“Always a Prince, never an Emperor…”

The God Emperor’s second least favourite son
I have opinions on the new Custodes Lore
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@warnermazza2711 Час назад
most peoples problem (myself included) isn't necessarily what comes in the box but more like what doesn't come in the box, last edition's combat patrols for SM gave tanks and cool centerpieces models this doesn't in exchange for 2 HQ's but only 1 of them can be attached because both the librarian and the captain can only be attached to terminators so one of the is going to have to stand alone right out the box.and these are all just models from the leviathan box. we want MORE not LESS and this box is the epitome of less
@EVER_PRINCE 4 минуты назад
It also doesn’t cooperate with other space marine boxes, which isn’t an issue because no other armies have more than one Combat patrols and so it’s not just bad with repeat buys but also with buying other boxes to expand the unit options, but it’s still a factor. Regardless I still enjoy the contextual story it’s telling with the edition
@darthjekyll3648 2 часа назад
It a comes crashing down with a white scar successor running into a woman.
@EVER_PRINCE Час назад
Lmao god damn white scars, never stop running
@VanceTwitch 2 часа назад
The Combat Patrol box itself sucks; buy the starter set for cheaper and get the 'nids for free for your buddy. Also, playing the actual Combat Patrol feels horrific; you have no board control, and it feels like bait to attach a leader to the terminators, just because you have no way to get around the board if you do. 5" move on 7 of your 12 models is rough. If we could run 3 Terminators with the Libby and 2 with the Captain, then maybe; as it stands, the 10th Ed. SM Combat Patrol is atrocious value and atrocious game play. The units are fine for Strike Force/Onslaught games, but for CP? Miserable.
@EVER_PRINCE Час назад
All good points, with very fair and logical reasoning, nothing to really add, safe for the fact the Combat Patrol was built around furthering the narrative, not being a good value lol. So you could argue they succeed at what they wanted, not what we as a community wanted. And if I’m going to be honest, I prefer them tailoring boxes around overarching narratives than specific play styles or characters. Like for me I play for narratives and homebrew stories, not for any actual meta or tournament games.
@AnotherGuyTheXone 4 часа назад
The thing is, you can get most of it in the starter set together with the tyranids one, which makes them a better deal And if you don't need the tyranids, just sell them
@EVER_PRINCE 3 часа назад
@@AnotherGuyTheXone I mean…that’s the obvious answer lol, I just seen a lot of discussions on the models chosen, lack of centrepiece, and people feeling like the choice of models was “a random bunch of new scalps” and so this was more what I was addressing, than the actual real world practices of GW. Not going to lie, I agree with buying the Start Collecting whenever you can, I did a breakdown in my Xenomorph video about how if you buy the Elite Version, and sell off one half, you’re getting a combat patrol for roughly half the prince, minus a model or two.
@McFatson 5 часов назад
I get that the lore for the combat patrol works, even more than you think. The librarian has no unit to join. In the cinematic, he makes a heroic stand before the enemy and gets instantly obliterated. Yeah if they would have included one more Leviathan unit it may have been worth it. Like, if they had the ballistus instead of the captain then it would have been really great. If that's too top heavy, then at least give us 10 Infernus marines. I mean I get that this box exists exclusively to showcase the edition's new models but it sucks that my best recommendation for a new space marine player (besides getting half of Leviathan second hand) is to buy the now-defunct Blood Angels combat patrol and just write off the upgrade sprue as wasted plastic. I started with half of Leviathan and still ended up trading most of the models to get stuff that fits my actual style. My homebrew chapter fight like a mix between Salamanders and Blood Angels so a bunch of static gunline forces were kinda..... placeholders to fill 1k point games until I can afford more overpriced jump pack marines.
@EVER_PRINCE 3 часа назад
@@McFatson I’d honestly think removing the Librarian for the Dreadnought would’ve been an amazing choice. It fixes the lack of a centrepiece model, is a massive anti-heavy unit with its own impressive stat line, and is a joy to paint. And of course the 10 Infernus Marines would’ve been a no brainer in my opinion, thus the joke I made in the video lol. Also…you got any lore on this chapter of yours? Sallies + Blangels sounds like the nicest boys ever lol. And here’s a trick, if you can find the Bayonet sprue from the Horus Heresy Box Set, Age of Darkness, and cut off the blades, you can stick 4 of them on the corners of a Primaris Power Pack, and if you add a stand, I made mine with straight bits of the sprue frame, to give your marine some height, it looks like a jump pack
@McFatson Час назад
Oh do I ever have lore. Short version: The Dread Hunters are a Blood Angels successor made to recapture Hive World Velius, a world that had been cut off from the imperium and lost during the Heresy. Said world's gangers have had to deal with ork invasions, cultiat incursions, and a bit of chaos, so they were actually a match for the overconfidant space marines. Clever tactics and hometown advantage saw the chapter (who were also dealing with those other issues stated above) taking two steps back for every step forward. Reduced to a fraction of their numbers and facing utter defeat, they tried a desperate gambit: remove their.armor, infiltrate the gangs, rose through the ranks and take them over from the inside. This proved to be surprisingly effective, turning the surviving marines into a sort of criminal upper class. But as they infiltrated the gangs, the gang lifestyle infiltrated them in turn. A ground-up rebuild from hive gang stock and the loss of their chapter master in the rubicon primaris saw them come back entirely different. The chapter was split between three company-like cartels based upon the world's leading gangs. Their armor is a work is a metallic green with a purple secondary and a copper trim. Their combat tactics are a hybrid between Blood Angel jump troop rapid assaults an a Salamanders style reliance in flamers using special prometium recipies that each gang guards jealously. Their chapter symbol varies by the gang, but the "first company equivalent" Chem-Harpies use copper wings with a drop of chems in the middle, mirroring the iconography of their father chapter. Fun fact: their scouts go through jump pack assault training before earning their armor.
@JohnLevi-t1w 5 часов назад
How powerful would ships from the game Star Ruler would be in Warhammer 40k?
@JohnLevi-t1w 6 часов назад
What if the Idirans from the Culture Series were in Warhammer 40k and had no Warp Signature? The Idirans are a alien theocracy who have some impressive feats such as holding their own against the hyper competent and hyper aware Culture Minds, ais who run the Culture and operate in 4th dimensional hyperspace and with reaction timers and senses that can calculate whole galactic war scenarios in picoseconds and proactively adapt at the same time even if the battlefield and front ranges in the light years Minds can a hit a target with precision and great speed. Though the Idirans lost before their defeat they were able to lure the Culture fleet besieging them into a trap where they detonated two stars to go supernova getting one last defiant last stand before they lost while destroying hundreds of worlds in the process. They were able to keep the war up for a certain amount of years. And the Culture Minds can be describe as being much much more powerful then the Dark Age of Technology Ais and alot faster in processing power. Think of Mendicant Bias and Offensive Bias for comparison and a frame of reference when you think about how advance and logistically, tactically, and strategically brilliant the Culture Minds are.
@EVER_PRINCE 4 часа назад
@@JohnLevi-t1w I’m not too familiar with the Culture Series but this break down definitely makes me want to consider giving it a brief run down on my own time. That being said given what you’ve described and using the Biases from Halo for reference, I can safely say that a race that is able to go toe to toe with something like that, is genuinely impressive. I really think I’d need to delve feeling down the rabbit hole to give a solid answer, so feel free to correct me. So if we assume the Culture Minds are 4th dimensional in the same way the Chaos Gods are 4th dimensional, (dimensional power scaling is weird so I try to make them as similar as possible for my own sake of mind), then you effectively have a race that arguably surpassing the Necrons in terms of technology, being able to punch up to these extra dimensional beings. I’d say if they did arrive in the Galaxy, the Imperium would have a whole other Xeno threat to face that, like most, rivals them in technology and military power. I’d say though, given the state of the galaxy and the forces at play, they’d more than likely slot themselves in fairly nicely as an equally advanced Necron race with the population of the Tau-Aeldar, and have the benefits of the Kin’s near non-Existent warp signature, and the War mongering nature of the Orks. I think they would set up shop in the galaxy, try to expand, and will their immortal lives, and willingness to die to succeed, they’d unleash catastrophic damage onto the galaxy, either to defeat their enemies, or harm Chaos in some way. I think I’m hammering the point a bit too heavily, but I genuinely think the Necrons would adore them, trying to capture and experiment on them to learn to use them for Bio-Resurgence. Whereas the Tau would try to get some of them to join them, and maybe have an alliance form? But I seriously doubt that. Otherwise I actually think they’d be a huge Wild Card, similar to the Tyranids. Let me know how you think it would go? Again no knowledge of the series safe for a brief read through of the wiki entries on them.
@JohnLevi-t1w 3 часа назад
@@EVER_PRINCE That is pretty good deduction for the first. There are some sources I am going to try to use from the wiki about the Minds and the Idiran-Culture War itself. Though there is a Culture Respect thread that exist on Spacebattles by a guy call Revenger. It is a very long read though. Here is what the wiki says about the Minds. "Minds were the de facto leaders of the Culture. They were analogous to the brains of spacecraft when embedded." "Structure The real space shell of a Mind built during the Idiran-Culture War was a ten metre long and two metre wide ellipsoid. The interior comprised of millions of components. The computational and memory components were particularly dense and were located in hyperspace. An internal warp unit was used to expand the memory space. Power was provided internally. Several field generators could be used for propulsion. The entire Mind massed 15000 tonnes." "Computation and memory The cognitive functions of a Mind built during the Idiran-Culture War took place in both three-dimensional and four-dimensional space. Three-dimensional operations relied on picocircuitry and photons and resulted in significantly inferior performance. Memory was stored in binary in the form of neutrons and protons. When operating in three-dimensional space the neutrons decayed into protons; memory was preserved but rendered unusable by wrapping it in fields. The memory capacity was in excess of decillion characters stored within a volume of a few cubic metres. As they grew, Minds "wrote their own operating system", such that each Mind's functionality is unique, and hacking/compromising one does not make it any easier to compromise others." "Personality A Mind's personality was influenced by the premise-state used during its creation. The personality may be shaped to better suit the Mind's intended role. For example, Minds intended for warcraft developed a soldierly attitude toward martial action." "Relationships Minds could have quasi-familials relationship with "child" Minds they helped create, with children possibly giving additional weight to the opinion of their parent. One strategy when making requests of difficult Minds was to route the requests through its parents." "Other civilizations The Idiran Empire did not construct Mind-equivalent entities and included purpose-built limitations into systems which might conceivably become one. At the end of the Idiran-Culture War the Culture relieved Idir's non-sentient computer network of these limitations and it subsequently upgraded itself into a Mind. The Morthanveld likewise did not trust their AIs to be fully autonomous, preferring more central control and predictability. This made them easier to compromise, however. The Gzilt had Minds and AIs, but considered them more as tools than people with rights. Their warships were piloted by virtual crews of uploaded human minds, running at very high speeds."
@JohnLevi-t1w 3 часа назад
@@EVER_PRINCE Now this will be what the Culture Wiki says for the Idiran-Culture War. "The Idiran-Culture War is a major fictional conflict between the Idiran Empire and the Culture in the midst of which Iain M. Banks' science fiction novel Consider Phlebas is set. His later book, Look to Windward, contains many references to the war: particularly the induced supernovae of two stars, which resulted in the deaths of billions of sentient creatures. References to the war can also be found in Excession, Matter, The Player of Games, Surface Detail, and The Hydrogen Sonata. It has been commented that the Idiran-Culture war, with its juxtaposition of a religiously-fanatical species fighting (and eventually succumbing to) the atheist Culture, shows the author's theme of "antipathy to religious belief, although nominally not to the believers". The commentator also refers to the war as a clash of civilizations in the sense of Samuel P. Huntington." "Overview According to Banks' appendices to Consider Phlebas, the war began in 1327 AD, and continued for 48 years and one month, resulting in an eventual but total victory for the Culture. The conflict was one of principles; the Culture went to war because the Idirans' fanatical imperial expansion, justified on religious grounds, threatened the Culture's "moral right to exist". As the Culture saw it, the Idirans' extending sphere of influence would prevent them from improving the lives of those in less-advanced societies, and thus would greatly curtail the Culture's sense of purpose. As is the case with all major decisions, the decision on the part of the Culture to go to war was through direct vote of the entire population. Academics who have analysed Banks' universe in comparison with real-world political thought have remarked that the decision of the Culture to go to war was a moral choice, rather than one of necessity, as the Culture could have easily avoided war. The Idirans' decision to go to war is described as being founded in their philosophical, moral and religious distaste for the almost symbiotic nature of the Culture and the threat that their artificial intelligences were considered to be posing to the primacy and significance of biological life in the universe. Such fears were also found in many of those who supported the Idiran side during the war, as exemplified by Horza, the protagonist in Consider Phlebas. As Horza, a mercenary for the Idirans observes: "the conflict was inevitable"; the Idirans would not halt their expansion, because their faith wouldn't allow it; the Culture was so ill-defined, having no borders or laws, that it would also have grown ceaselessly. The two cultures would have been unlikely to forge a peaceful co-existence." "Course of the war The initial stages of the war were defined by a hasty withdrawal of the Culture from vast galactic spaces invaded by the Idirans, who tried to inflict as many civilian casualties as possible in the hope of making the Culture sue for peace. However, the Culture was able-often by bodily moving its artificial worlds out of harm's way-to escape into the vastness of space, while it in turn geared up its productive capabilities for war, eventually starting to turn out untold numbers of extremely advanced warships. This transformation provides a story backdrop in which the "soft", hedonistic Culture is suddenly realised as standing up for their convictions. Initial stages of the conflict consisted of encounters in space, with Machine casualties (in the form of Drones and Modules of the Culture, and AI weapons of Idir) being the first losses of the war. During the process of consolidation of territories and volumes by both the Culture and Idir, warfare was initially limited to proxy wars on selected planets, and the employment of mercenaries on both sides in order to use worlds at low levels of development as experimental laboratories for testing ideologies. Most proxy warfare was inconclusive, though it was coupled with the expansion of the Idiran Sphere. The later stages of the war began with Culture strikes deep within the new Idiran zones of influence. As the Idirans were religiously committed to holding on to all of their conquests, these strikes forced them to divide their attentions. They were eventually overwhelmed by the Culture, a civilization they had not considered as having the requisite will to fight. Factors involved in the Culture victory were the vast productive capacities implied in its post-scarcity economy, its advanced technological level, and its superior war planning, all largely due to capabilities of Minds, the artificial sentiences leading the Culture. The final stages of the war involved increasingly desperate attempts by the Idirans to stave off their defeat, the withdrawal of the Homomdan from the Idiran side (after suing for a separate peace with the Culture), and the confinement of the Idirans to limited, carefully watched zones. Its eventual end came about as a result of Culture Minds successfully lifting the sentience constraints on Idiran AIs, which then upgraded themselves to Mind-level, effectively ending the Idiran's ability to continue war efforts without their consent." "Casualties Total casualties amounted to 851.4 ± 2.55 (0.3%) billion sentient creatures, including Medjel (slaves of the Idirans), sentient machines and non-combatants, and wiped out various smaller species, including the Changers. The war resulted in the destruction of 91,215,660 (±200) starships above interplanetary, 14,334 orbitals, 53 planets and major moons, one ring and three spheres, as well as the significant mass-loss or sequence-position alteration of six stars. Despite the relatively small scale, in comparison with the rumoured conflicts of the past as referred to by the sublimed species of the galaxy, the Idiran-Culture war is considered one of the more significant events in the galactic history of the Culture setting." "Analysis Simone Caroti has written that the reader has more in common with the Idirans than the victorious techno-utopian Culture. It is not a conflict of territory, but of morals; the Culture ethically threatened and the Idirans expansionist drive a sort of religious holy war."
@EVER_PRINCE 3 часа назад
@@JohnLevi-t1w that’s an insanely impressive break down of the war from both a play by play, and thematic perspective. It makes me think of the Orks and Tau in that the Tau view eliminating the Orks as a necessity, rather than something they actively want or aspire for. I think I’m more confident in my break down and placement of the Idrian’s personally.
@JohnLevi-t1w 2 часа назад
@@EVER_PRINCE Something you'll notice too is that population size demographics in the Culture series is a a lot smaller then the population culture size of the Warhammer 40k setting. While the Imperium have a total population ranging in the quadrillions likely in between 30 quadrillion - 80 quadrillion across over one million worlds with hive worlds and forge worlds having the largest concentration being smaller in Star Wars Expanded Universe 100 quadrillion sentient humanoid estimate due to long time tables of infrastructure and colony development, the mortality rate, quality of life, supply chains of resources being passed around between independent bodies, and intensity of wars can The communal bonds the Imperium have and their marshal nature do allow many of their worlds militia forces and pdf garrisons to arm them very quickly. According to what I seen so far from the demographics of the Culture from people like lore channels and thread on other discussion sites, the Culture have a total population over 18 trillion. Which is very small when compared to the Imperium let alone the Dark Age of Technology Human Federation which was said to be bigger then the Imperium in territory. It seems like the Culture traded population potential for population controls with their hyper advance technology utopia. Even if we pretend the Idrians had a population ranging over 10 trillion or 20 trillion or a 50 trillion I don't think they are going to be realistically able to conquer the entire 40k galaxy and the Imperium of Man. While their warfleets will be deadly and their relative tech to the Culture and seemingly effective leadership abilities to go toe to toe with the Minds for over 40 years and their use of warmachines and hyperspace technology without the Warp can take them to galactic regions much easier there is a problem. To hold unto tens thousands of planets across tens of thousands of solar systems that is logistically going to be difficult developing situation. Especially if everyone decides to dog pile on them at the same time in response some elements of their aggression. I don't think the Idrians will die off or be beaten too badly but the manpower that can be deployed will be a issue for the long run while the Idrains will have their attention drawn to forces like the various Tyranid Hivefleets entering the galaxy which I have no doubt the Idrians can beat easily with their weaponry and tech tree level they can just take out billions of Hive ships from a significant solar distance which I don't know how the Hivemind will adapt to something like. I can see the Idrians entering into a sort of slowing static warring theater holding frontlines while they develop specialize fleets to rage espionage and infiltrate behind enemy line techniques destroy valuable critical infrastructure. No doubt they can take over and hold entire sectors in regions of the Warhammer 40k galaxy and probably make even the Terra Sol defense fleet and defensive lines tighten security measures.
@MrGBH 8 часов назад
If they'd put the Gravis Apothecary into the box instead of the Captain, my opinion of this box would sky-rocket. because then there'd be at least something in the box that you couldn't simply buy cheaper elsewhere, from Geedubs themselves no less
@EVER_PRINCE 8 часов назад
That is honestly a missed opportunity, especially because of the Gravis armour having that high durability as well as looking gorgeous as a model. Honestly more Gravis models overall, I wanna see Gravis Bladeguard, cause that would be perfect for my collection and style of combat.
@Dram1984 10 часов назад
I think it’s only disliked because you can get the same stuff cheaper from the intro sets. If it sticks around it’ll be better once that supply dries up.
@WilliamMoses355 5 часов назад
Absolutely. 2 months ago I was able to split a Leviathan box with a work friend, and we each paid less than the respective combat patrols, for a lot more models.
@mr.fantasthicc4423 10 часов назад
Nice try James Workshop with this fake account
@EVER_PRINCE 2 дня назад
What are your thoughts on GW’s new take on Combat Patrols? Feel free to let me know!
@akumaking1 2 дня назад
Everything GW produces is overpriced and overrated. 3D printing is the future.
@EVER_PRINCE День назад
@@akumaking1 100% I can’t agree more that 3d printing is the future. However I think currently the scalps and quality of prints, while phenomenal, aren’t quite at the level of current GW plastic crack. I’d say another 5 years or so before we reach that point. Also care to suggest any sites or products in particular you enjoy using? I mostly use it to give my units some unique bits, rather than wholesale replace the units
@tannermccollum7060 3 дня назад
Hope you can do more Fantasy homebrews.
@EVER_PRINCE 2 дня назад
Any suggestions in particular you have in mind, I’ll add them to DA LIST lol
@dennisackerman9802 3 дня назад
Neat idea, but don't do it. Create something similar'ish. Wh40k is so vast- create something fresh/grimdark. Alien is it's own masterpiece
@Ollyatlas 5 дней назад
*gets executed by the mechanicus 3 seconds into making ai*
@EVER_PRINCE 4 дня назад
Just as The Omnissiah intended
@N0kiz4ru 6 дней назад
Genestealers but weaker next stupid question
@EVER_PRINCE 6 дней назад
Brother, consider Genestealers are less sexy than Xenomorphs, therefore despite their weakness, they are inherently better
@JohnLevi-t1w 9 дней назад
How well would a Ork Waaagh force with an Armada near the size of Ghazghkull with 3 million - 4 million ships with the composition and organization and supporting infrastructure of resources, supplies, and logistics of the various Ork Clans led by a big supreme Ork Warboss almost the same size and intelligence of Ghazghkull last in the Star Wars eras of the Galaxy the which is the Expanded Universe's versions of weaponry, industry, and numbers? The Mandalorian Wars. The Great Galactic War. The New Sith Wars The Clone Wars. The Galactic Civil War The Imperial Civil War. The Dark Empire. And the Yuuzhan Vong War? How would such a large Ork Waaagh perform in such environments under these conditions and would they thrive or survive for a long period of time and how much damage would they cause and the after effects of their presence in the galaxy would have on the societies and factions including culture behavior and development in response to the Ork forces setting up a aggressive shop in their territories and some Orks over time growing bigger and smarter in later centuries. There is going to be alot of krumpin and lootin by Ork clans. The Yuuzhan Vong and Sith Lords would sure draw the attention of sub Ork fleets to their subjugated planets to be krump on for the sake of war and boredom including massive planetary shipyards being popular raiding targets and blockades. Coruscant especially being a valuable target for various clans like the Bad Moons to plunder for potential goods. While other smaller Ork warbands form to find their own ways and aims in the Star Wars galaxy with over 2 million systems and 100 quadrillion sentients in the Empire era. Edit: With these conditions I like to think the Ork force in manpower could range from 20 trillion all the way to 900 trillion and a slight possible chance of 1 quadrillion depending how many ships are very big like asteroid and continent dreadnought big carrying many many billions of orks each waiting for the next war to commence. With these numbers they would be able to last for generations to come even against a innovating Star Wars galaxy reacting under the pressure of large assaults and for the Ork spores to spread around develop in a few decades. The city worlds will be hard to take over to due to the various levels there are and resistance ramping up to Ork raids down to the lower and under cities. Especially planets like Coruscant organized resistance will escalate and swell up in those Lower Cities levels as the hundreds of trillions of humans and humanoids arm up and fight back against the Orks who annexed and taken over certain areas and a lot of the surface levels. It will be a devastating confrontation that will likely see Ork cities be under sieged in return by the lower city militias. I can imagine the Ork Waaagh energy will make quite a impression on Force Users and feeling the presence of Gork and Mork leading this contingent of Orks. Even if Abeloth gets released I think she would be dumbfounded by observing and experiencing the Ork Waaagh for herself and unable to corrupt the Orks nature easily. Either way neither will win easily in this drawn out conflict.
@EVER_PRINCE 9 дней назад
@@JohnLevi-t1w this is definitely a video idea worth writing but since given its length I doubt it’ll be done anytime soon, let me give it a brief go over. So the concept is this force spawns in at these times, not starts in Old Republic and lasted till the end of the extended universe. - In the mandolarian Wars I could see this force of Orks horrifying both sides of the conflict, as Jedi are forced to contend with a second galaxy shaking conflict. Their Force Powers even being weakened, I’d argue due to their Green Tide magic warp nature affecting the Force. The Mandolarians might try to recruit them or at least hire them to fight alongside them, but such alliances wouldn’t last long. They’d quickly be broken, and the Orks could become a third party that wrecks their own brand of havoc. That being said though, the Lightsaber and Blasters would probably do something to the Ork Spores and make it harder for them to get a proper foot hold in the galaxy far far away. I also think that if Revan and Mal both find their way to the Star Forge, then things will end very quickly for the Orks. Plus Mando’s are all equipped with Flame Throwers so I see that also being a big issue for the Orks. A part of me believes the Orks would cause a lot of Chaos and potentially see to a united and militarized Star Wars galaxy, as everyone is forced to at least cooperate to deal with them. Not to mention took unlike Warp Travel, Hyperspace is way faster and reliable, so response times would be way faster than what we see in 40K. Overall I see the Orks of this Waaghh eventually being defeated but not exterminated, and becoming a permanent and perpetual threat that routinely rises up to become a threat only to be put down again. I also think their inclusion would permanently affect the galaxy, creating a constant force everyone fears, or at least is aware of. I also believe a few Ork Empires would rise up in the Unknown Regions, and basically turn that whole third of the galaxy into an even more hostile and dangerous place to live. The Clone Wars are a different story as I find that if the Orks arrived in this already chaotic place, they’d be able to get a foothold far faster and easier. They’d only be discovered after they start pushing into the space controlled by both sides of the civil war. Initially, CIS might try to use the Orks but again that would fail, while Palpatine would be horrified as this newfound force suddenly throws everything out of control. Though it would also help push the Republic into the Empire a LOT sooner. I can also see the Orks raiding and raising Corousant, killing nearly all of the Jedi, and seeing the CIS rejoin the Republic, now as the Empire, and with armies of Clones and Droids fighting the Orks. Will try to write more later but have to end it here for now
@JohnLevi-t1w 8 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE Pretty good assessments and insights. There is alot more that can be explored and delved into. Stuff like this takes quality time. I think the Mandalorians in the Mandalorian Wars would be best suited for fighting Ork contested planetary conflicts with the numbers, seasoned veterans, beskar armor, logistics, and large war fleet to rival and compete with the Old Republic for years they would be better equipped and culturally prepared to fight such a relentless adversary. However the large number of Orks they would have to contest would make even the most well armed and supplied Mandalorian armies struggle extremely especially when it is a free thinking horde that has those among them that is very cunning and unpredictable. You never know when a competent sub Ork Warboss is in command of the Ork forces or when very versatile and specialized Ork clans show up because they got employed by the other Orks whether it is the Warbosses or the Bad Moon Ork suppliers who handle the economics, production, and logistics side of the Ork warmachine decided to hire a more specialized group like the Blood Axes or the Deathskulls to accomplish certain tasks or breakdown an enemies hardpoint defensive perimeters. The Blood Axes are really good Ork forces to fight even special ops troopers because they are cunning as they are brutal and will actively come up with strategies and tactics to avoid being spotted by the enemy immediately before they are already right on top of them. And they use more sophisticated weapons to achieve these effects with an objective in mind. The Deathskulls clans would be very good to use against industrial worlds, shipyards, and tech worlds since they like looting all kinds of technology they can get their hands on and have it for themselves and have their mech boyz create new orky gadgets. The Freebooters Orks would also be quite a danger to known Hyperspace lanes once the Orks figure out where all the Humies keep trading and the trade networks in general. In Space many Ork ships are huge on average the amount of firepower needed to take one down would require alot of ships and precision and since in range even in the Expanded Universe the attack range of Star Wars ships is often shorter then even the Imperium ships. While the Imperium can fire from tehns of thousands (10,000s) to even a hundred thousand (100,000) kilometers radius for the Expanded Universe Star Wars navies this attack range is often lowered to a few thousand kilometers for their capital ships. And Ork captains sure do love closing the distance between them and their enemies. The naval sphere of of conflict is going to be extremely hard to overcome against the Orks though the fightercraft like the bombers should help in space, however Ork boarding parties do exist. The firepower of the starships in the EU maybe pretty good even strong enough for day long planetary bombardments but against the Ork ships I don't know how effective this will be due to massive power consumption of using them in combat like this especially when this Waaagh's fleets are going to be traveling in large numbers as they attack system to system at the same time. Likely in hundreds at the very least for the smaller skirmishes. I can see giant economic crashes happening to the Old Republic, GAR Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, and the Yuuzhan Vong war Alliance as the Orks run rampant and get closer and closer and begin attacking Inner Core economic worlds and industry corporate worlds like Kuat Drive Yards and other shipyard galactic companies within the Inner Core. Those would be big blows to the Star Wars galaxy that would stagger them for a while. I can see advanced intelligent droid armies like the HK series droids and the IG series of droids becoming popular military choices as the recruitment, conscripts, and volunteers struggles to keep up with the Ork advances and occupation of other worlds and creating their own Ork empires at the first and 2nd phase of these series of galactic wars. The Orks including the Supreme Warboss is going to be busy for a while reaping the resources of annexed territories and crushing insurgencies form planetary residents from these worlds which will become active hot contested zones for Ork warfare.
@JohnLevi-t1w 8 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE For the average Ork warrior attacking is it likely they are going to be able to tank on alot of blaster rifle bolts probably at the least ten to over twenty of them if they are body shots before they go down. And still multiple are going to be needed for headshots. For the Star Wars militaries this is going to take alot of ammo and since blaster bolts are often slower then bullets the Ork attacks are going to be able to get alot closer to the ground forces defended lines.
@JohnLevi-t1w 8 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE You are indeed right Hyperspace travel is many many multitudes times faster then Warp travel even if the Warp was safer to travel in a environment like Star Wars if it was able to exist here but no chaos for space travel purposes since there is no warp signature in Star Wars and the Warp becomes very tame and silent when leaving the Warhammer 40k galaxy which does prove Warp entities are indeed finite and they aren't omnipresent and hold a certain amount of territory in the Warp regions which is located in the Milky Way. But would the rigid Hyperspace traveling lanes and how Navigation Computers follow these mapped out travel routes give the Orks the opportunity with their now safer to go Warp travel to traverse through regions of space in the Star Wars galaxy that the Navigation Computers can't easily calculate or access giving the Ork armada the advantage of available mobility in stellar space and set up shop in places like the Unknown Regions and other places where Hyperspace can't travel to in their favor?
@EVER_PRINCE 8 дней назад
@@JohnLevi-t1w I’d argue the Unknown Regions would be just as hostile to Warp Travel since we know in the Dawn of Fire books, Guilliman says The galactic core’s high gravity and stellar masses disrupts the warp and is why the Great Rift went through it. The Unknown Regions are the same with the unstable gravity, Aboloth, and the uncharted, near nonexistent space lanes making it difficult to travel (unless you’re the Chist Ascendancy). So I think if the Orks brought their Warp Travel into Star Wars, it would be just as horrible to use in the Unknown Regions as regular Hyperspace Travel. But I also think the Orks don’t give a crap about how “unsafe” their FTL is lol, just so long as they can get to the next scrap. You make an excellent point about the Space Lanes, since they are somewhat rigid, you can kinda go where you want, but like the Highway, you gotta kinda make it work. I guess it depends on the world’s the Orks are attacking. Like if they attacked capital worlds, the respond time in ships and troops would be insanely fast. Though I’d also say it depends on the commander, since I could see more morally ambiguous leaders allowing world’s to be nearly fully invaded, while fleets of star destroyers, venator class star ships, or whatever the main battleship of the era is, rally just outside, and begin a full scale invasion and carpet bombing of the world. I could even see Revan, my beloved, pulling a Lion El Johnson, and nuking basically every world in and around the Core Systems to deny the Orks valuable territory, as well as create ideal war zones. I also think how fast a response or call for help can be sent is important, cause in 40K not only is space travel slow, relative to Star Wars, unlike Astropaths having their own issues calling for help, it would be a lot easier to respond to Orks. I also agree with your other point that Blaster’s would take several shots to take down an Ork, it just depends on how we scale them to Lasguns. I think Lasguns are more powerful than Blasters, but not 1/10 or even 1/5 of the strength. Maybe 1/2 or 1/3 cause we see Blasters causing minor explosions and blowing holes in concrete, like Lasguns do. We also know Orks can be killed by a single lucky shot from a Lasgun, so I’d say, if the soldiers firing it are probably trained and the Orks don’t have Plot Armor, (the Force giving certain people plot armor is an actual thing in Rogue One) given how often Stormtroopers miss their shots, I could see them being fairly affective. But I still think no matter what, the galaxy is gonna look like how it did post Yuzang Vong War, and there’d still be a lot of Orks left over.
@MarisFreeborn 10 дней назад
A note: The black-bodied xenomorphs crafted by David on Planet 4 were dubbed "Praetomorphs", while the pale ones were the "Neomorphs".
@jipowap 10 дней назад
In a way, their already extreme refinement and continual, partial, hybridizing is anti-Tyranid. They are closer to Kroot in their manner of adaption. They can't be easily consumed either, likely having blood stronger than the digestive pools. Throwing them in would give the capillary towers ulcers. I'd posit they'd be the result of Illuminor Szeras. Perhaps he attempted to create a perfect host for reversing transference, culminating his research at the time using Kroot as base with a heavy dose of humanity. The damn thing became so strong it escaped.
@EVER_PRINCE 10 дней назад
This is such an interesting and honestly way more unique take on the Xenomorph in 40k than what I wrote. Honestly a fantastic piece of homebrew lore you’ve got here. And honestly that would be such a brilliant way to depose of the Tyranids, as their biology could be even more tailored to get rid of them. And finally, it wouldn’t surprise me if Illuminor Szeras created the Xenomorph, dude is insane.
@JohnLevi-t1w 8 дней назад
That's a good objective point. Would the Tyranids really bother committing to devouring and converting the biomass of the Xenomorphs if they are very biologically hazardous on a genetic and molecular level to the Tyranids biological doctrine. All the high concentration of alien acid for blood and organs would keep on burning Tyranid digestive cells and bioforms so I don't know how much a Tyranid force on a planet would really commit to consuming the xenomorphs as a main priority to consume other then safely get rid of before they ruin the harvest of biomass of the planetary surface since in the Old Alien Comics Xenomorph outbreaks were able to overwhelm that version of earth's military defenses over a few months or year or two. That would be a concern a Hive Tyrant in command would issue the extermination of the regional Xenomorph hives whether then allow them to propagate and delude the biomass making it a harder prospect then it has to be. If the Black Goo still exists that substance may be something a Tyranid invasion will find intolerable. The last thing they need is rabidly mutating Tyranid bioforms turning on the Hive and deluding the genetics of the Hivemind. They might adapt overtime to get rid of it's symptoms like they adapt to Nurgle's Warp based diseases overtime but that substance is very vile. Might as well destroy it.
@emperorsarchivist27 11 дней назад
The Xenomorphs reminds me of Tyranids, and the Predators remind me of Eversor Assasins hahahahaha
@EVER_PRINCE 11 дней назад
@@emperorsarchivist27 holy crap! I didn’t consider that viewpoint lol. Perhaps something I’ll put down for a future homebrew lol.
@andresmarrero8666 13 дней назад
Okay. RU-vid keeps deleting one of my comments again. So I am just going to place the refined brief summary you asked for here instead. The Black Arms is a long term planning hivemind alien race with hivemind derived psionic abilities, are masters of genetic engineering, and can control anything that has their genetic material. Their leader is biologically immortal and the hivemind may have gained time powers. The Metarex are the insane males of a highly advanced plant race that turned themselves into titan sized tree cyborgs and aims to turn all other forms of life into trees by feasting on chaos and the crystallized life force of planets.
@EVER_PRINCE 13 дней назад
THAT SOUNDS EPIC HOLY FUCK… (*Proceeds to binge Sonic timeline for the next 2 weeks and deletes all existing scripts*)
@andresmarrero8666 13 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE good luck. Shadow Generations is set to release relatively soon so be on the lookout for that.
@cpt.s.seiden 16 дней назад
Me personally I’d go for the White Dwarf Combat Patrol for Tyranids and using the Vanguard detachment. It has all the melee aspects of the Xenomorph and keeps the psychic shenanigans with the Neurolictor. The Leapers being Drones and the Lictors being warriors.
@EVER_PRINCE 16 дней назад
If I didn’t already Pin the comment for future video ideas, I’d Pin this one. I don’t think I’ve seen the White Dwarf Combat Patrol for the Tyranids. I’ll have to take a look when I get the chance but I trust you know your stuff. Any thoughts on Colour scheme or enhancements you’d use?
@cpt.s.seiden 16 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE yeah it’s In interesting list since it’s three units of Von Ryan’s Leapers, a Lictor, and a Neurolictor. I actually have a 1k list that combines the Tyranids CP and the White Dwarf one and it works pretty well. A must have enhancement is definitely Chameleonic as it gives the bear the stealth ability, so using that with the Winged Tyranid Prime immediately makes them better. Definitely on the right track with Death Leaper imo. For colors the obvious go to of course is the classic Xenomorph black carapace with either blue or brown highlights to reference the movies, but I went with a comic reference by painting mine red. There’s a comic called Aliens: Genocide where two Xenomorph hives were having effectively a ant war, one side having a mutation that gave them a red coloring and were able to breed much quicker than the regular Xenomorphs, so for mine I call them Hive Fleet Phlegethon (The River of Fire) in reference to their more fire ant look.
@benotar358 16 дней назад
I always enjoy the homebrew lore you make but i think this one was my favorite
@EVER_PRINCE 16 дней назад
always great to hear the positive comments, i really think going 1 month without uploading might've given me the kick to upgrade my editing
@EVER_PRINCE 17 дней назад
Your options for my next video are… Vi (Arcane) Titans and Pilots (Titanfall 2) Helghast (Killzone) Guts (Berserk) Make sure to reply to this comment with your suggestion!
@Neoth40k 17 дней назад
What about making the Mandalorians? The level of war crimes they commit would put even the Chaos Gods to shame.
@EVER_PRINCE 17 дней назад
@@Neoth40k love me some good war crimes lol and they were somewhere on my list
@benotar358 16 дней назад
Id love to see your take on Guts for an army
@EVER_PRINCE 16 дней назад
@@benotar358 hey man if no one says otherwise, that'll be my next homebrew
@JohnLevi-t1w 9 дней назад
@@Neoth40k I don't think it is accurate to say the Mandalorians committed more war crimes then the Chaos Gods.If you mean the Chaos legions and warbands in warfare and scale and lasting long enough in a drawn out front warfare then maybe? But in vileness and wickedness no they aren't worse. It would be more accurate and befitting to have them go against the Imperium, squats, or the Orks then the Chaos Legions.
@Neoth40k 17 дней назад
Aren't the Tyranids xenomorphy enough?
@EVER_PRINCE 17 дней назад
@Bgh583 19 дней назад
The sad thing is. He betrayed the emperium because he feared he would be forgotten, discarded and not being recognised for his deeds. Had the emperor trusted horus a little more and clued him in on his plans, maybe then horus would have stayed loyal. Also if the emperor had used his psyke powers and transported erebus and lorgar to the nearest sun and dropped them off there would have helped. #fuckerebus #blamelorgar #wordbearesfuckedeverythingup
@GarrettCaldwell-Young-gk3lj 26 дней назад
Of you're going for the AdMech as the droids, think of them as servetors.
@thischannelispoo614 Месяц назад
Imagine you're some Imperium soldier and you're fighting Necrons and hear them say.... Rodger rodger!
@EVER_PRINCE 21 день назад
*Dies of cringe*
@andresmarrero8666 Месяц назад
I would like to see Black Arms and the Metarex from the Sonic franchise be recreated in 40K as a combined force. Individually they seem a bit small.
@EVER_PRINCE 13 дней назад
I’m unfamiliar with both of those factions honestly. Most of my experience with Sonic was the first 2 seasons of Sonic X and a Shadow Hockey game I got at McDonald’s when I was 4. That being said, I’ll add it to the list, care to give me a brief description of them to hype me up?
@andresmarrero8666 13 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE Sure. The Black Arms are an alien race that spent two thousand years prepping the world for invasion over fifty year internals and were closely involved with the creation of Shadow the Hedgehog also known as the ultimate lifeform. They are a hivemind race that are masters of genetic engineering though they do also employ teleportation, somehow managing to teleport straight into cyberspace as a physical presence, and energy weapons. After two thousand years of prepping the planet they pretty much had full control over its terrain and majority of its lifeforms. Their leader Black Doom is sorta the talking box of the hivemind and its head. Black Doom is biologically immortal, exhibits immense psionic abilities stemming from the hivemind that he has control over, and can take over anyone or anything that has Black Arms genetic material as just having the genetic material makes you part of the hivemind. Black Doom can also transform into a titan sized form that is called Devil Doom and has demonstrated great understanding and control over chaos energy by utilizing chaos control a spacetime warping technique. Their ultimate goal was to turn the planet into a gaint farm, biologically locking in place all other lifeforms that didn't have Black Arms genetic material, and feasting on them while they were still alive. The Black Arms are making a reappearance in Shadow Generations so the hivemind now has access to time travel, the ability to be simultaneously active across multiple points in time, and temporal manipulation. Black Doom is also not dead dispite having his body destroyed. The Metarex were once the males of an as yet to be named plant race that could transform into either kaiju sized saurian beasts or gigantic trees and resorted to draining the life force of their planet to maintain their altered forms. This disgusted the females who tried genociding the males to prevent them from becoming a blight on the universe. The males survived, mechanized their kaiju sized selves into even bigger treeborgs, genocided the females back and turned their last remaining member into an unwitting pawn. All members of their species had the ability to control plant life and connect to the very soul of the planet and by doing so unleashing its might at their leasure. The Metarex don't really bother with an army or armada, instead they simply send one of themselves, which dwarfs just about everything else, to locate and retrieve the planet egg before leaving dooming the planet in the process. A planet egg is the crystallization of the planet's life force and without it the world is incapable of supporting life which is accompanied with cataclysmic meteorological and geological changes. The planet can be revived by returning its planet egg but it and all lifeforms on it cannot be saved in any other way. The Metarex will utilize mechanical constructs whenever it suits them and they have demonstrated the capability to create duplicates and false copies of powerful magical artifacts. They even have their headquarters past a wormhole of sorts in either another galaxy or dimension where they plan to achieve their ultimate goal in relative safety. Their ultimate goal is the destruction and replacement of all fungal and animal life with trees for they believe that plants are superior. This complete rewrite of the nature of all lifeforms was to be done simultaneously on a universal scale and was to be done by turning themselves into a multi headed, planet sized, plant dragon with complete control over reality by feasting on chaos energy as "light" and the planet eggs as "water". Even the powers of chaos was powerless against their will, but the last female member of their kind found a loophole. She utilized the same process that the insane males did and fused herself to the plant dragon as a gaint tree thus weakening the creature enough that it and the planet it was fused to could be destroyed. Sorry for this being a bit wordy. It didn't come out as a brief description.
@andresmarrero8666 13 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE let me try again. The Black Arms is a long term planing hivemind alien race that hivemind derived psychic abilities, are masters of bioengineering, and can control anything that has their genetic material. Their head is also biologically immortal. They may now have access to time based capabilities. The Metarex are the insane males of a technologically advanced plant race that turned themselves into gaint tree cyborgs and aims to turn all other forms of life into trees by feasting on chaos and the crystallized life force of planets. I think that is better as a brief summary.
@andresmarrero8666 13 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE sorry let me try again. The Black Arms is a long term planning hivemind alien race with hivemind derived psionic abilities, are masters of genetic engineering, and can control anything that has their genetic material. Their leader is biologically immortal and the hivemind may have gained time powers. The Metarex are the insane males of a highly advanced plant race that turned themselves into titan sized tree cyborgs and aims to turn all other forms of life into trees by feasting on chaos and the crystallized life force of planets.
@andresmarrero8666 13 дней назад
@@EVER_PRINCE sorry let me try again. The Black Arms is a long term planning hivemind alien race with hivemind derived psionic abilities, are masters of genetic engineering, and can control anything that has their genetic material. Their leader is biologically immortal and the hivemind may have gained time powers. The Metarex are the insane males of a highly advanced plant race that turned themselves into titan sized tree cyborgs and aims to turns all other forms of life into trees by feasting on chaos and the crystallized life force of planets.
@Sgt-Wolf Месяц назад
@EVER_PRINCE Месяц назад
Wort wort wort!
@Neoth40k Месяц назад
@Sgt-Wolf 4 дня назад
@@dreamcatcherben8214 Yeah I've seen that happen when other people make the same comment. It is funny.
@dreamcatcherben8214 3 дня назад
@@Sgt-Wolf its the little things in life...
@akumaking1 Месяц назад
Disney Soy Wars sucks
@JohnLevi-t1w Месяц назад
Nice. What do you think of this idea? What if the Ancient Human Stratocracy a remnant of aAncient Humanity in Halo by LordArcheronVolistad was in Warhammer 40k in the 42nd millennium? Would they be seen as beneficially ally of the Imperium due to how extremely advance they are as well as being humans who have no connection to the Warp and can live without it?
@geraldthedwarvenhost Месяц назад
Tau Players: gets called Weebs Eldar Players: *laughs in OG weeb energy*
@benotar358 Месяц назад
Is this a reupload? Happy to rewatch it but I could have sworn I saw this yesterday
@EVER_PRINCE Месяц назад
@@benotar358 I may or may not have accidentally deleted it while looking at my statistics. They should at least make you type Delete or something before just deleting your video lmao
@benotar358 Месяц назад
@@EVER_PRINCE rough, happy to rewatch
@alandong9172 Месяц назад
That’s what I was saying but it’s worth rewatching
@EVER_PRINCE Месяц назад
@@benotar358 doing the God-Emperor’s work lol
@RichardColeman-i3i Месяц назад
P.s. lol, I never realized how big of a nerd I am till now. But master chief was the title holder of demon, not humans. Simply cause of his singular achievements of the events of halo 1
@RichardColeman-i3i Месяц назад
Also also the arbiter was a martyr they were picked to help lead most times very suicidal wars/fights
@silentshadow9983 28 дней назад
That was only after the covenant first discovered the lekgolo (worms that make up the bodies of hunter’s and scarabs)
@RichardColeman-i3i Месяц назад
I would still love to see a how to make the 100 man slayer in 40k video
@EVER_PRINCE Месяц назад
Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions for future episodes in this series!
@vengefultoastytoast8786 Месяц назад
Perfect! Lol
@hussamgunter7381 Месяц назад
To quote Dante a noble son of Sanguinious himself, “LET THE DAMNED MARCH WITH THE DAMNED!”
@andresmarrero8666 Месяц назад
I wonder how a homebrew based on the Black Arms and the Metarex from the Sonic franchise would turn out. Some might be tempted to use the Tyranids but neither the Black Arms nor the Metarex act like those bugs.
@ericbills Месяц назад
Maby the buzz droids could have some kind of ability were they could stop vehicles from firing or moveing based on the command you give them. Imagine how tau players would react as you prity much stun lock there giant robo sute with a bunch of little buzz bois!!
@pinkboy1181 Месяц назад
Yeah by the end of the clone wars there was quintillions of droids made, but Palpatine never used them as he wanted the Republic to win
@JohnLevi-t1w Месяц назад
There is a war from some rp series called Ancerious galactic made by EmperorMyric called the Draken War in ancerious that is pretty brutal and grimdark. It was a event so catastrophic that is far surpassed the damages and casualties in proportion of the galactic population then the Horus Heresy, the Black Crusades, and all the wars the Imperium have fought. In the span of time lesser then half of the century over half of the galaxy's population was slain and hundreds of thousands of planets were destroyed by the hellish force known as the Draken. A great and powerful evil who came from another dimension of hellish fire and tried to reap the souls of the entire led by commanders far more deadly and powerful alone then even Primarchs were. I discovered through devianart and the lore and art is quite intense. By the end of the war the entire galaxy was traumatized like it was their version of the Age of Strife. The Draken struck quickly and effectively with far more competence and cohesion then all the legions of Chaos ever did to the Imperium.
@inzyniertv9305 Месяц назад
A army of Cain Clones would be fun
@ptodd5373 Месяц назад
Talking about a clone army in 40k never once mentioned DEATH KORPS OF KRIEG a actual clone army in 40k
@EVER_PRINCE Месяц назад
Sad shovel noises lol
@catkook543 2 месяца назад
is it reallllllllly homebrew if you dont come up with custom rules?
@EVER_PRINCE 2 месяца назад
@@catkook543soon my sweet summer child
@catkook543 2 месяца назад
@@EVER_PRINCE i come from the context of being an absolutely massive dnd nerd, where the most raw games homebrews like 5 rules within that context, saying something is "x" instead of "y" without mechanically changing it just sounds like a re-flavor rather then homebrew
@EVER_PRINCE 2 месяца назад
@@catkook543 same! That’s honestly where the name of my series came from, since I started off in D&D and transitioned to 40k. Plus I love coming up with custom rules for random characters and stuff, especially my own armies. It’s currently a goal to make it so every future homebrew can get a custom army rule at least.
@catkook543 2 месяца назад
@@EVER_PRINCE Ah, alright~ I'm still in the progress of learning warhammer40k myself, though it does sound really fun to design entirely homebrew factions and units.
@EVER_PRINCE 2 месяца назад
@@catkook543 well if you don’t mind sticking around for the long haul, I’m planning on adding some actual lore and not just Homebrews to this channel. So feel free to enjoy those when they’re out.
@Battlefrontplayer-er8wx 2 месяца назад
@ihn-90 2 месяца назад
Roger roger!
@Drumfreak127 2 месяца назад
I really like this concept! I’d love to see a future Titanfall-inspired homebrew. I’ve been trying to come up with one myself using Knights and Assassins to act as Titans and Pilots. Keep up the great work, I’m subbed for more 😎🤙🏻
@EVER_PRINCE 2 месяца назад
@@Drumfreak127 interesting point in case, bringing up the assassins, since you think to make Titans from Titanfall you **Need** the pilots as well as the Titan’s themselves. I really agree with this statement and thought process and will definitely add it to the list of Goals needed to make the Homebrew!
@Drumfreak127 2 месяца назад
@@EVER_PRINCE thank you! I do know people typically shift towards tau, but there aren’t really any options to fill the fun pilot role with tau. I’d love to see your take on it since your homebrews are all very well thought out and explained!
@fumarc4501 2 месяца назад
I love the Droid Army of star wars.