California Senate Democrats
California Senate Democrats
California Senate Democrats
Videos from California Senate Democrats.
Sen. Smallwood-Cuevas
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Sen Stern SB 1251 Mosquito Vaults
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2024 Young Legislators
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@malasc12 7 месяцев назад
Wow this channel sucks
@hectorcortez8766 2 года назад
Dr. Shirley Weber: It is good to see a Californian State Senator get a Secretary of State Executive Job!
@0126awesome 3 года назад
congratulations on chastising PRESIDENT TRUMP... then doing exactly what he said about the fires, and then you try to take credit for it.... absolutely spineless and pathetic
@gravitystorm61158 3 года назад
Elder for Governor.
@gravitystorm61158 3 года назад
37 is still a death trap.
@ThekiBoran 3 года назад
Behind every law is a gun, or, as Mao said, political power flows from the barrel of a gun.
@MidnightRambler 3 года назад
I get what u vote for California
@ann0yedd 3 года назад
It’s seems like you don’t know where Nagorno-Karabakh is :D how could you say Azerbaijani stop the violence hahaha you dont know shit about this region and culture just educate yourself idiot
@susan8793 3 года назад
I fought with self worth, depression, weight, and idenitity. In my childhood, my dad was very critical. Everything was about appearance to him. He constantly oogled women and made comments about their physical attributes to me, even when I was a little girl as young as 5 yo. So, I grew up thinking women were just objects for men's pleasure. I had very little sense of worth. My heart was 💔. I started battling depression in my teens and wanted to die many times. I developed a warped idea of food and eating, which of course led to an eating disorder. I let men use and abuse me. I had two abortions, one at 19, one at 20. I was a dark, broken, angry, bitter, mess, wrapped in a young woman's body and I plastered a smile on my face for public use so no-one knew the destruction inside. At 30, after going through a divorce from a narcissistic addict who cheated all the time, I was then a single mother of an 18 m/o. At that moment I reached my breaking point and realized I needed help. A friend, who truly cared, asked me why I didn't believe in God and Jesus Christ. I didn't have a good answer...it was simply that I felt I could only trust myself and I doubted there was a God when I looked at all the pain in the 🌎. Not long after our conversation, I heard the Gospel, which is the Good News that Jesus Christ came to earth 2000 years ago, fully God and fully man, to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, so that we could then be counted as God's children here on earth and then for eternity in Heaven. WHOA!! That blew me away....Jesus loves me (and you) so much that he allowed himself to be mocked, ridiculed, BEATEN, and HUNG BY SPIKES AND ROPE ON A ✝, then he was brought back to life by God the Father after three days, spoke to his many disciples and then ascended to Heaven in his glorified body!! AND, He did that as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. All we need to do is believe he is alive, repent of our sins, and pursue him in prayer and in his WORD, the HOLY Bible. Abortion is a sin because its spilling the blood of the innocent lives God created. God wants to forgive us tho and that's why He sent Jesus. Since the moment I said yes to Jesus, he has given me SO much. He healed my ❤ from all the pain and regrets of my life. No more depression or questions about my value. I'm a new creation through Him, and because I chose Him, I'm worthy of God's goodness. He gave me a new life... a new job, a new husband who loves me for me, not what I look like or what I can do for him, a new home, the $ ability to send my child to private school. He blessed me with a 4th child (2 in Heaven, 2 on earth), the college diploma I had worked for but had not received, work promotions/bonuses, and now I'm blessed to be at home and care for my elderly mother and young child. The Lord gives me peace, love, kindness, joy, patience, comfort, strength, and goodness! The Lord is our great councilor if we'll let him. I've never regretted choosing Jesus. He's waiting for you TODAY! He wants to heal you, love you, and be with you for eternity! If you don't know him, I challenge you to just ask Him... Jesus, are you real, are you alive, did you create me, is the Bible your word, etc.??? If you're sincere in your questions, he'll answer you. I pray you don't doubt when He answers you! May God bless you!!
@firmanariy984 3 года назад
𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ 18cams.xyz 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1618113686
@ZapataE 3 года назад
She cares nothing about the Asians being robbed and assaulted in the Bay Area . SB 82 proves it!!! Recall!!!
@lilgoldencubsanchez8701 3 года назад
I am janedoematters and can be found by 3 sisters truck stop fontana california i park my suv silver out front waiting on those looking to locate me ... My story for these is being said in code word ..I am looking for assistance in suing the feds for sex trafficking cloning via military and terroristic attacks that they preplanned .. I have been in zone zero waiting for assistance ..4423064002 is current cell
@andrewpearson1903 3 года назад
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they Rest In Peace. Amen.
@suzxman 3 года назад
Those people are all well and good and why do you devil spawn insist on “mentioning” their race? We, the People, don’t care any more than we care about yours! So what what’s next? Does WIENER drag a few babies and toddlers to torture? Do you all gather around while you sacrifice them to Moloch? How wonderful! Is that part of the “deal” you made with the Rothschild money when they “bought” The United States of America, Inc. in 1871? Careful! You wouldn’t want a “hot video” moment to leak out on RU-vid for ALL TO SEE! You people are pathetic. Did they promise that you’d “make through the food shortages”? How about the NEXT “set of pandemics”? We’re not stupid - but you are. Don’t you idiots realize that LOTS of people have had plenty of time (thanks to Governor Nuisance) to scour the web, dig, dig and dig some more in order to research our own government and its history? More fools you. We’re awake and we’re FURIOUS. We’ll get rid of Newsom, one way or another, and we’ll kick you all out BY. ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY. You may not know it YET, but WE are the majority NOW. Impeachment is now MAINSTREAM, STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. We’ll NEVER stop until you’re ALL out... Back to the HELL you planned for US. That’s ok. Your father, Satan, will be SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK HOME AGAIN. 🔥
@suzxman 3 года назад
BTW - KHANNA and his total lack of self- and collective-awareness is as depraved as nearly anything I’ve heard about the ridiculous $15 minimum wage when he was on CNN today. So, none of you losers think small businesses are worth anything if they CAN’T afford these outrageous wages? Nice. All that tells SANE Californians is that your pockets are lined with elite businesses’ money in order to toe their line that they’d much rather NOT have any competition at all, while they see their profits doubled, tripled and go high enough to ultimately wipe out small businesses. After all, you cited very humble constituents at the start of your sacrificial open - despite those same people being VERY DEAD, as well. That reminds me. How are those vile SANCHEZ sisters doing? Specifically LINDA SANCHEZ? Is she still dreaming of President Trump being DEAD? It must be the very look of his name being written on a Federally Funded ANYTHING. How sad for her and presumably her sister. That type of disease has a name that I’m sure you’re all aware of. Actually, you all suffer from the selfsame disease! Most of you will never recover. I’d even venture to say, judging from the vitriol you all spew day in and day out, that there is, sadly for all concerned, no cure. Since there are very few churches, temples or mosques open that one can reliably attend (without our feckless leader’s hypocritical, tyrannical say-so), I suggest deep and meaningful psychological and aggression treatment. Of course, “small business” trash could NEVER afford the treatment you rich folks can, but we can think clearly and love our children and our fellow citizens - unlike you with your psychopathic, narcissistic and authoritarian inclinations. Again, good luck! I hope your children are properly indoctrinated and as uninformed as most of you are. Be sure to tell them all about how George Soros is a pillar of the United Nations and that you were a soldier in their SDG 2030 Bank Robbery/Money Laundering/Eugenics Scheme! I’m sure they’ll be VERY PROUD and mock your every step as those kids amass their own fortunes. Happy Paris Climate Accord! Just one more pile of money for your relatives to wonder about...
@Leann68 3 года назад
Stop spending California into the poor house , kids don’t stand a chance in this state , kids out of high school have zero opportunity..
@Leann68 3 года назад
This is bs , police do less then we need now.
@Leann68 3 года назад
Open our schools ..
@Leann68 3 года назад
She setup a polling place in her living room? That’s not right.
@loringuysingersongwriterfo1917 3 года назад
how do I find out if my landlord has taken a relief check against my rent when he has not given us a break?... we are hurting but he's not willing... Ps I voted for you
@Leann68 3 года назад
Stop voting democrat communist party into office, get informed, they say one thing but do the opposite, they don’t care if you get evicted .. the democrat communist party have destroyed California... I paid my rent over everything during Covid and I’m disabled.. I feel for you but Covid is a distraction to further destroy California.
@jlin-ic7in 3 года назад
@SDWinLA 3 года назад
You're an embarrassment to our District Schiff. You're a liar and have used your office for your own political ambitions. You're disgusting
@tappingninja 3 года назад
After November 3rd the Democrat Party will be shattered never to be reformed, Californians are tired of your shit and you are NOT going to get away with the crimes of deceiving and stealing from the American people. You are on borrowed time I absolutely PROMISE you this, the Red Tsunami will start swelling in California...
@Ideasite 3 года назад
What a piece of Schiff
@cruzbaba9491 3 года назад
2:47 Yeah i managed to get cash with *d o l l a r t o d .c o m* $300 in a month is easy එය සැමට වැඩ කරයි
@elicather8168 3 года назад
Wow, just when I think society is getting better, I look at these comments. You guys do realize that there are 1.4 million trans people in the US, and that just because they are not the majority, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve equal rights. And y’all also seem to think we’re all trying to push some agenda or radicalize your children. Umm... nope. I’d just like to live as a man and get access to my doctors, and my medications, and be able to use the bathroom I need to. All these issues everyone is talking about in these comments are just made up. If you want to talk about a real problem, how about start with the fact that over 30 trans people, mostly trans women of color, have been murdered in hate crimes just this year, or the fact that suicide attempts within trans youth are over 40%, and over 50% face some kind of mistreatment in schools.
@DiBaozi Год назад
Just a question: how does one count how many trans people there are? Is there a nationwide poll? I dont remember it being an option on the census. Do you count people who identity as trans whether they surgically transition or not? Do you count kids who identity as trans even if for a short time? If someone detransitions do you count them or not? Is there a statistic on how many people detransition and one on how many change their minds? I'm just curious
@DiBaozi Год назад
Get kids off social media and go play outside and that suicide rate will go way down.
@PHUCKyoutube689 7 месяцев назад
What rights are trans being denied? They have the same constitutional rights as anyone. They want special privileges, you can use the bathroom that matches your chromosomes. If you are one of the few who are actual intersexual then pick one and stick with it. The majority of women should not be made to feel uncomfortable or in danger to appease a small minority of men. I honestly don't care if a woman wants to use the mens room but being a man I don't feel threatened.
@MARINVIEW 3 года назад
Dear Shifty Shift Minsk group was hired to give results, not reasons, for 28 years on US taxpayers payroll what did the achieve if I may ask.
@antonettewestend8994 3 года назад
Shitty schiff the corrupt ring leader selling out america. America is hurting because you and pelosi are destructive to america
@antonettewestend8994 3 года назад
How do you wake up in the morning and take oxygen knowing you are a waste of life and space. A spineless coward
@suzxman 3 года назад
@gopher7691 4 года назад
Is she saying if we don’t pass prop 16 there will be lynchings in California?
@gopher7691 4 года назад
You first. Resign your seat and give it to a black person
@anushkathetree 4 года назад
In case anyone is not aware of the top/one of the top 2 (depending on whose data you use) source of Greenhouse gas emissions and the driver of rainforest destruction and biodiversity, here is the film that will enlighten you: www.cowspiracy.com/about There is no way we can save the planet if we do not address this issue of animal agriculture. In talking about individual and institutional leverage, this is where people can make the most difference. And if we don't address it we can have as many electric cars and wind turbines as we want...we will still have an unlivable planet.
@MrJoshua2260 4 года назад
Trump 2020this guy is full of crap
@ge4645 4 года назад
You can tell this guy wants to prey on young children...DISGUSTING