Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Institute for Strategic Dialogue
ISD is a global counter-extremism organisation dedicated to powering new generations against hate, extremism, and disinformation. Since 2006, we have responded to the rising challenge of extremist movements and the ideologies that underpin them, delivering cutting-edge programmes built from world-leading expertise in communications and technology, grassroots networks, knowledge and research, and policy advice.

Headquartered in London, ISD maintains regional offices in Amman, Berlin, Paris, and Washington DC.
@mariannesuesli5680 6 месяцев назад
Such a delight to listen to her although it's a somehow bleak outlook
@samueljaramillo4221 6 месяцев назад
Great conversation with this very interesting man that did great things at the Met.
@mavisformula 7 месяцев назад
Another excellent lecture, I do enjoy them very much. The only disagreement I had is her comment regarding the British in the Boer War of 1899-1902. From all that I have read, they never fought in their red coat uniforms (as she stated regarding their heavy losses earlier on). They had discarded these in the Anglo-Sudan War a few years earlier and hadn't used them regularly since the 1880's. However they did suffer heavily against the Boers who were well-trained, well supplied and knew the land better and so could manoeuvre around, causing the necessity for the British to attach them head on.
@jotge.3444 9 месяцев назад
Renee Fleming ist absolut fantastisch.
@f1refall 9 месяцев назад
I feel its worth adding, while discussing blockading germany & the impact on its civilian population, that Germany also aimed to do this to the English, although less effectively
@h.e.hazelhorst9838 9 месяцев назад
Another excellent lecture!
@Ekate1 9 месяцев назад
@MrDaiseymay 10 месяцев назад
@valdorhightower 10 месяцев назад
The Germans were idiotics. The Army didn't talk to the foreign office about the effect of violating Belgium and its brining Great Britain into the war. As the French Army wouldn't violate Belgium neutrality and it was impossible for the French to successfully breakthrough the German defenses in Alsace-Lorraine, there was no need to attack France in 1914. Germany could have remained on the defensive in the west and used the majority of the German Army against Russia. This would have kept Austo-Hungarian forces from being crushed by Russia and England would have remained neutral. After disposing of Russia, Germany could have crushed France.
@frankjocle7697 10 месяцев назад
The war was set in motion by bankers and financiers. Some of whom were on the side of the Bolsheviks. The greatest LIE in history is that Bankers and Money can't work with ideology. They do. As you can see today, bankers and the modern version of Marxism ie. GLOBALISM work HAND IN HAND. They use their money, in combination with Marxist tactics, to get what they want which is a one size fits all - one world order. A taboo group of people at the top of this have been at it for centuries. From the Court Jew to Jacob Schiff. She does not know what she is talking about until she unwraps Socialism, the deliberately confusing spider web of international banking and the desire by several groups to control the planet. What so-called academics like this shy away from is that FACT that Socialism had existed in its purest form for about 70 years BEFORE WWI broke out. Lenin talked of using a global conflict as a vehicle for their global control since the turn of the century. It is no coincidence that the original TARGET of MARX was GERMANY - NOT RUSSIA. You also can't truthfully talk about ANY of this until you know the facts of JEWISH involvement both in revolutionary groups and banking. The BS about the pogroms and who was responsible and the dragging down of the Czar BY LIES through his enemies control of the Western Press. You also do not know anything until you dig into the deep relationships that WESTERN governments had with global Socialism/Communism. WWI NEVER ENDED. PERIOD. We are still fighting it today.
@frankjocle7697 10 месяцев назад
Ask yourselves this. If war was set into motion by a Marxist by shooting the Arch Duke of Austria, why did the nations involved not just go after the perpetrators of THAT crime? Hmmm?? How hard could that have been?
@giovannidepetris6335 10 месяцев назад
In my simple mind it all started because Russia could not convince Serbia to come clean in order to control the enraged Austrian after Sarajevo .
@user-rx162r 10 месяцев назад
Censorship advocacy organizations need to lose non profit status.
@user-rx162r 10 месяцев назад
Your tax dollars at work, problematizing and criminalizing your free speech. This channel needs to be labeled as a foreign influence effort.
@markprange2430 10 месяцев назад
43:27 eminence grise
@RobertPaskulovich-fz1th 10 месяцев назад
How did invading Serbia turn out for Austria?
@daschadi9787 10 месяцев назад
Это великолепно
@JoseFernandez-qt8hm 11 месяцев назад
America failed defending the right of free passage by not standing up to the British..... de l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace
@charlesvanderhoog7056 11 месяцев назад
37:30 - 37:45. Football player Johan Cruyff taught: "To score, you have to shoot." General Von Schlieffen, in 1893: "To win, you have to attack." I like these parallels. For the famous Rinus Michels, the inventor of modern football (soccer) in the 1960's, famously said: "Football is war." So we can conflate these two fields of human endeavour. LOL
@charlesvanderhoog7056 11 месяцев назад
Professor MacMillan details what Henry Kissinger calls "Into the vortex" in his brilliant book "Diplomacy". There was no reason for the First World War to come about but it did because of what politicians all across Europe and the USA thought between 1898 and 1914. Margaret MacMillan delivers a highly interesting exposition of what really happened then.
@KP-yq8id 11 месяцев назад
Great analysis. I wish I had had access to this resource when I was doing A Level history. Thank you 😊
@allesmogliche6795 11 месяцев назад
11:07 Bring out the inner Vixen😉😍
@cavecanem7075 11 месяцев назад
Wonka ask Is it true?
@garyb2392 11 месяцев назад
What an awesome talk! TY
@h.e.hazelhorst9838 11 месяцев назад
Excellent lecture, very interesting! A question that comes to my mind: the role of pacifists seems to be very limited. I believe this is because pacifists are by nature ‘passive’, also towards extremism in their own country. Isn’t this an interesting subject to discuss in a future lecture?
@user-oc6dh2yp2w 5 месяцев назад
According to the conservative worldview of the time, pacifism was a position typical for weak, spoiled, efeminate men (women's opinion didn't matter at all). No man wanted to seem that way.
@christopherdematteo8645 11 месяцев назад
Considering my extensive knowledge of WWI, I am amazed at how much I don't know whenever I hear this erudite woman 📖📗
@alvin8391 Год назад
No, it was not inevitable, I am sure Prof MacMillan asserts, but it did happen, and as her wonderful title "The War that Ended Peace" also asserts, it ended peace. What peace did it end? I should not be surprised if she means that peace from 1914 on is not a characteristic of the 20th and 21st centuries as it was said to be of the 19th. It is hard to look back on the many years after 1914 as a time of peace. The Great War set the course for future events that made for a deceptive peace. Peace has been a temporary, a very temporary blessing in the past 109 years. The ruling politicians of the United States today do not strive for peace at all. Rather, they sought and successfully created the enemies they needed to keep my country in a profitable state (for them) of preparation for war. If the Austro-Hungarian empire was criminal in placing all of Europe at risk in order to settle scores with Serbia, think how much more wicked US Presidents have been since the end of WW2 in order to nourish our MIC !
@ISDglobal Год назад
Für mehr Informationen zu unseren Analysen auf denen diese Videoreihe aufbaut, besuchen Sie unsere Website. Hier können Sie eine ISD-Analyse über eine Desinformationskampagne gegen ukrainische Geflüchtete in Deutschland lesen: www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/deutsche-wahrheit-a-pro-kremlin-effort-to-spread-disinformation-about-ukrainian-refugees/ Mit solchen Methoden werden Falschmeldungen verbreitet: www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/pro-kremlin-network-impersonates-legitimate-websites-and-floods-social-media-with-lies/ So verzerrt berichten russischsprachige Kremlinfreundliche Telegram-Kanäle über ukrainische Geflüchtete: www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/a-false-picture-for-many-audiences-how-russian-language-pro-kremlin-telegram-channels-spread-propaganda-and-disinformation-about-refugees-from-ukraine/ Mehr zum Projekt finden Sie hier: isdgermany.org/projekt-nuk/
@cheehs88 Год назад
Muss man gleich melden als Spam und Fehlinformationen
@cheehs88 Год назад
🤣🤣🤣 Beste Propaganda 👍🏻 die Quellen nicht erkennbar und die mit den Emotionen der Menschen spielen. Klingt voll nach westlicher Mainstream Propaganda.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 🤣🤣🤣Was darf satire 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤦‍♂️🤣🤦‍♂️
@truekingfubu3823 Год назад
Hier werde ich desinformiert
@shmithy_2809 Год назад
Sponsored by (ihre Regierung).
@christiankauke8011 Год назад
Reden die vom örf und der Regierung
@lalelu4161 Год назад
Da haben wir jetzt aber Glück, dass Ihr uns mit der Wahrheit aufklärt. Ich habe mich schon oft gefragt, wem Ihr die gegenwärtige Politik, die nichts anderes im Sinn hat, als das ganze Land in den Untergang zu treiben, sonst in die Schuhe schieben würdet, gäbe es diesen unsäglichen Krieg nicht.
@markok2499 Год назад
Göbbels hätte seine wahre Freude am Internet und solchen Produktionen gehabt....
@renateschmitt4495 Год назад
Was für ein realitätsferner Beitrag. Nur noch Gehirnamputierte in Deutschland, sogenannte "Gutmenschen" die das Gegenteil von einem guten Menschen sind!
@Nisaba1000 Год назад
NIEMAND diskreditiert ECHTE Flüchtlinge. Niemand. Das hat ja wohl die Willkommenskultur der Deutschen ab 2015 bewiesen, obwohl auch da schon klar war, dass rund 90 Prozent der ILLEGAL „Einwandernden“ durchtrainierte Männer aus muslimischen Ländern waren, die NICHT aus Kriegsgebieten kamen und auch sonst keine Gründe für „Schutz“ hatten. Somit waren sie keine „FLÜCHTLINGE“. Es ist eine Vielzahl von ihnen, die sich hier absolut schweinisch verhalten und somit leider einen Generalverdacht aufkeimen lassen. Der allerdings kann Leben retten, wie sich an den TÄGLICHEN Messerstechereien und den TÄGLICHEN Gruppenvergewaltigungen zeigt.
@Doc_Tar Год назад
The more of MacMillan's lectures I experience the closer I sense I get to understanding how sophisticated Europe went mad in the first half of the 20th century.
@suzannederringer1607 11 месяцев назад
And it's going crazy again. Sadly.
@Archibald_von_Munch 10 месяцев назад
@@suzannederringer1607It’s gone, not going.
@haridasshenoy8334 9 месяцев назад
Are they any different now. Being dictated by US and getting into loggerheads with Russia.
@georgealdridge9453 Год назад
Ms. MacMillan elucidates an explanation of the causes of a war that seems inexplicable.
@59Zeta Год назад
Person is a legal fiction to describe a bundle of rights and duties attributed to an individual deemed to be competent to understand choose and commit in a civil community. It is a valuation of individuals - persons has been expanded to women, foreigners children etc. as we have moved in philosophy to protect and value all human beings we have extended person to them. Psychology adds standards for the experienced quality of life by adding whole to person. It's a unity of each individual's deep functions. If you decide to think it comes from the persona or mask then it doesnt have inherent superficiality or tickery in its meaning.
@donovanwint1277 Год назад
This is the best lecture I have ever heard in my somewhat long life. As a Gentile I struggled foremostly with Christianity ,but could not find satisfaction and started my search for truth, and after years I settled on the Noahide way of life and service to HASHEM, but had my struggles with that also in some ways. But I am now happily at home a Noahide, and growing as the result of finding these lectures by Rabbi Sacks, sorry for not finding his work a little while ago. I know he is at a Great place, and rejoice for him. HASHEMS Blessings on his family, and those who are carrying forward his great program.
@billolsen4360 Год назад
19:00 The attitude was recruit more and more new army men and then we throw waves of our teenage males at those dastardly Frenchmen to "deal with" our hereditary enemies in a big slaughter. And France will do the exact same thing. And when the war is over, you still have the same hereditary enemies exactly where they were before: Right Next Door. Immature thinking all they way around. And the Brits: We spend hundreds of millions of pounds over the years to build up this great big aggressive navy and now, those ambitious, pompous schemers in Germany want to build up HER navy to about half the size of ours! How DARE they? those FILTHY MILITARISTIC HUNS!
@Cyber_Diva Год назад
@firasjawjad436 Год назад
@davidmackie8552 Год назад
What a sensible and erudite person!
@manuelgonzales2570 Год назад
Excellent lecture!
@remotefaith Год назад
What do academics actually do?
@kayaogz Год назад
Enabling comments? Wow i am s that surprised that you let the misinformation and disinformation and conspiracy theories spread! Morons.
@bradfordmccormick8639 Год назад
Everybody should get a booster shot today to immunize themselves against the new Ukraine variant of the "patriotism" virus. Watch Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory".
@mauer594 2 года назад
Seems 21:43 is precisely what happened in Ukraine. As Mearsheimer said, Ukraine was "led down the primrose path" believing they would join NATO.
@Kannot2023 11 месяцев назад
Mearsheimer doesn't know anything about Eastern Europe, Ukrainians,Poles,Baltics,Romanian will fight Russia regardless if we have NATO on our back or not.
@user-oc6dh2yp2w 5 месяцев назад
No, this did not happen in Ukraine. You Putin's apoligists have a very warped view of history.