daniel- #7footApartHikes
daniel- #7footApartHikes
daniel- #7footApartHikes
This is a channel to show the experiences of San Diego & SoCal, community reporting, travel and beyond. It is to teach you about what is going on. What you might be missing out on. And what to calendar for a different time. Love your communities, participate, speak up and out. Be thankful of where you live or help to make changes for the better. Don't just "bitch & moan", but love others like yourself by being involved. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY THROUGH LOVE! Live it, give it, love it, and share it! Hope is made by all these things. Also see Walk with Him (facebook) : facebook.com/pages/Walk-with-Him/155523024472249 to learn of upcoming adventures, past scenes, and new friends.
@SkonrokkenTV Год назад
More Laura Chavez! Who knew that SRV's spiritual successor would be a rather large woman from (where she comes from)..amazing. Thanks for the upload!
@inakimaestu1388 Год назад
La he visto dos veces en Vitoria (spain) con Nikki Hill y es ESPECTACULAR. Laura vuelve !!
@traciemoore6795 2 года назад
Looked this video up after seeing Laura with Vanessa Collier last night! Dang ...amazing! On all levels!
@ossito 2 года назад
this will touch your soul and if you don't have one, you will after listening to this🔥🔥🔥🔥
@marcoskikin 3 года назад
wow Laura is fantastic !!
@michaelkelly4294 4 года назад
Personally after a visit it had issues with grime build up in the corners and the bathroom smelled like La Jolla at low tide.. My advice there's a lot nicer/cleaner places to eat in San Diego this place isn't one of them..
@michaelkelly4294 5 лет назад
Visited here the floors had a accumulation of grease and food matter in the corners.. Bathroom had some hygiene issues as well with a smell of never having been cleaned ever.. Now looking at this video and having seen that kitchen in person.. It's never seen a bucket or a hose to scrub it down with soap it would appear as well.. My warning is this food poisoning try not to catch it..
@DroneGirl1 5 лет назад
Very nice! Thumbs up from Dublin (Ireland)! :)
@giulianogiuricin4630 6 лет назад
Wonderful!!!! G.Giuricin Italy
@jaymonnin 6 лет назад
good stuff
@jaymonnin 6 лет назад
@hoyageorge 6 лет назад
Actually, George Biagi (that's me) was not a staff member on this item. I work for the City Clerk's Office and I'm actually sitting behind the staff desk at another desk. The forced perspective of this video makes it appear as if I"m sitting next to the actual staff member giving the report, when in actuality I'm sitting behind her.
@eddieetheridge3601 6 лет назад
I Wish Laura Would Come To SC
@CoreyCashRiff 6 лет назад
Wheeler is one of the best musicians to hit the web in the last 10 years. #BlackKeys #JoeyCocoDiaz
@louXwolf91 6 лет назад
The guy in the Santa is a liar
@jonaira9847 7 лет назад
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
Jon Aira best to contact @CaseyHensley_ Twitter or Casey Hensley Facebook, or www.CaseyHensleyMusic.com Laura Chavez is on Facebook too!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
Jon Aira Maybe Ball & Chain, not sure whom originally by...Big Mama Thornton, redone by Janis Joplin 1960's.
@ascaniobottini7440 5 лет назад
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
Sorry I just do 45 sec to 2 min. videos, splitting things/shows up so that people will even watch /open content! Some videos are longer, but added for those who are willing to see a great presentation...just like being there! Hopefully next time YOU will be (there!). Peace!
@agentchuckles 7 лет назад
HEY that's me and my family! So awesome that this exists! I had no idea someone was filming me lol
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
So where do you sit? Did you sit in the crowd, or did you stand out, OR DID YOU #STANDUP, many did! See my San Diego March for Justice videos! and Pictures at: FreedomPleaseOrg at Google+ hundreds of pictures! plus.google.com/collection/YYCKlB not really "plugging" me, but giving opportunity to SEE change! Where will you be next time? Hope to see YOU there! PEACE, Love, Hope!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
Culinary Arts is a BIG deal at Mesa College, come see , Brewers??
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
Ava the Associated Student Government President passes by as she get pictures!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
@CarlLunaMan was invited to view the last Presidential debate and reported on it there!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 7 лет назад
Photos at: daniel beeman Facebook, and here is a bit of a sample, should be 3-4 "story" "albums" there, facebook.com/daniel.beeman1225/posts/10101353585381086?pnref=story
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 8 лет назад
Thanks Brian for my Bday gift! Keep it UP! We want to sing, dance, and Rockabilly out! ~daniel from San Diego, & Del Mar Racetrack show!!! Behind guy (Mike) in electric Wheel Chair! Thanks to ALL the Band & crew! We LOVED you!
@rarerockk 8 лет назад
@rarerockk 8 лет назад
yes, brian setzer is a great great musician, but this is not an improvisation, like your video title "seems to know" - this is his version of the instrumental hit "sleepwalk", originally by santo and johnny
@gracielabeltran574 8 лет назад
PARACHUTE <3 <3 I am in love of them too <3
@chrisdixonsham 8 лет назад
Spoke with the guy on the hang drums at the Earth Fair, any idea what his name is? looking to get playing the hang drums!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 8 лет назад
+Christopher Dixon Sorry didn't get either of these guys names, but they said they are at the location on most weekends when not at other major festivals.
@healingjesusradio8613 8 лет назад
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 9 лет назад
Carrying the shoes of the homeless who have died on San Diego streets this year! 56 lives are gone!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
ParktoberFest South Park San Diego, thank Adam & Derek! Great new Festival, ps thank for School of Rock! too! And vendors keep up the great work!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Darn accordian madness has gone viral!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Even the Band:Oh Papa Umpahpa, didn't have enough, or is it too much, to drink, and can't figure, see brass members, what is going on! lol, Prost!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Total According MADNESS! during ParktoberFest, in South Park! Thanks Adam & Derek!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
So much good times in South Park! Did the Oktoberfest w/ Hamiltons & the bus to Small & Monkey Paw Bars! another great deal! go see pics! facebook.com/daniel.beeman1225/media_set?set=a.10100922661106786.1073741915.24505536&type=3
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Was a good time, 1st ANNUAL?, Parktoberfest! nice dancing music, FREE, w/ good food/beer prices! Thanks Adam & Derek!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Sam Wilson plays the acoustic guitar and sings to the lovely couple!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Great new friend singing his heart out to his new mom, and dad, at their wedding! Janesville WI Armory!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Brian, "the Irish", starts up at the top of Del Mar Ave. in OB/Pt.Loma (San Diego), CA at Santa Barbara St. He does his quick "rocky on the beef" routine, then jumps the board for a full on skate down the steep side of Del Mar Ave. The side you drive up in 2nd or 3rd in your car...He does some impressive slide outs, rotations, and butt burners. Some about the camera work, but I was trying to drive while filming, watch for cyclists & ped.s. Gets off the board quickly at Froude St., but then just gets back on to pass his new fans on the side of the road just before Ebers St. and the end of the run. BeeSafe! Dear amatures, NewBee's, BRAIN IS A ex-Professional skate boarder! DON'T TRY THIS without proper equipment, specialized board & wheels, specialized gloves, helmet, and Brian & I recommend, leather jacket & jeans for your first few runs at least! God Bless, enjoy, life, and ask Him for help when ever you need! Also see video 2, and Walk with Him (facebook) : facebook.com/pages/Walk-with-Him/155523024472249 . And facebook.com/daniel.beeman1225 my personal fb page.
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
My friend Brian, "the Irish", gets a lift back up to the top of Del Mar Ave. in Point Loma (OB), [San Diego], CA then skates down the slow side back to home, as he fades out into the sunset. Pretty rad moves for a 46 y.o. ex-pro boarder. But darn his gloves, and shorts take a toll. Boys & Girls, remember your protective wear. Brian IS a PRO! If you attempt this stuff wear pads along with the helmet. I might suggest a leather jacket and jeans too. This was the last day of August and it had been quite hot in SD 80-90s that week.
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Goolge Best Of San Diego SILO makers Quarter 08202014
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
Please understand I contacted SDPD, they said that any citizen can make a complaint and officer can be sent to their residence. BUT WITHOUT BADGES or Uniforms?, I asked. They said it happens regularly, and is legal. I don't know about being legal as I'm not an attorney, but I don't believe it is right or the "spirit of the Law" as Judges suggest in court some times. Why wouldn't police, council member Zaph, just call me to tell me not to contact her office? I think this is a threat action!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
I'm am totally honest, and always do things in honesty, I do not do by "backdoor" actions. Ms. Zapf visited my Church, Horizon Christian Fellowship suggesting she was Christian, and that is why she needed our vote. She has never returned my calls, never asked me about anything. Never said, please don't call my office with bible readings. She is my council representative...but IS NEVER HELD responsible for her actions. Never asks regular constituents for their opinions, and regularly misses council meeting for her own benefit. I personally believe she is abusing her power.
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
So it passed, is good for low income/ low wage workers, who will now get sick leave pay too, but the BIG money people, like owners for the U/T are going to fight it! Too much money, not enuf brains...or does he(Doug "Pa Doug" Manchester) know something, that if you let the masses: We the People, control their own destinies that he can never exploit them with low wages at his publications, hotels, and other businesses. Watch out Papa Doug we are WISE, and you are on the list.
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
A million here, a million there, 100s of Million$ here, hundreds of Million$ there, NO skin off their noses, but BIG, HUGE payments for us the taxpayers!! hmmm, is this how to get into higher office (give real estate gifts by taking property from others while also funding friends projects) ???!! Seem like San Diego, again, & again, & again. Shim sham scam pushed by Republican & democrat leaders! BEWARE!!
@daniel-7footaparthikes69 10 лет назад
"interest rate was at prime plus 2(%)" Can you imagine paying an extra 2% on a loan as a municipality?? This was so sham scam deal at the time they suggest an extra 2% is not big deal! It cost us Million$ in financing cost$ also note it benefit the institutions that finance these loans as well as increase the cost of insurance and other required financing elements. That makes lots of extra money for the friends selling these notes, bonds, loans, financing, etc.