Institute of Public Affairs
Institute of Public Affairs
Institute of Public Affairs
The Institute of Public Affairs is Australia’s oldest and most influential free market think tank. Since 1943, the IPA has been at the forefront of public debate, promoting our values of freedom of speech, individual liberty, and the rule of law.

The IPA undertakes detailed research into the issues that matter to you, and consistently makes the case for greater freedoms, lower taxation, reducing red tape and for individuals to have more control over their own lives.

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Authorised by Scott Hargreaves, Institute of Public Affairs
Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
@user-fk8wu8zf6o 19 часов назад
Lots of shit shit in here
@leonharrison800 19 часов назад
Nothing about being taught. Anyone with a rational brain understands that class,conservatism and religion is wrong!!!!😂
@awaitingbacklash5043 20 часов назад
They’re not checking facts, they’re furthering the narrative. How’s the COVID fact checking hold up now?
@0ctatr0n 20 часов назад
I wouldn't believe a word of what these smooth brains have to say, the IPA is a right-wing conservatard think tank. If their saying it, think the opposite as they're the marketing department of the liberal national party (LNP) In saying that I have to admit the labor party has let me down from acting too much like the liberals! Stop approving new gas and coal mines and wells! you promised you would stop approving new coal and gas as one of your electoral promises! Taking bribes from SANTOS and WOODSIDE petroleum like the Libs do.. you were suppose to be the party of the people.. I'm voting Green from now on. At least they don't take bribes from big oil and gas
@shaunscenard4154 21 час назад
Thank God for Mr Harper, most scientists have too much integrity to lie for the sake of preserving a consumer capitalist way of life the that works very well for a tiny minority of people, so long as they won't be alive ten years from now. Who else is shameless enough to claim that scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to trick the public for some reason. To sell books or something. Everybody knows if you follow the money, you'll end up at a book store, the most profitable business in the world. The bookstore industrial complex is threatening to put Amazon out of business. They must be stopped
@terrabyteonetb1628 21 час назад
P.s pay me etc...then (the government is great....)
@terrabyteonetb1628 21 час назад
China = Australia....the illustration of freedom and democracy? Does China do the same?
@shaunscenard4154 21 час назад
@jimfairgray4607 22 часа назад
It's the same here in NZ and other western democracy's. Takeover of the education systems by leftists, communists, goes back to the Frankfurt School moving to west coast USA in the 1930's, and steadily reprogram the population. The analogy is the killing of a tree. One simply keeps cutting back it's roots. The severing of old Ideas, Culture, Customs, and Habits: Chairman Mao. Once the old tree is dead the new tree can grow in it's stead. When a whole generation is taught half baked science, a paucity of basic history and one sided views, a country can no longer discern truth and it is ripe for collapse. The remedy is reindoctrination of people with truth, with history, so everyone knows what worked and what failed in the past. To know how to think. Paper and ink will get past the censors quite nicely.
@Billydevito 22 часа назад
Fact checkers are ex-Twatter employees with a leftist agenda and a chip on their narrow, nerdy shoulders. 🤣🖕🏼
@brianbice1427 22 часа назад
it has to be noted that the misinformation laws excluded mainstreme media and the government alowing both to still spread as much misinformation (lies) as they want without any reporcussions
@Prodrive1 23 часа назад
The Green Scam. Gigantic hoax.
@erikschiegg68 День назад
Can't we just agree that the climate fearers move to the the CO2-less moon and let live us in peace?
@anthonybradford336 День назад
Their facts are nothing but biased
@ReRe-kr1ht День назад
I swear this is why so much craziness is happening in AmErIcA. To distract us from the truth thats being revealed ab pAnDeMiC.
@solomongrundy2020 День назад
Israel is an illegal British construct, it has no legitimate right to exist!
@Happyheretic2308 День назад
Never forget the Unwarranted Incarceration. Never forgive the perpetrators.
@R_Alexander029 День назад
And ABSOLUTELY no one was surprised.
@Brad656 День назад
Does he not realize that Australia is a communist country ???
@pauld167 День назад
Tony Abbott and joe hockey were the best pm and treasurer Australia has had.
@user-dx6wt8ry4g День назад
Worst pm in our history until scumo came along.
@gjsterp День назад
I couldn't find anything on this man's early life or point of origin. Is that suspicious to Anyone ?
@gjsterp День назад
I realize that this man and Christopher Hitchens have something in Common. Their Hatred of Islam, and now I think that Hitchens, a Jew, by his mother's side, was promoting Israeli propaganda. The Muslims haven't been invading and trying to convert other countries to Islam. It is the Western Countries that are trying to enforce their culture on the Islamic ones !
@gjsterp День назад
Personally, I believe this man has changed his name, so we don't recognize that he is a Zionist and Jew. He mixes his "Truthful" comments, which gains audience agreement, with sneaking in comments, though short, with the "problem" of antisemitism a little too often ! His Real Message is Very Subtle and the audience seems to not notice. The people who he would like us to continue to recognize as "terrorists" are people presently fighting for Palestinian Freedom from Israeli Terrorism !!!
@gjsterp День назад
"Don't go to university" Mr. O'Neill ??? Really ? Stay stupid ? This guy sounds more like an Establishment Shill, the more he says, and the More he mentions Islamist "Terrorists" the more he sounds like a shill for Israel. Islamist Terrorism has been he Arab World Protesting of the Western Establishment's Crusade to Contain and Control Muslim Countries, especially the ones that have OIL. The Wars in the Middle East has ALWAYS been about the OIL, and the Demonizing of the Muslim Culture is Zionist Propaganda, and everyone should see through these lies.
@gjsterp День назад
"Don't go to university" Mr. O'Neill ??? Really ? Stay stupid ? This guy sounds more like an Establishment and the More he mentions Islamist "Terrorists" the more he sounds like a shill for Israel. Islamist Terrorism has been he Arab World Protesting of the Western Establishment's Crusade to Contain and Control Muslim Countries, especially the ones that have OIL. The Wars in the Middle East has ALWAYS been about the OIL !
@feelincrispy7053 День назад
Couldn’t agree more
@gjsterp День назад
The Part about the Pandemic is True, and starts fine, but to mix Truth with Israeli Propaganda should not go unnoticed !!! People need to see through this man's BS. I don't care how many books he writes or how popular he becomes. The Genocide in Gaza Is the ITEM WE SHOULD NOT FORGET !
@vpisciot День назад
not convincing from an organisation, whose sole purpose is to obfuscate the truth
@marcmillard1363 День назад
Australia helped steal Palestine, Australia was one of those 33 countries that stole Palestinians land to create this monster, Israel. Who are we on other side of the world to steal Palestine. The list of countries who stole Palestine is there to look at.
@Larry-go8bg День назад
Labors bad but when it comes to outright lying in politics the LNP are the worst their history of being loose with the truth is notorious which keeps fact checkers working harder to keep up with the neverending narrative which supports their extreme right wing agenda regardless of truth fact checkers pushing their own agenda which is exactly what this guy is doing.
@stephent2243 День назад
I immediately ignore any information that has been "fact checked". It's "censored information based on the agenda of the group that the fact checkers align with and are funded by".
@christinewimer5523 День назад
Send all college kids to a muslim country for 6 months before graduation. They will come back with a whole new attitude.
@BlakeJortles День назад
Democracy? 🤣
@howardpatrick525 День назад
The sick ego of Mad Monk Abbott.
@anonnnnnsh День назад
The return to seeking God is the best thing that could possibly happen. Unfortuanately, many leaders of the various churches are not teaching the truth. Read your bible and find the truth for yourself. It is our GOD given rights that are being violated in the West, and it's intentional, as this is where freedom originated.
@christinewimer5523 День назад
Lock downs were a test to see how easy it would be to control the population and take our rights. We showed them how easy it was. So, when is the next pandemic, crisis, catastrophy to take more rights and change more laws. Here in America, we were told to snitch on neighbors having company, birthday parties, holiday company, etc. Here in Florida we didn't fall for most of it.
@grimmertwin2148 День назад
You mean Trump
@chaosHmmm День назад
When free speech ends tyranny begins.
@margowilson6725 День назад
Opinion...we're the carbon they want.....
@davidandrew3187 День назад
Who are these people, is this just Elon musk, creating an agency so he can continue to push his ideals while squashing facts? At least with the government fact checking we could follow up, rather than this shadow company, spinning the government into the root of all evil
@timmyhexham9603 День назад
The government needs to be fact checked and forced to change the lies of the politicians. It’s simple really. Set the standard the government wants the public held accountable too. No wonder no one believes the politicians. No wonder the government is not believed. Social media made politics unbelievable. I miss the 80’s..
@timmyhexham9603 День назад
The government needs to be fact checked and forced to change the lies of the politicians. It’s simple really. Set the standard the government wants the public held accountable too. No wonder no one believes the politicians. No wonder the government is not believed. Social media made politics unbelievable. I miss the 80’s..
@timmyhexham9603 День назад
The government needs to be fact checked and forced to change the lies of the politicians. It’s simple really. Set the standard the government wants the public held accountable too. No wonder no one believes the politicians. No wonder the government is not believed. Social media made politics unbelievable. I miss the 80’s..
@DWKThedogbreaths День назад
During 'lockdown' I got fed up with the propaganda and so totally ignored it. Dumped my TV and radio. Never wore a mask. Went to work, on trains and everywhere I'd always go. Never took a test or had a vaccine and kept this to myself. I was stopped a couple of times for not having a mask and just said 'lung disease mate'. That sorted it. Everyone else were hypnotised by propaganda and didn't even realise.
@davidgallen4774 День назад
Tony abbot a failed prime minister a mean minded ignorant power seeking politician
@anthonysircar7082 День назад
I haven't forgot , did not ware a mask did not stay in doors and visited friends and family daily . I refused all the bullshit as it was completely unlawful and a complete scam. I did not talke the poison either.
@user-wc1zb5fx8n День назад
Australia government are occult worshippers New Zealand also They do not fear conspiracy theorists They fear psychics Who can expose them and their work Tarot readers online are being gangstalked globally Australia government are gangstalking me I know of murder child disappearing Covens fraud embezzlement Interference with the courts It's bad Yes they even used graveyard magic
@payaj2815 День назад
The reason why history repeats and rhymes is because those who committed the atrocities don’t want to have their faces rubbed in the shitty choices they made. And also so they can keep repeating it over and over and over and over and over and over and it has been that way since the beginning of time. And we will be doomed to continue repeating the same decisions if we do not learn from history if we choose to forget. Because that’s really what it is it is a choice. We have many things through all of history that were passed down from generation to generation to generation because we thought it was important to know. I think we need to remember the bad times as equally as the good times. If we are a species that glorifies evolving then we must remember the past for it’s good and it’s bad.
@payaj2815 День назад
I find it interesting that the same people who so easily want to forget, never want you to bring up are also the same people who didn’t have a problem snitching on their neighbors. Chasing people down in the stores because they didn’t have their masks on. The same people that were denying people from being there at the bedside of their passing loved ones because of Covid. Also in the same breath the same people that were willing to go out and burn down cities in the name of a drug addict. The medical community denying services because people chose to not get the shot. People demanding that people have their families ripped apart for not getting the shot. Those are all the same people. Of course they want you to forget how insane they were behaving. That way next time it comes around it’ll be like as if it’s a whole new event. Spur the moment, a lapse in judgment, A freak event never to be seen again. But I guarantee you the next time it happens again those exact same people/ like-minded people will be all too happy giddy and practically peeing their pants to do it all over again.