Just a weirdo who turns on the camera. Follow me everywhere @maxfloz! Vlog channel link ru-vid.com
Anxiety Over Control and Life Changes
2 года назад
3 года назад
What Causes Your Panic Attacks?
3 года назад
EMDR Therapy for Panic Attacks?
4 года назад
Coping with Anxiety During A Pandemic
4 года назад
5 лет назад
He Made a HUGE Mistake...
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Spilling All My Secrets...
5 лет назад
I Met Someone
5 лет назад
Driving Across The Country
5 лет назад
im so sorry
6 лет назад
anxiety or panic
6 лет назад
The End of Depression and Anxiety?
6 лет назад
@taylacollier-f4v 7 дней назад
I get panic attacks some times to they not nice
@MorganBossert-id1gm Месяц назад
I have anxiety anger issues and depression issues but I take a pill every morning for my anxiety always take deep breaths when you have panic attacks and anger and meditation Helps with all of negative emotions Take my advice pal the pill that I take helps me to with my negative emotions and think about happy thoughts
@dreamon220 3 месяца назад
Have you ever tried cutting out gluten or dairy? That can cause bloated sore stomachs and can also cause anxiety and depression.
@dreamer12222 4 месяца назад
I know exactly the pain you’re talking about. Just last night I woke up at 2 a.m. with this (sorry for TMI) large stool moving through my gut. My heart started racing and I started sweating profusely. It did this weird thing where it was like sucking my throat in on itself if that makes sense. Felt like my throat was closing.
@U2BE79 4 месяца назад
I hate the gas pains. I get them frequently but they don’t typically last very long. But yes, I cannot imagine being stabbed would hurt much worse-they are excruciating.
@tessierunge7821 5 месяцев назад
I was finishing my 4th year of pharmacy school when I had a full blown panic attack for the first time. EMS had to take me to the ER bc I couldn’t walk, talk, or do anything but lay on the floor with my hands and feet numb and curled. I couldn’t even sign my name on their forms bc I couldn’t grasp the pen. My whole body aches after having them bc they can sometimes last for hours, leaving my muscles feeling like stone afterwards. It feels like it’s stealing the life I had planned and worked so hard for. I had to drop out of pharmacy school, I can’t work anymore, I can barely leave the house, and I feel tired all of the time. I’ve been dealing with panic attacks almost every day for the past 4 years and I wouldn’t wish this on even my worst enemy. As much as I hate to see you suffering from this, it helps me to know that I’m not crazy and I’m not alone; that there are people out there who understand what it’s like.
@khalilcaldwell6802 5 месяцев назад
Great explanation of a panic attack. I’ve had to try to explain them and failed. Words can’t truly convey the feeling, although this was damn close. Thank you for the video bro. Medication can be used like a PHYSICAL crutch is used for a broken bone. It can never be relied on for complete healing.
@Saff157 5 месяцев назад
I'm on really strong medication for anxiety with cbd it's not fun but I don't want to have loads a day like I would have loads a day but now I'm on meds I am ok
@GnarlySpookXT 10 месяцев назад
my biggest learning point was knowing whets happening. i breath. then im good.
@GnarlySpookXT 10 месяцев назад
i had the same thing. when you know whats going on i breathe.
@StaceyWatz-qt8wf Год назад
Take a hot bath get a hot heating pad put it on it
@Ballard206Journal Год назад
I have Exact same extreme problem.. Terror feeling. Way beyond fear.. Feels like im going crazy. Scariest feeling you can imagine !! 😢😢😢😢😢
@myriamlefebvre350 Год назад
I have panic attack too it's horrible (am almost 7 years later to comment 😛) but I hope it's better now for you.
@sophiebaxter4991 Год назад
I’d love to hear an update video on your fear of sick, mine fluctuates, it was bad then it went away and then came back awful again, would be nice to see how you are dealing with it now and you anxiety etc x
@nickroe1 Год назад
Start a podcast again dude fr it was gold i still listen to attacking panic pod
@MaxFloz Год назад
Fuuuuuck i really should shouldnt i
@nickroe1 Год назад
​@MaxFloz do it mfff ❤❤❤❤
@nickroe1 Год назад
​@@MaxFlozit's like my sleep ritual for like almost 1.5 years
@disneyfan9134 Год назад
YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!!!! We’re all human and it’s perfectly okay to feel anxious sometimes. A very wise mall Santa that I met, back in 2018, once told me that “even on the cloudiest day the sun STILL shines behind those clouds meaning that no matter how dark it looks, the sun is STILL there and the joy and happiness is there for you as well”. No matter how scary or how uncomfortable things get, just know that everything’s going to be okay because u deserve to feel safe, loved, comforted, encouraged and for those who loved you and who really want to help u and be there for you and stay by your side either way. Whether from friends, family or anyone you trust and feel safe with. I maybe an autistic women whose probably may or may not have had a lot of panic attacks and is just speaking from experience but I’ve had anxiety attacks due to my fear of failure in school or at work and not being good enough as a person and that I do understand perfectly well the feelings the worthlessness, lack of self esteem, anxiety, depression, self hatred, loneliness, feeling trapped, frustration, remorsefulness, insecurity and the feeling of wanting to get try to better yourself but always coming out as a failure. Plus having been through the pandemic and being forced to follow Covid safety protocols like many others has been deeply traumatizing for me as well socially, mentally, physically and emotionally. The point is, your anxieties and depressions and everything mental health related DOES NOT define u for who you are, it’s what’s inside your heart and all the things that you’ve accomplished in life that truly defines u for who you truly are. Some people are not gonna always understand what you’re going through but as long as you have the people who loved you or that special someone whom deeply loves u and genuinely cares about u and will do anything in the world to help u to overcome this, you’re gonna come out even stronger and more courageous than ever and before you’ll know it, you’re gonna surprise people by how far you’ve come in the end. Stay strong, have courage, be kind to yourself, take heart and NEVER EVER give up hope because you ARE beautiful and perfect just the way you are in every way and you will ALWAYS be loved no matter what. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@mia-ue8ch Год назад
Please make more videosssssss
@MaxFloz Год назад
Theyre coming I swear
@mia-ue8ch Год назад
2:43 idek if the time I perfect but 👏🏼YOU GOT CAUGHT YOU GOT CAUGHT👏🏼
@maikeru01 Год назад
i can tell by your face that i have felt what you felt. i think it is the most brutal thing i've ever experienced and i've had 5 kidney stones. it feels like a nightmare but it's real. i would say for me it's kind of like the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach you might have if you murdered your entire family and just heard someone turn the door knob and they're about to catch you, but in my case that feeling lasted for about 2 hours. Or, like when your dog dies, and your girlfriend breaks up with you at the same time, but cranked up to 11. It's kind of an emotion, but it's more like the body's reaction to the emotion. The physically manifested symptoms. I thought I was poisoned at first. I ran to the bathroom to try to throw up or go to the bathroom, but I couldn't really, and actually I wasn't really nauseous. But I did have the cold sweats, and my mind was racing so fast that I couldn't keep up with my thoughts which is really scary. In that moment, you are like oh god, I broke my brain, I'm not an insane person. I'm not in control anymore, on top of the most extreme negative feelings you have ever experienced at the most intense level your body can make you feel, and there is absolutely nothing that can provide any level of relief. It's so intense. It's like pure suffering. I've had this happen a couple times. Usually from marijuana so I quit. But I recently had it happen again, and I don't really know why. I talked to a psychologist an he told me to go get a blood test, maybe it's related to blood sugar dropping suddenly. I hope you found a way to avoid this in your life. I don't wish this horror on my worst enemies.
@FuturesPast1 Год назад
This video calms me down and I do not know why. I guess knowing I am not alone is comforting although to see that much suffering makes me feel so sad for you. I am having GI issues and immediately I feel afraid it is stomach cancer. FML! I know this comment is 6 years too late, but my doctor told me never to take stomach pills like gas x or TUMS with my benzodiazepine. He said the ingredients in the stomach pills will absorb the anti-anxiety pill and will make it useless. Now if I have to take a TUMS, I worry my ass off that I don't get an attack otherwise I can't take my Xanax for hours. That leaves me to choose which one I could deal with less, stomach pain or panic attacks. It sucks.
@FuturesPast1 Год назад
I have had panic attacks since the age of 5 and they suck! Thanks for this video. You actually made me smile because you are so brutally honest. I also died laughing when I heard the clown horns on your phone. Imagine if you died from a panic attack and that is the last thing you heard? Lol 😂
@racheljuchniewicz688 10 месяцев назад
I also had them since I 5 too
@lobbyhoe173 Год назад
Chills, stomach pain, chest pain, sweating but freezing at the same time, difficulty breathing - that's exactly the symptoms I experience during a panic attack. You're not alone!
@lobbyhoe173 Год назад
The worst thing is that I know exactly how it feels
@lobbyhoe173 Год назад
I'm proud of you for recording this. Keep going, wish you the best❤
@WalturdTheCat Год назад
Covering 1 nostril helps you slow the breathing to not hyperventilate. Wonderful way to calm.
@Dessiiboo Год назад
I had a panic attack twice in my life & im not even exaggerating it feels like you’re gonna die . It’s a scary overwhelming feeling of Terror and adrenaline and I can’t even describe it . I didn’t feel pain at all it’s just. Feeling of pure terror and your heart is racing and right before it happens it feels like you can run a mile or you need to run I can’t really describe it . I was shaking so bad uncontrollably and almost I’m tears . I went to the ER and they literally can’t do anything for you until it passes but it can last up to half and hour to an hour
@sophiebaxter4991 Год назад
Watched you for so long, makes me feel less alone dealing with my anxiety and emetophobia x
@MaxFloz Год назад
Makes me so happy. Really need to make more content for the OGs like yourself
@Ceejai1313 Год назад
Yes !!!! Therapy with max ..dang I've been following you for a long ass time ..I see the change though
@MaxFloz Год назад
Cant believe ya stuck with me ! I appreciate you.
@WizBlew Год назад
Def pulled off the white shoes
@MaxFloz Год назад
Hahaha thank you brother
@robynrose3328 Год назад
Omg I feel like you are the male version of me when it comes to your anxiety and stuff, this made me feel less alone 😩💜
@stephenraynes2148 Год назад
Magnesium can cause pretty extreme nausea. I avoid it in supplements like the plague. Horrible experiences.
@Ceejai1313 Год назад
Where are you ????? I need an update I'm gonna go see if your on insta
@sophiebaxter4991 Год назад
My fear of sick is what causes my anxiety and panic attacks, and my panic attacks usually happen at night time, either before I go to sleep or I’ll wake up in the night panicking and it’s so hard to stop it cause I worry about feeling sick, then my panic makes me feel sick and then it’s an endless cycle :(
@DallasNelson Год назад
I’m thinking about starting this. I have a couple questions . Is there any way I can direct message you ?
@spanknbanana1913 2 года назад
I’m from Tempe az born and raise but still too hot for me
@jroark101 2 года назад
Bro you need to stop talking and BREATHE and splash some cold water on your face
@kenziecannon9270 2 года назад
@mikkylecrewe8428 2 года назад
Do a sleeve update
@myrien2x_708 2 года назад
i quit smoking i had a panic attack drink water until u pee it all out
@myrien2x_708 2 года назад
just stop smoking.
@shara_playz4677 2 года назад
I just had a panic attack and for anyone who doesn't know what it feels here's what happens to me: At first I was just chilling scrolling on tiktok when all of a sudden I feel a panic attack coming on since I get symptoms that worsen during the actual attack such as shaking hands, I feel like my airways are closing up, my heart beats fast which leads me to think that I was gonna die from a heart attack,i get hot and cold flashes. Part of me knew that I was going to be fine but the other part was convincing me I was about to die. Panic attacks are horrible and I just wish it wasn't a reality of this world.
@matthewlepak2878 2 года назад
Thanks for being tough. Jesus bless you. He will help us
@Life.w.anooekiee 2 года назад
😞😞😞😞😞😞. Panic attacks suck. I get panic attacks very often!! And they are not fun to deal with At all!! 😞🥹
@KeVinyl1983 2 года назад
I am suffering what you went through on a daily basis. This video did help me to show I am not alone. Thank you for sharing
@alyssacubanprincesa 2 года назад
You remember me aka Alyssa Grube. I remember you’re the only ONLY person who ever related w me w how severe our anxiety & depression has been since we were literal kids. I’m still struggling w it all. Still on stupid psych. Meds. I’m tired of having to take so many meds. Looking forward to watching those podcasts tbh. Bc idk if you remember we literally have the same exact type of anxiety to the throwing up the freaking out before and after the panic attacks. What even triggers it. Just everything. I’m dying to get more help & be off so many dang pills everyday of my life the past years for so many years! I wish I could find a natural way to handle it. Been doing yoga a lot w my regular working out like I’ve always have but when the pandemic hit my anxiety got even more severe. Thanks for speaking out for ppl like us who others don’t ever understand what the heck we go through. Happy to see you doing better Max! I hope to get there some day ://
@techno.1853 2 года назад
I always take body-temp shower to keep heart rate from spiking any more, take a so of water, lay down and put on three stooges
@touhouguyII 2 года назад
Is a panic attack a form of a seizure?
@trex637 2 года назад
I can totally understand EVERYTHING YOU SAID. I get panic/anexity attacks due to bowel/stomach issues. I get the chills and tingles and sweat so bad under all the covers. I get severe nausea too. I hate it and I just cry and ask the universe/God what did to deserve this and beg for help from loved ones who have passed. I hope it's got better for you. Perhaps it's time I get some real meds to help me besides zofran for nausea.
@yougotaluvme 2 года назад
Yeah it's not fun, I remember. The days I didn't know what anxiety, stress or depression was.😔
@josephyounes9279 2 года назад
Do you feel tired and sick after the attack? I keep having them every few days. Some strong and some mild. Today was very tough one. It went away but I still not feel 100% alright. Is this normal? I started having these attacks 5 months ago. Went to many emergency rooms and doctor. Did many tests and they all said it’s panic attacks.
@zenvision09 2 года назад
You handled that well. Yeah I feel you on taking antidepressants. I take one capsule of Prozac because it just helps with the panic and insomnia. But I’m not one to do drugs at all. I get nervous when I take a Zyrtec for allergies lol