Fineas Jackson
Fineas Jackson
Fineas Jackson
@artSFCA 5 дней назад
Love linen....good choices
@JimmyBramlett 6 дней назад
Oof. Moving during the rainy season. But congrats!!!! And all the street food, the drinking, the shopping. I love Seoul. And learning the language is helpful. While the language might be a challenge, at least reading it is easy.
@FineasJackson 6 дней назад
Yes, I plan on being at least partially proficient in the end! I had no idea you've been to Seoul, what a wonderful surprise.
@LibertyGarden 7 дней назад
Best way to learn the language is to get a girlfriend.
@FineasJackson 7 дней назад
I will look into it haha…
@wawigomez 9 дней назад
Colbo and everyone that works there ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@FineasJackson 6 дней назад
It’s a great shop! Food was amazing, which was an unexpected surprise!
@HeraldIce 10 дней назад
What school is that? Nice fit btw
@FineasJackson 10 дней назад
Thank you brother! It's Yonsei in Seoul.
@loom1c 16 дней назад
He is hot 🔥
@khengmarma828 17 дней назад
You are really articulate, I like your style.
@FineasJackson 17 дней назад
Much love! Thank you
@fabian_fabian_fabian 18 дней назад
A few random thoughts ^^... I can control my caffeine consumption quite well when I replace regular coffee with decaf after 1pm. I've found that once I reach a certain level of caffeine, it's more about the ritual of drinking coffee and not more caffeine. When traveling, you have a huge advantage in comparison to most people: Your first language is English. You will find people everywhere with whom you can communicate effortlessly. When I heard the word epaulette, I almost cried because it made me think of the theft of diamond epaulettes from the largest treasure chamber in Europe^^. On the other hand, it gave me the idea that you could creatively modify the epaulettes in your designs using less common materials (perhaps you could find an interesting material that is cheaper than diamonds, such as rusty sheet metal, metal watch straps, pieces of braided leather belts).
@user-ip1kx6zm1r 24 дня назад
Love the Jean jacket. A very creative idea for the shoulders , taken from the salvage of another pair of jeans.
@user-ip1kx6zm1r 24 дня назад
I completely understand I’m older and I’m a free spirit I feel people don’t understand Me . I went and finished college but I wish I traveled the world instead of the Degree I’m still paying for > keep going !!!
@user-ip1kx6zm1r 24 дня назад
Very nice 👍🏻
@FineasJackson 24 дня назад
Thank you!
@deeringkendrick8388 25 дней назад
You're already a pro; you know to dress in Rome. 🤗
@fabian_fabian_fabian 25 дней назад
Perfect choice of music for the topic and an introduction from a Hollywood movie. Normally I'm too posh to use the word cool, but this is really ... cool. This time the handkerchief frames the face without distracting from it. I'm curious to see where you'll be traveling soon. PS: A video about your taste in watches and jewelry would be interesting
@FineasJackson 25 дней назад
Thank you so much Fabian! I'm glad you enjoyed the new style of video! Will definitely make a jewelry video at some point.
@Eduardo_scudder 25 дней назад
@FineasJackson 25 дней назад
Thank you!
@williamfahey6066 26 дней назад
You have to be OK with yourself. You have to Love yourself. Comparing yourself to other people is not good. Having self acceptance is the best place to be. Jeff
@bratzliplogical 27 дней назад
Let's all americans immigrate to Europe, it's the only safe way❤
@bratzliplogical 27 дней назад
I just want to be appreciated
@Vivinessence 27 дней назад
I know how it feels. I want to do the things I want to and dream of but it's just not the right time.
@pslmountain 27 дней назад
literally me when i think about bitches so fucking real
@M15Guys 27 дней назад
03.32 - Fineas Jackson - "you got money on your mind, and my words won't make a dimes worth of difference ....." (Simon & Garfunkel A Heart in New York)
@user-cc1bc1wt3m 27 дней назад
r u talking bout blue ballz?
@PiittOXUS 27 дней назад
..have you even watch the vid
@bratzliplogical 27 дней назад
I get way too often blue ballz
@stonedaleks5171 27 дней назад
This is what I needed to see today thankyou
@waleed8153 28 дней назад
Rome Seville Marrakech Toulouse can have my heart
@hashdrowned7698 28 дней назад
This is the reality of living ur truth but I swear to god man there’s more people out there like us. Dont focus on the entrepreneurs who made it big, find yourself in a community of artists and if your business focused you can manage an artist but I swear if you get yourself in a creative circle you will find other free thinkers who yearn to be fulfilled by doing the hard work and staying true. You’ve made it far I can tell but just trust it’s not about being the best it’s about being you and people who don’t get that are gonna keep making it hard for you and those who get the struggle are gonna help alleviate some of this pain that we go through cuz they Get It Man in the same way that you do.
@FineasJackson 27 дней назад
Thank you for this comment. It's lonely, but when you find your people it's magical. Completely feel that. We just have to keep pushing, and I will, or I'll die trying. I wish you the best brother. Gonna have to quote this at some point: "it’s not about being the best it’s about being you"-HashDrowned7698
@loom1c 28 дней назад
Love the outfit ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@loom1c 28 дней назад
I enjoy how you accentuate the positive ... nice butt 🍑
@loom1c 28 дней назад
You are quite the handsome man and cut a fine figure. My only suggestion is to either hold the clothes higher up so the viewer can get a netter view, or move the camera further away to show more. Now as for the zippered jeans, I'd enjoy unzipping them and discover the quality beneath. ❤
@thesirmrdylandylan6221 28 дней назад
im feeling the same way man, well get through it man.
@FineasJackson 28 дней назад
We need to keep fighting bro
@keithfailmezger1596 28 дней назад
big hugs to you
@keithfailmezger1596 28 дней назад
I lost my husband of 20 years ,, 4 years ago .. and i get it i am so tired of being alone .. it sucks ..
@Journeyman2447 28 дней назад
Dude i feel literally exactly the same way right now. I am a young man who wants a dream so bad it hurts every second I wait to take the next step. Im not going to college so that I can pursue this dream. It may suck right now, but I know its all for the better and Im never gonna give up. Theres light at the end of the tunnel man.
@User61918 28 дней назад
Yea drugs nd sex
@User61918 28 дней назад
Nd money nd books
@User61918 28 дней назад
Nd progress in all aspects of life
@fabian_fabian_fabian 28 дней назад
Unlike idkuhh621, I think the sound effects are appropriate, even if the video would work just as well with fewer sound effects. Maybe it's because I'm familiar with the older videos and find the current editing style to be another refreshing facet. Overall a great style, elegant and often classic, but with a twist. Influenced by you, I recently bought my first linen shirt. May I nevertheless make a few suggestions for possible improvements to details?
@FineasJackson 28 дней назад
Please do! Glad you bought a linen shirt!
@fabian_fabian_fabian 27 дней назад
@@FineasJackson *Color* 0:29 Fabric in soft cream should not be combined with black leather because the contrast is too harsh. Brown, white or dark blue leather looks more harmonious with cream, as the product photos from Gutteridge show. *Handkerchief/ scarf* Your curly hair naturally looks a bit chaotic. If you wear the scarf as in 5:47 with a distance between the scarf and the shirt collar, I find the surroundings of the face too chaotic overall. I can think of three ways of smoothing out the area around the face: - Combine the scarf with a cap as in 1:50 - Do without the scarf (with the open white shirt in the Florence video, you could become the first trillionaire model) - Tie the scarf like a day cravat, i.e. without leaving any space between it and the shirt collar. Although this is a very classic way of tying, it is so rare today that you would still look individual. *Proportions* Torso length and trouser length should be clearly different from each other, and the length ratio should ideally correspond to the golden ratio or a simple numerical ratio. This is the reason why the outfits at 4:53 and 5:10 work so well: length of trousers = 2 x length of torso. The outfit at 7:00 violates this rule and even worse, it violates the design law of decisiveness: two design elements must either be clearly the same or clearly different. The torso and shorts here appear neither clearly the same length nor clearly different lengths. The two lengths would be clearly different from each other and the length ratio would correspond to the golden ratio if you took one of these measures: - Wear shorter shorts (rather theoretically) - Wear the shorts at a lower waist height - Choose a wide belt in the same color as the top I think I have too much free time ...
@Ant1quedoll 27 дней назад
@@fabian_fabian_fabian damn I would honestly read all of this
@Ant1quedoll 27 дней назад
I think we all just have different preferences which is fine, and I honestly love sound effects in videos, they add flavor but I think I prefer a bit less. Though I have to agree that his style is very nice .
@FineasJackson 27 дней назад
Fabian, thank you! I agree with much of what you've said, but I want to push back on a few things. *_Black leather and cream_* Cream and black-like white and black-work well in my opinion. Sometimes the contrast is a feature not a flaw. In the white linen/black loafer outfit at 3:44, the contrast gives great separation and visual interest that that serve the style and language of the garb as a whole. I will concede that the black belt and loafers are a bit jarring with the cream linen shirt under the blue blazer. But, this is also a product of my video color grading, as I upped the contrast, and accentuated the blues in this segment of the video. Nevertheless we can agree to disagree on this one. *_Handkerchief at _**_5:47_* I wholly agree with your points here. If I was going to wear the handkerchief I should have either reduced it's height so there was a smooth line with my neck, or added the linen cap. I had been looking for the cap the whole video while I filmed different segments and was only able to find it later...in my basement. sigh. Also, definitely going to tie the handkerchief like a cravat at some point. I've been planning to do this for a while now. *_Proportions: shorts at _**_7:00_* For this outfit, I tried something different than how I would typically wear it. Usually, I would go with a no show sock, that gives the appearance of wearing the loafer sockless. To your point, this would lengthen my legs, and correct the proportions of the outfit. On reflection though, I think the problem here is the waist area where excess fabric build-up gives a non-tailored frumpy vibe (seen at 6:59.) I definitely see your point about the proportions, but part of me doesn't mind the high sock look. I will have to try this outfit again, tucking in the upper section better, to see if it leads to a more visually satisfying experience. When I do we can revisit and see if it makes a difference, or if the problem is truly in the proportions. This is a lovely discourse, and I have been thinking about this comment all day! Reflecting, considering my response, and now finally replying. Please keep the feedback coming! Ciao, Fineas
@Døp1esYT 28 дней назад
@fabian_fabian_fabian 28 дней назад
Please don't drop out of college. A high level of formal education is the easiest way to get to a state where you can be as self-directed as possible in your life. Even if you can't immediately use the topics from college later, you learn problem-solving skills (you understand the legal and tax system and are able to take advantage of loopholes in it; you can quickly learn new technologies; you can repair items yourself; you can assess which medical treatments make sense for you; you can make smart financial decisions... these are all cases where people without problem-solving skills feel helpless).
@FineasJackson 28 дней назад
At this point dropping out doesn't make sense: I'm a senior this year. Going abroad in the Fall (surprise!), and then come back to graduate in the Spring. If I am a millionaire by the time I come home, I will consider it, but otherwise I am staying the course. Do not worry!
@JimmyBramlett 28 дней назад
I'm always interested in what styles people are attracted to. I was a goth in high school and early college then became more punk rock indie noise pretentious whatever. And now in my 40s I went back to my goth roots. But I never wanted to be a trillionaire -- I just wanted to fuck shit up. I still do. So you be that trillionaire! And I love those fucking boots!
@FineasJackson 28 дней назад
Good for you! We all gotta chase what we love. The boots fit into literally any style; punk, indie, goth, old money, hipster, whatever...that's why I love them so much!
@Ant1quedoll 28 дней назад
You should try minimizing the sound effects :) but overall, you have such a nice vibe to you that I absolutely love! I was curious so I clicked on the video, and I’m already loving your style and the video. My style is pretty similar, though leaning more on the feminine side. ✨
@FineasJackson 28 дней назад
Thank you so much! That is incredibly kind of you! I will work to make it sound more natural in the next video!
@ildehalipa4334 29 дней назад
I love the shoes! Can’t wait to go to Italy ❤
@gdbro3842 29 дней назад
Me when I loose my vape
@bratzliplogical 27 дней назад
It's called unhealthy addiction
@rockstarluvr 29 дней назад
I always wanted to drop out of high school and run away to live my own life away from my family's expectations. now I'm about to start college at the prestigious university my parents wanted and I feel like such a failure. my family is proud but I failed myself
@FineasJackson 29 дней назад
Life will show you your path. You just have to have faith. At least that's what I'm trying to do lol.
@Keencademy 29 дней назад
1:32 The average person admires the people at the top, but the exceptional people instead admire the path of effort, pain, and sacrifice that they had to walk in order to make it there. Great video, it looks like we are both on the same path so I look forward to seeing you at the top.
@FineasJackson 29 дней назад
we'll shake hands on the summit one day
@AsmrHamy 29 дней назад
@HereToSuffer247 Месяц назад
i just hate how im 27, never had a girlfriend. I dont even have friends i just work go to the gym and eat healthy but im not feeling any better.
@FineasJackson Месяц назад
We have to keep fighting. Only way is through
@Azzmelater 26 дней назад
Bro let me tell you, I’m your same age and after having 2 relationships and recently being dumped a second time. You’re not missing out. 90% of these girls that you chase aren’t worth a damn, I promise you. Ask any other guy and they’ll tell you the same. The genuine ones will be brought to you in a way where it’s easy for you two to talk and you don’t gotta run after them. In the mean time keep doing what you’re destined to do.
@HereToSuffer247 26 дней назад
@Azzmelater what's hard is coping with being a virgin. I could pay to get it over with but it's something I feel cost wise isn't worth it. I appreciate your advice.
@noonehere...842 Месяц назад
i feel the emotion in your voice and i understand how you feel about wanting something. you have no idea what it is but it hurts you.
@FineasJackson Месяц назад
So real. Thank you for this
@Agent0M3GA Месяц назад
How you carry it is through GOD
@psychic_crab_asmr Месяц назад
Struggle and suffering are the threads that you weave the tapestry of your own reality. The only guarantee as a being- is suffering (unrelinquishing change that exists out of your control) . Until one comes to understand this fact of reality, they will continuously be trapped in a cyclical pattern of desire, grasping, and languish. To reject suffering, leads to more suffering. To accept suffering, leads to growth. Take care. You are strong! You have nothing to doubt about yourself. Stop grasping for success. Stop comparing yourself to what you perceive as successful. Simply exist within the eternal moment of NOW and live your life. Time appears finite to us Human Beings, and you only were granted so much perceived time with this life, this body. Good luck friend
@epiksaus5112 Месяц назад
Are you a true dreamer? You talk of becoming the top in the world... I see your other videos talk about trillionaire etc. How deep is this feeling? How strong is it? Will you do ANYTHING to achieve it? Will you only tolerate your dreams, or die trying? How true is this Warrior-Spirit within you? Comrade, I can teach you how to return back into this nostalgia into being a God and find your Spirit-Mate, gaining all your dreams, absolute fulfillment and perfection (Not new age trash). Been through this all since I was born. I am the first sigma through the initiation of blood. Rare comment once in a lifetime type thing etc. Of course I am still in the struggle as well, but through my struggle I have gained timeless wisdom. Only if you're serious respond to this, otherwise ignore. I am a legend in my own right. Dont under-estimate it! Feel with your intuition! Pure Possibility. Post your email so I can get into details, youtube will delete my comments. I stumbled upon this video through algorithm, which is a chance AI wants me to post here, regardless, I shall follow my heart. ⚡⚡
@chainz7006 Месяц назад
being alone sucks and sadly the world doesent care about us idk who u are but this video popped up. Subbed
@VIVEVIEV Месяц назад
bro scratching for box 🤣
@FineasJackson Месяц назад
Took me so long to understand this comment. Mad funny bro...not what I meant but mad funny
@VIVEVIEV Месяц назад
@@FineasJacksondon’t worry bro we all scratching
@inkarlcerating Месяц назад