Rainbow Six Siege Gameplay & other FPS soon™
Frost is OP and I hate to like it.
21 день назад
Dokkaebi is OP on Console ( NO RECOIL )
28 дней назад
Everyone HATES Caveira. Here's Why.
Месяц назад
Ash is now 4 Speed and it's OP
Месяц назад
29 Minutes of INSANE Siege 1v5s
2 месяца назад
16 Kills Carry - Rainbow Six Siege Full Game
2 месяца назад
Ash is now 4 Speed and it's CRAZY
2 месяца назад
New Season Ranked but I'm CRUSHING every game
2 месяца назад
New Season Duo Q with Serenity17
2 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
CRAZIEST Plays In Rainbow Six Siege
3 месяца назад
@complex112 21 минуту назад
Is the anti-cheat really that bad in R6? Seems fun :/ Just saw some recents vids that some cheaters are playing ranked for months, getting to champion etc.
@Eztp Час назад
R6’s anticheat is amazing
@henryreeve4960 Час назад
Today I played 9 standard matches 7 had cheaters.
@HuongTa-97 Час назад
no hope for this game, when ubisoft banned me for toxicity with stupid dog (maybe when they are not cheator). But not banned stupid dog.
@kazekai8 4 часа назад
Why I stopped playing Siege
@user-dy9nr9yg4o 5 часов назад
These guys are top tier gamers!
@aaronbillick 5 часов назад
One benefit of being a console player I guess
@user-rh5ql7fp8f 6 часов назад
This is crazy
@jamilesaleh8602 6 часов назад
See this is why I wont get a pc 😂because people like to hack
@XemnasO01X 7 часов назад
It doesn't matter what gaming system you have, that This is still happening at all in any it. It's just sad and the fact that companies don't care about this; about blatant cheating and just care about money and subscriptions And battle passes. Unfortunately, so long as these cheaters who probably use whatever money that they have to keep buying battle passes on thousands of Smurfs accounts and selling them to whoever they had just to make sure that ubisoft's bottom line isn't hurt, they are not going to care or try to fix anything.This is just sad.
@SB_kilsgb 7 часов назад
This is operation chimera levels of bad, maybe even worse
@BLOCKKADE 7 часов назад
1:16 bro is NOT so sorry😭😭
@qKxRM 7 часов назад
welcome to siege 2024
@jinadozuki1999 8 часов назад
That is wild, the cheating it crazy! THAT MAN DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT YALL, HE JUST RINNING! What joy do they get out of cheating? Iv always wanted to know. Bc it just ruins it for everyone else.
@bossi888 8 часов назад
Will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know Turn off the lights, and I'll glow
@jhurtz3437 9 часов назад
Nah they just had really good headsets.
@SCP30851 9 часов назад
Ubisoft using american way of truthtelling
@Shrxoms 9 часов назад
how df do u have doing this
@maddog2010p 10 часов назад
i rock a 1.3kd and get called a cheater cause i have beat cheaters too, mostly when they toggle off. it is sad and the cheaters think they are good.
@BlueKitsune539 10 часов назад
There was one time I told 2 audio trolls to shut up since they made it impossible for the last living team mate to live. then my internet for my entire area was temporarily out until that game ended and I got sanctioned for abandoning the match. My internet provider said it was scheduled maintenance when there was no information about this maintenance in the App leading to my conclusion that those 2 guys literally crashed the local internet service in my area which probably pissed off a lot of local night gamers like me living in the Barracks.
@Holupakaidoo 10 часов назад
We played 10 ranked games today just to see how bad it is. 6/10 we exprienced cheaters. And they want my subscription ? Greedy ubisoft executives......
@miguelperez9367 11 часов назад
Ubisoft Your game is dying
@falafels2011 11 часов назад
How is even that possible those kids have fun with this?
@dyrupl9241 11 часов назад
why ubi don't ban ip cpu or serilal numers ?
@ok.ok.yanira4681 11 часов назад
Even tho I have a pc this is the main reason I’ll only play r6 on console that’s honestly so ridiculous
@Leo23XR 11 часов назад
I don't understand why they dont TK this fking piece of S. When this happens in my team I make sure this dude doesn't touch the ground...
@UBVpain 12 часов назад
try playing on brazilian servers here the people are poor so they can't buy cheats
@ionkill43 12 часов назад
I played Siege since the beta. The best years are long gone. But the last few years have been nothing but cheater pain for me. Used to play it off and on but now I have no real desire to hop on with the CONSTANT hackers.
@michaelselby7107 12 часов назад
And this is why I’m not rushing to get a pc, bc this is literally every game on pc
@kevinrko9616 12 часов назад
sais n'importe quoi il mérite plus qu'un ban ces gens la..
@alissma 12 часов назад
Thats the ubi plan to make more money, Collab with cheat makers, adding reputation system, removing kick and surprisingly it takes more than a month for a bot (ubi support) to review the reported player. And they still trying to making the community less toxic by this XD
@Gaius.Julius.Caesar 13 часов назад
Let’s boycotting R6Siege. Let’s do some tag for ubi. Because it’s very terrible. My favourite game dying. We can do something with this. How valve banned hackers? They check ip and giving ban. Maybe needed to raise the price. 70$? 200$?
@judyfps5059 13 часов назад
Battleye simply does not work. But be sure to swipe your card and buy the membership! That’ll fix the problem
@frankiboys77 13 часов назад
ban should be faster and they should hardware ban lmao.
@nengrana 13 часов назад
Dont worry Noob, Ubi is rolling out the subscriptions. Thatll fix everything. I dont know which is worse. The cheater, or the ppl playing with them.
@nevervvibe5407 13 часов назад
It’s the best on console
@nepdo 13 часов назад
End the cheating problem D:
@nathankraus7398 13 часов назад
Just curious but how can we get rainbow to fix this it’s seems like they don’t even care
@nathankraus7398 13 часов назад
Cause I play on console and it’s not nearly as bad but it’s annoying asf I couldn’t imagine pc
@blastrodave6652 13 часов назад
i quit r6 this season after more than 5k hours. its unplayable
@aimdrifter7440 13 часов назад
The cheaters are so bold that they know they can’t get banned or they just make more accounts. And blatantly tell you how they cheat. 🙄 Oh yeah this game seems worth the pay sub to play. 😒
@wesleywheaton148 13 часов назад
Bro just give uni more money and the game will be great!!!!
@chxrlie-380 13 часов назад
How is there not a way to automatically detect cheats if your planting bomb out of site? Lmao
@NemesisLex 13 часов назад
Its always hard to imagine what kind of a pussy someone has to be to cheat ... "Oh yeah, lets go online and control an aimbot - all i have to do ist queuing for a round and pull the trigger. What a fun!!!" These are really some special type of idiots :D
@BVNTR_ 14 часов назад
In emerald - champ lobbies, I had one game where there were 2 rage cheaters on the other team. I was on a smurf, so I went to dodge in the first round and swap accs. My mate said the team refused to cancel the match. So I came back, and the guy on our team said, 'dont leave, I have better cheats.' it turned into a game of who could plant on the roof first. Fucking embarrassing dealing with these jinxy kids trying to get a champ charm then get smoked by good players when it's off.
@juggernautwzrd 14 часов назад
comment of all "TIME" 6/7 82840
@fliknn4291 14 часов назад
It is the worst right now, almost every game there is a cheater. Been 30 points off champ and just can’t get it because of it.
@komilj5580 14 часов назад
these are the kind of people noone likes for a reason...
@SoyGoncash 14 часов назад
I have just over 100 hours so when I have an opponent 14-2 game idk if it's just good or cheating this feels bad for a new player also but I feel there aren't much cheaters in low ranks? Correct me if I'm wrong
@JeremyB897 14 часов назад
Cheaters are ass regardless of how well their Cheats perform doesnt change the fact in the slightest way.
@bestkaynmain 14 часов назад
you know i can understand why people would like use walls and maybe even wallhacks sometimes because they can still feel like they are playing the game and winning but this shit would have to be boring