Researchers of Truth
Researchers of Truth
Researchers of Truth
This is the Official RU-vid Channel for the Researchers of Truth USA.

Here you will find lessons and practical exercises to climb higher and higher the ladder of the Relative Truth.

For further information check out our website and social media channels.
The real enemy of human beings
7 часов назад
LOVED ONES after death
7 часов назад
One idea can change the world?
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14 дней назад
21 день назад
28 дней назад
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What are Dreams?
Месяц назад
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Over the rainbow meditation
Месяц назад
HERCULES hidden symbolism
Месяц назад
Does hell really exist?
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
Meditation on visualization power
2 месяца назад
Archangels exist
2 месяца назад
Did you know about the inner laboratory?
2 месяца назад
7 Promises for self realization
3 месяца назад
Space place and meaning of life
3 месяца назад
Kingdom of the heavens on earth
3 месяца назад
Positive and negative poles of the egoism
4 месяца назад
The worlds of existence
4 месяца назад
Dangers and wisdoms in every turn
4 месяца назад
The Super senses IN YOU
4 месяца назад
The core value of endurance as a life tool
5 месяцев назад
How to achieve real faith?
5 месяцев назад
The art of inner music
5 месяцев назад
@keithtaylor8931 2 дня назад
After reading all of Daskalos' works I can say one of the fundamental problems with humans is our understanding of what is "real" or "reality". We think this is real or not real, but it is a lot more nuance than that.
@beatajenei8043 3 дня назад
Thank you for the video ❤
@emmamorley1836 3 дня назад
Daniel I want to spread an emotion or psychical energy (like of peace or something) into my room. How did daskalos go about that? I’d assume it’s an elemental, I’m able to do it, but I find it difficult to use the imprint ether I this case. Only Sensate and kinetic. Would love a little suggestion my dear Daniel
@Ole67 3 дня назад
So what happens to the experience of a person who has this knowledge you are talking about, when they enter the psychical world in their own self-created shell? Will the illusion cease due to their knowledge?
@rationalmystic 14 дней назад
Beautiful+ Powerful ✝️❤️‍🔥
@ssgobin 20 дней назад
@Ostarrichi996 25 дней назад
The Law of Destiny is the consequence of the Law of Karma
@Alberad08 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing this!
@KrkiAlax Месяц назад
@KrkiAlax Месяц назад
@KrkiAlax Месяц назад
@KrkiAlax Месяц назад
@beatajenei8043 Месяц назад
Thank you for the video. I would like to find my place in the world -, a physically easier job that's useful for society and beside study and do healing. What I should desire? I don't know where would it be or what it would be.. Thank you.
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA Месяц назад
We just want to identify and energize good desires - ones that are life affirming and truly benefit us - not the desires that enslave us to the object of our desire. We want mastery over our desires!
@JaakkoJohannes Месяц назад
I practice Franz Bardon's system of hermetic magic. We don't use any spells, formulas or rituals made by other people. We just develop the astral, mental and physical bodies through different exercises. As a side effect of internal mastery we also learn to master outside forces and can use these skills to do the work of divine providence. In our system what is being described in the video is called sorcery which we differentiate from our sacred art of magic.
@chrismoerman1722 Месяц назад
I am working through IIH and finding it very similar to daskalos’ esoteric practices exercises. However my understanding is the next two Bardon books get much more into ritual and evocation. Do Daskalos and Bardon diverge here? Why does Bardon not consider evocation sorcery?
@JaakkoJohannes Месяц назад
@@chrismoerman1722 Great to hear! Honestly I think it's just a matter of terminology. Bardon considers most modern evocation sorcery and in his evocation book describes the error of those practices where there person tries to control beings through different formulas etc. In bardon's system the highly trained magician evokes the spirits internally, raising his consciousness to the sphere of the being and opening a way for it. Because the initiated magician is a servant of divine providence and elementally balanced, the positive beings happily help him fullfill his work. Read the second book, you will see how our system differs from sorcery. All the ritual props etc aren't even necessary in our system, they are optional and only reflect the magicians internal tools. For example without a highly developed will power a magical sword is just a sword that doesn't do anything. A magical circle just represents the magician's elemental balance. If he doesn't actually have an elemental balance then it's just a circle on the ground. But most of the outer stuff is optional and not required, especially later.
@JaakkoJohannes Месяц назад
@@chrismoerman1722 my reply got deleted for some reason. I honestly think it's just a matter of terminology. Read the second book. You will see how our system is very different from most modern evocation practiced by people and see the difference between magic and sorcery.
@JaakkoJohannes Месяц назад
@@chrismoerman1722 sorry, my replies are getting auto deleted 😕
@Alberad08 Месяц назад
@@chrismoerman1722 Evocation in the sense of Bardon is definitely not sorcery because the evocating magician has to be in selfaware control of all the vibrations he has to project here. For example by providing the condensation of a certain element or planetary vibration that can be then used by the summoned genius to materialize, and never ever should this process be tried without being sure of having this control. Meaning, only an accomplished magician, who has overcome his egoism, can undertake it in the way Bardon describes it - otherwise it would be mere sorcery. Unfortunately there seems to be some different meaning of the word "magic" here, maybe (?) having to do with the Orthodox background of Daskalos and the Catholic background of Frans Bardon. Note that the three holy kings from the New Testament are referred to as "magicians" and not as "mystics" in western Christianity. Even what Bardon refers to as a "Mystic" is obviously something different than a "researcher of the truth" after Daskalos. By Bardon's terms a "researcher of the truth" would be probably a "magician".
@beatajenei8043 Месяц назад
Thank you 💕
@piroskamolnar1470 Месяц назад
Do you think it is possible tó get "initiations", trainings from a Master in dreams? In her book "Initiation" Elizabeth Haich says that those, who ever went through an initiation in a mistery school will get their initiations in dreams "at the end of times."
@rainbow_flo Месяц назад
Very beautiful ❤
@bliss_spring Месяц назад
Thank you❤
@Jessica-z7m6b Месяц назад
Thank you❤
@starwars15500 Месяц назад
@EsotericNY Месяц назад
Captions appear to be AI-generated (and incorrect). If you're using anything other than Hugging Face's Whisper Large v3 (with good segment stitching), then ASR won't do well with thick accents. You might be able to get away with Whisper Med/Intl . Also, maybe ditch the animated speaker icon (distracting) 🙂
@StewartPollard-fc7im Месяц назад
Beautiful thank you 🙏🏾 I can feel
@StewartPollard-fc7im Месяц назад
Gods mercy upon this world and all human beings bless daskilos and all who serve Christ honestly yahway Jesus bless us all help us to love everyone everyone everything that exsists armen
@darkokatalinic2888 Месяц назад
Thank you
@opstudios1401 Месяц назад
Thank you Aki San for beautiful meditation
@KrkiAlax 2 месяца назад
Great! Keep up!
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA Месяц назад
Thank you We will!
@KrkiAlax 2 месяца назад
@Transmutathan 2 месяца назад
The purpose of man isn’t to separate from our ego but to conform our ego to the truth that god laid out for all of us. That doesn’t happen by force, it can only happen by choice. And the only way to make the right choices is to experience the wrong choices. That’s why the Bible is so powerful. It shows us every bad decision our ancestors made and we can relate to those decisions and learn from them without physically committing to those same actions.
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA 2 месяца назад
Hi It’s not mentioned because most don’t know about these other levels of reality The time spent in these other worlds after the death of the material body varies considerably It can be very short in the case of an advance, master or hundreds of years in the case of someone stuck in their illusionary Shell hell There is no set time. It depends on the individual. But sooner or later they must move on and are drawn to leave by Life Itself Blessings
@Ostarrichi996 2 месяца назад
Dear Daniel, how is it that one mostly hears about reincarnating into the physical again after having left the physical without naming any of the psychological and noetical worlds that one goes into from all the other sources of spiritual knowledge? And how much time does one spent in these other two realms compared to the physical realm?
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA 2 месяца назад
Crush the creator means the elemental returns to the person who created it, and in some cases can burden to the point of crushing the personality
@Ostarrichi996 2 месяца назад
Great one!
@opstudios1401 2 месяца назад
Thank you very much Daniel and Aki
@dream.wrangler2990 2 месяца назад
What does he mean by crush the creator?
@EsotericNY Месяц назад
It should read "crush *their* creator". As @TheResearchersofTruthUSA suggests, one can be overcome by uncontrolled reactionary emotion-thought forms, i.e., elementals, which will return to their creator (and impinge on the 7 major energetic centers). These most often manifest in the form of OCD, anxiety, jealousy, anger, addictions, irrational fears, etc. Think of all the times you've had that conversation in your head over and over on what you could've or might've said, or fretting over something...to the point these emotion-driven 'dead spirits' consume you. The more you do this, the larger the elemental grows in power, overcoming the capacity of a person's present-day personality to function in an otherwise healthy way. So, focus on conscious construction of thought-emotion forms ('good' elementals). It's how our realities (and the universes) are manifested (if aligned with The Divine Will)
@AR-777 2 месяца назад
Coming back to video....do we have to visualise blue color surrounded to body, then pink surround mental body and so on....its like three colors of bubble without blending colors....blue layer then pink layer then yellow layer...
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA Месяц назад
hi - It is enough to visualize those colors on the etheric centers as advised. In more advanced versions we visualize those colors over the entire body as you describe!
@beatajenei8043 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the video ❤
@robingile4301 2 месяца назад
Do we feel worthy of their help?
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA Месяц назад
If in our asking Archangels for their help we are asking from a place feeling like a hungry beggar pleading for their help, then as a hungry beggar we will not feel worthy. But if we ask from a place feeling and knowing we are a son/daughter of God, that is different. As a son/daughter of God we are definitely worthy to ask. As it says: "Ask and it will be given to you."
@Ostarrichi996 2 месяца назад
The text doesn't fit the things he said. Better go with manual editing than this automated AI stuff. Also the credits are too early so you can't see the text anymore. I am a creator myself, just hints to get more quality out of people that represent quality. No ego
@easternmovementprinciples4799 2 месяца назад
Beautiful thanks
@dbirdmedia 2 месяца назад
@martinkuchta5670 2 месяца назад
Thank you very much
@rainbow_flo 2 месяца назад
Steiner spoke of this, I have personally experienced this during a near fatal incident. They are really with us IF our will is accepting of them. ❤
@DancheJumpen 2 месяца назад
@beatajenei8043 2 месяца назад
Thank you ❤
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA 2 месяца назад
We have come from God into incarnation on Earth and will one day return to God our Source - But first we must find the "Hidden Treasure in the Field" ! Matthew 13:44
@Ole67 2 месяца назад
I really wanted to know more about how to disengage from torturous elementals, as I am struggling so much with these and they keep feeding on my awareness, making my life hellish.
@TheResearchersofTruthUSA 2 месяца назад
Hi There is no use struggling against them - that just impowers them. The only way is to become disinterested in them. Which means when they come to torture you... disengage and firmly fix your attention on something else. Something very positive or something you really like or that really interests you. For example, if some troubling elemental of guilt from a past thing or a fear of a future thing starts to worry you - STOP thinking about it IMMEDIATELY and INSTANLY start thinking/feeling about someone or thing you love very much. It does not matter what that is - what matters is you put your full attention to that person, place or thing. If you can do this consistently 4 or 5 times in a row you will weaken it greatly and gain the upper hand on the negative elemental. Remember you are Living Being whereas the elemental is a created emotional-thought form - the only life it has in it comes from the energy of your attention to it! Blessings Daniel
@starwars15500 2 месяца назад
Thank you Daniel for your continued work. Blessings!
@JohnWalker-e6y 2 месяца назад
Simple to answer: Jesus Christ, came down from heaven, became a man, lived a sinless life, suffered death on our behalf, so that if we believe in him, we will have eternal life.
@Transmutathan 2 месяца назад
We are from the beginning and we are going towards the end. (: