The Lancet
The Lancet
The Lancet
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Exploring the dynamics of stuttering
2 месяца назад
Tackling Urgent Breast Cancer Challenges
2 месяца назад
Advancements in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
4 месяца назад
@rbushutube28 День назад
Has Joe Biden seen this video,? If he did, he wouldn't remember it.
@DavyBoy007 День назад
In an updated episode, Lancet jihadis will be blaming the Zios for all health issues that have plagued the world for millennia.
@kennethpage1558 2 дня назад
Love this work you all are doing! Special shout to my big brother Dr. Debaun.
@henrygarcia3013 8 дней назад
I came here cause I had a dream about this. But in my dream any eye contact passed 2 seconds started revealing their actual faces. Bro this shit scared tf out of me
@opgamer69_ 12 дней назад
So the condition actually exists, it's impressing how from this condition a whole Analog Horror series begun named "The Real", 100% recommend it.
@ctwatcher 16 дней назад
You aided in the death of my mother because my ignorant retired brother-in-law forced her at age 91 to take it or be removed from their home. She took Moderna and it threw her into aggressive Alzheimer and gone in 8 months when all her sisters diagnosed with it lived years after and she was in better body health than them but Moderna attacked her brain and I'll never forgive any of them, any of you and it will be written you helped murder her as did my diabetic fat sister and her stupid husband. Because of you! The prayers aren't to save you.
@obie00 29 дней назад
sometimes , i have this problem
@Lelexlexie 29 дней назад
How do you know he's not lying?
@harveydents Месяц назад
You call it a disorder...i call it a sign from god.
@joannereeves4121 Месяц назад
This is called Discernment - the forces of evil have always been here, the Lord has told us so. Some people that walk with God have this discernment and are let known that this is an evil entity that they are dealing with, For God did not give us a Spirit of Fear, but of sound mind. They know this so now they are trying to call it an illness.........no, this is real and it is Spiritual.
@dyogynis Месяц назад
I dreamed with this faces last night. Was horrible and terrifying.
@jaredlyan7037 Месяц назад
It it’s PMO why is he not seeing the distortions in pictures?
@Youmightknow111 Месяц назад
@SuperMarioJustin4 Месяц назад
This is the disease that killed Jim Henson, one of the greatest entertainers of all time.
@davidmunday1900 Месяц назад
Absolutely brilliant I’m a free-form poetry writer one poem published
@Christopher-dj2xu Месяц назад
ail oignon rouge / jaune echalote francaise thym piment de cayenne ciboulette poivre noir curcuma basilic persil romarin gingembre origan betterave brocoli choux vert epinards artichaut avocat carotte poivron rouge vert tomate ancienne asperge champignon quinoa d'anjou oeufs 0 pomme de terre petit pois mais chou fleur melon charantais poireau courgette haricots vert navet rutabaga radis noir comcombre radis haricots beurre chou kale pomme pamplemousse kiwi orange citron banane ananas raisin musca pruneaux prunes abricot poire clementine peche mangue myrtilles mirabelle acai fruits passion pates complete riz camargue complet lentilles vert noir haricots rouge noir blanc miel chataigner toutes fleurs the vert inde sencha the noir huile olives pressage froid huile colza huile noix huile noisettes huile lin chanvre cacao 80% > 100% amandes noix cajou goji noix grenoble noisettes pistaches noix bresil graine chia spiruline bio levure biere revivifiable huile foie morue griffonia simplifolia guarana gingko biloba ginseng acerola maquereau huile olives sardine huile olive cabillaud saumon sauvage truite arc en ciel thon jaune blanc lieu noir crevette merlu poulet dinde veau boeuf emmental comte parmesan gruyere brie chevre fromage blanc yaourt fermente faisselle laitue mache scarole roquette frisee moutarde creme fraiche entiere lait entier fond de veau vanille gousse avoine special k classic kellogg's sarrasin seigle ble complet T150 framboise mure cerise groseille reglisse goyave papaye chou romanesco viande de grison choucroute gelatine chou rouge cassis porc magret canard sirop d'erable clou girofle cannelle fraise pavot raisin sec abricot sec agneau lapin gibier eperlan ecrevisse tofu soja gelee royale propolis crabe st jacques palourde homard breton eglefin colin cerf safran sauge noix pecan noix macadamia pasteque noix coco grenade confit canard lievre pissenlit orties cresson bettes the blanc menthe cornichon cafe robusta 5 / 7 fruits legumes par jours proteines 1.7 g / kg Agriculture Biologique / France AOP IGP volvic mont roucous verniere evian vittel badoit perrier thonon contrex hepar rozana Heineken Merlot cabarnet savignon pinot noir grenache 7h30>9h sommeil
@user-xo9yk9xy8b Месяц назад
They did an experiment where they jolted a patient in ffa and it make him see twisted faces. Its creepy. If u search ffa experiment youl find it
@Christopher-dj2xu Месяц назад
ail oignon rouge / jaune echalote francaise thym piment de cayenne ciboulette poivre noir curcuma basilic persil romarin gingembre origan betterave brocoli choux vert epinards artichaut avocat carotte poivron rouge vert tomate ancienne asperge champignon quinoa d'anjou oeufs 0 pomme de terre petit pois mais chou fleur melon charantais poireau courgette haricots vert navet rutabaga radis noir comcombre radis haricots beurre chou kale pomme pamplemousse kiwi orange citron banane ananas raisin musca pruneaux prunes abricot poire clementine peche mangue myrtilles mirabelle acai fruits passion pates complete riz camargue complet lentilles vert noir haricots rouge noir blanc miel chataigner toutes fleurs the vert inde sencha the noir huile olives pressage froid huile colza huile noix huile noisettes huile lin chanvre cacao 80% > 100% amandes noix cajou goji noix grenoble noisettes pistaches noix bresil graine chia spiruline bio levure biere revivifiable huile foie morue griffonia simplifolia guarana gingko biloba ginseng acerola maquereau huile olives sardine huile olive cabillaud saumon sauvage truite arc en ciel thon jaune blanc lieu noir crevette merlu poulet dinde veau boeuf emmental comte parmesan gruyere brie chevre fromage blanc yaourt fermente faisselle laitue mache scarole roquette frisee moutarde creme fraiche entiere lait entier fond de veau vanille gousse avoine special k classic kellogg's sarrasin seigle ble complet T150 framboise mure cerise groseille reglisse goyave papaye chou romanesco viande de grison choucroute gelatine chou rouge cassis porc magret canard sirop d'erable clou girofle cannelle fraise pavot raisin sec abricot sec agneau lapin gibier eperlan ecrevisse tofu soja gelee royale propolis crabe st jacques palourde homard breton eglefin colin cerf safran sauge noix pecan noix macadamia pasteque noix coco grenade confit canard lievre pissenlit orties cresson bettes the blanc menthe cornichon cafe robusta 5 / 7 fruits legumes par jours proteines 1.7 g / kg Agriculture Biologique / France AOP IGP volvic mont roucous verniere evian vittel badoit perrier thonon contrex hepar rozana Heineken Merlot cabarnet savignon pinot noir grenache 7h30>9h sommeil
@_Gaming_Stories_ 2 месяца назад
Everybody looking like Donkey Kong 64.
@patrickfkp 2 месяца назад
esse sotaque é brasileiro...
@user-su1eg2rk2z 2 месяца назад
Am I the only one who's feeling extremely uncomfortable seeing this? It literally gives me chills, makes me sick. I don't know why, please telle me I'm not alone 🥲
@MyMysaysFU 2 месяца назад
I guess someone figured out they could see demons and the demons found out! (Psssst… Just tell em it’s a disease…)
@prohemberto 2 месяца назад
Very interesting! The hesitations seen in the laryngeal muscles in people with persistent neurodevelopmental stuttering (PNS) are very similar to dystonic hesitations. Given the discovery of astrocytopathy in the brain of people with PNS, it would be reasonable to think that these dystonic movements now documented by MRI may be due to a failure of energy supply from astrocytes to the neurons responsible for moving the laryngeal muscles, leading to blockages and laryngeal myoclonus during the speech.
@Horaczkocom 2 месяца назад
As a former stutter I'd like to add that a movie "King's speech' very well described that phenomena. It is a fear from childhood and even fetal life. And from my point of view is mostly mental disorder.
@TheVoice2285 2 месяца назад
Unfortunately, this is completely wrong from a technical and scientific point of view. People who stutter have always had to struggle with such prejudices that their disorder is supposedly a mental disability. In future, you should not draw conclusions about other people based on your own opinions.
@SammyCee23 Месяц назад
Can you further explain?
@user-jw4ne2st5w 2 месяца назад
Is there a free clinical trials for Olumiant.
@Christopher-dj2xu 2 месяца назад
ridicule ... proteins n' vitamin b group vitamin c omega 3 stop chemical fake heathcare who destroy life for rich capitalism system who regule fake chemical bad heathcare ... Gaba phennylanine tyrosin tryptophan product by food !!! FOOD is only key
@zaahidmuhammed207 2 месяца назад
Any video of people with Fahr's disease
@biltumondal286 2 месяца назад
@tashacad1 2 месяца назад
That's real how after all these years of being on this earth no one has seen this.. The end of times are near and it says in the bible you will see things and people seeing demons is not a mental health condition always trying to cover the truth people wake up
@Half-code 2 месяца назад
The lancet is a laughing stock
@Gn01717 2 месяца назад
Normal person:those faces are normal Person with this disorder:no man they are Demons they Not normal
@harlenqueen 2 месяца назад
Lord Yeshua Hamashiach Christ Jesus, be with everyone who's veil is being removed. Heavenly Father please be with everyone who is just now gaining second sight. Holy Spirit comfort those now able to see true forms in our lives. People's hearts WILL fail them for looking upon what is here. This is not a syndrome, this is Jesus Christ warning us that He is returning. Some have always had this gift, some will just now be able to see the real enemies for what they are. The enemy has always been here, now you're going to be able to physically see what's happening if you could not before. Abba ADONAI, protect and guide those just now seeing physically what has always been. May their own eyes now bring them to The Truth, following The Way into Life Everlasting, eternally with Christ Jesus. Look up for your redemption draws closer. Time is almost over, seek Yeshua Hamashiach while He may be found today. Tomorrow may be too late 💜🙏💜 Christ be with everyone 💜🙏💜
@Half-code 2 месяца назад
Hard to believe anything published in this massively corrupt journal. If anything, it’s more likely to be false.
@andyolsensovereignbeing.6211 2 месяца назад
I will make a bet with you this will become very common soon. The injection has allowed the demonic spirits to meld with or take over a human spirit and it has to shows itself. It's the chips and transmitter in them connected to the cloud. German Dr's tested the ones that took it and they give off mac addresses. Most truthers know this fact now, just ask your conspiracy theory friends and the will show you the videos
@harlangoulding8405 2 месяца назад
😌 Promo-SM
@arthurclave2801 3 месяца назад
This guy is Brazilian hehe
@TheStupidKing 2 месяца назад
Sim ele é
@Duvmasta 2 месяца назад
How do you know?
@arthurclave2801 2 месяца назад
@@Duvmasta accent
@IgorFilippov-kd7nr 3 месяца назад
I saw it once...When I've woke up hangover with a scary girl
@rafaelbras9710 3 месяца назад
@keitymarley733 3 месяца назад
Parkinson disease 🦠 is a very terrible illness, my Dad suffered from it for 19 years until we finally got a help and a medicine from Dr Madida that truly works that helped treat, cure and reversed all his symptoms…My Dad is well a gain
@ingeborgswieten3710 3 месяца назад
i come here through our Dutch youtubenalists that are registered as journalists, how about you!?
@watheqn.hussein8927 3 месяца назад
is there any side effect for using ritlecitinib? What factors should I consider if the patient is in 15 y?? great thanks
@bignae8845 20 дней назад
Yes drugs like these have a shit ton of side effects also it’s a life long commitment
@stevencorrea8032 3 месяца назад
Stephen King Sleepwalkers buy Meramec pictures
@Sun_Simp 3 месяца назад
Oh they are small and white? then is nothing scary, scary is having to deal with 7+ foot tall musclebound mountains of testosterone with protruding mandibles that could beat or kill you with ONE PUNCH, no that's scary.
@vector150 3 месяца назад
bullshit not buying it one damn bit. either demoins for real or aliens. Or bullshit pure bullshit
@jamelryan2424 3 месяца назад
that first day gotta be CRAZY 😭
@demesuggs7283 3 месяца назад
I wonder if his face is distorted too
@kapi3590 3 месяца назад
Why is every comment section of this condition filled with schizos. Im just tryna see some info man
@Boo-vi8gs 3 месяца назад
So everyone is a schizo and your the only normal one, I think u need to seriously wake up to what's going on around you. It takes time, but u will think back to this comment
@shgds 3 месяца назад
it's actually kind of annoying lmao
@BlakeGeometrio 3 месяца назад
FB and TikTok broke their brains lmao
@TheStupidKing 2 месяца назад
I agree, I can't take christians or people saying "The veil is lifting" trying to gaslight people.
@TayWoode 2 месяца назад
Exactly, these type of videos always have people claiming they have the same condition, some people love to have a mental disorder thinking it’s quirky and original, it’s like the ones that say if you can see the tomato in a basket of green apples then you’re a genius with an IQ in the top 3% and everyone says they are
@UshkaOfficial 3 месяца назад
Look at you trying to explain something that is literally supernatural and demonic. The vail is being lifted friend that is the reason for the different frequencies on earth, reason we are now able to see through the vail all these demonic entities. STOP pls stop calling it a medical symptom, hilarious! these pharma cult ppl give a name to everything, it is not that time, we are in revelations times, we are in END TIMES meaning the VAIL has lifted. You all are simply trying to normalize the recent occurrences by giving it a home name like "Demonic Face Syndrome" it is enough! just like you pharma cult ppl labeled our kids impaired autistic etc when they are just in a MUCH higher frequency than the normal ppl like you, so lets just label them Autistic right? in the spectrum right? lmao enough of all of this junk stop it. those with the appointed eyes to see ARE SEEING REVELATIONS TIME. so pls... save it.
@pupincess 3 месяца назад
Omfg what 😭 these people are probably suffering from a chemical imbalance and all you people have to say is that they’re seeing demons, and what if they aren’t then what? What do they do then since mental illness just don’t exist to y’all
@NeuesSchuhwerk 3 месяца назад
Change your mind.
@xXstevilleXx 3 месяца назад
Yeah ok Doc, give me the DSM reference please? peer-reviewed papers, clinical data... I want to see how MANY is rare, because if you say only say 100 or less cases have been reported, this is not medical science... but you know what, you cannot, because you know exactly this is not the case you also know you cannot use schizophrenia so.... so PLEASE give me the information, since I feel this is more a cover for something else... and I am telling you, it will not work!