the crowd, showed remarkable fortitude. I thanked God 🙏 for His Divine Intervention. July 13th was also the day of the third apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the 3 shepherds in 1917 at Cova da Iria.
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@user-nk2dy3qv5g And thank You for also reminding me that July 13 was the third apparition of our Lady of Fatima 🙏
@Hallow334 Месяц назад
Great video, Father Francis! I can't help, but feel like a broken record because once again, you won't find me disagreeing with anything you said. I could take the easy way out and just type "ditto" for a comment. 😁 I was a "dittohead" after all, as I'm sure you were too. This world is not getting any better. I saw a big change in society, towards a more negative outlook with more anger and hate in the 1990's. That is when I first noticed division starting to take place in our country. It has only gotten worse since. Remember when it used to be common courtesy not to talk religion or politics when in mixed company? Common courtesy and common sense are in short supply these days. People do and say things now with the intention of angering others. I really don't like what I'm seeing in the world. As I said in my last comment, which RU-vid wouldn't allow me to post; I think the attempt on Trump's life solidified a lot of conservatives. That wasn't just an attack on him. It was an attack on everyone, who has the same political beliefs. May God continue to bless you! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@Hallow334 Dittos 😬
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@Hallow334 sorry JB, I just couldn’t resist😃
@ssnoc Месяц назад
Harris is just another puppet for the radical left - She is inept and young enough to mold like silly putty and perfect for the hardened subversive left. If she won, it really would be time to leave the U.S .
@Hallow334 Месяц назад
So beautiful looking up there! It would be great to take a walk in a rain storm. We rarely have "rain storms" in the warmer months, here in Texas. Warmer month storms here either have high winds and/or strange looking "tubes" that come out of the clouds, which you wouldn't want to walk into. Our rain storms come in October, when it's too cold to enjoy a walk outside. In this video, you speak of something, as a convert, I am very familiar with. My convert-ion was purely divine intervention. As a Police Officer, I responded to a residence for a verbal disturbance between a father and his drug user son. Little did I know at the time that the father would become my best friend, would introduce me to the Catholic Church and would sponsor me through RCIA. My initial fear was "losing" the person I was, because there were things I liked and music I listened to and language I used, that was/were not things a Christian did. I did not go into Catholicism half-heartedly. I jumped in feet first. To change as many things about a person, which are negative, that need to be changed, instantly, would set a person up for failure. I learned and still am learning the beauty of conversion. I never had to consciously decide that "this" has to go in my life. The more I went to Mass, the more I prayed and the more I read God's word, the less important the things, which I was scared to change and lose, meant to me. And it continues to this day. No one can convince me that conversion isn't a miracle. God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@kbc3601 Месяц назад
Blessed Wednesday to you Father. Take care in this summer ☀️ 🙏🙏🙏 to you and your parish family.
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
@@kbc3601 And blessings to you Kathy 🙏
@Wawalsh1234 Месяц назад
Hello Father, I have not commented in a while but I do love your weekly videos. Hope you are well and happy.
@pmlm1571 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the story about your great mentor priest in Seminary. We are glad for the part he played in your ordination, Padre! You are fighting the good fight! Cheers.
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
@@pmlm1571 You’re most welcome
@GreenSpacebug 2 месяца назад
Nice reflection Father! Really reminds of our true devotions and priorities we should have in these times. Your thumbnails do tend to be a bit click baity though, made me double take thinking you were spreading dissent lol
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
@@GreenSpacebug Sorry about the Clickbaity thumbnails. I’m so lazy. I just let RU-vid find something that they deem interesting. Perhaps, I need to be a little more conscientious of the thumbnails that adorn my videos? Thank you for taking time to watch. God bless.
@Hallow334 2 месяца назад
Father, did you hear about the priest, Father Bill Moisant, who allowed Tibetan Buddhist monks to enter his parish church and instruct parishioners in their religious practices and led them in non-Christian chants? It happened at Resurrection Catholic Parish in Tualatin, Oregon. The article on LifeSite News is, "Catholic church in Oregon allows Buddhist monks to lead ‘meditation’ before the altar". A witness said, “Our Lord was compared to Buddha as a great teacher, a theologically inaccurate and offensive statement.” “The presentation emphasized Buddhist meditation techniques to escape suffering, seemingly ignoring Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross.” This occurring not long after who knows how many blasphemous gay pride masses were held during the month of June. On top of that we have the excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. What is going on in Christ Jesus' church today? It is maddening! I do not doubt the Church's marxist/socialist/woke hierarchy is intentionally doing all these things in an attempt to get Catholics, who are faithful to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium into schism so they can control Christ Jesus' Church and try to destroy it. They will not prevail against it! I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of high ranking Catholics officials, who will eventually find themselves in the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!
@Hallow334 2 месяца назад
It's bad enough when so many people talk about "my truth", as if they get to make up their own. It's worse when Christians try to create "my own Jesus" in their image and likeness. It's worst of all when people in the Church hierarchy, who have ideologies that run counter to the faith, play the part of spin doctors and accuse those, who are faithful to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium, as being "backwards" and pushing ideologies. God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
@@Hallow334 A blessed Independence Day to you, JB.
@ssnoc 2 месяца назад
100 % 👍
@Hallow334 2 месяца назад
Hello Father Francis! You hit the nail on the head. I did a little research on Pope Francis from his time as bishop of Buenos Aires. In one interview I read, which was written right after he became pope, the person said he "has always been an enemy of TLM". The interviewee stated he persecuted priests in his diocese, who celebrated TLM. He also stated people in Argentina were "horrified" when he became pope. From the article; I gathered he was not particularly popular in his home country. This made me wonder if that is the reason he has not once visited Argentina in the 14 years since he became pope? Your thoughts? To add to what you touched on; the tradition of the Catholic Church has not been to welcome unrepentant sinners, who just want affirmation. This traditional belief is 180 degrees from what progressives and modernists want in the Church. It is true jealousy because the Church does not and can not accept the unrepentant sinners, who just want to be affirmed in their sin. I have found that progressives in the Church can be just as nasty and hateful as progressives in politics. There are a lot of them, who are one in the same, in my opinion. I have been in some online debates over the last couple of weeks where I have been called a heretic, a schismatic and worst of all, a protestant 🤣. Can you feel the love? God bless! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
Yep, see how they (progressives) love one another😬
@pmlm1571 2 месяца назад
well,yes, and deeper: I think it's happening on principle: they seek to destroy the faith and to do this the Mass and the Eucharist (and all the Sacraments) must be hollowed out. Every single change without exception, all have the effect of depressing the sense of the sacred and elevating the sense of man as god: to do that you have to mow down whatever impedes the "inevitable progress." ("doing a Biden" was funny). Thanks for keeping a straight head, a clear tongue and a charitable heart! He Is Risen,
@pmlm1571 2 месяца назад
Funny, "doing a Biden," lol. Seems I caught the tail end of the premier, so I'll go see the beginning, to start my Saturday off right :-)
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your very kind comment
@ssnoc 2 месяца назад
Bergoglio needs to go - period. He’s not a legitimate Pope, caused tremendous upheaval and doesn’t uphold Catholic dogma. People will continue to go to TLM and Priests MUST ignore this illegitimate interloper just like most laypeople are ignoring him. He’s not the first fake-pope and he should go start his own religion in SF where he belongs. Hopefully Viggano exposes the skeletons in Bergoglios closet soon.
@HerefortheLove 2 месяца назад
Hi there. I was arguing with you yesterday about Christianity (I’m under a different screen name right now) and needed to apologize after I’ve had some time to think. I was rude with some of the things that I said, clearly not reflecting Jesus’ qualities. I stand on what I said though in regard to Jesus saying no one is the father EXCEPT for the ONE. The interaction was not what I had hoped for but I was triggered by you saying I needed to read my Bible more because it’s TRUE. All in all, thank you for waking me up to some things that need work and for helping in my feeling conviction. By the way, I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and trying to work all of that out after many years.
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
No need to apologize; spirited debate is always welcomed. God bless. 😇🙏
@Hallow334 2 месяца назад
Great homily, Father Francis. “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Unfortunately too many people choose not to be free.
2 месяца назад
The truth is the truth whether people like it or not
@user-nk2dy3qv5g 2 месяца назад
Hi Father Francis! Nice and different setting for a change. There was an exhibition at Good Shepherd nearly 2 years ago on Blessed or Saint Carlo Acutis’ Eucharistic Miracles and relics. I heard about him when he died of leukemia at age 15 in 2006. I wish I was here during the exhibit. Thanks again for sharing your video.
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
You’re most welcome 😇
@grzegorzkosciuszko9991 2 месяца назад
Lauda Sion Salvatorem, lauda ducem et pastorem in hymnis et canticis
@Hallow334 2 месяца назад
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, FATHER FRANCIS! I hope you are having a wonderfully blessed day! ✝ ☦
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
And same to you, my dear friend.😇👍
@Hallow334 2 месяца назад
@@stevensonrf I suppose technically, I am the adoptive father of three black cats from the Humane Society. 🤣
@sheilaoneil18 2 месяца назад
I am eighty one years of age and watching this has me in tears of joy at what we had but very much tinged with a great sadness at what is lost to us. I am amazed at how I remember every bit of it like it was yesterday. I can sing along with it so much was the wonderful impression it had on my young mind all those years ago. Look at the reverence one can feel and the beautiful discipline of it all. Everyone concentrating on worshipping our beloved Lord.
@stevensonrf 2 месяца назад
Let us continue to pray that God will restore his church and the beauty of our ancient liturgy.
@Conshykeith 2 месяца назад
There is no doubt who they are worshiping and where there focus is...with GOD!
@JosePerez-du6ip 3 месяца назад
Del Ylsa ilse Ramona A G Jose Agustín p.m. hija Judith Natalia pa Josemaria p.a Romina Rebeca pa Javier David Pérez AVALOS del barrio Nazaret asunción Paraguay
@JosePerez-du6ip 3 месяца назад
Señor jesus POR Por LA SANACIÓN integral restauración de toda la familia Pérez avalos DEL barrió Nazaret Asunción Paraguay
@user-nk2dy3qv5g 3 месяца назад
As always, thank you Father.🙏
@stevensonrf 3 месяца назад
And Thank you for taking time to watch. 😇
@Hallow334 3 месяца назад
Howdy, Father Francis! You definitely hit the nail on the head when it comes to parishioners not wanting to get involved with teaching, or wanting to get involved with anything to do with the Church, for that matter. When I received confirmation back in 2017, my sponsor and best friend volunteered us to teach catechism class, for high school boys. There was a class for middle school boys 7-9th and one for middles school girls 7-9th. Then there was our class, for high school boys, grades 10-12, and a corresponding class for high school girls. A total of eight teachers, plus the DRE. Each class had two instructors. It has now officially become impossible, in my parish, to find enough people, who are willing to sacrifice an eternity, which we refer to as 1 1/2 hours, each Wednesday evening, so the youth of our Church can receive confirmation and fully enter into this wonderful Catholic Church. Of the eight instructors and DRE we had when I first started teaching in 2017; I am the only one left. It is a very similar situation in our Knights of Columbus council. Of the 200+ Knights we have, maybe 15-20 show up at meetings. And it's the same 15-20 people at every meeting. To be quite honest Father Francis; I am at a loss. My friend Mark, who sponsored me, was the Grand Knight the past two years. Mark and I busted our rears recruiting and making sure we had every needed box checked. We won every award a council could win in 2022. We asked when the last time the council had won all the awards, and someone guessed it was back in the 90's. We hoped all the work we put in and the awards the council received would reinvigorate Knights to comeback. You guessed it. It didn't do squat! We did not push ourselves at all this year. I don't know if we will get any awards. I can't help, but think of the quote from Pope Pius V, where he said, all the evils of the world are because of lukewarm Catholics. That is paraphrased, of course. I don't know what to do. I had the thought to send our an anonymous to all the members and call them out, but if they have no shame to begin with, that isn't going to do anything. OK, off my soapbox. You got to vent a couple weeks ago, so it was my turn! 🤣 May God continue to bless you and may you have a blessed week! Vivat Jesus!
@stevensonrf 3 месяца назад
Hi Jim, thanks for your sharing and venting. Sadly, only about 10% of people in organizations do 80% of the work. It’s a tireless and thankless job. But let me say Thank You for all your hard work you did in your Knights of Columbus Council! Have a great Sunday evening.
@mathewdcunha446 3 месяца назад
We are unlucky to have lost a lot. it is not our fault.God will provide us from his infinite richness.
@Wawalsh1234 3 месяца назад
My wife and I could not agree more with your viewpoint. So where can we live that is fair? Love you Padre.
@codgerjim 3 месяца назад
Amen! I’m voteing for the outlaw!🇺🇸
@stevensonrf 3 месяца назад
Or as one of my Dear parishioners says: I’m voting for the felon; not the melon” 😀