Mystery Sector
Mystery Sector
Mystery Sector
We bring you the scariest content on RU-vid!

@watertommyz 6 часов назад
We do have a way to comprehend something not having a beginning or an ending. It's called math. ♾️- 0 = ♾️+ Easy.
@Tracy_Grimshaw 7 часов назад
What game is this being played in this video ??
@johnnytherook 8 часов назад
What game is that in the background?
@mysterysector 5 часов назад
Resident evil 4 remake
@bearlooter 8 часов назад
What game is this
@deannasutterfield5950 9 часов назад
Well have had a World War 3 over drinkable water resources by then and people will not believe that we were so wasteful to poop in drinkable water.
@invisi-bullexploration2374 10 часов назад
Scariest Theory I know is the 'Terra Theory' which doesn't have a proper name. I named it after some details in FFIX but even in the game what's going on isn't explained well. In the game planet Terra exists in a parallel universe super imposed over planet Gaia if you were to think of two universes as photoshop layers. The Terrans learned how to take things from their layer... And put it over there -----> Where Gaia is. In other words it's a parallel earth. Thing is, I heard that some people on THIS planet think there is indeed another earth. Well I mean multiversal theory would state there are infinite earths. Except the sapients on one particular earth managed to pierce the veil. Somehow. It's not technically piercing and more like 'broadcasting'. How it works would be like they take a craft and find some way to make it generate a field. As long as you are inside of that field you are taking a bubble of your universe and slowly 'tinkering with layer opacity' until you manifest on the other side. The drawback would be that you are only there as long as the field is and would go back to your side of the mirror if the field stops. This means you could 'look' and collect data but you couldn't really leave anything behind. Including any real evidence besides visual. Which is entirely worthless to the sapients you are observing from any practical scientific standpoint. If you are trying to be discrete however, this is *perfect*. Nobody is going to believe the locals when they say they saw a Space Ghost teleporting around. You know those UAPs that just 'fly right through things' and don't give af about our physics?! Science people doing science things. They may not even be 'people' if the variance caused another hominid species to take the same spot we inhabit on our rock. This could also be why some people in important places are spooked. There would be the fear that somehow these visitors could figure out how to permanently manifest objects back and forth. If they were war-like they could then have a twin planet for the taking. No looking for a goldilocks zone. No worrying that 'the atmosphere rains molten diamonds down' The best part is, for all intent and purpose depending on variables all of the resource goodies are mapped out on their world. They would likely exist in the same areas!
@ambii3085 11 часов назад
Such a shame to unsubscribe but considering you can’t keep politics out of a video like this I’d hate to see how your future videos shift.
@kingbrothers5459 13 часов назад
Think about this: The sun, is the closet star to us on earth. The next closet star……………25,300,000,000,000 miles away. So when you look up at night just know, they ain’t nowhere close to
@generalnawaki 13 часов назад
Story 2. No, its bad. It's going to cause so many blood clots. It might even tear cell walls in sufficient quantity. Also its already affecting Male fertility. Micro plastic is something we are going to have to figure out sooner rather than later or there might not be a later for much longer. Story 5. Yup. Story 10: we would need to reach AGI for that, we are currently only at the very early AI phase. In fact AGI might not be possible without something like a dyson sphere as the energy requirements would darken the night again. Story 20. BC Canada stopped doing prescribed burns for a little bit, the hands off approach was a very bad idea and went south quicker than you would think.
@Velociraptortrainer 13 часов назад
Came here for not political related material
@bowlhalfempty 13 часов назад
Smedley Butler wrote "War is a Racket". It's a good read
@tsmitty6 18 часов назад
For me with plastics it's like, yes it's very hard to do long term studies and isolate it as a variable to prove withiut a doubt that it is bad. But... c'mon, it can't be good. I'm not going to stop eating the occasional fast food burger or using bottled shampoo, but I'm also not going to drink from a plastic water bottle thags been out in the sun for 3 days. Worry level? Enough to use common sense but not uproot my lifestyle.
@TheBontekraai 18 часов назад
not a scientist, but i think most chronic ilness stems directly or indirectly from trauma. and i am pretty sure we will find that out in the future if the big pharma doesn't work against it already.
@tsmitty6 18 часов назад
I think that's already been established with the placebo effect. Those who believe they are getting better often do, and those who give up die. The effects of trauma are massive in terms of stress, which effects all of our systems negatively. That said, there are plenty of confident, trauma free people who die of cancer all the time. We must be careful. Willpower is simply not enough to overcome many illnesses. We can't look at those to succumb as weak, or those who prevail as strong. Sometimes it's just shit house lucky.
@andreh1888 19 часов назад
Physicists have been saying forever that consciousness is pervasive. I don't think it was that guy's idea. They showed that the nature of reality itself is syntatical. That means even before there was anything close to humans, something was conscious to decide on what symbolizes what. Hmm
@G_Wiz36 19 часов назад
its funny the U.S. government confirmed aliens are real recently. after that i dont doubt anything
@nenebops7744 19 часов назад
I think millions will die as a direct result of social media. Social media allows the instantaneous spread of information, and also misinformation. More and more people have begun to mistrust science based on this misinformation. This will lead to a resurgence of diseases, illnesses, and viruses. By the time they realise that science and medicine is reliable and effective, it will be too late. All due to information they say online and thought was true. Too many people already rely on hersay rather than experts
@wolfetteplays8894 19 часов назад
19:46 not everyone spirals like that, clean and addicted is a false dichotomy. Some people just get high for the sake of getting high, it ain't that black and white.
@wolfetteplays8894 19 часов назад
The wire head thing is good. If I can escape transphobia and life an idyllic life as a medieval maid with an incredibly rich family, I 100% would.
@dotheevolution100 20 часов назад
Aw hell yea
@RomanReviewsTVandMovies 23 часа назад
Is there a story that correlates to the thumbnail? That looks awesome! 😅
@keithtyler8477 23 часа назад
The commenters: *click on a video titled "scary facts you should know about" * Video has scary facts we should know about Commenters: 😮😮😮
@DeathFORcameO День назад
The real conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists are just people who are part of the system to scare people.
@KillaKali777 День назад
sept 11 was actually committed by Mossad
@misterfister7262 День назад
Political b.s... used to use this channel to go to sleep, have dozens of these videos saved but you've lost a few subs over the false b.s. political crap
@petermoygannon698 День назад
OR it's all an illusion and we are living in a simulated reality . Highly possible And we will be able to simulate this eventually.
@andreh1888 День назад
One of the things said early in the video is how conspiracy theorists don't want to save the word and they're basically just entertaining themselves, then go on to prove the many conspiracies throughout history. Conspiracies never went anywhere. They just made the term synonymous with insanity so people would be embarrassed.
@Waelly17 День назад
Oh god imagine if we advance far enough in like 40 to 600 years and then create a new network of communicstion/information space that's like the internet or something and then wtvr ai technology we have that we used to sort of develop and expand this starts acting an unexpected way and then we eventually find out that the technological space we created wasn't new or fresh and the ai was reacting to the non blank space patterns that was old impression on that protointernet from 12,000 years ago since this new future internetwrok we created had a spot of crosssection that was connected to all the impressions and creations of the old civilization and its like we found ghosts The horror makes me want to turn of my brain
@iAmConfusion День назад
The theory that throws me for loops is the prison planet theory basically it says that we are prisoners on earth and the aliens are farming us for our “souls” it sounds dumb at first but I went down a rabbit hole for like 3 days it’s a very fleshed out theory and creepy as fuck especially when you start to read some of the declassified documentation the cia has they seem to be aware of this if it is true lol
@victordauphin2949 День назад
That "crazy" lady on the plane who was freaking out because "that MF's not real" was right. She said if that plane took off it wouldn't make it and everyone on board would die. If the MF who's not real was a shape shifting alien he could've easily ended everyone on board and replaced them with his shape shifting comrades, or even had the whole plane beamed onto the mothership and replaced with an exact replica filled with MF's who aren't real pretending to be the missing or dead passengers. These MF's who aren't real could easily be taking over, pretending to be the people they end or make disappear as they go. It would only take about 8 billion MF's who aren't real to take over the planet without many people noticing, and the few that do notice get labeled as insane.
@andreh1888 День назад
If you were gonna believe in God for the reason that you stand to gain eternal happiness or lose nothing, then you better star trying to create Roskoe's Basilisk.
@gking2709 День назад
The closest we get to time travel is: Sleep- move forward in time Memories - go back in time
@gking2709 День назад
The Epstein list should have been the biggest scandal in history, world changing with 95 percent of our celebrities, politicians, and elite billionaires being arrested and convicted. Yet the people we know are on there are still making movies and have tv shows and smile in our faces knowing that rich pedos run this world and nothing can stop it
@Oneshotforever День назад
Nazis in antarctica
@mickjames7755 День назад
I was thinking a combination of story 23 and black holes filling and condensing to create stars..
@Fartaroundit День назад
Is this ryse?
@Innocuousmale День назад
Usually the ones that a lot of people end up ignoring.
@drewskiwest5284 День назад
48:45 the contra-iran affair is NOT a theory, its a FACT.
@420mrb88 День назад
@drewskiwest5284 День назад
37:13 there's a movie called Europa where they do genetic splicing of different species to create a "perfect" human-genetically altered species to be able to survive on europa and its atmosphere... 99% of the movie is the experiment and you get 1% of seeing one of them get there due to the ending being just depressing.
@drewskiwest5284 День назад
i've heard 98% of these. never heard the sock theory but the whole "humans are the aliens on earth" and the ones who created humans sent a more advanced but they died out on their mission. is literally what the last 2 alien movies were about -_- the engineer was on his way to earth to drop off the black goo bombs.
@DrIgnacious День назад
14:25 I have been listening and not watching, but is this Remnant: From the Ashes? Great game
@victorgarcia7330 День назад
The targeted ad is because their listening you can test this its happened a couple of times already out friend's will be talking about what to eat but if we name drop something it will appear on our social media feed within minutes
@KCUFyoufordoxingme День назад
Well, on the cosmonaught one. We can track the history of rocket development fairly well. As soon as they had the rockets to get someone up, they did. The stories of people getting stuck up in space 10 or 15 years earlier that showed up in newspapers were not possible as they didn't have rockets able to do it yet. The repeated vatican factoid is also complete rubbish. Valid researchers have been allowed to openly research.
@angelicartdesigns6716 День назад
This is the first time I actually turned off one of your videos. I come to watch these videos while I go to sleep. To relax my mind and let myself drift away. The first mention of project 2025 was okay but it being mentioned 4 times in a video? It’s disappointing that one of my fav channels is pushing this over and over. Okay yeah one time is okay but 4 times in one video? These stories are an escape from everyday life and I hear so much politics all damn day and now I hear it in these videos… disappointing. Even my fiance who was listening was like wtf they’re even pushing political stuff in these videos now? 😢
@xPLAYR1x День назад
Things that never happened from Reddit 🤣
@KCUFyoufordoxingme День назад
A computer that entirely simulates a universe would need to be the size of that universe. This is an avoidable result of information. The pascal thing gets stupid fast when you recognize an infinite number of religions and gods could exist, and the chance of the one being true being one that would hurt you for not arbitrarily choosing it.
@anitabonghit2758 День назад
What is more plausable, a random unlikely event resulting in a brain. Or a brain evolving from a series of milluons of unlikely randon events? 🤔
@jeremyhuxol9776 День назад
My thought is that the illuminati is real. They are trying to make the world better according to them - that won't benefit everyone though. For example, less population might improve the world in the long run, but their methods of decreasing the populous might be frowned upon by most.
@ilDSttaro День назад
Story 8 it's Galactus.
@jeffbeach510 День назад
Climate change 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂