Caldwell Apologetics
Caldwell Apologetics
Caldwell Apologetics
Caldwell Apologetics is a Christian apologetics platform created by Rick Caldwell with the goal of providing the world with theological answers to questions about the Christian faith. Christians are told to always be ready to give a defense (give an apologia) to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that we have with gentleness and reverence.
Shocking Truths About Holiness
3 месяца назад
Will Never Count Sin! - Mic Drop Moments
3 месяца назад
William Murphy Says The Dumbest Things
8 месяцев назад
Why You're Accountable Before God: Explained
10 месяцев назад
"I Was Not Good" Says Christian, Ex-Muslim
10 месяцев назад
Is Self-Defense Permitted For Christians?
11 месяцев назад
Saved No Matter What?
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What are presuppositions?
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@jonlambert817 4 часа назад
The more I see "de-constructionists" and others who say "I was in the church for X years". The more I see the truth of "they went out from us for they were never of us". Be encouraged Caldwell your work is building the body
@LordLoveGood 5 часов назад
I may be convinced by your arguments, but you take every 3 words and lay a hammer into a brother you disagree with… yall dont disagree with brothers like theyre brothers… seems more like your laying into a pagan for sacrificing to Baal… Don’t know why I keep coming to watch these channels and expect a good discussion
@jayrilla7731 7 часов назад
41:30 Rick say he finna go mad scientist on yall boys 😆😆
@lawrencestanley8989 8 часов назад
Theonomy is most assuredly Biblical. Acts 5:29 - We must obey God rather than men. Psalm 72:8-11 - May he also have dominion from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. Let the desert creatures kneel before him, and his enemies lick the dust. Let the kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands bring a present; the kings of Sheba and Seba offer tribute. And let all kings bow down to him, all nations serve him. Romans 13:3-7 - rulers are servants of God Psalm 2:12 - leaders are to kiss the Son lest He shatter them with a rod of Iron. This means rulers of the world must honor Christ or else He will destroy them. Psalm 33:12 - Blessed is the nation whose God is Yahweh That last verse assumes that there are nations whose God is Yahweh.
@CaldwellApologetics 8 часов назад
It depends on what you mean by Theonomy. Generally, that means God’s law. But what do you mean by God’s law? If you mean that aspects of the Mosaic Law are applicable to civil authorities in the nations, then that is patently unbiblical.
@lawrencestanley8989 7 часов назад
@@CaldwellApologetics You said: *"It depends on what you mean by Theonomy."* VERY true! This term has been redefined by many... The Mosaic Laws are not enforced upon the church in the New Covenant, so I cannot see how some can argue for its enforcement by the state. As I understand Theonomy, it is simply the notion that all human laws are in submission to the word of God. Civil government has a responsibility to uphold and enforce God's law in the civil sphere, while the Church has a responsibility to uphold and teach God's law in the spiritual sphere.
@CaldwellApologetics 7 часов назад
@@lawrencestanley8989 How does anyone submit to God’s law without regeneration? The blessing of the new covenant addresses that issue. Another critical point is no one going to submit God’s law unless they are born from above. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. (Romans 8:7-9 ESVi) Also the verses you listed in your initial comment has a context. For example, Acts 5:29 is talking Peter and the apostles. Christians are obligated to obey is the point of that verse specifically. Psalm 2 is an eschatological chapter talking about the future reign of Christ as the Davidic king on earth. His reign will challenge and surmount any nation that opposes God. Romans 13’s reference to “servant of God” is not necessarily talking about a follower of God since even the historical context of the epistle considers that people like Nero were in power. This passage speaks more about God’s providence in having civil authorities and less about the character of those authorities (1 Peter 2:18)
@lawrencestanley8989 7 часов назад
@@CaldwellApologetics You said: *"How does anyone submit to God’s law without regeneration?"* Well, Psalm 33:12 assumes it can be done. And, honestly, any nation who has (just as an example) a law stating that it is illegal to murder is already submitting to God's law in that aspect, so obviously it can be done. You said: *"Another critical point is no one going to submit God’s law unless they are born from above."* So only Christians obey the law where it is illegal to murder? Only Christians don't steal? We already understand from our current experience that even atheists can submit to God's law. Theonomy isn't about forced conversions, or anything like that; all that a Theonomic system would do is to ensure that there would be no ungodly laws in the civil sphere.
@francesbledsoe4552 10 часов назад
I have heard about these people such as Brandon who are apostates. It’s been a large movement everywhere that I have seen in past 4-5 years. I have heard of names called ex evangelical , deconstruction of the faith , Christian deconstruction . What comes to mind is Gods Word John chapter 6 where many of Jesus disciples turned away from him and walked no longer with him. It’s something that will increase more and more. Brother Rick it’s right to have such frustration , right anger grieve when false teachers do this twisting Gods Word to fit their evil worldly mind. If he has a following I pray that babes in Christ will not get caught in this deadly web of deception. Praise God that He gives us a faith that will not fail or ever reject our Savior because we have the Holy Spirit. We can be decieved but not to the point that we would ever reject our Savior that’s impossible you had made that clear. Like I said before I thank My Lord for you and your ministry things will get worse and worse because imposters will get worse and worse but our God Almighty will give us all we need to fulfill the work He has called us to because we are in Christ. Keep correcting and rebuking the wolves whom are blind guides😊
@andrewchamberlin8180 11 часов назад
All misunderstandings come from the wrong treatment of the text. Some people want an encyclopedia to give them the answers. The Bible isn't an encyclopedia. They could read a novel and understand what the author is communicating, but people, for whatever reason, don't consider that the scriptures are narrative in the nature of communication.
@andrewchamberlin8180 11 часов назад
Amen, brother. The active and passive obedience of Christ is described here, and the act of the atonement can not take place without it.
@DearWokeChristian 15 часов назад
Nice work, sir! Thank you for tackling this.
@JBurns-hg2xj День назад
Just discovered your channel and love your biblical take on topics.
@TheGuy-cf2rg День назад
Seeing all things theology and smart christians in the chat gave me a chuckle! 😂😂
@kevindietrich3759 2 дня назад
Another video of yours which came up on my page, and it was painful to watch. Rick, if you haven’t reached out to any of these men to have a conversation/debate over the topics you take issue with, tell me how your videos aren’t continuous slander? If you actually “love these men” as you claimed in the video, then you would be trying your best to connect with them to have a discussion, but it seems you would just like to lob bombs, and make videos that misrepresent and don’t offer the full picture. It truly is shameful, and repent worthy. I would argue that if you aren’t going to take the necessary steps to do all you can to connect, but continue to make your slanderous videos, then people should mark and avoid you, undoubtedly. Regarding, Christian nationalists, Rick, in the case of abortion, how would you go about establishing justice for the pre born, if you were a legislator? What standard would you use to make/ write your law?
@akadwriter 2 дня назад
There is no biblical mandate to contact someone first with regard to their PUBLIC teaching. And they are false teachers.
@kevindietrich3759 2 дня назад
@@akadwriter I understand that, public statements are open to public criticism, and he’s not obligated to do so. BUT if you are misrepresenting what they actually are saying, then that’s slander, and if someone claims to “love” another brother in Christ, then they should absolutely do try to reach out. One way to cause division, and disunity is continue to do what Rick is doing. It’s wrong. Give some examples of how they are false teachers?
@akadwriter День назад
@@kevindietrich3759 Watch the video. Their focus is NOT the gospel. And they actively promote Doug Wilson.
@kevindietrich3759 День назад
@@akadwriter I watched the whole video. Saying they actively promote Doug Wilson, means nothing, he has a lot of beliefs on a lot of topics. You’ll have to be more specific, because it sounds like your calling him a false teacher as well. Since you main focus is the Gospel, which I would agree, it should be, would you agree that if you boil it all the way down, would it be “to love God, love neighbor and obey Christ”? Now, there is way more too it than that, I understand, however for the sake of this conversation, I’m going to use that. Because from loving God, loving neighbor and obeying Him, how would you apply that if you were a legislator? Or would you throw your beliefs out the window and use some arbitrary, or secular standard to determine if ab0rti0n should be abolished? God’s law or man’s law? You must choose, one would actually establish justice as God demands, and the other would not, and you would be in sin. So this is way bigger than just “preaching the gospel” this is applying the gospel in our particular context. And this is what the Christian nationalist are talking about, in a sense.
@CaldwellApologetics День назад
@@kevindietrich3759 Hello there. I am not obligated to invite anyone on my channel. That is not how this works. How have I misrepresented these men? I am literally playing their videos, audio clips without editing, and reading entire sections on their books. All these public statements on doctrine and “Christian” methodology are fair game. I am more concerned for young men like yourself who are being influenced by them. Questions: Why is “Lord of the Rings” being referenced as a justification for “supernatural” activity by pastors? Why are these pastors so enamored with Roman Catholic traditions and myths than the word of God? Why is a “pastor of counseling” constantly engaged in incendiary rhetoric on X? Why is the gospel rarely mentioned by all these pastors on social media?
@tinas7909 2 дня назад
Amen, brother Rick!! Thank you for covering this. I have been truly disturbed by the rhetoric I see on X and in other places. If I try to push back by quoting scripture, I am told I am nothing more than an emotional woman and I need to mind my own business.. If this is how godly men will run a country I want No part of it! It’s pretty sad when unchristian men have more respect and treat women with more dignity than Christian men and especially pastors! I even saw a post that said at least Muslim men know how to treat their women. I was shocked by the hate they feel for women. Not all of us are feminists that try to emasculate the men in our lives. To treat all women as if they are is not right or loving to their sisters in Christ!
@ChristAloneNoRome 2 дня назад
Apologia Studios - good brothers right there! Praise the LORD Jesus Christ to the Glory of God the Father by the Spirit forevermore AMEN!
@CaldwellApologetics 2 дня назад
Learned a lot from the guys at Apologia Studios. There are some issues with some their associations. But I am really glad that Jeff Durbin dropped out of the conference.
@terrencejones5748 2 дня назад
Who dat drunk clown ?
@gert_kruger 2 дня назад
Neo-reformers are too fluid between Scripture and philosophy that they don't realize it. Many philosophical principles are drawn from the text, not necessarily wrong, but which were not the original indented meaning.
@WillNelson73 2 дня назад
My issue with some of these guys is that there is a sophomoric element to it where they do a lot of name calling. I don’t see older guys helping to anchor them and bring a more mature element to that movement. They all seem to be relatively young with very young families (the oldest guys are mid 30s)
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
Tyler: "you as a black person predate jesus" Bible: "in the beginning was the word (jesus)" Tyler just outed himself as easily proved as biblically ignorant or deceptive
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
Wait what: "you paint every black person as a monolith!" How dare you! Don't you know that for the social engineering of socialism inherent in liberation theology to work, you must be a monolithic cog in the machine of communistic thought. How dare you be an individual loved by Jesus! How very dare you to have individual sin that needs atoning and not hereditary racial guilt...
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
Tyler: "tons of unity, tons of unity" Yeah but unity around what? If you have unity around anything other than Jesus and his scriptures what you get is an idol. And idols enslave...
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
"the truth (of jesus) shall set you free!" Wait what? I thought it was "black lives matter" or "nationalism" or "LGBTQ+ feminist theology" that did that... Man how come the bible contradicts this "Christian theology"... 😂🤣 Huh maybe sola scriptura is right!
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
Oh no! Kdub is an uncle tom to the white man because he says that Jesus a middle eastern man is king of kings and lord of lords! Oh no! Caldwell is a white supremacist because he's a Christian of which first churches were Ethiopian and Jewish ethnically! Oh no! The cognitive dissonance! Does this mean that Odin worship is black because the "white church" conquered Odin? Rise up all you black Odinists! To cast off the white man's church! But wait the Norse pantheon is just like the Babylonian and greek, I'm confused...😂🤣
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
Every single time I hear "black church", "Scots church", "evangelical church", "Catholic church" etc, etc I know those people are defining the word church with their prefix. Now here's the question, where in the bible anywhere does it say that God respects your ability to tan or even a hint that his body on earth should be defined by melonin concentration in the skin?
@peakedmalefeminist9782 2 дня назад
Joel-sama bin-Webbon 🤢
@reformedpilgrim 2 дня назад
That's one of my favorite episodes of Star Trek, and that's the main reason.
@user-uo8kb5rv7n 2 дня назад
I agree that political activism doesn't fit the Bible example. I don't think Jesus would work on a political campaign or organize a protest. However we as citizens have a duty to vote and to be informed when we vote and God commands that we obey authority. So...are you aware that this weekend there is a Summit of the Future which may well end American sovereignty and put America under the control of the WHO and the UN? What do you think will happen to Christians if that happens? So I let my senators know that I don't support the initiative. There...I've done my duty.
@PillarOfGrace 2 дня назад
I appreciate this live brother Rick.
@CaldwellApologetics 2 дня назад
Thank you 😊 sister. God bless
@reformedpilgrim 2 дня назад
8:43 YES! Yes, and amen! Immediate like and subscribe!
@reformedpilgrim 2 дня назад
17:30, another Yes, and amen! I'm watching my fellow Reformed brothers suddenly discard monergism, and say *we* have to make utopia on earth a reality, that God needs us to act, or it won't happen. And I'm wondering when we gave up believing that it is God that works in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
"you see it in 'lord of the rings' "🤣. So super serious pastoring of souls and speculation about world changing political structures is based on lotr... Do better... They should point to revelation where human messengers are sometimes translated 'angel' which could indicate a taking over of angelic tasks by man? But no it's lotr story time...
@reformedpilgrim 2 дня назад
While it's fine to enjoy The Lord of the Rings (or other good literature), it's not okay to get your theology from it.
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
The main problem with "Christian Nationalism" is that if we truly believed "the gospel was the power of god unto salvation" we would spread the gospel to our enemies to convert them to Jesus. Instead we look at legal structures to restrain evil people instead of converting them. Clearly the gospel is the primary and preferred instrument. But for some reason a Protestant "holy Roman empire" is desired instead? It's back to front IMHO
@CaldwellApologetics 2 дня назад
Great 😊 observations. Some of the biggest CN supporters will say that they do not deny the necessity of the gospel yet their emphasis on social transformation via legal/political means appears to largely diminish if not significantly undermine any call for evangelism. We have numerous examples in history that clearly demonstrates that their approach never ends well.
@sevencrickets9258 2 дня назад
Can it not be both? We do this in our own homes. You establish the law so to speak with your children so that they know right from wrong. The law is a teacher. Does that law save them....certainly not, but that doesn't mean then that we throw it out. It is a tool, and so it should be with the nation. Do you agree with the abolitionist movement? It is overtly political, with its end goal being to establish justice for the unborn legally, on a state, and hopefully federal level. Not one abolitionist thinks that a just law that functionally outlaws abortion is going to save a person's soul. Only the gospel does that. But it will deter millions from murdering their children. This is a good thing. If you are fine with this in regard to abortion, then you should be fine with it extending to other areas as well.
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
@@sevencrickets9258 to be honest I do think it can be both. But the conflation of working towards individual just laws and setting up a state based on biblical principles is wrong. I personally would love a biblical state. Something like Geneva or the puritan colonies but I recognise that looking for legal answers to spiritual problems will always fail. I think the earthly law can indeed be complementary to jesus kingdom on earth but never ever be primary to it. I feel that CN types have great desires but flawed implementation that will inevitably distract from Christ just as the catholic churches materialistic instincts hinder the gospel not promote it. We see this principle in trump worship very clearly but CN is just an extremely subtle form of this often I feel
@tropicalpines4585 2 дня назад
I agree with your point that a legal answer to a spiritual problem will not solve it. How about a legal answer to a legal problem? I know there’s a broad spectrum in how CN advocates approach this, but imagine if there was a huge issue in your town with car accidents at a dangerous intersection. A proper solution would be to put in a stop sign/traffic light/rotary. I don’t think any Christians would oppose a believer going to the city council to propose that solution. Now let’s take it to a national level. If you see a moral, economic, and cultural decline in your state/nation, shouldn’t it be acceptable to work against that? Obviously this shouldn’t be done at the exclusion of the gospel, but the puritans, reformers, and American founders almost unanimously agreed that a state will break down regardless of its structure without piety.
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
@@tropicalpines4585 notice how you seemlessly move from an individual example (which I support btw) to an example of a Christian state. This is exactly the conflation I see all the time. I agree that individual laws can and should be fought for by Christians. What I disagree with is that we have the wisdom or mandate to go further and set up a government structure from scratch. Now if we followed the gospel and a majority of people wanted a Christian nation as happened in Geneva then we would have a democratic mandate to do such a thing. But they would arise out of us obeying the gospel mandate. It is not the desire or drive that I fault but the implementation that I think is wrong headed. Every single stable polity has been based on solid cultural grounds. You cannot win the culture war through legal means. But you can win the cultural war through spiritual means. Once that is done then you can establish this state on solid cultural \ biblical grounds to protect that win for future generations. Notice I am post mil and support the idea of a Christian nation but I know that this only comes from doing Gods will Gods way and I am far from convinced that a top down solution is required even though I support godly monarchy. Using the democratic process which demands that evil be represented in government to achieve Godly ends is problematic as I'm sure you can see in the current day. See I am urging caution because of structural issues in the CN thought process not because I am against a Christian based polity
@JohnMackeyIII 2 дня назад
Good morning all!
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
To make "Christian nationalism" work you need to establish mandate. There is mandate for the great commission. But not explicit mandate for political structures. Therefore "Christian nationalism" can only be subservient or subsumed within the existing mandate of the great commission. Or you can claim old testament authority for these ideas. Either way you're relying on an old testament framework which is superceeded by the NT or working in a NT framework where the clear mandate is the great commission and "Christian nationalism" is strictly ancillary. Given these facts you would have to almost perfect church structure and discipline along with very strong gospel proclamation BEFORE attempting "Christian Nationalism". Could the best form of what I think the most well meaning people mean (IE Christian laws) by "Christian Nationalism" be great? Yes! But honestly Christian nationalism is clearly secondary and derivative of more pressing biblical mandates which we are failing on. Therefore although desirable in it's best form it feels like putting the cart before the horse and a distraction caused by our worldliness, not our spiritual vitality changing the world but worldliness changing our spirituality. Exactly the same affliction of the papists
@jonlambert817 2 дня назад
America has never been "a Christian nation". There is however an argument to say the original colonies were run on Christian lines by the puritans. The most Christian polities I'm aware of are Calvins Geneva and possibly the "covenanters" in Scotland. To achieve this end in USA you would need to completely rewrite a states laws and then the federal law above it. While at the same time withdrawing from any iniquitous international legal obligations. It's not surprising therefore that these goals have been most closely approximated under a strong king \ leader as any other system involves watering down laws by the political opposition.
@swordman802 2 дня назад
Rick, if we get rid of the labels, we can all agree that since Christians believe that our worldview is the only correct worldview, then the Christian should support and work toward the application/expression of the Christian worldview in every area of society (law, culture, psychology, education, family, marriage, politics, economics etc...) This is the very same thing that the atheists and secularists are doing. Does this make any sense at all?
@CaldwellApologetics 2 дня назад
Truth be told we can put the labels 🏷️ aside yet the substance of the enterprise is still unbiblical. There is no biblical mandate for the church in Scripture to pursue a socio-political agenda in order to advance the kingdom of God. We should never appeal to pragmatism or the world as the framework or strategy (“the world is doing X so we must do X”) for Christian methodology. What does not make any sense is how many professing Christians have been duped into putting down their bibles. We cannot rightly talk about worldview if we unhitch ourselves from the very grounds for a Christian worldview - the Scriptures
@akadwriter 2 дня назад
@@CaldwellApologetics This! Calling something "Christian" doesn't just make it so because we say it is.
@swordman802 2 дня назад
@@CaldwellApologetics Do you agree or disagree with my statement above?
@SowTheScripture 2 дня назад
@@CaldwellApologetics This is a bit of a longer reply, but please bear with me. I am not necessarily advocating for the common expression of Christian Nationalism. However, do you as a citizen of your country have a right or a responsibility to engage in the socio-political realm? Now, if someone says that a professing Christian should have 0% involvement in anything to do with the civic realm, then that’s a completely different discussion. If you say that a professing Christian has the right to engage the government, should they approach government with a biblical approach or with an unbiblical approach? I don’t agree with everything that comes out of the typical CN advocates. But I will push back on the criticisms concerning “conflating” and “unbiblical precedent”. Was John the Baptist wrong for telling Herod that it was unlawful for him to take his brother’s wife? We commonly say things like “All of Christ for all of life” and “the Bible is relevant for every aspect of our lives”. Do you believe that these previous two statements are true? Or can we only be spiritual and God-honoring when we are praying, reading the Bible, preaching, and evangelizing? To be fair, I know that some people would actually answer these rhetorical questions differently than I would. I will just say that people who put Christianity in a man-made box, and verify it by a list of checks on a to-do list, and anathematize everything that isn’t on their own checklist - tend to be unbiblically legalistic about their faith. Typical Christian Nationalist advocates will base much of their reasoning on postmillenialism and a peculiar interpretation of Matthew 28:18-20. I would not necessarily argue for CN in that way. Instead, I think that any Christian that has submitted every part of their lives to Christ will end up leaning more CN by default. They may not have the same approach, and they may apply things differently, but it would be the same in principle. God instituted the family, church, and state as forms of government that are responsible to honor God. All of creation has a responsibility to submit to God. Personally, I don’t understand why any Christian would have any problem with someone like Jeff Durbin running his organization End Abortion Now, and going to city and state council meetings, and putting out legislation to combat moral evils that we would all agree are unbiblical. The only major critique that I have with CN advocates is the amount of time and energy they put into these issues - mainly because they are usually ordained ministers of the gospel. If a layperson wanted to do what they are doing, then praise God for it. I stopped watching Apologia Radio because they only put out CN content nowadays. James White has a proper approach, he says that the only way for the nations to be baptized is if they all receive the gospel. So while he may address these topics here and there, he is actually more concerned about apologetics than addressing political concerns. Concerning people like Joel Webbon, Stephen Wolfe, and Doug Wilson who have racist and sexist undertones in their rhetoric, that’s a different issue altogether. Taking Webbon for example, believing that Christians should engage the political realm for the glory of God and believing that chattel slavery was a moral good are not the same issue. Just because Webbon, Conn, and Wilson conflate perspectives like that with CN doesn’t mean that everyone who is trying to outlaw abortion on a biblical basis thinks that way.
@CaldwellApologetics День назад
@SowTheScripture. Thanks for your comments. You have said a lot. Let me address a few things. Firstly, I don’t paint all CN proponents with a broad brush. Though I fundamentally disagree with all forms of CN on biblical grounds, I do recognize that there is a spectrum. And I have said as much in previous videos. I primarily focus on the brand of CN espoused by Stephen Wolfe and Joel Webbon as it includes entailments that will lead to repression, the elimination of religious freedom, etc. There is an entire Anglo-Saxon superiority ethos that is prevalent in their program. These elements cannot be separated from their brand of CN. As you have also recognized a central issue is the lack of emphasis on gospel proclamation while there seems to be greater emphasis on procuring political “solutions” and political power. Lastly, I would not say that the conversion of people through proclamation of the gospel leads to CN. We should be active in public square leading souls to the gospel of repentance. While it is true that changed hearts leads to changed lives, there is no indication in Scripture that things will get better before Christ’s return.
@GlovesOff_jc 2 дня назад
While I appreciate the work that you’re doing to push back against these hateful ideas within Christian Nationalism, it seems that the Bible is ripe with examples of favoritism and God enforcing in-group/out-group policies on humanity. Quoting Jesus or Paul may counter that narrative but there is still a major inconsistency throughout different books of the Bible that leave it vulnerable for bad actors to manipulate. This flaw in Christianity limits the effectiveness of your critique and even you believe that certain people are saved (in-group) and others are damned (out-group).
@CaldwellApologetics 2 дня назад
Thanks for comment. However, there is no inconsistency in the Bible on this issue. When God ordains to use a group of people (e.g. Israel), it is not ever for their end or benefit alone. Yes, people throughout history have selectively read the Bible or twisted verses to their own detriment. However, the entire Bible as a whole, both Old and New Testaments, says otherwise. For example, the apostle Paul explains how God’s faithfulness to the patriarchs, the progenitors of the children of Israel, becomes the very grounds for redemptive hope for the Gentiles in quoting several Old Testament passages. So Christ and Paul are not outliers; they are in harmony with the entire storyline of the Bible. For I tell you that Christ became a servant 👉🏾to the circumcised👈🏾 to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that 👉🏾the Gentiles👈🏾 might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, “Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles, and sing to your name.” And again it is said, “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people.” And again, “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all the peoples extol him.” And again Isaiah says, “The root of Jesse will come, even he who arises to rule the Gentiles; in him will the Gentiles hope.” (Romans 15:8-12 ESVi)
@TheMorning_Son 2 дня назад
America is a christian nation that was based upon protestant Enlightenment according to the dissenting tradition.
@akadwriter 2 дня назад
Conn, Webbon and that whole crew are the rotten fruit of Moscow and Doug Wilson.
@akadwriter 2 дня назад
Still don't trust Durbin at all. He avidly endorses Doug Wilson and Joe Boot (who redefines the Great Commission). Sorry, but that's how i see it, brother. I am glad he isn't going there, though. Just wish he and White would denounce Wilson and his sin and heresy.
@CaldwellApologetics 2 дня назад
@@akadwriter I still think 🤔 this is a step in the right direction. Are there still issues that need to be addressed? Certainly. Let’s keep pressing forward.
@akadwriter 2 дня назад
@@CaldwellApologetics Not disagreeing. Just suspicious haha.
@WillNelson73 2 дня назад
@@akadwriter I have met Jeff Durbin and found him to be extremely affable. I also admire his passion and the work he does for the unborn
@akadwriter 2 дня назад
@WillNelson73 That's all well and good. He needs to separate from that whole Moscow crowd. It is Durbin's associates (Cultish podcast host and LOOR producer) who defended Wilson’s use of vulgar language on fb. I have the screenshots. I don't trust a pastor who won't disconnect from evil.
@icemanred 2 дня назад
Thanks Rick. Viewing the world through proper understanding of scripture is what we should do. We should not view the scriptures through our worldview.
@johndeloatch613 3 дня назад
Man shut up! The Bishop did not fumble anything!! Y’all hate the truth.
@NewlyRisenInChrist 5 дней назад
@holywarrioryancy2338 5 дней назад
The only cult is those that do Contrary to the work and do the traditions of men. Those are the only ones who fumble. You're a joke!
@shawnaroachford5754 5 дней назад
Thank you, brother Rick, for your Christ centered teaching. 🥰🙏❤
@Hadassah-gk1cm 5 дней назад
Huh? And ELOHIYM is not the Author of Confusion.
@kingnaqay_suc1813 5 дней назад
How about yall debate these camps , cut their doctrine and show the people what’s true . Yall will get destroyed with scripture
@jazzmankey 6 дней назад
@Caldwell Apologetics. What happens after the 1,000 year reign?
@CaldwellApologetics 5 дней назад
Revelation 21 and 22 - the eternal state
@jonlambert817 6 дней назад
Albert kleavge: "the white man has thoroughly dominated us! What we need is a black system of thought in opposition to his system." So to be liberated poor Albert suggested doing the opposite which is still dictated by what he opposes... So not a shred of originality just pure emotional reaction... 🙄 Maybe Albert kleavge would have been better served being set free from sin by God?...
@jonlambert817 6 дней назад
Albert kleavge is like Hitler with an afro preaching neitzsche... "👉The will to power 👈(German: der Wille zur Macht) is a concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. The will to power describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans. However, the concept was never systematically defined in Nietzsche's work, leaving its interpretation open to debate.[1] Usage of the term by Nietzsche can be summarized as self-determination, the concept of actualizing one's will onto one's self or one's surroundings, and coincides heavily with egoism.[2]"
@jonlambert817 6 дней назад
If this guy Albert kleavge would just drop the descriptor "white" when he says the "white man" is no good he may be close to scripture. "ALL men have fallen short of the glory of God" and "not one is good, not one." If only Albert kleavge would confess his own sin as strongly as he does others he may be in a position to receive forgiveness from God who shows no partiality to any man regardless of melonin concentration. Carry on expounding dat scripture Caldwell 😊
@mandymarshmallow6142 6 дней назад
And comparing being born a "female" to the sin of having several adulterous relationships, that is just SICK. Please examine yourself and see if you are loving others. When you look at a woman in church, what do you see? If you are a godly man you should see your sister in Christ and should encourage her to do good just like you would a man. If the woman is not a sister in Christ, you still need to look at her with respect and honor as she is made in the image of God, just as much as a man. "Then God said, “Let us make MANKIND in OUR IMAGE, in our likeness, so that they may RULE OVER the FISH in the sea and the BIRDS in the sky, over the LIVESTOCK and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created MANKIND in his own image, in the image of God He created them; MALE and FEMALE He created them. God BLESSED THEM and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. RULE OVER the FISH in the sea and the BIRDS in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” - Genesis 1:26-28 And God NEVER COMMANDED us to rule over another human but to rule together over the earth and animals, Jesus Christ our Lord and God COMMANDS us to believe in Him and love others as He loved us and to tell others the good news of reconciliation to the Father through Him. Praying for all my brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere to come to this truth and stop fighting each other, but work together to bring the gospel to a lost and dying world. Praying also for the lost to here the gospel and receive the free gift of salvation through trusting in Christ for their salvation. ❤🙏❤
@christinawilliams1443 6 дней назад
🔥🔥🔥🔥 holy & Just