Pariyatti enriches the world by disseminating the words of the Buddha, providing sustenance for the seeker's journey, and illuminating the meditator's path.
Rebirth by John Andrew Storey
2 месяца назад
Treasures of the Noble by Soma Thera
4 месяца назад
The Jewel in Mumbai by Bikram Dandiya
5 месяцев назад
Deeper Aspects of Sīla by Klaus Nothnagel
7 месяцев назад
En el espíritu del Buda
8 месяцев назад
Letter from Māra by Ajahn Puṇṇadhammo
9 месяцев назад
The Buddha's Practical Teaching
10 месяцев назад
Attitudes to Life by Ruth Walshe
10 месяцев назад
Of Gods and Men by Francis Story
11 месяцев назад
Radical Therapy by Lily de Silva
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Pride and Conceit
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@jerry-mind-sky 2 дня назад
Prince Gautama was born in cast of kshatirja- warriors. And was trained to kill in battle. Did Prince Gautama kill like king Asioka who later converted on buddhism.
@bikramdandiya3686 3 дня назад
Brilliant interview. Candid and very informative, touching areas that seldom get discussed🙏🏽
@Pariyatti 7 дней назад
0:00 Pariyatti Intro 0:25 The Simpler Side of Buddhist Doctrine 13:10 1. Saddhā 31:13 2. Virtue 42:29 3. Generosity 54:41 4. Wisdom 1:02:04 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Месяц назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Parents and Children 28:38 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 месяца назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Rebirth: Introduction 3:22 Ancient and Universal 6:06 The Natural Law 11:19 Memories from Former Lives 18:48 What Survives? 23:21 The Process Explained 26:29 Conclusion and Ackowledgments 27:55 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 4 месяца назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Treasures of the Noble 3:08 1-Confidence (saddhā) 7:33 2-Virtue (sīla) 11:36 3 and 4 - Shame and Fear (hiri-ottappa) 15:50 5-Learning (suta) 19:16 6-Bounty (cāga) 24:28 7-Right Understanding (sammā-diṭṭhi) 27:56 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 6 месяцев назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:22 Preface 3:34 Part 1 - Mindfulness 6:46 Part 2 - Non-Retaliation 10:18 Part 3 - The Brahmavihāras 13:33 Part 4 - Vesak 17:12 Part 5 - The Self in Buddhism and Christianity 21:32 Part 6 - Detachment and Compassion 25:48 Part 7 - Buddhism and Social Justice 30:15 Part 8 - Compassion 34:14 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 7 месяцев назад
00:00 Beginning 00:13 About Pariyatti 01:37 About Klaus Nothnagel 01:53 Brief Introduction 02:30 Deeper Aspects of Sīla 01:42:46 Q&A Session 02:01:26 Acknowledgements
@Pariyatti 7 месяцев назад
00:00 Beginning 00:14 About Pariyatti 01:47 About Rivers Cuomo 02:56 About Kory Goldberg 03:23 Interview with Rivers 53:33 Acknowledgements
@Pariyatti 7 месяцев назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:22 Part 1 - Introduction 04:26 Part 2 - Saṅkhāra in Dependent Origination 14:08 Part 3 - Saṅkhāra as the Fourth Aggregate 21:16 Part 4 - Saṅkhāra as All Conditioned Things 31:04 Part 5 - The Sequential Cessation of Saṅkhāra 34:50 Part 6 - A Synoptic Perspective on the Saṅkhāra 42:22 Part 7 - Deconstructing Constructions 49:46 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 8 месяцев назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Your Best Friend 5:39 The Tree of Truth 12:28 The Eye of the Beholder 17:06 A Father's Legacy 21:15 A Guide to Achievement 26:49 Life's Computer 32:51 The Way of Wisdom 37:50 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 9 месяцев назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Letter from Māra-Squadrons 9:24 Māra to his Minions 11:56 First Army-The Host of Sense-Desires 20:36 Second Army-Boredom 26:03 Third Army-Hunger and Thirst 31:36 Fourth Army-Craving 40:42 Fifth Army-Sloth and Accidie 47:51 Sixth Army-Cowardice 53:29 Seventh Army-Uncertainty 1:00:45 Eighth Army-Malice and Obstinacy 1:08:21 Ninth Army-Honour, Renown, and Notoriety 1:13:18 Tenth Army-Self-Praise and Denigration of Others 1:23:49 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 10 месяцев назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 The Buddha’s Practical Teaching 42:13 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 10 месяцев назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Attitudes to Life 26:25 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:25 Radical Therapy 03:35 The Precept Against Killing 09:32 The Precept Against Stealing 14:23 The Precept Against Sexual Misconduct 19:43 The Precept Against False Speech 23:39 The Precept Against Intoxicants 30:31 The Moral Dimension 34:03 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
0:00 Pariyatti Introduction 0:22 What Can Be Done About Conceit 06:02 Methods for Eradicating Conceit 10:27 The Mastery of Pride 29:15 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:22 Part 1 - Mindfulness in the Buddhist Path 11:42 Part 2 - The Meaning of Sati 34:33 Part 3 - Mindfulness and Bare Attention 55:29 Part 4 - What the Suttas Say 1:03:40 Part 5 - Clear Comprehension 1:08:36 Part 6 - Expanding Into New Frontiers 1:14:34 Credits and About Pariyatti
@konthirini4766 Год назад
Why still use the word"hinayana"?
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Part 1: Introduction 11:28 Part 2: 03_2. Jhāna and the Attainment of Stream-entry 31:44 Part 3: Jhāna and Right Concentration 37:30 Part 4: The Stream-enterer and Jhāna 48:57 Part 5: When Do the Jhānas Become Necessary? 1:07:19 Part 6: Conclusions and an Afterthought 1:14:22 Credits and About Pariyatti
@NewFreedomPodcast Год назад
Incredibly deep understanding in this author.
@binodroka1 Год назад
@Pariyatti Год назад
0:00 Pariyatti Intro 0:25 Sommario 4:30 Base comune 9:24 Una riscoperta recente in occidente 11:28 Sviluppo di una funzione che ci si offre naturalmente 21:44 L'omeostasi mentale 30:18 Un passo avanti nell'evoluzione 35:27 L'omeostasi mentale e i suoi effetti sul cervello, sul corpo e sulle relazioni 50:06 Se è facile, allora perchè è difficile 52:57 Da dove vengo 1:09:52 La pace interiore 1:16:31 Ostacoli al raggiungimento della pace interiore 1:23:12 Mantenere l'immobilità e l'autocontrollo 1:32:33 Ridurre la credenza nei propri pensieri 1:40:06 Non una metodologia garantita di apertura mentale 1:46:01 La non credenza non equivale al cinismo 1:50:45 Ridurre, arrestare e reimpostare i pensieri 1:55:16 Chiarezza e capacità decisionale 1:58:55 L'iperfocus e la dissociazione 2:03:39 L'armonia e la retta parola 2:11:04 Gli insegnanti 2:15:47 Il Grande Abbraccio 2:30:22 Aperti a un mondo inimmaginabile 2:34:51 Nota conclusiva 2:37:19 Crediti e Informazioni su Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 The Bodhisattva Concept 41:36 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Introduction 01:43 About Realizing change 03:03 Pariyatti Presents... Sébastien Bernier 1:03:04 Credits
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Coming to Terms With One's Shadow 35:04 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Introductions 01:33 Welcome 02:22 Paul Fleischman about the topics of conversation 05:08 Answers by panelists 23:46 Impressions from the moderator 25:30 I can't find my way. How do I get unstuck? 34:05 How does meditation fit into a creative life? 50:34 Self-love: how do we find it? 1:00:27 Ending Thank You
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Welcome / About Pariyatti 02:09 About Bill Crecelius 02:45 Interview 01:04:33 Questions and Answers 01:28:40 Thank you and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Part 1 07:47 Part 2 19:19 Part 3 34:12 Part 4 45:41 Part 5 1:09:18 Part 6 1:33:01 Part 7 1:44:23 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Beginning 00:14 Welcome 01:30 About Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi 2:55 The Interview 1:05:18 Q&A Session 1:31:31 Ending Credits
@Pariyatti Год назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Why Buddhism? 09:04 Why Theravada? 15:55 Theravada, Mahayana, Hinayana 31:48 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Introduzione 10:48 Una meditazione classica 17:59 Perché dieci giorni? 28:18 Perché le “sensazioni”? 40:22 Non è una banalità dire che noi siamo il “mondo” 52:19 La mente traduce continuamente i segnali di tutto il corpo 59:13 Il senso del sé è effimero e utile 1:05:31 La Meditazione è influenzata dal suo contesto sociale 1:10:10 Un’esperienza che dura tutta la vita 1:13:59 Vipassana non è per tutti 1:25:52 La calda amicizia dei cercatori della verità 1:37:07 La condotta vigile 1:44:48 Un complesso sistema che interagisce con sé stesso 1:57:28 Non buddista 2:02:45 Io vorrei dire 2:07:01 Crediti e Informazioni su Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 The Quest for Happiness 15:39 The Good 22:49 The Beautiful 39:52 Truth 50:16 A Triadic Unity 55:52 Credits and About Pariyatti
@dhammaprakashwankhede6060 2 года назад
So wonderful piece by Ven Bhilkhu Bodhi..Thanks Pariyatti for making it available
@Chuck-vv3wu 2 года назад
Thankyou Pariyatti for constantly posting these insightful Dhamma talks for our development on the path.
@serray3392 2 года назад
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Intro 00:25 Avant-propos 04:25 Introduction 12:47 Mise au point 15:15 Se mettre en route 21:20 Assises quotidiennes 36:51 Une grande distraction 42:51 Le soutien du Dhamma 52:03 Amis dans le Dhamma 56:47 Faire des choix 01:02:42 Maintenez simplement la conscience d’Anicca 01:10:38 Bingo Bango Bhanga 01:17:34 Le paradoxe des Pāramī 01:34:14 La Mettā et Vous 01:39:56 Ce qu’on peut apprendre dans les livres 01:43:57 En résumé 01:49:12 Mettre en place un espace de méditation chez soi 01:53:41 Pariyatti Fin
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Protection Through Satipaṭṭhāna 02:50 Individual and Society 05:58 The Ethical Level 08:36 Protection through Wisdom 11:02 The Meditative Level 14:19 Protection of Others 18:59 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 If We Wish to Understand... 08:37 Kamma 10:17 A Parallel from Physics 13:47 Water Seeking the Sea 17:50 The “Granny Mary” Gastronomic Parallel 21:16 The Gap 24:00 Imaginary Examples 32:52 Shabby Passenger 36:07 Nose Touching the Window 38:07 No Bananas on Apple-trees 48:06 The Laboratory of Dhamma 55:39 A Rucksack Full of Kamma 01:00:14 Rebirth 01:01:57 A Little Exercise 01:04:33 What Is This "Me" 01:11:34 Suffering Proper 01:16:29 The Impersonal "I" 01:19:54 The Micro-Level of Rebirth 01:23:50 The Yellowish Photograph 01:35:57 Saṃsāra 01:40:45 The Range of Human Experience 01:52:38 Solidity 02:06:18 Objective Matter 02:12:19 The Solidity of Ghosts 02:15:35 Some More Words 02:22:37 Many Peaks on Mount Analogue 02:29:19 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:25 Dealing with Aggression 13:06 War and Peace 28:12 Settling Conflicts 39:31 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:26 The Self Made Private Prison 06:47 The Aggregate of Body 18:31 The Aggregate of Feelings 24:13 The Aggregate of Perception 29:25 The Aggregate of Volitional Activities 36:30 The Aggregate of Consciousness 41:55 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti presents 03:23 Interview 01:04:19 Questions & Answers 01:31:47 Ending message
@susanroxas1530 2 года назад
Thank you for these poems, like jewels for householders trying to lead a meditative life.
@tanchengchui191 2 года назад
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Simply inspiring and arousing samvega to develop the mind!
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:05 Introduction 02:28 Verses read by the authors 35:08 Notes 35:14 Copyright 35:17 About Pariyatti 35:21 Photography credit
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:28 Part 1 - Two Spiritual Leaders 05:07 Part 2 - Wisdom of the Buddha and Jesus Christ 11:16 Part 3 - Compassion of The Buddha and Jesus Christ 16:47 Part 4 - Purpose, Scope and Function of Teaching 24:25 Part 5 - Sending out Disciples 26:56 Part 6 - The Teacher-Disciple Relationship 32:06 Part 7 - Teaching Methods Used by the Buddha and Christ 39:49 Part 8 - Debates 41:56 Part 9 - Similes 44:35 Part 10 - Parables 46:41 Part 11 - Stories 48:12 Part 12 - Special Techniques for Self-Realisation 56:57 Part 13 - Seeking the Needy and the Worthy 59:20 Part 14 - Teaching Methods of Jesus Christ 01:08:17 Part 15 - Conclusion 01:12:16 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:00:23 The Healing of the Bull
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:00:26 Of Mindsets and Monkeypots 00:14:22 Does the Dhamma Still Hold True 00:26:51 In Search of Happiness 00:36:37 Credits
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:00:24 Part 1 - The Old Weaver 00:08:06 Part 2 - Of Dogs and Men 00:12:58 Part 3 - The Mother and His Son 00:20:26 Credits and About Pariyatti
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00:00 Pariyatti Introduction 00:00:24 Meditating on No-Self 00:31:06 Credits store.pariyatti.org/
@Pariyatti 2 года назад
00:00 Introduction 03:00 Interview with Bhikkhu Anālayo 59:08 Questions from viewers 01:28:17 Closing remarks