Comunidad Cristiana de Tacoma
Comunidad Cristiana de Tacoma
Comunidad Cristiana de Tacoma
CCDT (Comunidad Cristiana de Tacoma)

Una iglesia local en Tacoma, WA, con el deseo y misión de "hacer discípulos con amor, verdad, y humildad, para la gloria de Jesucristo.'


para preguntas o comentarios por favor escríbanos a ccdtacoma@gmail.com o encuéntrenos en nuestra página de Facebook: Comunidad Cristiana de Tacoma
“Conversion Falsa” - Mateo 7:21-23
Месяц назад
“Lobos Rapaces” - Mateo 7:15-20
2 месяца назад
“Dos caminos” - Mateo 7:13-14
3 месяца назад
“La Regla de oro del Reino” - Mateo 7:12
3 месяца назад
“No Juguéis injustamente” - Mateo 7:1-5
4 месяца назад
¿Afán o fe? Pt2 - Mateo 6:28-34
5 месяцев назад
“Afán o fe” - Mateo 6:24-27
5 месяцев назад
“Dios o las riquezas” - Mateo 6:24
6 месяцев назад
CCdT 2023 video (a year of worship)
6 месяцев назад
Navidad 2023
6 месяцев назад
“Generoso o Egoísta” - Mateo 6:22-23
7 месяцев назад
“El Reino y como No ayunar” - Mateo 6:16-18
8 месяцев назад
“La Doctrina de Soli Deo Gloria”
8 месяцев назад
“La Doctrina de Solus Christus”
8 месяцев назад
“La Doctrina de Sola Fide”
8 месяцев назад
“Los Cristianos Perdonan” - Mateo 6:14-15
8 месяцев назад
@paulaivens8063 День назад
If I was to put my rebellious teenager out of the house, I would hate to think what she would be exposed to. So much perverse wickedness that I would never forgive myself if she was caught up in any of it. I will show her as much love, encouragement, and with prayer and fasting wait for Yahweh to work in her stubborn heart. To think what I was like as a teenager and yet Yahweh in His goodness and mercy made Himself known to me and am so thankful that He did and could never go back to all that now I know the love of Yahshua in my life. I wait for Yahweh to do the same for my daughter.🙏🔥🙏
@user-ut6lm7nv4q 16 дней назад
Viewers if you are in a church that allowed women Deaconess you are not in a church but you are in a social club nothing more. The Bible never allowed women Deaconess so we don't have in the church of our Lord Jesus.
@jenniferharrell77 17 дней назад
Yep. Abusive cover narcissistic husbands spread this around to isolate the abused wife telling everyone she’s in sin for divorcing him, until she confesses her divorce was 100% her fault and takes complete blame. Never taking any accountability for his abusive ways, that was causing her physical distress and problems with her health. Beware of these things. Make sure you hear both sides before “putting someone out of the church.” Narcissists don’t repent, nor do they change. That’s what people don’t understand. They only get worse over time. And when you side with these wicked people, you will have to answer to God for it, instead of taking up the cause of the abused.
@user-ut6lm7nv4q 19 дней назад
All of you are totally wrong. Deacon is a office of leadership in the church. It's a ruling office. He makes decisions agreeable with the Bible and he makes it know to the apostle prophet. Deacon is an extraordinary office.its a position of authority.
@user-ut6lm7nv4q 19 дней назад
There's no such thing as a women's Deacon. Many churches as water down men office call Deacon it's extraordinary work to oversight the church of Jesus Christ who's God almighty.
@user-gw4jq2gx5c 20 дней назад
El Dr. Luis Contreras es la voz de las predicas de John Macarthur en español cierto?
@johnetheriedge8675 20 дней назад
SBC has to Creedance they are something like 1200church’s that have women pastors. They should just close up since they are not treating all church’s the same. It is totally in a-scriptural!!
@user-ut6lm7nv4q 24 дня назад
Another blasphemous errors calling women a Deacon.
@Scribeintheink 6 дней назад
This is not blasphemous. Thats slander against Macarthur. But it is an error on his part
@rubencouto 27 дней назад
If I may, I would like to share an article about female leadership, in the context of the local church, namely about Phoebe: vidaemabundancia.blogspot.com/2024/06/lideranca-feminina-romanos-128-161-2.html (The article is in portuguese, but you may activate the automatic translation at the right top menu.)
@josephmakhafola6471 28 дней назад
Thank you for posting this. I am edified.
@estebangutierrez9941 28 дней назад
Hillsong no es una iglesia cristiana lo sé porque fui miembro adoran a otro Jesús no es el mismo de la Biblia
@Glicer Месяц назад
My family thought this was a smart idea to do when I was exploring non-Christian faiths. When I converted to Christianity I did not return to their table (they need the discipline of isolation).
@stephm5877 Месяц назад
Women often leave church to do what God calls them to do, to lead ministries that minister and teach women because there are too many roadblocks in church. Churches have failed women, but you can't stop the will of God.
@dannpurvis 14 дней назад
God is not the one calling women into ministry of men.
@stephm5877 14 дней назад
@@dannpurvis what does that have to do with my comment?
@Scribeintheink 6 дней назад
What their flesh and imaginations and ego call them to do, you mean
@emmacandelario2905 Месяц назад
@comunidadcristianadetacoma2586 Месяц назад
@user-de7mb9rn9w Месяц назад
If these guys think Voddie lacked empathy, they would really hate Paul who literally gave a government like Rome a god ordained role to carry the sword and punish evil with it. He goes on to even word it, that righteous law abiding people have no reason to fear the sword of government. Thabiti talks out both sides of his mouth and in circles constantly to unsuccessfully dodge the realities and problems with the whole reality of modern American “black culture”. As concerned as he is about racism, he seems completely ignorant of how this works massively against his constant emphasis on Black identity, and seemingly unaware that if there is a massive issue with racism it lies more in the Black community with its constant emphasis on distinguishing people based on race(particularly blacks, think terms like “black excellence and the push to support black businesses, having BET, a black history month, comedians constantly commenting on white people and other racial stereotypes and on and on. Having that nonsense in existence, while claiming a Gospel that says “there is no Jew or Greek” is something that has no place in Christ’s church.
@jeffkelleher Месяц назад
You would turn away your adult child and his girlfriend for Thanksgiving? How narrow, how intolerant, how evil.
@Sues007 Месяц назад
Why do you hate women so much? Is it because some of them are much better at teaching the Bible than you are? I think you are a Gaslighter! I specialize in counseling and you fit the mold! You fit the words that describe a Bully!
@randywheeler3914 4 дня назад
While I'm not a fan of MacArthur overall I will take his teaching on what the Bible says over your opinion
@rubenoeschger5728 Месяц назад
Rick Warren also associate with the Catholics, the Pope etc.
@EyreEver Месяц назад
Michael Brown's death was not found to be malicious. By Eric Holder.
@EyreEver Месяц назад
MLK was apparently not even Christian and openly sinning sexually?
@loriallen-perkins6608 Месяц назад
I agree with the Bible which clearly states no women pastors
@troywilkinson160 Месяц назад
Go away Rick. You’ve done your damage.
@randydodd7838 Месяц назад
If you enjoy serious conversations, debates, and Bible studies that deal with the controversy of female pastors, try Randall Arthur’s novel A Quiet Roar. You’ll love it. It’s an internationally-based drama that earns 4.5 stars on Amazon. Readers rave about it. One reader writes: “An attractive female pastor is imposed on a conservative Baptist church in rural Georgia and all hell breaks loose.” I understand Beth Moore read the book and loved it. Randall Arthur is also the author of the bestselling novel Wisdom Hunter.
@2wheelz3504 Месяц назад
The propagation of Calvinism within the Convention is just as egregious as the women pastor issue. Southern Baptists agree on the means of salvation but not the method. They agree on the what (by grace through faith) but not the how of what grace and faith work. If Christians cannot share a common soteriology we are in a world of hurt and so is the Convention.
@williamtoney2599 10 дней назад
I’m sorry you don’t agree God is sovereign over all things, even our salvation that we don’t deserve.
@2wheelz3504 10 дней назад
@@williamtoney2599 you have no idea what I believe about God’s sovereignty so I don’t understand how you can comment on it. I absolutely believe in the sovereignty of God. I just don’t claim to know exactly what sovereignty means and I doubt you do either.
@williamtoney2599 10 дней назад
You’re right, I don’t know what you believe. But I do know that God is sovereign (in control over all things) or He’s not Lord at all. Sovereignty is His right to rule over His creation. Providence is how He works out His control over His creation. If God can’t control all things, we have no hope it will turn out like God says. If you have trouble getting a grip on God’s sovereignty in Salvation (“Calvinism”) may I lovingly suggest you Read John 6 over and over and over. Try not to read into it what you already believe, which is the hard part. God is sovereign over all, but man is responsible to respond to the gospel call. We’re not told how that fits together, but gospel goes out to all. Blessings… Providence is how that
@2wheelz3504 10 дней назад
@@williamtoney2599 I do know where you are coming from. I have studied it deeply, have read all the Calvinist heroes, including all of the Institutes and much of Calvin's Commentaries. You are absolutely correct that God is sovereign over all things. What no human can say unequivocally, though, is how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty. I certainly don't claim to know; but I do know he created humankind in his own image and likeness which no other living creature possesses. He did that for a reason. That never changes even after the fall and it applies to all of humanity. One has to ask oneself, why? Why would he create a very special creature that emulates and reflects him, and do so with the intended purpose of casting the vast majority of them into the Lake of Fire? Being a believer does not require us to set our brains on a shelf. Because he is sovereign, he can do as he pleases and he pleases to save those who believe, who respond to his call. Those who do not respond are damned, but their damnation is their own choosing, their own rebellion, and not because God hates the vast majority of his image-bearers.
@williamtoney2599 10 дней назад
@@2wheelz3504 if God didn’t extend the effectual call to us we wouldn’t even think twice about him. We don’t seek God on our own, just the things only he can give. Remember, we didn’t “find Jesus” He found us. He wasn’t lost, we were. If you can swallow total depravity, the other 4 are easy….
@rodger1776 Месяц назад
Thoroughly disgusted with the "leadership" of the "sbc". This should have not been a NARROW VOTE. Gods word is final and is of truth. A woman is to be silent in the church but has a great role in the family and also setting examples of Godly living and teaching young ladies. This action validates sbc's inability to discern their false belief of Water Baptism as well as other teachings that fall under the Mosaic Law. They still have problems rightly dividing the Word of God! I pray for them as I believe many are Brothers and Sisters in Christ.....
@lynmcgrow9246 Месяц назад
Women get out of this soul destroying misogynist church If God has trouble with women leaders we have trouble with God
@user-mm5on7dh8s Месяц назад
Rick Warren this is for you.1 Timothy 3-1to 13.this is a true saying, If a man desire the offfice of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour,given to hospitality,apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker,not greedy of filthy lucre;but patient,not a brawler,not covetous;one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God, not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.moreover he must have a good report of them which are without;lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.likewise must the deacons be grave,not doubletongued,not given to must wine;not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved;then let them use the office of a deacon,being found blameless. Even so must their wives be grave,not slanderers,sober, faithful in all things. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children in all things. For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. taken heed unto thyself and of the doctrine which you are teaching you will stand before the lord on judgment day to give an account for what you are teaching.
@danielkennedy8438 Месяц назад
As a Christian, this is not biblical. This is a work of Satan. Nowhere do we have conventions, laws, by laws and nonsense taught or found in the Bible. All your LAWS should be found in one place, The Bible. Not this trash of committees, Presidents, chairman’s. Stay away from all this heresy and corrupt minded people.PERIOD.
@user-mm5on7dh8s Месяц назад
Rick Warren is not a man of God
@sharynsnyder6603 Месяц назад
The End is near falling away of the churches, remember who began the sin in the beginning it was Eve caving to satan.
@jeffpruitt7128 Месяц назад
Nothing to debate the Bible says no women preachers or deacons
@ginamars Месяц назад
Satan is good at that to change God authority
@ginamars Месяц назад
We are living in end time Be careful
@ginamars Месяц назад
That is your business to make woman pastor not the Bible authority
@williamtoney2599 10 дней назад
Then why use the Bible at all? Is God glorified when we pick and choose what we want to obey?
@ginamars Месяц назад
Man called to be pastor not woman
@ginamars Месяц назад
Woman takes place of Jesus In the church
@ginamars Месяц назад
That is demonic
@bcmg5894 Месяц назад
Everything in support of women not preaching or teaching is from what Paul says . Did Apostle Paul die for the church? Does the church belong to Paul or Jesus? Can anyone tell us what JESUS had and has to say about this because He is not dead? Can A Woman Preach? Amazon
@bcmg5894 Месяц назад
All people can do to support their views on women in ministry is Paul never Jesus. “ The servant is not above his Lord” Why were women invited to the upper room to receive the Holy Ghost and Power if she was meant to be silent? What a contradiction. “Can A Woman Preach? Amazon
@barrywilson4276 Месяц назад
Never a need for this. The answer is yes. If some say otherwise.shame them and reject them.
@Scribeintheink 6 дней назад
You are a fool
@andrewmarshall7569 Месяц назад
Folks really need to research what good ol "Pastor" Rick Warren has been up to in the past and present. He is involved with the World Economic Forum as well as the United Nations, and many other openly Satanic organizations. He supports globalism, as well as a one world religion.
@N.Earl2850 Месяц назад
rick warren can take his popularity contest to the liberal baptist groups. the bible says it, that settles it whether rick believes it or not
@jorgemurillomurillomartinez Месяц назад
Ya no escucho Hillsong..se hizo ecumenico
@mj3955 Месяц назад
Rick Warren is a wolf. Who wants to create a loophole to have women be pastors. You want to inch your way by saying assistant pastor. So what more will you do if they accept a female assistant pastor? The devil is his father.
@mj3955 Месяц назад
Rick Warren is a wolf. Who wants to create a loophole to have women be pastors. You want to inch your way by saying assistant pastor. So what more will you do if they accept a female assistant pastor? The devil is his father.
@buckyoung4578 Месяц назад
Rick Warren is not longer a preacher. We is a world pleaser. We know who rules the world today.
@TerrenceTheodore Месяц назад
Praise God for Voddie!
@kadonaldkorsa8852 Месяц назад
Only the One women who is scared to submit to a Man is always wish to have Authority over Men but the Word is very Clear, there is No such thing Called interpretation in this Passage, it's very clear from the Beginning Point of Creation "GOD" Created Woman after Man and Out of Man...!!! If any Woman is Qualified to be a Women Pastor in the Church Mother Mary is the One who should be Highly Qualified and on the top of the list to Pastor a Church, yet she never Appeared to be Teaching among Men in any Church ⛪️...!!! There is No Person who Knows about our "LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST" more than Mother Mary but We never see her Teaching in any of the New Testment Era Churches ⛪️ in 1st Century AD . And We cannot see any Women Preaching among Men in the Church in Any of the New Testment Era Churches among Men Quote : Among Men ...!!! But this rebellious Generation of Vipers wish to twist the Word of "GOD" Against "GOD" to take Authority over Men which is evil and Against the Word of "GOD" ...!!! You have to Understand "HOLY SPIRIT FATHER GOD" Speaks Only through the Authority of the Written Holy Word of "GOD" beyond that anything which comes against the Written Word of "GOD" it's from the devil which deceives Christians in the Form of Angel of light. And I wish to Ask why some Women have a Problem to submit themselves to their Husbands ??? Women's have many other Amazing Ministries in the Church they Can Prophecy and Teach among Women they can Preach Gospel and Many other Ministries soo on Except to Teach Men on the Pulpit in a Church ⛪️. If it was otherwise i don't have any Problem with Woman's Preaching in Churches...! I Reject Woman's Preaching in the Church among Men, because the Word says so, or else i don't have any Problem, Every person including Men and all the Creation must obey the Holy Word of "GOD" Amen and "GOD" Bless You all. Any Objections Please write to me to my Email Address 📧 : k.a.donald999@gmail.com My WhatsApp Number : +91-9492286899 That i may learn Amen 🙏
@hardcoreveritas5648 Месяц назад
Well then, if that's the position John McArthur holds, then it is settled, right? Since he is the final authority on all matter......now that RC is dead.....right? So what you are saying is that you have been indoctrinated by McArthur since he was your point if reference.
@hardcoreveritas5648 Месяц назад
I don't find the word "deaconess" in my Bible. I can find this, "Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife....." I am wondering how a woman can be the "husband of one wife"?
@junomacguff3442 Месяц назад
Are you saying that only married men with children can qualify for the office of deacon? Would that mean that the Apostle Paul is disqualified from such an office?
@hardcoreveritas5648 Месяц назад
@@junomacguff3442 Yes. Children were not mentioned. Paul was married as all Pharisees were.
@junomacguff3442 Месяц назад
​@@hardcoreveritas5648 Paul wrote: "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am" (1 Corinthians 7:8). Further, the qualifications for deacons laid out in 1 Timothy state: "He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive" (1 Timothy 3:4). Do you have a Scripture reference for your views?