Prof Etienne Vermeersch - Debat en Actualiteit
Prof Etienne Vermeersch - Debat en Actualiteit
Prof Etienne Vermeersch - Debat en Actualiteit
Most influential intellectual and ethicist from Belgium of the last three decades (ex-Jesuit); honorary vice-rector of Ghent University. From 1953 to 1958 he was a Jesuit, where he studied classical philology. Formerly mathematics. From October 1959 he did his BA in philosophy in one year at Ghent University with the renowned Leo Apostel and Jaap Kruithof. The same year, he also finalized his MA in classical philology (Greek-Latin). In 1960 he became an atheist. He received his doctorate in philosophy in 1965. In 1967 he became a professor. He was a bioethicist, logician and philosopher of science, environmental philosopher, philosophical anthropologist and historian of religions. He was a feared debater who weighed in on the social debate. Vermeersch is considered (with Prof Hugo Van den Enden) as the father of the abortion and euthanasia laws in Belgium: the first laws with the Netherlands A selection from his philosophical, scientific and bioethical legacy: etiennevermeersch.be
Maarten Boudry over Etienne Vermeersch
6 месяцев назад