Babylon Night FGO
Babylon Night FGO
Babylon Night FGO
Goth mage PNG-tuber. Husbando Enjoyer playing Fate / Grand Order with a Male Majority Chaldea.
Advanced Quest - Fool's Chains
12 часов назад
Yamanami Rolls - Fastest Gacha I've Done
14 часов назад
Lostbelt 4 Recollection Quest : Nezha
14 дней назад
Rolling for Amakusa
21 день назад
21 день назад
Fate / Stay Night Gacha
Месяц назад
120 Gilgamesh vs The Summer CQ
Месяц назад
Voyager Roll Highlights
Месяц назад
7th Anniversary Voyager Rolls
Месяц назад
Level 120 Gilgamesh - Achieved
Месяц назад
Advanced Quest - Tearstone of Blood
Месяц назад
Advanced Quest - Mystic Spinal Fluid
2 месяца назад
7th Anniversary - GSSR Roll
2 месяца назад
F/GO 7th Anniversary - Destiny Summon
2 месяца назад
I Finally Burn Castoria
2 месяца назад
A Brief GSSR Discussion
2 месяца назад
Advanced Quest - Forbidden Pages
2 месяца назад
Advanced Quest - Eternal Gears
2 месяца назад
Guess the Class - Quiz Highlights
2 месяца назад
Charlemagne Interlude
2 месяца назад
Ruler Moriarty Fight
2 месяца назад
Eight Dog Chronicles - CQ
2 месяца назад
Kriemhild Final Boss Fight
2 месяца назад
Bakin Event - Final Boss Fight
2 месяца назад
@babylonnightfgo 11 часов назад
All of my most controversial takes are in this video.
@TheAuthorStudios 4 дня назад
funny i said you're gunna regret not putting in a character limit yet i turned out to have the longest text funny how life is.
@babylonnightfgo 4 дня назад
Long responses are fine as I have made all the results public.
@luvslotsastuff 4 дня назад
Fate Extra and CCC really do focus so beautifully on Hakuno's relationships with their Servants. The romance between them all develops so naturally, it's hard not to ship Hakuno with all their Servants after playing their routes.
@RodsRetroplays 4 дня назад
1:25:53 I should have seen this stream as it was going on! I think you'll easily recognize my username, I'm Sieg/Jeanne's strongest soldier and I can never keep my thoughts on these two well organized enough for an essay but I love them veeeeeery much lmfao and these two characters in particular helped me avoid plummeting into depression after I first watched Apo's anime, I do get the point that a user might make that the story of Apocrypha needed to go on for longer so Jeanne d'Arc and Sieg could get even closer
@TheAuthorStudios 4 дня назад
I will remain as the strongest Astolfo x Jeanne soldier till the day i turn to dust.
@JoJoMadara 4 дня назад
30:52 I been saying that for years, but it's as you've said. People will call you illiterate for finding Guda underwhelming or half baked as an MC
@babylonnightfgo 4 дня назад
@@JoJoMadaraI think the people who say that haven't read much/anything outside of anime games.
@Vaslof 4 дня назад
I assure you those S/N sex scenes were just as terrible of a read for men.
@birbobirb 4 дня назад
@babylonnightfgo 4 дня назад
@@birbobirb fastest roll in the west
@Vaslof 4 дня назад
I like Sei because she's one of the few characters that have a genuine non-romantic friendship with the player character.
@babylonnightfgo 4 дня назад
@@Vaslof it seems odd that the Valentines servants tend to be like that
@birbobirb 4 дня назад
I stand by my crackship till the day I'll DIE- YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE Had to skip a few to avoid spoilers but GREAT VID BABYLONNN
@babylonnightfgo 4 дня назад
Thank you for letting me spread NoBedi propaganda
@connorr8071 6 дней назад
I feel like Mysterious Heroine X, Archer of Inferno, and Medb would've been amazing additions to this list. One has even herself convinced she's a Saber, one has too many weapons to keep track of, and one is a rider in a very inappropriate but memorable way (it ain't because of the chariot, LOL).
@drakozahak 6 дней назад
You weren't kidding about it being the fast rolls. Congratulations on getting both of the new servants.
@mayo8082 15 дней назад
His daughter too
@babylonnightfgo 13 дней назад
You can keep her busy while I make her a new sibling
@mayo8082 13 дней назад
@@babylonnightfgo don’t mind if I do
@bjorn_fell23 20 дней назад
Did i hear SMUGBUG!??!!?
@babylonnightfgo 19 дней назад
@@bjorn_fell23 yes
@tylerhuffman-wp3hx 20 дней назад
With regards to the Space Ishtar lore that nobody asked for, 'Kylo Rin', as you termed her, is technically three characters in one unit. The Ascension you showed is named Ashtart, the good half of an ancient deity embodying the entire galaxy that preceded the modern Servantverse. She's the absolute overlord of an evil empire because she was abducted by the previous overlord and tries to follow in his footsteps, but she's kind of bad at being evil. The other two characters included in the 'Space Ishtar' unit are the actual Space Ishtar/Spishtar (the evil half of said ancient galactic deity who was raised by a kind & loving father who deeply believed that the core of a person's nature was determined more by their upbringing than any 'inherent nature', and thus became a good-hearted if mischevious bounty hunter. Ashtart is a kind of counterexample to this point, but presumably an evil overlord doesn't make for a terribly good parent or inspiring figure) and Ishtar Ashtart (the combined whole of Space Ishtar, & the overall reincarnation of said ancient precursor goddess, albeit less powerful since the galaxy she once embodied no longer exists). Space Ishtar/Kylo Rin is an Avenger because she inherited the grudge of her former galactic goddess, named Ashtart Origin, who attempted to persist past the end of her life cycle and the Universe Update, was shunned, abandoned, & annihilated by the inhabitants of the Shining Blue Galaxy (her new replacement), and loathes everything & everyone in it because of that ancient betrayal. Though admittedly, she became an evil goddess and was intruding into and consuming the Shining Blue Galaxy in the process, so she isn't really in the right, either. Minor Edit: I accidentally messed up the names of Ishtar Ashtart's component halves. Now fixed, and I figured I may as well include the precursor goddess' name as well. Plus, I had to elaborate a bit more on Ashtart Origin's death since I accidentally gave off the wrong impression.
@babylonnightfgo 5 дней назад
I do not understand Servantverse lore...
@adoseupisteme 21 день назад
Babylon you should up that volume a bit for the videos in RU-vid. The quality is nice but the audio is rather low, even at max.
@babylonnightfgo 19 дней назад
Sounds fine on my end
@ntvinh20 Месяц назад
I'd prefer if you wait for them to lock the answer in before giving the answer. The moment someone just throw Nero's name out, you're already confirming that's her, without letting them discuss or lock in first.
@ntvinh20 Месяц назад
same with the bonus round, you just confirm the answer before they even lock it in. Just small a pet peeve of mine.
@logandelaharpe6362 Месяц назад
Bro friend zone him self on Mordred summer
@logandelaharpe6362 Месяц назад
Anyone who smashed mash can smash serenity risk free
@logandelaharpe6362 Месяц назад
The horse is a ice sculpture
@logandelaharpe6362 Месяц назад
Boudicca ultimate United States of smash
@Steeghs03 Месяц назад
Husband came home with a lost space child 🎉❤
@misterhighflyer2973 Месяц назад
Congrats on getting Space Son! It's pretty cool that a space probe could become a Servant, though that also blows the door open for more potential candidates, like one coming next year. Funnily enough, in Fate/Requiem, Voyager was his own class named aptly after him. Quite a few Extra classes exist elsewhere, though likely for game balance, he's a foreign object here. As for me, I have no business on this banner, as during the Requiem collab, I went hard chasing 5 of the 5-star CE, and ended up with NP5 Voyager and NP4 Kijyo Koyo before then. I'm glad, but that was weird!
@babylonnightfgo Месяц назад
Nice one getting him NP5. As he's the only Male in the Foreigner class I felt I finally needed him.
@amorphusboi2676 Месяц назад
Np5 casgil the jealousy is real
@JoJoMadara Месяц назад
Glad you took him all the way
@JoJoMadara Месяц назад
Congrats on your hard work!
@babylonnightfgo Месяц назад
Thanks. It was a big grind. I finally have a 120 Servant
@pithes123 2 месяца назад
based. i've threatend to do the same if she ever spooks me
@Kabu706 2 месяца назад
@iamrayvell3052 2 месяца назад
but why?
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
@@iamrayvell3052 because I didn't like having her.
@iamrayvell3052 2 месяца назад
@@babylonnightfgo i just saw this and im sure im missing a whole lore of context 🤣 . . . so this is your only copy right?
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
@@iamrayvell3052 yes.
@iamrayvell3052 2 месяца назад
@@babylonnightfgo i guess you really didnt want her 🤣
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
@@iamrayvell3052 yep. I only rolled on that banner with 7 tickets because I thought it would get me nothing and make people shut tf up. I have wanted those tickets back ever since. 5 cubes is fine too.
@Firelava88. 2 месяца назад
I burned summer kama cause she made me kinda uncomfortable in the summer event 😭
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
I hate her so much too
@misterhighflyer2973 2 месяца назад
Rolled Saber 2 for the chance of someone new or Astolfo, and... I got my wish. Muramasa, along with a copy of Summer Medb. I was never into Muramasa or Shirou, but I can only complain about preferring most of the others.
@misterhighflyer2973 2 месяца назад
Funnily enough, I got Napoleon off the first multi for Arcueid, making him NP2. First time from the gacha as well, used the free SSR option last year to get him. From my Destiny Order choices of peeps whom I don't have or is Okuni, I finally landed the Summer Tamamo who's evaded me since her debut, so I'm over the moon.
@Alice-May 2 месяца назад
@dankuso111 2 месяца назад
New here 💕 TBH I think u should save up for your future Husbandos if u dont like the GSSR this year or dont want any extra copies. I might pull on Berserker 2 or Lancer 2 since I only have 1 chara from each banner which is Junao & Melusine other than that everyone is new. Extra 3 & 6 is very tempting too. I was also gonna pull on that same Morgan Banner during the last GSSR but decided not too & went for Van Gogh banner got her THANK GOD cause after that it was gacha hell Got shafted so bad since last year until now lol Most of the Waifus (Spishtar, Taira, Caren, Miss Crane, Lots of SQ for Morgan, Summer Kama, Melusine but got 1 copy for her at least) while the Husbandos (Romulus, Douman, Ryouma, my cute little boi Voyager) didnt want to come home RIP to add to that for this year Koyan of Dark, Bazett, Ereshkigal, Melt, Trung Sisters, Guess what Morgan again lol J-Alter, Squirtoria, Skadi, Bakin etc. . .I'll just end it there lol the salt & suffering was real If u cant decide then I recommend this site called fategc.com/gssr (Pick the 2022 7th Anni for NA ver + u can already do the future GSSR polls as well) it will a create a voting poll for u on which chara you like/want & will give u a recommended poll banner to roll on. For me this is how it turned out imgur.com/a/dqMez4h U can share this to your community as well ❤ GL on your pulls + luv your png model
@randypc1 2 месяца назад
A lot of Servants have multiple Noble Phantasms, and depending on their class, they may or may not be locked from some of them. The easiest example is Arthoria, as a Saber, she has Excalibur, while she has Rhongomyniad as Lancer. In FGO, its purely a gameplay limitation that each servant has one. In fact, some servants have their NPs act as their skills in game. For example, Astolfo has the Trap of Argalia (Argalia is his lance) listed as his second skill in game. Also in regards to Vlad, the gentleman looking Vlad was also a Lancer in Apocrypha. The reason why the lancer Vlad looks the way he does in FGO is because that was his design in Fate/Extra which came first. His personality in Extra was also very different which they tried to explain away in the Saber Eli Halloween event. And Oberon is the lie. He is Vortigern pretending to be Oberon.
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
Do you think I don't play the game or watch the animes bevause I didn't bog down the quiz stream by explaining all of the lore to my friends?
@randypc1 2 месяца назад
@@babylonnightfgo Sorry, I know you play the game. I just wanted to get this out there.
@misterhighflyer2973 2 месяца назад
The gacha is always rigged, even if it's totally not rigged. For example, I'm rolling Saber 2, and I'll win if I either power up Astolfo or get anyone new. Great odds there. So this means that now the game will sense my desires, and give me one or more copies of Beni-Enma, whom I have at NP2. Cute as she is, and technically lucky for landing 1/7 odds, that is still worst-case scenario. Well, if I get a Hajime copy or new Roland, I can cope and look past that. I can only wish you good luck in your pursuit of men!
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
I nearly skipped last GSSR because Morgan was on the banner I wanted. The NP2 Kintoki was a massive relief
@Firelava88. 2 месяца назад
I love fgo quiz streams sm 😭😭
@hasseo195 2 месяца назад
Mash is smash.^^
@lucian1311_ 2 месяца назад
Um akshually voyagers class is voyager
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
Not in this game it's not
@lovingfool2060 2 месяца назад
Florence is such a kind nurse, its why most art of her is inspecting for prostate cancer
@terrencenoran3233 2 месяца назад
The weakest form of Madness Enhancement is just autism.
@tristankadow3756 2 месяца назад
"No amount of skill can protect you from the sheer luck of a chronic dumbass."- polygonfighter [Tumblr]
@austinbeale2054 2 месяца назад
Pretty sure Lakshmi is the only Saber who actually uses a saber
@elone4567 2 месяца назад
.....idk about that one chief (edit) I read saber as sword I would like to back my comment below
@austinbeale2054 2 месяца назад
@@elone4567 who else
@johngrace1312 2 месяца назад
I mean, the Sword Type is traditionally spelled “Sabre” not “Saber”, but as far as I’m aware, no saber servant uses a Sabre because the original context of that sword type is Germanic
@netapel2625 2 месяца назад
I think your explanation for how the Ruler class works could use a bit of a change. The Ruler class is not made up of actual leaders, but by figures who are selfless, devoting their entire being to other people. Most notably as either Prophets, Priests, or Emperors who do everything for their people. You do not need to be an actual leader in order to be considered a Ruler, you just need to be devoted wholeheartedly to a selfless cause. That is why QSH is a Ruler, he gives everything in order to continue the prosperity of China. That's why Jeanne is a ruler, she gave everything for her countrymen. That's why Amakusa Shirou Tokisada is a ruler, he gave everything for the Shimabara rebellion. A leader who does not selflessly give everything to their cause cannot be a Ruler. Artoria was Selfish, that is why she isn't a ruler (Outside if a gag) despite being King Arthur. To be a ruler, you must be Selfless, or a Summer Costume.
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
I do explain throughout that it's not about being a leader. I tried to make my initial diagram as easy to understand as possible, but maybe it needed more.
@terrencenoran3233 2 месяца назад
@@babylonnightfgo You should've tripped them out with Sherlock Holmes, who is a Ruler.
@kallemort 2 месяца назад
Or be Gil who is probably considered impartial because he considers everyone equally beneath him.
@DragonSword35d 2 месяца назад
25:00 in all fairness, without knowing his personality and story, and even with in some cases, Izo is very easy to mistake for an Avenger. 36:15 funny he should say… 2:10:55 because Boxing Day! All the puns!
@babylonnightfgo 2 месяца назад
That's why I included him. He looks like he'd fit a few classes