@rydanielle8558 6 дней назад
sorry if you’re listening to this while feeling alone or depressed, I love you and It gets better<3
@nichanat9357 27 дней назад
I love music ❤
@aliyaunseth9737 Месяц назад
I was never enough
@effyauset9829 Месяц назад
Perdón, pero por momentos me da risa lo exagerada que puedo llegar a ser cuando estoy tan deprimida, ni siquiera sé cómo llegué aquí pero bueno 😂😢
@D90s-km5xc 2 месяца назад
Eu queria tá morrendo em um hospital
@ZEZE2006. 4 месяца назад
So it’s the end I’m going leave this world forever..
@LeThuyHien-no1xt 4 месяца назад
This year is my worst year ever, no matter how hard I try, i still struggle with grades my exams were always lowest, I fell really pessimistic about it but I have no one to share, have no way to escape I am always depressed when being faced with my parents. They used to always take pride in me but now I just let them down. I want to say sorry to them a lot because no matter I try my best things just went worse. Now I am too stressed to see any exam results any more. I am just so tired, scared and I didn't know how I can escape from this situation any more. Mom and dad, I am so sorry because I am just a loser, sorry for all of my expectation just meaningless now.
@ayushisingh6489 5 месяцев назад
i want to end this misery but i don't tp be another disappointment for my parents
@snowdragon9551 6 месяцев назад
Люди, которые лайкнули это видео... у вас как вообще, вы в порядке? Может, всё таки сходите к психотерапевту?
@raegillespie 7 месяцев назад
Lady crying sounded like me when my 2 best friends died from car crashes one day after the other :/
@soloalejandra8401 7 месяцев назад
Sin embargo, la gente continua diciendo que tan bajo puede caer alguien para terminar en este estado, los llantos desgarradores que noche a noche se ahogan en la garganta para no herir a quienes amamos por que nos han dado vida, la constante obligación de despertar que se vuelve sofocante ante un mañana incierto, una sonrisa, unas ojeras, unos ojos cansados y el constate pensamiento "no lo hagas", y a pesar de ello continuas fingiendo ser alguien fuerte, continuas levantándote, continuas vivo, ya sea por algo biológico o obligatorio. Te comprendo lector o a quienes escuchan esto, mientras mil recuerdos pasan por su mente y estén en medio de la cuerda floja llamada vida, espero que logren encontrar ayuda. Supongo que este aun no es nuestro fin, solo un punto y coma para continuar...
@DasiaKaylan 8 месяцев назад
Reminds me of when I od’ed n my heart stopped so they had to keep waking me up at the hospital n my mom was beside of me crying 😕
@Gigi53789 10 месяцев назад
I would’ve ended it all but the thought of my parents in this situation is one of things preventing me from trying, but sometimes that doesn’t feel like enough to keep me here
@calebknoke6339 11 месяцев назад
I am so numb I don't cry anymore it helps me sleep
@daniisousa5065 Год назад
"Slowly dying"... I can't take this, i have suffering for so much time yet alive...
@eijil. Год назад
why this make me feel like i will cry
@eijil. Год назад
i dont know why this make me feel something ..
@IAmJusticeIAmBatman Год назад
WHAT ARE THESE COMMENTS?!?! Either its deep ass depressed shit or the most out of pocket unhinged thing I've ever read like wtf are y'all ok???
My life is perfect but 18 just is a sad and frustrating moment in my life.
@lluvlynn Год назад
i used to listen to this as a little girl and imagine it after being bullied all day
@Nakareyy Год назад
An Ambulance went pass my place as soon as I played this video 🥹
@sofyyaxx9896 Год назад
the cries made me feel different in a way I’ve never experienced, just tears my heart apart
@kai_4mb94 Год назад
Real pain is the result of losing someone you care about.
@purechaos1091 Год назад
@yihuang1807 Год назад
Who Wanna Cry Listening To This 👇
@Justhppy2behere Год назад
Idk how ya'll always manage to romanticize these things. Near death experiences in the hospital are a next level trauma. It's not something to romanticize, or long for.
@tomhow14 Год назад
i’m not afraid to die.just afraid of what’ll happen to the people who love me when i do
@redbone9068 Год назад
i died because the song was so shit
@eliseecklundfp Год назад
like you?
@redbone9068 Год назад
@heavenlykizzy4344 Год назад
I miss my great grandma she is at the hospital fighting cancer
@syiko Год назад
this is too good
@hannahlissaen506 Год назад
They...just...say "You're a burden to your family" parents: And how many times You are gonna disappoint us? Us : I Tried and tried....now I'm Tired I want to have a sleep From which I cannot ever wake up!
@josephkorn71 Год назад
that sounds like my mom crying when i tried to kill myself
@ngl_idontexist 2 года назад
make one on my strange addiction pwess
@dannydivetosleftfungustoe9669 2 года назад
I’m back here again. When I thought it was all over. I miss my cat. She went missing like a month ago. And never came back. We have a kitten. But it’s not like her. No cat will ever be like this cat. We hope it’s living in someone’s house safe. But for now I’m here. Again.
@tpwk.4.1d19 2 года назад
Living my life only for others
@salemzhanel 2 года назад
Sitting on the balcony and thinking to jump in cause I am so exhausted of all this shit that I have right now.
@aura9773 2 года назад
my heart …
@multiversally 2 года назад
November. I was planning on leaving myself in the cold. Stupid way to go. I was desperate to die, desperate to live. He talked to me. Stayed on the line with me. He treated me like someone worth loving. Like someone who mattered. I walked all the way home. Wrapped myself in a blanket. The tips of my fingers were some gross purple, numb and stinging as I tried to fiddle with the can opener on a can of chicken soup. But I was home, and I was okay. I can't imagine what would've happened if he had to tell my friends I didn't make it. I nearly fell so many times on the ice that night. I wouldn't have had the motivation to get back up.
@ukdbron405 2 года назад
bir daha buraya gelmemek dileğiyle
@taylorvazsccp1 2 года назад
I love it
@desired949 2 года назад
Making me think about my past when I tried to leave everything and die peacefully but i got saved
@lux2222 2 года назад
@blehhhhhh 2 года назад
11. the year i crumbled.11. guess i really messed up. 11. i feel so numb. 11. im so used to this torture i dont feel it. 11. is anything temporary in a permanent life? 11. my lack of understanding and experience has slowly killed me. 11. im trapped in a hole. 11. i cant get out. 11. i slowly watch as my rations run out. 11. i was yet again another grass blade in a meadow of helplessness. 11. if i come back, how can i be so sure i wont just waste away again? 11. if i live, how long until i get plucked from the field? 12. ive been plucked.
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
take care, i wish you all the best. stay safe
@yung_freaks 2 года назад
my best friend just died of suicide and hearing this makes me miss her so much more.. Rest Easy, girl. You'll always be the other half of my heart. ♡
@רועיכהן-ל1י 2 года назад
At this point ive given up
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
please stay strong, try to hold on a little bit longer, okay? ask for help if you need it, talk to somebody, call the hotline. i wish you the best, stay safe. you matter 🤍
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
take care 100 reasons to stay alive: 1. The salty smell and calming sound of the beach 2. You would hurt a lot people that love you more than life itself 3. Hot chocolate on cold winter days 4. Your moms smile 5. Your best friends laugh 6. Your little cousins, nieces, and nephews that look up to you 7. The feeling of the sun against your face 8. Hearing the words “I love you” 9. Not being able to sleep/the feeling you get the night before a holiday 10. Birthdays 11. Quiet late night drives 12. Missed opportunities and adventures 13. The feeling of lying in bed after a long day 14. Long hot showers 15. Music that you connect with 16. You have a purpose 17. You can change somebody’s life 18. Snowball fights 19. Concerts 20. Watching people fall 21. As long as you heart is beating, there is hope 22. You will regret dying 23. Your dreams 24. Marriage 25. You are enough 26. Pain is only temporary 27. Late night food runs with your friends 28. The sound of rain 29. Reading powerful quotes 30. Eating your favorite foods 31. Stars 32. Good movies 33. Having children 34. Staring at clouds and finding pictures within them 35. Meeting new people 36. Your struggle will make you stronger 37. You have a lot of people that love and support you 38. Being able to say, “I made it” 39. Genuine smiles 40. Bonfires 41. You matter 42. Time heals most wounds 43. Your first apartment/house 44. The crunch of leaves in the fall 45. Finding your soul mate 46. Meaningful hugs 47. Being in/attending someone’s wedding 48. You are worth it 49. Sunday night football 50. The smell of Christmas trees 51. People care about you; lots of them in fact 52. Sunsets 53. Ice cream 54. You are brave 55. Things really do get better 56. Dogs 57. Cats 58. Pets in general 59. Rainbows 60. You are amazing 61. The city 62. Travelling 63. Vacations 64. Road trips 65. Hearing awesome stories 66. Inside jokes 67. Coffee 68. Snowmen 69. Your talents 70. You’ll disappoint the people that love you by letting your illness win 71. The feeling of pure joy/happiness 72. You will be happy one day 73. All-nighters with your friends 74. Cuddling 75. Reunions with your friends/high school/college 76. Re-connecting with someone you haven’t talked to in years 77. Smiling 78. Seeing someone else smile 79. You are beautiful 80. Decorating you house/apartment 81. Capturing perfect moments on camera 82. You would be missed 83. Quiet bookstores/small restaurants 84. Your favorite hobby 85. Swimming on a hot day 86. Being cozied up with blankets 87. Feeling refreshed after a nice nap 88. Helping other people 89. Watching the people you love become successful 90. Becoming successful yourself 91. Babies/little kids 92. Cute old people 93. Love stories 94. You are strong 95. You will be proud that you continued to live 96. The feeling of grass under your feet 97. Telling crazy stories 98. The smell of rain 99. Watching lightning 100. YOU ARE LOVED❤️ (The list is not mine, but i think this is an important message)
@Sofia-yk6kn 2 года назад
The woman crying sounds EXACLY like my mother
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
i wish you the best
@nichanat9357 2 года назад
I like listening to this song the most.
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
i wish you all the best, take care 🤍
@aditidutta8893 2 года назад
Just casually losing everyone around me......🙂
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
i hope the best for you, take care 🤍
@miamxya07x 2 года назад
Damn on my bday
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
stay strong, i wish you all the best 🤍
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
please don't hurt yourself, ask for help if you need it
@dominggomes582 2 года назад
I know the pain because my brother die like that too and when he died he is only 12 years old i always feel like I miss my love in my whole life and l can't stop crying every day for him last thing he said me before he died "no matter what I'll always I'll always love you " and it broke my heart first because I know that my brother is going to die🙁
@dominggomes582 2 года назад
If some one know this pain please comment me
@orsolyacsintalan631 2 года назад
@@dominggomes582 i wish you the best, stay safe
@dominggomes582 2 года назад
@@orsolyacsintalan631 thanks