UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

Consider Why
2 месяца назад
@SowingSeedsWithChristy 4 дня назад
I'm so happy to hear this news. Imagine the miracle that allowed these babies to be brought to full term and the courage and strength of their mothers to carry them through these last 9 months. What a testament to these women and mothers. Yet I sincerely hope the opposition doesn't know where you rebuilt this hospital. ❤
@bethhaines6340 10 дней назад
Fgm needs to be stopped globally education and awareness and counselling support for survivors of fgm is the way in which fgm can be stopped
@bethhaines6340 10 дней назад
Fgm doesnt honour women it oporesses them it only causes problems no to fgm
@bethhaines6340 10 дней назад
Stop fgm men need to learn to accept their wives without fgm
@bethhaines6340 10 дней назад
Educate dont mutilate
@bethhaines6340 10 дней назад
Fgm isnt a custom its abuse
@deccan_wolf 11 дней назад
Come India and study here I am impressed by your passion for education i hope bright future for you
@bethhaines6340 12 дней назад
Fgm is soooooo barbaric and so unhygienic and so foolish no to fgm I condemn it
@Dowlo_-2k 13 дней назад
Fuck taliban
@AliceArnaud-zs8sq 14 дней назад
vous faites un travail exceptionnel et nécessaire, courage a cette jeune fille
@bethhaines6340 29 дней назад
Thats what happens when you follow the devils religion 😈👿
@bethhaines6340 29 дней назад
It doesnt matter what you call it fgm is a revolting hellborn load of garbage and it needs to stop its unecessary and it only causes suffering and lifelong misery so stop doing it
@mazharabbasbukhari7390 Месяц назад
They want to eliminate hope.killing innocent life as gift to satan.
@alekseyruban4860 Месяц назад
Террористам не нравится ответ Израиля? Вас всех уничтожат
@MImtyaz-gc9cr Месяц назад
@bethhaines6340 Месяц назад
Fgm is so sick only demons do fgm
@shakeelabano9275 Месяц назад
May Allah protect them all.
@ajaypoudel810 Месяц назад
She is more well educated than most
@Zephyrkore 2 месяца назад
@lisanidog8178 2 месяца назад
When I was 28 back in 1987 got a pregnancy test and was pregnant. Having irregular periods it became too long even for me. I was one of those who thought nope never happen. Surprise! Told my parents. I had already decided on abortion. The year 1987 is important. Abortion was legal, no forced sonograms, no restrictions, I was far from a teen so obviously didn’t need parental consent, no heartbeat laws, and no such thing as abortion pills that didn’t come out until 2000. Despite dad being born in 1927 and mom being born in 1931 where abortion was not only illegal no one would dare even speak the word abortion, they were very supportive of my decision. But that was as far as it went. I had to find the doctor and transportation to see how far along. I was 12 weeks. I don’t know how Clinics do it but I found a second doctor because the first hid behind religion and refused, the second had hospital privileges so had mine in a hospital under anesthesia. I 12 week old fetus is quite small, and it was sucked out whole by a tube. Where it went after that don’t know. Don’t know at 12 weeks if gender can be determined. But basically we all start out female then we change to the gender we are. Society wants women to feel shame or guilt or regret for an abortion. I felt none of it. I chose to have an abortion just because and won’t let others determine how I should’ve felt. After it was done told my boyfriend at the time who was furious because I didn’t consult him. Why should I! We were just boyfriend girlfriend. Not husband and wife, not engaged. He was divorced. A man who can’t keep a marriage has no say on reproductive choice. He had a daughter he had no relationship with, didn’t send money to help the mom whom he claimed didn’t want his money. I said he should’ve at least made the attempt. His daughter would be in her 40’s by now. Since he refused to have any relationship with his daughter, who was he to lecture me on my decision. Then the kicker. “Then I won’t pay for the abortion!” Excuse me? I was 28, living on my own obviously, an adult, made an adult decision, was working. Why would I think he should pay! I pay my own medical bills thank you very much and insurance didn’t cover it. The stereotype of only Poor get it, I was what they called Middle Middle Class that no longer exists. I had an older brother no younger siblings. My parents always talked to us like we were adults, no baby talk, so I was drawn more to older kids to hang with. Never was much for younger kids. I’m friendly but didn’t want one. Having kids isn’t our destiny or our instinct. It’s funny how some call abortion murder. So are school shootings of existing kids. Funny how we don’t call it mass murder, just mass shooting. Women get it from all sides. You don’t like or want kids, oh there must be something wrong with you. Abortion is health care like vasectomies, and women’s health care is villainized, men’s health care decisions there’s silence. No bans, restrictions, are you sure maybe you’ll change your mind on vasectomies and doubt men go for their lady’s consultation or permission, they just snip snip and done. Oh shame on you for abortion. Really? She has kids too many by some standards of others it’s oh no another Welfare kid! Would help if dead beat supported the kid which pro lifers seem to ignore. Then she’s a single mother and she’s maligned. If she has sons, oh he needs a father! He has one but he ran! So single mom is devalued when she’s raising a boy. Nothing said if she’s single raising a girl. Women are capable like my mother, to know boy stuff and girl stuff. My father knew both. You never hear said of a single father, regardless what gender his kid or kids are, oh they need a mother! Demand she keep an unwanted child, yet devalue her as a mother. A woman raising boys alone won’t feminize them. A parent can be both. I once asked mom if you had a choice would you have gotten married in 1952 and had my brother and I. The answer was a hard no. But that’s what you were supposed to do she said. She got married at 23. She was a narcissist alcoholic. Not exactly mom material. And dad stayed with her until he passed because that’s what you were “supposed to do”. Oh what a terrible person you are for aborting people say. Funny how that’s never said when HE wants the abortion. Or if tests prove the baby has Downs Syndrome. Abortion is often recommended and no one says it’s murder. Downs Syndrome isn’t fatal, they can be taught, have jobs and live on their own. Shame on you for aborting! Shame on this society for not banning guns where live kids are shot at school! Where is the pro lifer raising the kid when a woman is raped or a child is incested! A ten year old from my state had to flee to another to have an abortion. No child should or adult should be forced to give birth to a child conceived of violence and the pro lifer wants nothing to do with that child. Then there are the medical necessities of an abortion which lawmakers and the Supreme Court are denying! No amniotic fluid the baby dies. Do YOU want to carry a dead fetus and get sepsis? Miscarriages happen. An abortion to get rid of what’s left so she doesn’t get sick is criminalized. The baby is found to be non viable. Ectopic pregnancies. It can grow outside the woman, burst something and mom bleeds to death. Thanks to stupid lawmakers women bleed out in cars at a hospital. Or hospitals have to consult Legal before helping. Or how close to death is worthy of saving her life with an abortion. Selfish doctors care more about themselves than their patient their oath swears them to do no harm. Abortion people say we can’t give you information while bellyaching how wrong it is. Who the heck is gonna know! How dare you abort! Great pro lifer! Will YOU take her into your home, nurse her through nine months, pay her medical, be there at labor, birth and spend the rest of YOUR life helping to raise the kid you demand be born? As one pro lifer said to me “It’s not our responsibility to raise other people’s children!” Yet you seem to take on the responsibility to dictate that she should keep an unwanted kid. You want ‘em born YOU raise ‘em pro lifers! YOU pay for child care, maternity leave, schooling, food, medical bills of that kid. YOU do a little babysitting! Nope once that first breath is taken you pro lifer couldn’t care less! You respect life? Don’t hear you paying for funerals of school shooting child victims, or comforting those parents. What happens outside the womb you want no part of. For some abortion is easy to decide for others not because of what society imposes on women. If you can’t guilt and shame you become abusive. And you call yourselves better. Now lawmakers are going after contraception for women, not men. So let’s villainize for an abortion and let’s try to take away contraception that prevents pregnancy. No win. Abortion is health care. Just like vasectomies. And how come we always hear we’re all paying for your abortion but not a peep saying we’re all paying for your vasectomy! Vasectomy prevents life. Fetuses don’t work, pay taxes. So excuse me this personhood crap is crap. And there’s no such thing as before birth abortion. Not a thing, never was, doesn’t happen. One guy said to me “Well if you kept your legs closed you wouldn’t get pregnant!” Last time I checked women don’t twist the arm of a man to do the deed. Legal abortion is safe, back alley abortions she does or both die. It took me three years to find a doctor who’d tie my tubes, a LEGAL a procedure and got the same crap. Are you sure? Are you sure? it’s irreversible. Sure you won’t change your mind? I think at 31 I’m capable of deciding and don’t regret it. We have enough abused kids. We have enough kids aging out of Children’s Services. So abortion is awful but throwing away your kid after birth is just fine? Oh and then we have adoption. Buying and selling kids. It should be free but someone has to make a buck, right? You don’t approve of abortion don’t have one! We don’t need to defend or apologize or regret it. What’s worse anti abortion people are going after IVF so parents who want kids can’t have them. What civil right should we take away next after abortion? Your right to read? Oh right! awe have banned books decided by people not in the school system, or parents in the school system who want their kids ignorant. Want someone to tell you where you can live? Well the Fair Housing put an end to that but who knows maybe the next person told you can’t live her is some lawmaker or stranger! God forbid we have people deciding they don’t approve of organ donation that can save a life! Could that be next? Men would be furious if some lawmaker says sorry mister, no vasectomy foe you! Now go and pay for your other 12 kids you ran from. Oh right forgot! a deadbeat dads aren’t gone after. Dead beat moms are. Abortion is health care whether you approve or not. People will have one legal or illegal. And those who deny women can mean life or death for some. But then, this society never did have much care for women. Abortion is choice abortion is health care. For me at least, I couldn’t care less whether others approve. I don’t need your approval or permission.
@erumusmanvlogs 2 месяца назад
Ya ALLAH reham 😭💔🥺
@cliffroyswildlifeadventure4569 2 месяца назад
Gender based violence perpetrated by woman & men has become an epidemic under the Trudeau government. Trudeau has appointed teams of corrupt judges to extract billions of dollars from families in order to temporarily save the economy. Judges walk into family law courtrooms with one intention and that is to extract money using the children as ransomware. But this plan by the federal government is short sighted in that the nation is crumbling and may be impossible to save at this juncture in our history. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-i4MnlpRauSw.html
@bethhaines6340 3 месяца назад
No to fgm only devil worshippers carry out fgm
@SowingSeedsWithChristy 3 месяца назад
I stopped to watch and it's just horrific. Those poor babies. Yet somehow out of this the babies have the sense that they are not alone in the incubators. God can use all things for good. There are good people out here. If people are not subscribed to the channel it might not be in their feed. Plus, not everyone is built to watch such atrocities. No one shd be touched by war. But especially not babies and children. And there's not even a place for mothers to feed their babies. :( 🙏❤️ Is there even a way for the ventilators to get to the hospital if there were some available?
@alinalemanska2029 3 месяца назад
It damages woman's whole body and gives her emotional terror and permanent emotional scars and bodily injury making her unable to pee and pass period blood and blood cloths that come with every period. It is hell on earth. Mutilation is not required in the Bible or Qua-ran. These organs are for the whole function of the body and not just sex.
@cypresswhite1398 3 месяца назад
This is an injustice that this video has no attention while people are scrolling past this to watch funny cat videos or god forbid pro Zionist vitriol. Donate to UNFPA and UNRWA!! They’re some of the most hated groups by Israel and the Gov bcs of how effective they are and how much good they do!!!
@user-oh9rv6qz9u 3 месяца назад
Bad 😢Grandma😢
@ruqaiyaandmamma444 3 месяца назад
Raat ko donate kiya hai .. UNFPA pr
@user-nc5ss7vq8w 3 месяца назад
Je sui kongo africain a 100% pur noir....mes frères au panama...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇨🇩 Love panama .
@terries1825 3 месяца назад
I’ve seen her in many videos. Actress perhaps
@maazsaeed1677 2 месяца назад
What is wrong with you. She is a journalist.
@terries1825 2 месяца назад
@@maazsaeed1677 what’s wrong with me is that she’s a journalist yet she at every single place when things are going on but we do not have one shot of actually what’s happening, the cameras always on her face
@SapphireSteamy 3 месяца назад
@jomaanne4970 3 месяца назад
Get all the infants and children out of there
@reversingglobalwarming9431 3 месяца назад
@simonyyy5877 3 месяца назад
This war was a bad idea c
@bethhaines6340 3 месяца назад
Sex can still be painful even without fgm especially when its a girls first time
@bethhaines6340 3 месяца назад
Maleikas suffering is all cos of her parents choice to do fgm so its her parents fault
@user-lv8wv3jk4b 3 месяца назад
Iran lunched it's attack on Israel because Israel was about to build a desalination plant for Gaza which would have revealed the presence of Hamas and their infiltration of the UN in Gaza.
@bethhaines6340 3 месяца назад
There are so many disadvantages with fgm,gee I wonder why no to fgm
@serpentphoenix 4 месяца назад
Why is her daughter married at 16 wtf.... 0:14
@SowingSeedsWithChristy 4 месяца назад
Thank goodness for the help you're giving.
@Random-Person6000 4 месяца назад
This is so relatable 😍😍 (im gonna show this to the kids in my basment)
@KataborananaEmpire69 4 месяца назад
@lynnespino3418 4 месяца назад
This just brakes my heart and all the precious babies 😔
@hennieahrens5251 4 месяца назад
My heart goes out to all Palestenians!❤
@TAQQIYA_lies_debunking 5 месяцев назад
It really puzzles me that none of you ever protest against Hamas 🤔, it could be all finished by now so please explain it to me why you do not call on Hamas to stop boming Israel? Why you don’t call Hamas to release hostages? Why?!?!?!!!!!! WHY WHY WHY !??! Don’t you want this to be over? 💁🏼‍♀️
@nena2281 5 месяцев назад
Midwife Hajia is an angel from Heaven! Bless her and all the mothers and dear babies she helps.
@alfheib 5 месяцев назад
I may be a guy but I understand the importance of these things growing up in house full of women.. even after I moved out and live by myself I still kept product around for my female friends and neighbors..