Stronger Every Day
Stronger Every Day
Stronger Every Day
Hello friends!!! I will be sharing videos on mental health and how God loves you through it. I have battled mental health issues for 27 years and feel a calling to share my story to help others. You can get better. Things will get better. I am not a certified mental health provider. I am someone who has seen and been through the depths of mental illness and if I can help one person to understand this disease and recover, well that’s what I started this journey.
Thank you for stopping by and don't forget to hit the subscribe button and notification bell!!! I am married to my hubs Nick and a momma to a herd of fur babies. We are tickled that you are here and would like to say, "Welcome to the family." Don't forget to say hello and tell me a little about yourself. As always, thank you so so much for your support!!!

Lets Be Friends:

Instagram: @strongereveryday89

Living with Depression and Anxiety
14 дней назад
Living With Depression and Anxiety
21 день назад
30 Ways to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
Месяц назад
Luke Warm of All In Kind of Love for God
2 месяца назад
The Comparison Game/ Christian Living
2 месяца назад
Taking Our Thoughts Captive
2 месяца назад
When Disappointments Happen
5 месяцев назад
Striving for Perfection as a Christian
5 месяцев назад
Living with Depression and Anxiety Life Update
6 месяцев назад
Overcoming Judgement with Mental Illness
6 месяцев назад
Living with Depression & Anxiety as a Christian
7 месяцев назад
@Michelle-lk8jj 10 часов назад
Thank you for this video!!! I’ve been struggling with my Christian walk because of the indirect and subliminal comments attitudes of many churches towards persons who struggle with mental health challenges. It’s like you have to be on constant guard of what and how you say things to your church peeps and not disclosing too much info. It’s a very lonely place…
@christophercobbett5750 2 дня назад
Thank you again for your videos. Coming from many years of recovery and from a place of low self esteem, I understand we need to take care of ourselves. I always refer to "If a plane is going down, use your oxygen mask first, before you help anyone else". Another quote from a friend of mine "Give of your excess, not of your essence". I dont know if those are 100% biblically aligned, but we do have to take care of ourselves. God bless you for providing this content
@strongereveryday8905 2 дня назад
@@christophercobbett5750 Thank you so much!!! I love those!!
@strongereveryday8905 2 дня назад
@@christophercobbett5750 Thank you so much!!! I love those!!
@beefwine 3 дня назад
Wow the bit you said at the end… it made me speechless, it was beautiful. I felt the Holy Spirit. I’ve never heard or thought of that before. And it is so sad how many people are so enslaved by pride just like I used to be. They do not feel the joy of God. It is so worth it to let down your pride or control or whatever is holding you apart from God. Much love and I hope people see truth ❤
@strongereveryday8905 2 дня назад
@@beefwine Thanks friend!!
@beefwine 3 дня назад
I will pray about this and ask God because I once thought that having depression as a Christian meant you were doing something wrong. Right now from what I know, it is very personal and different to everyone, and we must take it to Jesus in prayer to find the answers about our personal situations. Some people glorify and idolise their mental illness and cling onto it instead of God and I think that is wrong. But other people are truly suffering with mental illness even while having a relationship with God and I believe God could be using that for his purposes that we may not understand. That’s why each person must go to the Lord to have the state of their heart inspected by him rather than judging others on the surface, God is the best doctor and psychiatrist and teacher in the whole world ❤
@strongereveryday8905 2 дня назад
@@beefwine I agree. God is our strength and is always with us when we are hurting. And yes, I do think mental illness is specific to the person. Some people, just like any other topic, take things to extremes and act/behave/speak/etc a certain way for attention/congrats/thata boy but my experience is far more people are truly struggling with mental illness and the church is telling people they are just sinners and need to pray for forgiveness yet Jesus didn’t do or say this. He showed love and compassion and kindness then encouraged them to finish their journey. It’s so hard being a Christian and struggling with mental illness. You’re judged from Christian and non Christian alike.
@beefwine 3 дня назад
I used to not even know you could fight against depression because it felt so heavy and unmovable, but Jesus showed me that is a lie but you absolutely can fight it and thats an amazing thing ❤
@strongereveryday8905 2 дня назад
@@beefwine Yes!!!! 🙌🙌
@beefwine 4 дня назад
This is my original comment that keeps disappearing, hopefully it works! Hi Chrissy, I am sorry to hear about all your difficulties, I think it’s amazing how you are getting through it day by day. I’m not familiar with your whole story as I haven’t watched all your videos (yet) but I see great beauty and faith in you just getting through the daily trials and making it through to the next day! In a world of impatience, darkness, hatred, pressure and selfishness, the simplicity of your methods is so good. Need alone time? HAVE IT, as long as you need. Take good rest, if you just can’t rest and relax its okay, just do your best. I love it, we need to hear this in a raw way from a real person suffering! Not like when the big corporations tell you that you are loved and are part of their family but it is meaningless and detached. I find lots of comfort in your mindset because I relate, and at the moment I do not have anyone in my life who I relate to. There is so much disconnection and loneliness even when surrounded by people. There is a lot of suffering in this, but then I see you have your own family (my biggest dream to have this) and there is still suffering there too! Suffering can be a refining fire for our souls, it hurts but it is good for us even when we don’t understand. Solitude has been a big part of my life too, and I take Jesus wherever I go, and when it is time for a break from the solitude, God will lead me there in his time. For now its me and him and that’s okay! I really like what you say about the mindset of giving yourslf grace in hard times. There’s nothing worse when we are going through darkness & difficulty and we trip, to keep being hard on ourselves. That does not help us get back up. God wants us to be strong and get up, but I believe he wants us to do this with encouraging, positive good thoughts, not obsessing on mistakes or getting everything PARALYZINGLY perfect. When I focus on good and encouraging things, the dark guilt and shame and worry melts away. Sometimes it is so, so hard to focus on encouraging things, the darkness feels so cold, so real, so strong. It feels stronger than God’s love, but this is a lie. The hard part for me is recognising it when it sneaks in, and letting up my control over it and handing it to God. Letting go of the control feels like my mind is being torn apart. But the only way to overcome the darkness is to look to goodness, surrender to goodness, God. We can do it, when we can’t do it day by day, second by second :)
@strongereveryday8905 4 дня назад
@@beefwine Love this friend!!! So much truth.
@beefwine 3 дня назад
@beefwine 5 дней назад
Thanks so much for your videos Chrissy!!! So comforting and down to earth. I hope I got your name right from memory :) do you have any drinks or foods that you make or routines that you do to help with depression/very low moods/sadness?
@strongereveryday8905 5 дней назад
@@beefwine Thank you!!! I try, try to drink more water and stay hydrated. I try to limit processed foods… I say try bc I was doing much better at this until Nick got sick so it’s been a lot of caffeine and more quick meals. As far as routines… I just try and stay focus on God. I try hard not to let things or people disrupt my peace and joy. I give myself grace ( although I could do better ) when I need it. I’ve realized that at times, I need quiet and there is nothing wrong with that. I try and get enough sleep and maintain a good sleep routine. I am for certain a work in progress and all of this but just try and bob and weave then life throws things my way. I’m learning to enjoy the solitude. For a long time I took it as loneliness. Now I see it as more Chrissy and God time. A big thing I do as soon as I feel anxiety or depression is force myself to recognize it, and immediately change my thought process. When Nick got sick it sucked. No if, ands, or buts about it. I acknowledged it but quickly just turned it over to God. That could have been an easy spiral. My biopsy could have been. Losing Stella, Maggie, Peaches, Luke’s cancer, Sugars decline, coming home from the hospital and our washer broken… every one of those things have been attacks but I’m realizing the devil only attacks when your ticking him off so… yeah.
@beefwine 4 дня назад
@@strongereveryday8905 Hi Chrissy, I am sorry to hear about all your difficulties, I think it’s amazing how you are getting through it day by day. I’m not familiar with your whole story as I haven’t watched all your videos (yet) but I see great beauty and faith in you just getting through the daily trials and making it through to the next day! In a world of impatience, darkness, hatred, pressure and selfishness, the simplicity of your methods is so good. Need alone time? HAVE IT, as long as you need. Take good rest, if you just can’t rest and relax its okay, just do your best. I love it, we need to hear this in a raw way from a real person suffering! Not like when the big corporations tell you that you are loved and are part of their family but it is meaningless and detached. I find lots of comfort in your mindset because I relate, and at the moment I do not have anyone in my life who I relate to. There is so much disconnection and loneliness even when surrounded by people. There is a lot of suffering in this, but then I see you have your own family (my biggest dream to have this) and there is still suffering there too! Suffering can be a refining fire for our souls, it hurts but it is good for us even when we don’t understand. Solitude has been a big part of my life too, and I take Jesus wherever I go, and when it is time for a break from the solitude, God will lead me there in his time. For now its me and him and that’s okay! I really like what you say about the mindset of giving yourslf grace in hard times. There’s nothing worse when we are going through darkness & difficulty and we trip, to keep being hard on ourselves. That does not help us get back up. God wants us to be strong and get up, but I believe he wants us to do this with encouraging, positive good thoughts, not obsessing on mistakes or getting everything PARALYZINGLY perfect. When I focus on good and encouraging things, the dark guilt and shame and worry melts away. Sometimes it is so, so hard to focus on encouraging things, the darkness feels so cold, so real, so strong. It feels stronger than God’s love, but this is a lie. The hard part for me is recognising it when it sneaks in, and letting up my control over it and handing it to God. Letting go of the control feels like my mind is being torn apart. But the only way to overcome the darkness is to look to goodness, surrender to goodness, God. We can do it, when we can’t do it day by day, second by second :)
@beefwine 4 дня назад
@@strongereveryday8905 Hi Chrissy, I am sorry to hear about all your difficulties, I think it’s amazing how you are getting through it day by day. I’m not familiar with your whole story as I haven’t watched all your videos (yet) but I see great beauty and faith in you just getting through the daily trials and making it through to the next day! In a world of impatience, darkness, hatred, pressure and selfishness, the simplicity of your methods is so good. Need alone time? HAVE IT, as long as you need. Take good rest, if you just can’t rest and relax its okay, just do your best. I love it, we need to hear this in a raw way from a real person suffering! Not like when the big corporations tell you that you are loved and are part of their family but it is meaningless and detached. I find lots of comfort in your mindset because I relate, and at the moment I do not have anyone in my life who I relate to. There is so much disconnection and loneliness even when surrounded by people. There is a lot of suffering in this, but then I see you have your own family (my biggest dream to have this) and there is still suffering there too! Suffering can be a refining fire for our souls, it hurts but it is good for us even when we don’t understand. Solitude has been a big part of my life too, and I take Jesus wherever I go, and when it is time for a break from the solitude, God will lead me there in his time. For now its me and him and that’s okay! I really like what you say about the mindset of giving yourslf grace in hard times. There’s nothing worse when we are going through darkness & difficulty and we trip, to keep being hard on ourselves. That does not help us get back up. God wants us to be strong and get up, but I believe he wants us to do this with encouraging, positive good thoughts, not obsessing on mistakes or getting everything PARALYZINGLY perfect. When I focus on good and encouraging things, the dark guilt and shame and worry melts away. Sometimes it is so, so hard to focus on encouraging things, the darkness feels so cold, so real, so strong. It feels stronger than God’s love, but this is a lie. The hard part for me is recognising it when it sneaks in, and letting up my control over it and handing it to God. Letting go of the control feels like my mind is being torn apart. But the only way to overcome the darkness is to look to goodness, surrender to goodness, God. We can do it, when we can’t do it day by day, second by second :)
@beefwine 4 дня назад
@@strongereveryday8905 it won’t let me respond to your comment! I don’t know if you can see my response
@beefwine 4 дня назад
@@strongereveryday8905 Hi Chrissy, I am sorry to hear about all your difficulties, I think it’s amazing how you are getting through it day by day. I’m not familiar with your whole story as I haven’t watched all your videos (yet) but I see great beauty and faith in you just getting through the daily trials and making it through to the next day! In a world of impatience, darkness, hatred, pressure and selfishness, the simplicity of your methods is so good. Need alone time? HAVE IT, as long as you need. Take good rest, if you just can’t rest and relax its okay, just do your best. I love it, we need to hear this in a raw way from a real person suffering! Not like when the big corporations tell you that you are loved and are part of their family but it is meaningless and detached. I find lots of comfort in your mindset because I relate, and at the moment I do not have anyone in my life who I relate to. There is so much disconnection and loneliness even when surrounded by people. There is a lot of suffering in this, but then I see you have your own family (my biggest dream to have this) and there is still suffering there too! Suffering can be a refining fire for our souls, it hurts but it is good for us even when we don’t understand. Solitude has been a big part of my life too, and I take Jesus wherever I go, and when it is time for a break from the solitude, God will lead me there in his time. For now its me and him and that’s okay! I really like what you say about the mindset of giving yourslf grace in hard times. There’s nothing worse when we are going through darkness & difficulty and we trip, to keep being hard on ourselves. That does not help us get back up. God wants us to be strong and get up, but I believe he wants us to do this with encouraging, positive good thoughts, not obsessing on mistakes or getting everything PARALYZINGLY perfect. When I focus on good and encouraging things, the dark guilt and shame and worry melts away. Sometimes it is so, so hard to focus on encouraging things, the darkness feels so cold, so real, so strong. It feels stronger than God’s love, but this is a lie. The hard part for me is recognising it when it sneaks in, and letting up my control over it and handing it to God. Letting go of the control feels like my mind is being torn apart. But the only way to overcome the darkness is to look to goodness, surrender to goodness, God. We can do it, when we can’t do it day by day, second by second :)
@mauer62 6 дней назад
Great scriptures and Psalm 126 is short and to the point. May God bless you and yours. You have been a great encouragement for me.
@strongereveryday8905 6 дней назад
@@mauer62 Thank you so much!!!
@catz2505 6 дней назад
I have depression and anxiety and have most of my life. I have fought and tried but I'm tired now. I keep going, but I'm alone and I"m tired. Sometimes I feel like God doesn't love me when I get so down but I think that's the depression . I keep trying to move forward and not back. The journey is hard and I'm overwhelmed. Thank you for your video. Unless you've walked this road noone understands truly.
@strongereveryday8905 6 дней назад
@@catz2505 I heard something the other day that really stood out to me. He was talking about sometimes God pulls you away from people and situations what He doesn’t want us involved in. Not bc the person or thing is bad really but bc HE needs our attention and when we have too many voices in our space it’s drowns Him out. I feel that. I have felt that before but never knew why I was alone.
@josephdominic9305 6 дней назад
Great verses and encouragement thank you
@strongereveryday8905 6 дней назад
@@josephdominic9305 Thank you friend!!!
@josephdominic9305 7 дней назад
Thank you Chrissy. Ive had this on my watch later for about 8 months, clearly God knew id need to hear it now . God bless u. X
@strongereveryday8905 7 дней назад
@@josephdominic9305 Thank you!!!
@valeriejimenez8674 8 дней назад
I have to say thank you so much. I’m only 5 minutes in. I am a woman of such deep deep faith and the Lord was ministering to me about Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Thankfully my depressive episodes are not weeks or months but for days and my husband who has never struggled with it cannot empathize or understand what it’s like. It’s almost frustrating being a woman of deep faith and dealing with this “thorn in the flesh”. I have a book on God’s promises and I flipped exactly to the scripture where Paul asked God to remove this thorn and He said “my grace is sufficient, in your weakness my power is made perfect” it was comforting to read that and then being led to this video was just another confirmation that I’m not alone. I’m here carrying this cross with you my precious brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m hear carrying your souls with you. I love you all I’m Christ. Thank you for this video you’re a blessing ✨🕊️
@strongereveryday8905 8 дней назад
@@valeriejimenez8674 Thank you for sharing your story. Praying for you and prayers your husband begins to understand what you are going through.
@FrankBizon 13 дней назад
Praise God for the good news and I will keep praying and hoping The Lord will see you through it all.
@strongereveryday8905 12 дней назад
@@FrankBizon Thank you!!!
@ehissify 13 дней назад
I mean this with all love and respect, as a preacher's kid and former true believer, Christianity IS a mental health issue. Your best bet at solving your mental health problems is to leave Christianity.
@strongereveryday8905 13 дней назад
@@ehissify Thank you and while I disagree with you, we all have our right to believe what we believe. I am and will always be a child of God. He is the only reason I am here today…. And am depression and anxiety free bc of Him. Lots of flaws with Christianity but zero with God. He loves me, He loves you.
@allier.9193 13 дней назад
You give me hope 😭
@strongereveryday8905 13 дней назад
@@allier.9193 Thank you!!!
@catz2505 13 дней назад
I have anxiety and depression so bad, but anxiety is really bad. I have my whole life. I hate it, I struggle, I hide from life always have. It's a hard road. After I retired it has gotten worse because I'm alone all the time with noone. Get in my head. Thank you for your video.
@strongereveryday8905 13 дней назад
@@catz2505 Praying for you friend. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this.
@Fabriziodp 13 дней назад
I'm so glad to hear the good news, friend. I will keep praying for you two.
@strongereveryday8905 13 дней назад
@@Fabriziodp Thank you so much!!!
@michaelchua3942 14 дней назад
Ive been criticized having lack of faith when i have anxieties take over my life
@strongereveryday8905 14 дней назад
@@michaelchua3942 I’m sorry that has happened to you. Sometimes, it may be lack of faith. Sometimes It may not be lack of faith. People tend to cast judgement ( usually with a judgmental heart ), rather than offer support.
@michaelchua3942 14 дней назад
@@strongereveryday8905 merci beaucoup
@DeliaMurguletLuiza 15 дней назад
You are orthodox christian?
@DeliaMurguletLuiza 15 дней назад
Whatt medicament you take?
@strongereveryday8905 15 дней назад
@@DeliaMurguletLuiza I don’t discuss the name of the meds. They work for me but may not work for someone else. A name of a med is not the end all be all. Some meds help some people. Some for a bit, others for years. It helps some no matter what medication but most of getting better is other things. For me it has been my relationship with God, eating better, more water, studying the Bible, praying, worshipping, rest, changing my priorities, and many other things.
@DeliaMurguletLuiza 15 дней назад
I try
@DeliaMurguletLuiza 15 дней назад
I try many medicament and dont work well for me i suffer for years and because of that i ask You what medicine You take
@BookshelfNinny 19 дней назад
You are in my prayers Chrissy sweetheart, sending you and your Family lots of love from England. x xx x
@strongereveryday8905 18 дней назад
@@BookshelfNinny Thank you so much!!!
@catz2505 19 дней назад
Thank you for this video. I'm struggling so bad with anxiety and depression for awhile and can't seem to overcome. I don't understand, but I know God is right beside me. I just have to trust and feel Him beside me and know one day this will end. Who knows maybe I can help someone else one day. Only thing I know is that God is in control and He is walking right beside me and helping me each day through this. God bless you and thank you again for this video.
@strongereveryday8905 19 дней назад
@@catz2505 Thank you!!! Yes!!! God is so good.
@Necrophon 20 дней назад
It's funny that today for the first time (At least that I've ever noticed.) you said, "Your kids need you." Wednesday last week we learned that our son has chosen an "alternative" lifestyle that is NOT God's plan for him or ANYONE. We have been so overwhelmed with grief and pain over his life choices and we have been on such an emotional rollercoaster these last few days. One of the things that I felt God is saying to me is, "Satan would love to have access to your son without the presence of a loving Dad to model the love of Christ." I believe that's part of the reason why my depression has been so bad. Thank you for reminding me that I'm still needed here. Praying for you and your husband!
@strongereveryday8905 20 дней назад
You are 100% correct, I have never added that so that must have been for you. I almost edited it out and re did it but left it in. God knew you needed that. Praying for you and your family friend.
@alikatt 20 дней назад
I am so grateful for your videos! God brought me here, I know that.
@strongereveryday8905 20 дней назад
That’s awesome!!! Thanks friend!!
@hannebogstad1853 25 дней назад
Thank you❤❤❤
@strongereveryday8905 25 дней назад
@@hannebogstad1853 Thank you friend!!
@mauer62 27 дней назад
You really are an inspiration to me and others. I thank God for your encouragement and it has helped me finally after many years climb out of deep depression. God bless you.
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
@@mauer62 Wow. I’m blown away by that. God is so good!!!!
@alikatt 27 дней назад
I recently found your channel and watched a video from last year and I was so grateful to find you. Thank you for being an excellent example for me. My depression and anxiety are taking my life over but you reminded me to keep going.
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
@@alikatt One second at a time.
@Fabriziodp 27 дней назад
You have helped more people than you can imagine. Even during your worst days. Don't doubt it.
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
@@Fabriziodp Thank you friend!!! Thank you!!!!!
@msond177 27 дней назад
“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” - Proverbs 12:25 ESV Thank you sister for sharing your life with us. 💕
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
@@msond177 Love that verse!!
@mnb3566 27 дней назад
Thank you for this ministry. You have made a difference in people’s lives, in my life.
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
@@mnb3566 Thank you!!! I wish I could explain what you guys mean to me in words that make sense.
@derpyKAT229 27 дней назад
@allier.9193 27 дней назад
I’m begging for prayers. I am just getting worse. Things are starting to move too fast and too slow it looks like a movie. My body hurts my bones. I shake. I can’t focus on my kids. I cry all day and my husband is trying but getting exhausted. I am begging for a miracle. My kids seem sad to see me like this and that breaks me. I watch your videos every week and I am consumed with messages all week and I just don’t know what I am doing wrong
@catatonyanew 27 дней назад
@Fabriziodp 27 дней назад
I will pray for your health, sister.
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
@@allier.9193 Sis. We get it. Many of us have been there and it seems literally nothing is working. It’s exhausting and a horrible place to be in. Your husband and kids love you and need you. Don’t let the devil tell you otherwise. If your husband was sick, would you care for him? Would you be resentful? NO. We can’t all give 100% every day. Some days I have 20% and Nick has to pull the other 80%. Talk to a counselor. Talk to a friend. Give yourself grace. Fight all the bs the devil is telling you. It will get better. It will. God is right beside you sis. Right there. I have no idea the why. Not for me and not for you but I do know that God never left my side. Pray harder, relax, give yourself grace, don’t give up, lean into God ( He is carrying you right now ), focus on the good. You have a husband who is trying and kids that love you. YOU got this. YOU. They love their momma so of course they are going to hurt when you hurt the same as you hurt when they hurt. That’s a family. I wish I had the perfect thing to say but words tend to fall short… God never does.
@strongereveryday8905 25 дней назад
@@allier.9193 Hey, just checking in on you. Praying and thinking about you.
@allier.9193 24 дня назад
@@strongereveryday8905 you are the sweetest the last two days have been much better. Thank GOD. I can’t have bad days like that back to back. Thank you so much for thinking of me
@Necrophon 27 дней назад
Dearest sister in Christ, your channel is a blessing in my life. I won't tell you that your channel has made my depression go away, it hasn't. But by sharing your pain and struggles as well as your insights and growth, I know that I'm not alone in what I'm going through. Many times your videos help me to get through that day, often you deliver a word in due season and that shows that God is using you. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and doing this channel, there are many who would decide that it's too much work with all that's going on in life and they would have walked away by now if they were in your circumstances. Praying for you and your husband. God Bless you.
@strongereveryday8905 27 дней назад
Thank you for those kind words. You all will probably never know what they mean to me.
@ugochienyoazu 28 дней назад
Thank you for your channel❤‍🩹
@strongereveryday8905 28 дней назад
@@ugochienyoazu Thank you!!
@joaquin48dedios82 Месяц назад
My depression and anxiety was a result of becoming a hypocrite, drugs, alcohol and same sex behavior. It’s been a whirlwind trying to get my life together please pray for me.
@strongereveryday8905 29 дней назад
@@joaquin48dedios82 Praying friend. One second at a time.
@ShiroiNekoo Месяц назад
Thank you for this video 🥺 I have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks lately. I lost my beloved dad two months ago. Since then I have not been feeling well. I love God and I know that only he can help me. Please pray for me 🙏
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@ShiroiNekoo Praying for you!!!
@lezzimars6061 Месяц назад
Hi friend I just wanted to mention it before I forget please type “Barbara O’Neill auto immune “ on YT, she shares natural remedies. She’s great. I hope it helps in any way. And that nicks health improves . Praying for you all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@tiffany34538 Месяц назад
I'm new to your channel. It is so inspiring. I didn't even know depression was mentioned in the Bible its eye opening to me.
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@tiffany34538 Thank you friend. It’s not talked about as depression BUT, you can see people all thru the Bible that are depressed and anxious. Job, David, Moses, Elijah just to name a few.
@tiffany34538 Месяц назад
I always dealt with depression, anxiety, jealousy ,loneliness since I was 18. All I always felt like I was alone in life like I'm the only human on Earth.
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@tiffany34538 Been there. A lot of people have. You are not alone. Millions struggle with depression, anxiety and I’d say every single person has dealt with jealousy and loneliness. One second at a time.
@noahmoses4051 Месяц назад
Jesus Christ took all depression and anxiety out of me many years ago. The cause of depression and anxiety... is an attack from demons, Satan. Have Jesus Christ rebuke it out of you. Everyday is a battle. God bless you in Jesus Christ mighty name ✝️📖⌛
@christophercobbett5750 Месяц назад
Thank you for videos...They are so helpful!!!
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@christophercobbett5750 Thank you friend!!!
@MyHumbleHome Месяц назад
@MyHumbleHome Месяц назад
God bless you. Thank you for making.this beautiful videos❤
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@MyHumbleHome Thank you friend!!!
@jasongCLJ Месяц назад
Well this is really good and important stuff here for real. Still listening 🙏🏽⌛✝️🌫️🤍
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@jasongCLJ Thank you friend!!
@tiamarie1226 Месяц назад
Somehow my comment was deleted. Not sure if that was by you or YT.
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@tiamarie1226 this is the only comment coming up on my “behind the scene RU-vid studio”. I don’t delete comments unless you disrespect God so you should be safe.
@mauer62 Месяц назад
Yeah its kinda hard to consider it pure joy. I used to get angry when I heard James 1:2-4 and just didn't get it. It still upsets me some when I am suffering and I still am but not as much now. God bless you sister for sharing your struggles that many of us also have.
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@mauer62 same. Thank you!!
@jasongCLJ Месяц назад
Sister Krissy im glad you did this (: Im a long attention span person .. so gosh this is a perfect ! HeY im in Tennessee nowdays tOo ( Jamestown) . This is a refreshing share! chickens and goats huh ? hm yea thats coool . I like cats aloT. Im praying now for you and your husband and household . God bless yall !! 🙏🏽⌛✝️🌫️💥
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@jasongCLJ Thank you!!! Oh yes… we are big animal people… hence our small farm haha
@jasongCLJ Месяц назад
That is cool . glory to God. I came back and finished this . Theres a wealth of wisdom here.(!) You were raised well ,yea ? Again all glory to God. There was even thunder in the veedeo too . I love thunder Its like Psalm 29 I like coconut too.. and the oil is good for so many things. smothers fleas too. Yall and yalls lil farm be blessed in the Lord ! 💥💥✝️🌫️
@jasongCLJ Месяц назад
Have you looked into or prayed about faith healing ? Most times He wants us healed , ive found. .
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@jasongCLJ I haven’t read anything about that. I don’t think so anyway.
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@jasongCLJ Thank you friend!!
@allier.9193 Месяц назад
Thank you for the encouragement. I am so weak and it’s really getting harder. These videos give me hope. Please pray for my faith to grow. Praying for you also
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@allier.9193 Praying for you. Every day. I know it’s hard friend. I’ve been right where you are many, many, many times. One second at a time.
@allier.9193 Месяц назад
@@strongereveryday8905 you are the sweetest person I’ve ever known. Sending you a virtual hug. Your videos your kindness your preaching. God bless you. You have your own issues going on but you show up every week and I’m so thankful
@strongereveryday8905 Месяц назад
@@allier.9193 Well I can tell you what you see in me is God. I tried to handle things for a long time and I hated the person I had become. It still ( 2 plus years later ) almost shocks me when people say things like that bc it’s God coming thru me.
@Keyfer62 Месяц назад
Do you think its possible that Jesus took our sins and illnesses (Matt. 8:17) upon Himself so that we could be righteous and healthy by faith? Isaiah 53:3-6 (NLT) He was despised and rejected-a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all. I like the name of your channel, it describes me since I started resisting and rejecting all thoughts, feelings and desires (with patience and persistence) that are contrary to God’s Word in the name of Jesus. The gate is narrow and the road is long and difficult - Matt. 7:14 Best wishes to you and yours. :)