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Why the US Is Going BROKE (Explained)
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@ursdaniel 39 минут назад
Romania here. I see Polska 🇵🇱 or polska comments on YT, IG and FB , I just press "like". Romania+ Polska=Friendship and Respect!
@anamariasoacate2314 Час назад
Better for them! England doesn't deserve Romanian and Polish workers! They deserve the worst, so they can actally make the difference. Also România and Poland are so beautiful and rich countryies and at this level of technology they will be better home! Also England, good luck to replace them! I hopr they all leave! 👍
@gnewgnew2011 Час назад
I'm one of those who is leaving. Civil Engineer, working since week one, paying taxes always on time, not causing any problems. What do I get in return? I need to fight with 40 people to rent some way overpriced s%&*hole, have neighbours from 3rd world, have stagnant wages, have less and less job opportunities because both governments cut funds in infrastructure, as they need billions of £ for hotels and social houses for illegals. The list of problems goes on forever. I'm done with this s%*&, good luck guys, you are going to need it under muslim community leader 2TierKier.
@63Jax 2 часа назад
Don't worry, the eastern Europeans are going back as the salaries are increasing, but get ready for the Middle East and African immigrants, good luck with that. Islam say hello 🫡💣💥🫡
@chocolatecake722 2 часа назад
Pola phobia ? Wtf ??! A phobia is something people are scared of.
@BMTurceanuHikeRun 2 часа назад
they claimed Brexit because they were "invaded" by eastern European, brexit to stop mass immigration and yet now they have 10x more immigrants coming from other parts of the world. How one explain this? overall they didn't like eastern europeans but they like people from the rest of the world? how can one explain this?
@chocolatecake722 3 часа назад
Ive worked with many many polish people in many different sectors , majority of them are truly lovely people , hardworking. Polite , and even as time goes on, their sense of humour become as one with ours. I dont blame them going.. and of course , the likes of cadburys and few other big companys have moved to poland. Same job but better living conditions. The uk is.sinking. im currently in thailand building a plan to leave the country myself. Ive looked into poland as i love the polish.
@Decebal825 3 часа назад
visited Romania last year my Uber was a policeman that needed the second john to have enough to put food on the table for his family so its a hard life. gave him 100 Lei tip as it was the last day and end of my visit
@niemamnicku1359 3 часа назад
To all people thinking about "leaving EU" conspiracy: - Take look at German economy now and take look how they restored boarder checks. EU is worst cancer, destroying Europe.
@abc-zz5zf 3 часа назад
UK was a different country 15 years ago. Now it is too liberal and too opened for anyobdy from anywhere.
@annamaria-pv1fw 5 часов назад
@NicholsonNeisler-fz3gi 6 часов назад
Migrants in the UK: An Overview At the time of the 2021/22 Census, 16% of people in the UK had been born abroad - a total of around 10.7 million migrants. ... India, Poland, Pakistan, Romania, and Ireland were the most common countries of birth among UK migrants in 2021/22.
@budapestkeletistationvoices 6 часов назад
Poland has changed its previous authoritarian government so it offers much more liberty than before. In addition the Polish economy is doing really well
@terryhoath1983 8 часов назад
I put it to you that Giles Coren's own ancestry does not go back very far in Britain, in fact he is as much a "Polack" (although of a different type) as many of those brave Poles who fought against the Nazis with British Forces at Narvik, in North Africa, up through Italy (famously at Monte Casino) and on Operation Anvil (invasion of Southern France). Others were on the Normandy beaches on D-day and fought through Northern France. through Belgium, joined by other Poles who were parachuted into Arhnem. Poles were in the Royal Navy, and the merchant marine and many died as a result ... and then there were Polish airmen, who, with Czechoslovak pilots taught the RAF how to win the Battle of Britain. Giles Coren's ancestors were cowards who invaded my Country claiming persecution or potential persecution and demanding that people like my Dad should fight and many of them to die to save the skins of a people like him whose lives are of infinite value, infinitely more valuable than the life of Gentiles like my Dad. My Dad was in the Army for more than 6 years. . My maternal Grandad was murdered by the Nazis in November 1940. In the Autumn of 1944, my Dad waited in the Antwerp Salient for operation Market Garden with V2 rockets landing all around him. Giles's paternal grandad scratched a living in North London as an odd job man .... oh, and, of course, as a Pole, he turned his hand to a bit of plumbing. Nothing Giles says or writes has any relevance. He is a nasty and twisted individual. In 2012, he replied to a female journalist, "Go &&&& yourself, you barren old hag". Shall we say, "A little childish".
@PANCERNY87 10 часов назад
We returned to Poland. Now you're in healthcare, transport, construction, plumbing, renovation, baking, and you're screwed. You have a lot of immigrants of other nations who are driving you out of your home. We defended your sky, but as always, we will not defend your stupid decisions. They saw the prices they charged, you wanted cheaper workers, now you are paying for them.
@galonpol8912 11 часов назад
Don't complain that Poles leaves UK, you prefer cheap labour from Africa and Asia. At least, we're working, unlike migrants from Africa and Asia which they're illegal often on top of that.
@ktarasek 12 часов назад
Becaus GB became a muslim state
@palomachovic3826 12 часов назад
UK is turning on a postindustrial gangland.
@vieslavsobala2005 13 часов назад
U Brits did not trat Us well. Racist speech on every corner,I have heard . We did want only work for our family. Disrespect and racist . Shame . No hard feelings about the UK. !!
@raphaelone666 13 часов назад
This country will only suffer from losing Poles. I wish the UK to have fun being taken over by the Islamists. Its not a good place for living anymore.
@krisrudecki9477 14 часов назад
For me this is 100% on point. After 14 years of paying taxes and working my arse off, doing everything in my power to integrate and benefit the community I felt hounded by the media, unwelcome, unappreciated ... add to that the shift in the economy and the family aspect and voila. I happily moved back to Poland 3 years ago and can't complain.
@mikemonard5418 14 часов назад
19 million population of Romania.
@ReelK77 14 часов назад
love to christian countries poland and romania from czech republic❤❤❤❤‍🩹❤‍🩹❤‍🩹
14 часов назад
As a romanian I couldn't care less. All that had left, shouting "România, țară de căcat" I see as deserters that should not be allowed back. From pocket picker to doctor - they can all remain diaspora and they should even have voting rights revoked. You don't live and work here, you don't decide about here. But that's just my opinion. I went to other countries to visit and couldn't wait to be back to see the green grass of my mother land. Like most people, from all countries, everybody feels entitled. But I will enjoy watching the brits getting back to wiping their own arses as poles and romanians end their foreign butt wiping careers.
@dariuszrysak1133 14 часов назад
Poles don't want to pay taxes that will go for benefits of non working muslims that want to kill them... they don't want their taxes to be spend on people that make the streets more dangerous. UK is turning into communism and poles are not the people that want to make any influence in british law and order...
@allex6893 14 часов назад
Well Brexit means Brexit and all immigrants should leave. That was the idea all along, wasn't it?
@arektrip9727 14 часов назад
@szymi97 14 часов назад
Nice touch with the government-in-exile coat of arms.
@parmafoi4066 14 часов назад
I never thought that corruption was an issue here in Poland. Bureaucracy, if anything, and it has increased since we have been in UE. Poles are extremely resourceful and enterprising
@sweet_chicken 14 часов назад
It was always a ONS Jessica. Ye, I took yer pounds, so hwat, for Kolega now is time to fook off back to my clay. Thanks for the money, dummy.
@jarekr2884 15 часов назад
look at your streets. its terrible look. dangerous country you have.
@TungaroPlau 15 часов назад
The special position they had..so foolishly left. Now in a Norway like position the profit can be slowly reappeased
@acedius8156 16 часов назад
Enjoy your future uk
@mlynto 16 часов назад
Polish people out, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and other non Europeans in. Great deal for UK.
@swedemartyrsonswade 17 часов назад
Nothing beats the USA!
@miroslavseda9136 18 часов назад
I'm an immigrant myself (🇨🇿). But I understand why some Britons have a serious problem with the immigrants. Some of us do not understand one simple logic. If you are a foreigner in a different country, it's you, who must adapt to the country, follow the rules, law, culture, language, and try to assimilate and integrate yourself into society as much as possible. Some of us foreigners have still a wrong mindset; "We and the others," trying to separate themselves as much as possible, to create a parallel reality, to shop just at the foreign stores, refusing to learn or speak English, watching just the foreign TV, not participate in society. I'm a blood donor, I donated blood twice in the UK. I'm also registered as an organ donor in the UK. If I'm shopping, I'm checking all the stuff to be sure that I'm supporting the British manufacturers and farmers. If there is no country of origin written down, I'm not buying that thing. I have no problem reporting a broken street light to the council, I'm voting in the local elections. I've ever bought a book about the etiquette to be absolutely sure here isn't something different from what I have been taught as a child to avoid any faux pas.
@user.xpired 18 часов назад
Then, enjoy the Islamic Britain.
@charlienemeth1342 18 часов назад
Brits kicks out the Christians but inviting the illegal moo-slims...😢 What's the big idea here??!
@pierocavolino1057 15 часов назад
For Brits, it is a relic of the past. Former colonies share common traits (in their mind)..
@charlienemeth1342 18 часов назад
Thanks GOD!!! They didn't do any proper jobs here anyways; most of them lived the "bureau-life" on PIP and DLA-chancers...😅
@AndrzejLondyn 18 часов назад
I've been 7 or 8 times attacked in London but thugs weren't white at all...
@CrownRider 19 часов назад
Since Brexit was racist to begin with, Polish people leaving the UK may be the only horrible "Brexit benefit" in the end.
@johnwright9372 19 часов назад
The only people whp progited were some speculators and business owners who are only loyal to their money. The right wing media and some other groups talked the public into it and the sheep followed.
@monicahoward7443 19 часов назад
Many Romanian are also here in Italy . All the Romanian I've met were extremely kind and supportive ❤and are very hard worker.
@Adriano70911 19 часов назад
The fate brought upon Eastern Europe by Churchill was way worse than the war. Hope Abduls will build new England
@sweet_chicken 14 часов назад
Salty. incorrect. It's not Churchill's fault, it's Stalin. Churchill behave like a normal Brit. A two sided twat. Normal Briton.
@Adriano70911 2 часа назад
​@@sweet_chickenStalin was a friend of Britons and Americans, "uncle Joe". Of course it's their fault, because they are in power to finish Stalin in a month or two.
@Gudha_Ismintis 19 часов назад
This channel is not a subversive anti UK channel
@ChristianoRodríguez-h3k 19 часов назад
They just wanted to get rid of the hard working Catholics from the UK and bring in new immigration to the country who don't know the system and will be obedient like a dog.We know well and I know them who they are and how they treat people in the UK and they treat good honest people like cattle
@drake3681 20 часов назад
If you talk about Poland, try to lern at least one Polish language rule: in "ck" c is not silent. Zarnecki is not pronouced "Zarneki" but closer to "Zarnetski". Rzegocki is not "Rzecocy" (althogh the first part is pronounced suprisingly well) but "Rzegotski". G is always pronounced like in Gielgud.
@batcollins3714 20 часов назад
In other words, Brexit has been and will continue to be..... a disaster of epic proportions.
@PeterJohn-hl3ox 20 часов назад
The British don't seem to be very bright
@archiemillington306 21 час назад
dont want to rejoin
@captainchaos3667 21 час назад
The "ef tee es see"? 😂