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@coreysbaby3691 12 дней назад
Man OP is right the stepdad looked out for his own ass instead of protecting that child he was in their care at the time of that happening to him and the stepdad did nothing but overlook it, i would do all i could to have saved that child from that horrible woman people dont care about children anymore its sad and who is to say the boy didnt tell his bio dad and that bio dad just didnt do anything all adults in this story failed this childs miseralby they should all be ashamed of themselves
@christopherlanza 15 дней назад
I hace no problem with the feet. I have an issue with you passing every single coin
@jackcrook6330 24 дня назад
Honestly just sounds like a poor match, nsh
@Magicnun 24 дня назад
Poor boyfriend, she sounds so insufferable, is she the type of girl that wants to fix a “broken” person. And all movies cinematic😂😂😂😂
@drakeblue6597 25 дней назад
Rage bait, move along nothing here
@TheCentralScrutinizerAgain 25 дней назад
Chivalry is ded and Men didn`t kll it.
@dannyyous 25 дней назад
Op is a delusional friendzoned idiot 😂
@maxmidnight498 25 дней назад
Why are they even dating?, my man seems like he would do much better single than with her
@angeldaroseli3031 25 дней назад
Needa find someone who cares about you so much as you care about them.
@sguizzooo 26 дней назад
"my family and i are a bunch of pretentious snobs" yes, you're the asshole, move on and set this poor man free from your grasp
@nightworrior721 26 дней назад
Im not gonna lie. She sounds like she want a man from atleast 1950s. Aint no way with how woman acting these day will the majority of man act like that, as ther no way they'll get a woman like that.
@kinfegebrielindewunet141 26 дней назад
I think he is friend zone.
@ZayedHoque-io4fv 26 дней назад
Hlo. Can you please tell me from which community u take stories from ?
@woods2424 26 дней назад
She sounds like a nightmare to even talk to. Idk how he has gone on that long. Also the description is wrong btw.
@introvert211 26 дней назад
Dear god, i hope this is rage bait
@GLoLChibs 26 дней назад
Why is she even with him when she doesn't like him? She loves the idea of who he could be if he changed, not who he is. She sounds insufferable
@scotsman242 27 дней назад
I remember going on a long trip with some friends and they ended up going to a strip club, and although I was henging outside on the patio I guess my GF also found out that I "Was there." In the end she brought it up two weeks later, got mad at me for not telling her, etc. And although I agree I probably should have brought it up, it would have been just another exhausting argument. So I broke up with her and told her if she can't bring up something that she doesn't like me doing within a few days, and she'd rather wait weeks for it to fester in her head. Then I'd rather not have her at all. Communication is key.
@onemanoneperpes1119 27 дней назад
OP, you should never touch anyone anywhere without consent. Espeshuily with her being an AS victim. What you should do is not only apologize but let her be and let her debate on coming back to you considering you crossed a line.
@jorgitoislamico4224 27 дней назад
Don't be a simp
@janewasson4845 27 дней назад
I went out with a guy to a restaurant for a nice meal. Yes, l offered to pay half. He proceeded to chop all the food on his plate up, stir that gray mass all together, hunch over and eat it in a few minutes. No thought given to his dinner napkin, either. Yuck. One and done. 🤢
@nightworrior721 26 дней назад
Now he may not have the best table manners or tast. But atleast he efficient.
@happynightmares4688 25 дней назад
Hopefully he finds a grounded person.
@CanadianBoardCrew 27 дней назад
Not the asshole
@SnerMerNer 28 дней назад
She’s giving mixed signals and then blowing up on him for an understandable fuckup. This is why men should just avoid women in this post-metoo world. Dude could catch a case just for being an idiot.
@NiaNook 28 дней назад
#2 HECK NO you're not the AH. Boy betrayed you, broke your heart, and you're not married with kids or anything, so nothing stopping you from just walking away.
@rrdutch4111 28 дней назад
Part of my family is old money, so as an average work’n man, I got the rich-people learn’n from an early age. From personal dating experience, the behaviors and manners don’t attract women, the actual money behind it does…
@zan8289 28 дней назад
I don't normally pay attention to the video itself, but wtf was this gameplay lol. Also don't mutilate your genitals just because a gf doesn't like the look.
@zan8289 28 дней назад
This person sounds like a chore to be around, I'm surprised he hasn't broken it off yet.
@jackwaters7775 29 дней назад
Husband is weak. His weakness is causing an inability to make the difficult decision he should be making. He justifies his weakness by saying he is doing the right thing, qnd that euthanizing his dog would be a betrayal even though its clear to any responsibile owner tha these dogs are well past their time. Weak people like that dont deserve to have pets, if tou cant properly asses your own animals quality of life and make that decision out of love than you shouldn't have pets to begin with...
@narliehs1648 Месяц назад
Consent is a thing. OP crossed the line and he really should've known better. Groping isn't a thing to joke about.
@willisbeuts3952 27 дней назад
consent actually isnt a thing
@jorgitoislamico4224 27 дней назад
It is and you need to man up
@jorgitoislamico4224 27 дней назад
@narliehs1648 27 дней назад
@@willisbeuts3952 Sounds like you should be behind bars.
@willisbeuts3952 27 дней назад
@@narliehs1648 If women had rights then I would be
@sugarbeef Месяц назад
Everything was sounding ok, maybe sketchy, until the SA victims line. If he knows that, he should know better. Especially being a victim himself.
@G1sandG1rlsGaming 27 дней назад
None of this sounds ok. Playing with the concept of having feelings for each other, but not "Being ready to be in a relationship" is asking for disaster. You're telling me they're comfortable enough to have sex, but not comfortable enough to touch each other unprompted? They should not be anywhere near each other.
@CatalinaEX 26 дней назад
​@@G1sandG1rlsGaming Agreed. Half of that sounds to me like "I want you to be my friendzoned guy so I can have all the comfort and care I want without the responsibility to be in a relationship"
@isabrom5295 Месяц назад
We don't know what the future holds for humanity so the more diverse the gene pool the better we are prepared to not get extinkt. Even sickle cell disease is useful against certain infections but shortens the life span by 20years, all genes can be useful depending on the circumstances. Short people are less hot because of their proportions but big bodies need more energy and we don't know how much food we will be able to distribute in the future.
@nicolasreinaldet732 Месяц назад
Thats why situansionships are the worst. Things are encrypted and everyones trying to decode It in different ways. But you're a guy and the chivalrous, and also the safe thing for both of you, Is to always round back whatever hint you get or at least ask some confirmation back "Hey should I scractch the lower back ?" If she says yes ask "Hey should I scracth even the lower back ?" So NAH because there Is no malice but you surely are making some poor decisions.
@theoneandonly9775 Месяц назад
This whole thing just sounds like a mess in the making
@verygooddeal4436 Месяц назад
Sounds like NAH tbh
@hazuk6829 Месяц назад
She sounds like a stuck up rich girl that a superiority complex.
@hazuk6829 Месяц назад
She is brainwashed all her life and think is part of the "chosen" people so she probably think she is superior to you as well.
@daveshoe4574 Месяц назад
He cheated although he didn’t sleep with anyone he crossed a line.
@user-ud1bs5fm6r Месяц назад
I prefer sophisticated cuisine and cinematic films🎉 your trying to hard honestly rather hangout with him
@user-nn7ul5ov1f Месяц назад
All of you saying that the stepfather is right are like barking dogs, the child could do shit against an adult and was in a horrible situation i would have called cps. The child himself would be against the mother so was the issue, him being a pussy and the coworkers being a simpy? thats it the wife should be arrested and sent of jail for abusing a little boy, that man should have at least told the bio dad.
@The_Maker_Man Месяц назад
She should be arrested, but she wouldn't be. All it takes is one allogation from her, switching the blame into stepdad and his life would be ruined. Even in the unlikely circumstance that he could prove his innocence, and the less likely event where the court system cats about the proof, his reputation would be ruined, his family and friends give, his job gone.
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
Nah OP is the AH. stepdad was right, he could’ve ended up being the the person they switched blame on. He should’ve reported it to the police if anything, because realistically he didn’t do anything wrong. His fear of being the false perpetrator is justified, OP is right in their mindset but wrong in how they judged Stepdad
@adamkaufman724 Месяц назад
That's bullshit. You have a moral responsibility to protect a child.
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
@@adamkaufman724 that’s not bullshit, he may have a moral obligation to the child but he has an unquestionable obligation to protect himself above all else.
@Pawekotlet Месяц назад
​@@adamkaufman724 yeah, but divorcing a sexually assaulting wife but not getting his stepson more help is not the same as SEXUALLY ASSAULTING YOUR CHILD.
@olstar18 Месяц назад
@@adamkaufman724 Perhaps you should look at how men are treated by the court system. For example look at how johnny dep was treated when he was accused of abuse by a woman with a history of abusing people she was in relationships with.
@zoe9190 Месяц назад
If the stepdad was going to divorce the evil mom, there is nothing he could have done. He has no legal rights over the kid, and while he should have reported this to the police, he at minimum should have told the biodad
@sortasapien Месяц назад
Is it a real career?
@handlesaretoohard Месяц назад
first story : atleast try to make it believable second story : nta
@james970027 Месяц назад
NTA - if a 13 year old is making the claim, you've seen evidence, and you've ignored it - then you're a selfish, cowardly, and morally reprehensible human being who has enabled the continuation of child abuse. Not only that, its likely damaged that childs ability to trust other people most likely for the rest of their lives. If people at work support that then equally they are immoral human beings and I'd get out of that workplace to a healthier working environment with people who actually have solid morals.
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
It’s his word vs the word of the birth mother. He should’ve just documented everything and the dates of then reported it after he divorced her and got away. Hes not wrong to be afraid tho, perfectly reasonable
@ScotsRonin Месяц назад
You want a sophisticated man but you're dating an ignorant boy.... That said, you're worlds apart in social backgrounds, education, intelligence, and experiences.
@VRDejaVu Месяц назад
YTA and an entitled B also. Hope they report you to HR for the slander campaign and harassment you promised you would do in your comments. Enjoy being black listed from an entire industry. Edit: oh look, the cancel culture freaks are here 🙄
@ceadm1476 Месяц назад
How is she the asshole the guy is literally protecting a pedophile because he can't be bothered because it is not his kid. Imagine if your child was being sexually abused and someone else knew but did nothing about it because hey not my kid not my problem.
@christophhaupt1027 Месяц назад
They're not in the slightest wrong tho. The child Was clearly desperate for help, and instead of helping the man Just ran away from the situation. He's a coward and the only reason for him to feel Bad should be that he's aware of what he should have but didn't do.
@james970027 Месяц назад
No, the stepdad was a complete coward who allowed a child to continue being abused to make it easier for himself. It's extremely morally questionable why people such as yourself hold the view it was "the wrong thing to do" to call this out - if people at work genuinely think this was the right choice, they are the ones supporting a child being abused while doing nothing about it - cowards. My Edit: "The cancel culture freaks are here" - god forbid people who are against individuals who enable child abuse - you must be such a virtuous person for enabling child abuse 🙄
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
Nah stepdad could’ve been made into the false perpetrator in two point 5 seconds. It’s stepdads word vs mom, maybe even mom and kid if she can sway him. This was a dangerous situation, he could’ve handled it better tho but i don’t blame him for being a coward. I’d fear being branded a child predator by the mother trying to save herself
@VRDejaVu Месяц назад
@@GrimmyRu13 hum, did you actually read my comment though?
@88isbored Месяц назад
Wtf is wrong with this girl
@equalheatiscool9267 Месяц назад
You are delulu. Either accept your boyfriend for who he is or break up with him.
@larissagomes451 Месяц назад
Yta, you can't have a future with someone without disclosing about your past. Not everyone would be comfortable with someone like this (this would be a hard deal breaker to me), when you don't tell someone when you get serious, you are taking away their chance of making a informed choice of leaving or staying. You do whatever you want with your life, but that also includes people rejecting you for this, everyone decides about who they want to get married and not everyone wants a sperm donor 🤢🤢😅
@lisabiased7112 Месяц назад
NTA it's not anyone's business
@SvensktTroll Месяц назад
@petrzevl5681 Месяц назад
first of all, horrible ai voice, 2nd of all, after you said how stupid he is, that he smokes weed and does shrooms that make him blank in the head and that you live together but still are both virgins at 25 and 22 and dont even see each other, after ALL of this you say the reason for breaking up with him is food? Should have broken up ages ago
@Ruthavecflute Месяц назад
So thery're incompatable, and not realy dating, but he let her stay at his house rent free for whatsounds like weeks and she is complaining?