@Fit_By_Gods_Grace_Alone 10 дней назад
New subscriber! Love your content! My favorite channel by far! Please make a Billy graham video.
@Fit_By_Gods_Grace_Alone 10 дней назад
Another great video! Thank you!
@Fit_By_Gods_Grace_Alone 10 дней назад
New subscriber!!! Now, my favorite channel. Please create a playlist of your videos so we can watch them without interruption from other channels. If not, it’s fine too. This is great content!
@torgenxblazterzoid 10 дней назад
Wow! I don’t agree with every single word of that but is a very powerful interpretation. Yeshua, my Lord. Please forgive me and please find a way to help my son to find you before he’s too late. But as you will it Lord, as you will it. God bless everyone 🙏❤️
@oceanrythms 10 дней назад
How have godly people been persuaded to let ungodliness reign? Who came up with the idea that politics were worldly and "holy" people should withdraw? If those who are "holy" withdraw, who is left in charge? How did the "two kingdom" concept of the church withdrawing allow Hitler in Germany to kill Jews? Who began calling Christian patriots "Christian nationalists"? Do globalists hate nationalists? George Soros is quoted as saying, "The main obstacle to a stable and just world is the United States." Klaus Schwab said, "Acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state." And a quote from the World Economic Forum, Agenda 2030 video: "You will own nothing and be happy." Are you aware that just as your silence gives consent to wedding vows, it gives consent to other things? It is called "the rule of tacit admission." If you know of evils in your community and are silent, are you an accessory to them? Is it scriptural to not care about what kind of country we are leaving to our posterity? Proverbs 13:22 states "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children..." And even if we can't turn the culture around, shouldn't we at least try? Are we being given one last chance to show what we really believe in our hearts through our words and actions? As Dietrich Bonhoeffer stated in his response to Hitler and Nazi Germany, “To not speak is to speak.” Billy Graham stated, "There is no doubt that nations come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them." And quoting the great statesman Ben Franklin: "Work as if you were to live 100 years; pray as if you were to die tomorrow." The fate of the world hangs in the balance. Now we are the key to turning things around. THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON US.
@robertchapman2349 10 дней назад
Take my head, I'll never take that mark.
@robertchapman2349 10 дней назад
The anti-christ I believe will be Nero or Nemrod. A king that has already been here in the flesh. Rest assured The Lord Of Lord's will triumph over His enemies.
@AllenFillers 10 дней назад
Father I repent for the sins I have done. But it's hard to repent when u feel another wrong doing. Like smoking weed. I know it's hard. But it helps me. It makes me creative and helps my stomach. But it has bad things that go with it as well. Not goo's for the lungs. But I'm sorry for the sins I see ok in some ways but I love Jesus. Thanks for Jesus
@Pureignition58 10 дней назад
Brother Jesus is already coming and there is no turning back, judgment is inevitable. Those that value this world will be given unto it and left behind. The King of kings is not a good luck charm that can be rubbed on in times of convenience or a tool that can ne picked up used to fix something then set down and forgotten about. He was beaten by his own people, spat on, falsely accused, crucified and impaled for our sins to be forgiven. That is no small favor to be forgotten about when its convenient. Are you ready or not?
@jerryburns22 10 дней назад
It seems to me that Satan is already controlling this world 🌎 God help us all!!!
@ChildofYAH_33 10 дней назад
Yah! I pray for Your mercy!😭 Woe to every last one of you! Jesus is NOT His name! So ask yourselves, what god have you been calling on? Are you going to be among those that are under that strong delusion? still in deception, and following man's traditions? There is still time! Abba, Father! I am not worthy but pls! may You harken your ears to my cry let it be Your will to open their eyes that they may see! Truly, I say, pray that it be His will that your lamps be full of HIS oil & may you be found approved at His arrival. May His grace and mercy be with upon you.🤲🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼🛐
@NostalgicPocket 10 дней назад
That’s wild I said this before I even started listening… she’s definitely her 🤯
@NostalgicPocket 10 дней назад
She could be the woman on the beast 🤔
@travisnoffsinger4507 10 дней назад
His name is Yahshua.
@Beverly-e4z 10 дней назад
Demons are manifesting in my life. I rebuke them and move on. In two people I think it's more demonic influence but one was full demon online. Please pray for me.
@CraigStephens777 10 дней назад
@SusieBear-ji3hq 10 дней назад
Wait a minute I'm confused i thought this pastor doesn't believe in the rapture the word is not in the bible sure but neither is the Trinity and he believes that ? 🤔 Believe plus nothing equals salvation ppl only requirement we aren't co-saviors He paid it all in full it is finished ❤
@sourikhaophachanh 10 дней назад
America just found out about this. This country is a dwelling place for the evil spirit. You can see its all around us. There's no escape but through the Lord Jesus Christ. The way the truth and the life
@BRILLEFOREVER 10 дней назад
The mark of the beast is islam and Saudi Arabia is Babylon mystery. Revelation 20:4
@louiemonty639 10 дней назад
All Praise an Glory to LORD JESUS ALMIGHTY GOD 🙏🏾
@catthouser9032 10 дней назад
The world is in real trouble now. The church has fallen away. Christians are embracing a world version of God. Nations of the world reject God. It is later than we think. Remember this is all biblical and part of God's plan. Remain faithful and ENDURE.
@mikebridgeford1628 10 дней назад
Its such an incredible truth💝💝💝. I love Jesus, our King👑
@stephenbothma1602 10 дней назад
Glory to the King
@stephenbothma1602 10 дней назад
Lord. Please take pity on me. I pray for my family and friends and I.
@reigns77. 10 дней назад
Jesus is coming back soon. I repent for all my sins and failures and ask for your forgiveness and strength to serve you in these final days
@wulfclaw4921 10 дней назад
Possibly the single most important message on all of youtube right now.
@shawncarr3429 10 дней назад
@jentunjenga5925 11 дней назад
@carloshenry337 11 дней назад
@TheDailyMemesShow 11 дней назад
When you get to witness how appallingly (and SUSPICIOUSLY!) SILENT all the churches have stayed so far, all around the world, in the face of all the ABOMINATIONS surrounding us today, you get to understand who's their boss, who they are really servants of, and who they are afraid of...
@daisymosby8726 11 дней назад
My Jesus My Lord And Saviour
@Davido50 11 дней назад
🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ ❤
@NickOtis0707 12 дней назад
I wanted to share my testimony a little bit to others I would like to hear. 7 years ago I got sick with late-stage Lyme disease. For some that don't know what that is it comes from a tick that carries a swirly bacteria. I was misdiagnosed for almost 6 months when that happens it can be hard to treat the infection and when you don't have proper resources like money or to see Lyme disease doctor or better treatments people like me that are still sick. I'm still suffering today but I can say this I'm grateful for my suffering. Because without my suffering I don't know if I'll have a relationship with the living God the one and only true God that created all things from the heavens and from Earth God the Father Jesus Christ the son the holy Spirit are comforter the wisdom that gives us truth and much more. I had to get three bone marrow biopsies done in the past 3 and 1/2 years by my blood doctor finding out that I have few less cells in my bone marrow currently at 20% to 25% and it should be at 70% for my age. My blood doctor had to test syphilis, HIV, leukemia, lymphoma everything came back negative. About almost a year ago I found out that my GI doctor that I have mild to moderate chronic pancreatitis. I don't smoke cigarettes I don't drink or anything like that and I try my best to eat healthy even though food is expensive right now. The Lord is still doing a good work within me Philippians 1:6 and the Lord delivered me from pornographic images and videos 3 years ago. But there is times where I still stumble and fall short the Lord's Glory. What I mean by is I fall into masturbation from time to time and I don't like that feeling feeling of separate from the Lord on Holiness and much more. I have a couple prayer requests that I'll be really grateful. The first prayers that the Lord will strengthen me through all the adversity that I go through because right now I suffer with severe anxiety / social anxiety and it can affect my thinking my concentration especially with my chronic gut issues with fatigue. My second prayer request is that the Lord will send harvesters to my family but also that I'll keep my light shining before them that's why they will see Christ likeness in me...✍️✝️🇺🇲🫶👈
@kensmith5810 12 дней назад
thank you, Even so come Lord Jesus,.
@nschilk 12 дней назад
@nschilk 12 дней назад
Preach 🙌 all praise to The Most High 🙏 in Jesus name
@glennparker5516 12 дней назад
Praise The Lord. " When I am afraid, I put my trust in you In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? Ps 56:3
@johnthurman585 12 дней назад
Christ is coming back for a Glorious Church one without spot are wrinkles nor anything that looks like the world . ❤
@margomitchell9379 12 дней назад
Amen hallelujah 18:24
@solaceboy 12 дней назад
Sometimes I think that what will happen in the Book of Revelation chapter 13 the beast of the Earth, happened in the the days of the Roman empire, just revised and upgraded to its full potential worldwide. As opponents of the Roman Catholic Church have said, 'The Roman Catholic Church is nothing more than a religious front for the Roman empire.'
@richardmullins5172 12 дней назад
@LarryRyan-n8n 13 дней назад
Thank you Jesus Christ for this prayer
@LarryRyan-n8n 13 дней назад
A prayer for the forgiveness to the father for crucifying Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, I want to say first, I love you, And just like Peter, I know it don't always line up with these words, But I do love t, Weather it's a little, little piece please accept it, I want to love you more, but my actions don't always show. Lord I am sorry what you went through and I confess right now before God the Father that it's because of me. It's because of me you lost so much blood, It's because of me you felt excruciating pain, My bones was in that whip and I just wanted to say I'm so sorry Lord for knowing what you went through And we still living a life of evil and a life of sin. I don't want to do this anymore, I want to love you. Lord Father God, I don't want to stand before you in that day and have your eyes so dreadful, I want to see your mercy. I don't want to hear the words, you murdered my Son. It's because of he suffered. I repent right now Father for dishonoring your Son, for betraying your Son. For deserting your Son, neglecting your Son, for grieving your Son. I'm so sorry for every stripe he took ultimately. I'm thankful he did it because without it, we couldn't be talking to you now. But it's selfish of me to use the blood of Jesus to talk about the cross without acknowledging it was because of me. I'm sorry Father forgive me what we have done to your Son, have mercy on our souls. Thank you for bringing peace between us and God the Father. Because on the cross as he struggle to breath Jesus said Father forgive them, they don't know what there doing. And it's true Lord we didn't know what we were doing. But once we receive your truth it revealed to us. I stand right now in peace with his Son, that I admitted and confess that because of me, Now that I know this help me Lord to look at your suffering different than when I'm tempted to sin to smoke, drink, fornicate, and porno, masterbation, to lie, steal, hold grudges, get bitter with people, to commit all types of sin, help me and anoint me Lord that I remember this word, that it will be enough to keep me from adding another stripe to your back. I love you so much Jesus and in your name I praise Amen
@MustangJen777 13 дней назад
The Lord will Prevail!! Case Closed!!!❤
@RepentandtrustinChrist-sd8wl 12 дней назад
It is finished.
@vickiebarnes3152 13 дней назад
@wandac367 13 дней назад
@melvinskaggs3877 13 дней назад
@tumslucks9781 13 дней назад
The Whore of Babylon is the world empire of false religion. Islam is the worlds largest false religion which means Saudi Arabia is scheduled for destruction! Check out Armageddon News. Iran will nuke Saudi Arabia!
@thepawanderer 13 дней назад
Today the spirit of Anti-Christ is running rampant in our world seeking those he can devour. The devil is a master strategist who seeks our downfall by his various schemes. Our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. They are highly refined and pure evil. We as Christians cannot take on these spiritual forces of evil without the “Whole Armor of God”. Only through our faith in Christ and The Cross are we able to put on the whole armor of God. Without it and the Power of The Holy Spirit…defeat would be the end result...Eph 6:11.