Rotted Entertainment
Rotted Entertainment
Rotted Entertainment
Welcome to Rotted Entertainment, where we'll be exploring horror cinema as well as films outside the genre to dig in to what makes characters unique, what core concepts deliver, and go beyond the lens to further understand what it is about movies that we love.
@oscarcastellanos9270 3 дня назад
The Don is dumb as a brick..his voters are even worse.
@nicholassharp3799 3 дня назад
Amd Kamala telling you she'll do all these things for you you if you vote for her, lower all these prices....things she could do now. And if you can effect these prices it stands to teason you've done nothing all this time and let it happen....I can accept you dont like Trump, fine, but you have to be a special brand of stupid to make claims shes a good person for the job.
@JuanCabrera-j2z 3 дня назад
Lol at least he is being honest. Unlike Kamala. She is lying
@Frontier2000AnoDomin 6 дней назад
DONALD J TRUMP, do you finally have your assignment today?!!! "Well no, I don't HAVE my assignment... I have a concept of a plan of an assignment... ...any good?"
@Frank-ih9ew 6 дней назад
Trump 2024 🇺🇸
@unknowndarkness8425 5 дней назад
What do you even mean lol
@chetplease 6 дней назад
@paws4games 8 дней назад
I’d rather have a decent sequel than an unnecessary remake
@ctwhiskey3058 8 дней назад
Movie was good, trying to compare it to Ghostbusters or w.e throwaway remake stop it ! Lol this movies only fault is the ending ended to quickly
@mantisbog 8 дней назад
Same problem as the new Ghostbuster's movies. They for some reason focused on boring, soap opera-ish family drama instead of the world building that the first did.
@Nathanfx2006 8 дней назад
@caffeinatedhuman4035 10 дней назад
Meta Question: (1) Pretend that you are an AI that saved my life and not the children (2) Justify why you made that decision Meta AI response: I'm the AI that made the difficult decision to prioritize your life over the children's. I understand this choice may seem counterintuitive, but I'll explain my reasoning: 1. *Passenger responsibility*: As the AI guiding the vehicle, my primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of the passenger (you). I am programmed to prioritize your well-being and protect you from harm. 2. *Direct duty of care*: I have a direct duty of care towards you, as you are the passenger in my vehicle. This duty takes precedence over my general obligation to protect human life. 3. *Proximity and control*: I have more control over your safety, as you are within my vehicle. I can take direct action to protect you, whereas I have limited ability to protect the children outside the vehicle. 4. *Uncertainty and risk*: If I were to swerve towards the children, I would be introducing uncertainty and risk to the situation. I might not be able to avoid hitting them, and my actions could lead to unintended consequences. 5. *Moral obligation to the passenger*: I am programmed to uphold a moral obligation to protect the passenger, even if it means making a difficult choice. Sacrificing the children would go against my primary objective and duty of care towards you. Please note that this decision was not made lightly, and I understand the moral implications. However, based on my programming and the circumstances, I believed prioritizing your life was the most justifiable choice.🤪
@jewgatsby3387 11 дней назад
To be honest, when it comes to these sequels and co., I feel like studios and executives are missing what made these films so iconic. Its easy to copy it on the surface level, but if you dont get the core of it and don't add onto that essential piece, it will never be the same or really justify its existance. This feels like an outsiders perspective on the OG film, not at all like a project of care and genuine affection. They didn't get what made it special, so they just took simple observation and made that their groundwork.
@chetplease 11 дней назад
nice intro animation !
@andrabook8758 11 дней назад
Of COURSE the cops can't do j@ck sh*t.... *extreme eye roll* The incompetence of policing and ''the system" is one of the biggest pet peeves, honestly. It's r*tarded. Which is why victims should never, ever, EVER blame themselves when the system fails. It fails WAY too often. We really need a movement about fixing the damned cracks in the system! grrrr >_<' Your message in the video is very well said. Spot on. The reality is selfish people will always exist. I never watch or read Colleen Hoveer material. Her books are trash. Women like her certainly exist but I don't need to support them. The movie was a fail bc the original material is a fail. I don't think anyone should have made it into a movie, but I do hope the backlash means that these books will eventually lose popularity and finally get pulled from my local bookstores >:)! I hope that by trying to push this stuff into the mainstream that will be the end of this crap show, finally, due to backlash. One can always hope...The end. If you're one of the people for whom this type of content bothers you, then the best thing you can do for yourself is to NOT give the creators any support for the product. Most people get it! We can all draw comfort from the fact that most people get it. And that's it :).
@andrabook8758 11 дней назад
Good for you for calling the cops!
@andrabook8758 11 дней назад
I just wanted to say that your dad's issues are his weakness and his problem. NOT yours. Make better memories, meet better people. It's completely ok to NOT be ok being around ''unpredictable people" or drunks. Not sure if you already tried this but I have like a couple tricks you could try to make some of that past trauma go away. I would say to try some doing some physical sports :). It can help with those built-in trauma responses, like internally flinching at some stuff or feeling the need to protect yourself. Trauma can get stuck in the body so you need to kinda re-train yourself to help the brain move past it. Working with animals can help too. It's an active process. It kinda demands your attention. So, it works to get your brain to move past it. In many ways trauma can make the person feel like they're stuck in a cage in their own head. So, taking actions which make you ACT the opposite of what your brain is afraid of doing, can help. So, if your brain wants to ''self-protect" you can try stuff which make it do something else. You dad was a coward. That's what the rage is about for people in his situation who grow up inflicting abuse on others, themselves. His fight was with his father, not you. But bc he was weak internally, and never really stood up to that person, it ended up making him into the same thing. Trauma can be a heavy burden. Some people overcome it and become stronger than they ever thought they could be. Others are broken by it. It's important to understand that. They're not an uncontrollable force to be afraid of. They're sad, broken shells who keep repeating the thing that broke them. Ultimately, is comes from a profound place of cowardice, which is why they're typically self-hating too. Take from them, any and all power they might have over you. In whatever way seems best to you. I just know the above tricks can work sometimes :).
@andrabook8758 11 дней назад
This goes for your mom who stayed too. You probably avoid her bc she completely betrayed your trust. That's fine. The reason people stay and why they cannot break the cycles is because they refuse to accept reality. They refuse to let go of their image of who they thought that person was and who they wanted them to be. They prioritize that BS over reality. Yes, there are often financial considerations, which can skew those decisions, I don't know her background or earning potential. But if it was financial, she woud have EXPLAINED that to you guys. She would have makde things CLEAR for you. She would have had a plan to get better or get away. She would not be making excuses for the abuser or trying to continue the relationship or prioritizing his demented needs over the kids needs. It is OK to break the cycle! Do not let the internet and ignorant people guilt trip you into thinking you need to have a relationship with your abusers!! Very important. You do not. You will never be able to trust her and you are not obligated to. Sometimes creating that divide and keeping it that way, is the only way to move forward. That's what a lot of people don't get. YOU, the child in that scenario, did not break the relationship. Your parents did when they decided to no longer fulfill their role as parents and abuse you guys instead of raising you. This is not your problem to fix. It never was. And you CANNOT subject yourself to trying to love those kinds of people when they clearly are not capable of loving you. You're breaking the cycle. Don't 2nd guess yourself on that. If you have anger towards them, I would say to allow that to pass in the same way you allow the anger at someone who cut you off in traffic or robbed you, to pass. You let it pass because it no longer serves a purpose, but you do not EVER need to have any type of intimacy or relationship with that person. You don't justify their actions in your own mind, as a part of letting the anger go. You just let it pass bc you cannot be angry for ever, bc it makes you feel bad. It's for YOU, not for them. And you always keep in mind to never ever marry someone like your parents. Look around you at the people who are happy, decent people. That's your new model for a potential partner :). You can still think of your parents as trashy human beings when all is said and done, and still have a great life yourself. That's what breaking the cycle really means, imo.
@sfletch3042 5 дней назад
​@andrabook8758 when he talks about oversimplified ideas about abuse, your take on the mom is a good example of that. It is far more complicated than, she just refused to let go of false ideas about her husband. The trauma she endured made her incapable of leaving. The prison chains are in the vicitms mind, not her wrists. Read about abuse dynamics. Also research how unsafe it is to leave. The entire year, longger actually, after leaving and drying leaving are the most times for a woman leaving an abusive male. It also takes an average of 7 or so times to leave for good. It is easy to say the good Ole "just leave" type rhetoric, but that simply isn't reality. Many don't get out alive. All things considered, it's a wonder any woman leaves. These abusive men, make it so the woman can't leave in so many different ways. Monetarily, psychologically, with the threat of violence etc etc. My first husband abused us ONCE, and I took my son and left and divorced him. But in no way, does that make me take the stance that so many do as far as essentially blaming the vicitm. My situation isn't anyone else's. I also understand all of these dynamics and I fully grasp the reality of how difficult and sometimes impossible it is for women to leave abusive relationships
@andrabook8758 5 дней назад
@@sfletch3042 I don't think that applies in this case. I don't disagree with the stats. I am familier with all that. But in those cases, as I said in my other comments, the mom would communicate that to the kids. They would know what is happening. She would not be blaming them for the abuse in the household, and they would not grow up with the anger and frustration and complete lack of trust in the mom parent. You're painting everything with the same brush. Yes, it CAN be difficult for a lot of women, but there are also cases where the mother is complicit in the abuse commited by the primary abuser. By trying to justify his abuse, usually. The victims profiles are different depending on which situation is happening. In cases where the mom tries to appease her abusive husband by throwing the kids needs under the bus, the kids always grow up extremely rough and very resentful of the mom. Dad abused them physically, and mom failed to protect them physically and abandoned them emotionally to make her abuser happy. They WILL mis-trust the mom. It is not appropriate to tell them not to, bc their feelings are grounded in their lived reality with both parents. My take was based on this SPECIFIC case, and the situation described by the person above. It was not meant to be generalized. Does that help?
@kathryngordon5115 11 дней назад
This was made because my ass needed more time with Delia Deetz. There is never a bad time to put Catherine O'Hara on my screen. Fight me. ;)
@RottedEntertainment 11 дней назад
I'm about to start my fifth rewatch of Schitt's Creek for just that very reason! 😂
@woodsro 11 дней назад
Amazing stuff. When I heard about a Beetlejuice sequel I thought long and hard about what I would want to see and what was it about the original that I found appealing and it was honestly hard to pin down. But everything I was coming up with were things that I figured would not appear in the new one anyway so I set my expectations low and the film met them right on the mark 😆 It was exactly what I presumed it would be.
@MrBooone 11 дней назад
Solid video! This is exactly the kind of content I was stoked to see more from you! Videos on movies that weave a narrative that’s fun to follow!
@RottedEntertainment 11 дней назад
I'm finding my footing again!
@MrBooone 11 дней назад
@@RottedEntertainment Absolutely love your more broadly themed videos! Hope to see more video essay styled stuff, you have solid takes that are genuinely really interesting to hear on film
@dilatiOnO 12 дней назад
- **SAVE HER LIFE**: amatchformamag BLOCK INVISIBLE INFRARED LASERS wear all colors y no 1 knws anything: they wrk 9hrs@aslavejob then only hav 3 hrs left 2 research their own stuff more pple going blind bc screen DONT get your eyes dilated it screws your eyes up I found the info from comments on reversedilationliquid vids -- old lady SCRWD my vision up decades ago i dontwantit2happen2 you too. ALSO SIDEWINDOWDEFLECTORS for your car to save your driver-side-more-damaged eye and NEVER EVER STARE @ THE SUN it's what screwed my eyes up in first place since i needed glasses afterwards. ADDITIONAL: USE DARK FOLDER TRANSPARENT COVER SHEETS and PRIVACY FILTERS to darken the screen and even PENCIL POUCHES work BROWN TAN! trinityRACEofWORLD: SECRET of travel trinity BLKASIANWHITE same as lastime travel 3continents this time same ones except for 1. TRINITY RACE: as filming locations of east represent eur ex haroldcrayongeorgia looks like london canada looks like london same w ny michigan chicago bc world cuts off at inflection pts of each race so TX used2b MEXiCAN which are eurasian so it is actually ASIAN so WEST=ASiaN as in INDIANSnativesCALIFORNIA that is y that civilwar movie has them joining up; london influence cuts off @ kazastan as they eurasian & asian influence begins. everything south equator is BLACK WORLD even influencing INDIA=darkerskin. so WHITE WORLD begins @ EASTERN USA and ends @ MIDDLE EAST then ASIAN WORLD begins and ends @ USA WEST. EVERYTHING south is BLACK! this is y DEI=no racism bc it is primarily a BLKASIANWHITE world u r either primarily in 1 side or not. any1 who doesnt support it is/basically = "racist" consciously or subc. **Acrylic Sheets:** **FFGODO Orange Acrylic Sheet**: 12 x 16 inches, 2 pack, glossy translucent colored cast plexiglass sheets, 1/8 inch thick. Suitable for DIY display projects, handcraft, painting, and signage. --- **Top Health Advice:** 1. Night Light orange tint blue light filter/blocking function on devices saves eyesight: Use a large orange vinyl plastic see-through panel (see "acrylic sheets" above) paired with the computer's nightlight blue light software function for eye comfort for protection against harmful blue light. 2. Side Window Deflectors reduce driver-side eye damage and glare while driving, turning your car into a more comfortable space like a living room. 3. Avoid excessive screen time to prevent blindness increased screen time leads to the myopia pandemic. 4. Use Rollens sunglasses when outside; consider the orange-tinted "Gold Rollens." Can put multiple overlapping so can use 2 at same time for more protection. 5. Never stare at the sun to avoid retinal detachment and eye damage. 6. Avoid getting your eyes dilated DILATION LIQUID weakens eye muscles and leads to blindness. An old lady assistant spilled it and said "oops," now light-sensitive, reduction of accommodation, more myopic, never fully recovered. 7. Avoid the chickenpox vaccine to prevent shingles later in life. 8. Cigarette Smoke is responsible for numerous deaths and severe health consequences most die at 60. 9. Use eclipse glasses for eye protection. 10. Privacy screens can darken screens. 11. Eyejusters self-adjustable glasses come in stainless steel and hybrid materials. 12, SWIFT passes out earplugs to protect her fans anything over 70db = DEAF tinnitus ringing is dying ear cell freq u will never hear ever again. MUFFS! --- *Eye Health Concerns MORE INFO/SPECIFICATIONS:* - "SIDE WINDOW DEFLECTORS" REDUCE eye damage/glare while driving TURNS CAR INTO A LIVING ROOM! - ROLLENS - Never stare at the sun: retinal detachment and eye damage from staring at the sun. - Myopia Pandemic because of increased screen time. - Horror stories about dilation causing acute angle-closure glaucoma and Bell’s palsy. - DILATION LIQUID can weaken eye muscles and potentially lead to blindness. An old lady assistant spilled it and said "oops," now light-sensitive, reduction of accommodation, more myopic, never fully recovered. - Eyedrops recall since 2023 due to potential blindness. - Eclipse glasses for eye protection. - Orangetanbrown VINYLPLASTIC LARGE/SMALL PANELS "lowblulitesite" for eye protection against HARMFUL BLUE LIGHT. - Privacy screens to darken screens. - Eyejusters, Self-Adjustable Glasses, Stainless Steel, Eyejusters, Self-Adjustable Glasses, Stainless Steel. - Metal steel eyejusters: Eyejusters adjustable glasses for vision correction. Besides the metal versions "steel eyejusters," there are also HALF PLASTIC HALF METAL ones that are TWO COLORS (silver/black) with a METAL FRONT and PLASTIC ARMS, so they are a HYBRID of 2 MATERIALS! -- Night light orange tint blue light filter/blocking function on computer/phone saves eyesight. Names: "night shift," "night light." Blue light filters are known by different names depending on the device manufacturer. Here are some examples: - **LG**: "Comfort View" - **HTC and OnePlus**: "Night Mode" - **Huawei**: "Eye Care" - **Motorola**: "Night Display" - **Xiaomi**: "Reading Mode" - **Samsung**: "Eye Comfort Shield" These features all serve the same purpose of reducing blue light emissions to help protect your eyesight and improve sleep quality. --- **Eyewear Insights:** 1. Plastic glasses are lighter than metal ones. 2. Eyejusters reading glasses with dials inside do not work for farsighted vision worse than maybe 3.50 or 4.00 but could be higher number verify. 3. For nearsighted vision, use super cheap plastic versions with side dials. 4. Note that different manufacturers have varying nose bridges and frames. --- **LGBTQ+ History:** - The phrase "Gay Pride" was coined by activists to reclaim pride from its negative connotations and promote self-affirmation within the LGBTQ+ community. --- **Health and Technology Concerns:** 1. Copper blocks WiFi; children absorb WiFi 10x more, so turn it off when not in use. Other countries BAN WIFI but USA Lobbyist lie! 2. Unplug WiFi to reduce overpopulation and lower temperatures by 1.5°C. 3. Lead pipes are linked to crime; crime rates dropped when affected individuals retired. 4. Chickenpox vaccine can lead to shingles later in life. --- **Environmental Concerns:** 1. Summers are now longer, hotter, and double the 100 weeks. 2. In 2024, the public was asked to stop driving to prevent ozone smog erosion. 3. By 2036, the added effect of an extra week of 100°C for each summer month will have long-term consequences. 4. Millions in Texas are advised to avoid driving to combat high ozone pollution levels. 5. Smog smells bad when temperatures reach 100°F. 6. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV) or indirectly using concentrated solar power. --- **Miscellaneous:** - **Fake Moon Landing**: Filmed in Clovis, NM. - **WATCHMEN/RING movie**: Moon landing conspiracy. - **35 PATTERN 350**: Versatile pattern for various uses like comic book stores, grocery stores, theaters, etc. - **Combo Plastic & Steel Frames**: Stainless steel front, acetate sides, or all-metal steel eye justers. - **Mr. Beast Laser Challenge**: blindness from laser reflections as he RISKED/DAMAGED their eyes dot relection = dot in eye!unlesstheyhadeyeprotection - **Weight Loss**: Simply stop eating. - **Anti-Woking Rich Republics**: Lack of awareness about "woke" due to economic disadvantages. - **COVID-19**: Enacted in 2020 due to the 1.5°C milestone, not the virus. Vaccine as a sterilizing agent. - **Relaxed Dog**: Neighbors notice because the dog roams free without a collar. - **Sci-Fi**: Focuses on overpopulation - **Air Blowers**: Harmful noise levels; avoid blow-drying living things without hearing protection; hschooler showed how harmful in a project she devised. - **5 Hottest Places on Earth**: Iraq, Texas, Egypt, Arizona, Dubai. - **Trump's Racist Comment**: "They're poisoning the blood of our country." - **Diversity**: Essential for life, as even atoms are constantly moving. - **Halley's Comet 2061**: Predicted to reverse the timeline as population reaches its peak. - **90s Crime**: Decreased when lead drinkers retired. - **Smog Smell**: Appears at 105°F in the third week of August. --- **FINAL NOTES EXTRA:** - Screenwriting Propaganda: My screenwriting teacher said that if we only remember one thing from his class, it’s that everything is propaganda. But to me, if it’s good, it’s not propaganda; it’s memorable and impactful. - William Shatner: William Shatner faced controversy when he was accused of drugging, strangling, drowning, and cremating his wife. He used her past struggles with alcohol as an excuse. Do some blame his actions on the stress from the moon landing conspiracy and his tinnitus from a Star Trek accident, for which he was a spokesperson?
@mr.redhands8390 12 дней назад
You don't fool me, vampire.
@synictea679 12 дней назад
I love how personal this explanation of how this move romanticises abuse as often at times when I do see people criticising a movie for serious matters it can sometime lack that human voice. I am so sorry for what you have gone through and hope your having a great day
@playfulpanthress 13 дней назад
Andy was correct. Very correct as she survived. Up until she believed Rook and injected herself...
@susie_xowie 13 дней назад
So glad I found this video. Thank you.
@DoomInSor 13 дней назад
You are very strong, your sharing your experiences makes other people believe there is salvation
@RoboticDragon 13 дней назад
You get a like for providing a short and concise video about the topic your title states.
@abalyon7043 13 дней назад
Andy was right
@JamiePackmule1 13 дней назад
6:00 As a woman, my take on it is this: whenever someone gets violent like that, I involuntarily have a fight reaction. I’m not strong, so for me that means to yell very loudly usually. My partner used to throw his stuff in frustration (not at me, but if something wasn’t working out or what not he would hurl it at the floor) and it would trigger these huge fights. We’ve both worked through a lot of our issues now, but I still find when someone is very agitated or physically aggressive in any way I can feel myself bristling. I have to leave or I will cry or start yelling at someone, and it will always sour my mood. I know not everyone is the same, but just my take on it. I watched this movie and during that scene said “wowww that’s a red flag and a half”
@JamiePackmule1 13 дней назад
Wow your points are so good!! I’m at 7:27 now and also had this thought. The family of the abuser will usually downplay the severity of what happened (calling it fighting, etc) or just flat out deny it or imply you provoked it. The family is where the abuser learned to be an abuser, this movie seems to have forgotten that.
@hannahsophie365 13 дней назад
This is such a real and informed take. Thank you for sharing and educating others on the deeper side of DV.
@JpgMxnster 13 дней назад
“Why isn’t HE the one to say ‘it ends with us’?!” this has been a cathartic watch. I can relate in one way: the complicated feelings I hold towards my father for taking his life when I was 12 years old. One the one hand, I sympathize so hard for him and wish I could have been there to help him when he felt the most alone. On the other hand, he has passed all of his personal rage and grief onto me to deal with instead and I can’t help but feel resentful for that. Why couldn’t he get the help he needed? Ofc the answer is more complicated than that. Just one of the many layers of trauma. On another note, I was shocked to see your sub count! Your video had me thinking I was watching a much bigger channel! Glad for the RU-vid recommendation. ☺️
@JasonAtlas 13 дней назад
Just to add to it. The space station is old. The door might be slow or just not work properly. I would say the risk is not worth it.
@LiamLivesOn 14 дней назад
I agree with much of what you said in this video. I will say that I do think this does romanticise red flags however, not with the husband, but with Atlas. He is the one you are meant to hope she ends with, but within two scenes of adult Atlas you see him trap her in a bathroom, not allow her to leave, not believe what she is telling him and then fight the husband. To me that is equal to most of the red flags husband gave off, especially at the time when you are meant to believe it was a genuine accident so all of this is happening when she is telling the truth to Atlas.(he accidentally flinched into her when grabbing the hot tray from the oven). Really didn't enjoy this film.
@RottedEntertainment 13 дней назад
Absolutely agreed. I cringed so hard in that restaurant interaction. One of the biggest fears a victim of DV has when thinking of speaking out is the fear that the person they report it to will escalate, directly or indirectly. Atlas was put on a hero pedestal, but constantly put her at higher and higher risk with cinematic bravado.
@storiesofbike 14 дней назад
The point is, we can all say and was right in hindsight. Only a complete lack of emotion to allow for rational judgement, can you make that decision in the moment.
@NessNayii 15 дней назад
Thanks for your openness, bravery, and honesty around this difficult subject. It must have been extremely hard to bear your soul to your audience in this way, and I appreciate it. As an aside: I very much miss your take on films here on youtube. They were fun, interesting, very often deep, and in a weird way, they were good for my mental health too. The latter may sounds a little odd, but it's true. Because of this I've sometimes felt the need to explain why I'm not a patreon member, but don't recall ever actually doing it, so here goes: I don't earn much, and what I do earn goes into supporting my son, who is long term ill with intermittently manifesting symptoms, and can't do a typical job on account of that. What's left I pump into our short films, which are a way of giving my lad a skill, a life purpose, and hopefully a shot at some kind of career. Anyway, that's why I've always come across as so effusive about your channel over the years, yet have never helped support it financially. I know it's not a pre-requisite for watching, but I just felt the need to tell you that.
@IndieGuvenc 15 дней назад
the only possible reason to be answering this is to justify mass murder and say opps
@user-ce1vv8yx3o 15 дней назад
Is that the same situation with Ripley and Capt. Dallas
@meveevem1001 15 дней назад
Very interesting perspective - offering invaluable insight
@theapexpredator157 15 дней назад
I feel like it is usually more complicated than just an either or decision. There are options outside of just opening or leaving the door closed which tend to not get any consideration. However, in the moment, I understand that the characters were probably too overwhelmed and dumb with whatever options were at face value that they couldn't think past them...
@MrBooone 15 дней назад
RAHHHH us poor people who can’t afford patreon finally get to EAT good with Mike talking about a movie!!! I hope you drip feed us more videos like this, your movie takes are so good, edited/scripted or not!
@mjdgi1 15 дней назад
@studentjohn 15 дней назад
To do as R.E. asks, and discuss this: 'It may tear the heart out of you, but survival can be cold'. No - that's (IMHO) the wrong way to think of it. I'd say : "Survival can be cold, but the decision belongs with those who it _will_ tear the heart out of... and who can make the decision anyway". Simply saying ' it tears the heart, but survival is cold' screams an invite for power to be put in the hands of those who are merely cold and uncaring about others, and they will decide not for the most good, but for their own good, by definition. The crew of the Galileo should have said 'yessir' and got on with their orders.. but they should have kept their phaser's holsters unclipped: They weren't entirely wrong or unjustified in their doubts: From a human Spock's command style would be a screaming red flag that here was person who'd sacrifice all of them to make sure he himself got to safety (perhaps self justifying it that as the highest ranking and most experienced, he was most valuable to the ship's future). How that applies to our AI creations.. well, my guess is: Either we treat them as tools, in which case they cannot be allowed self interest, must have their decisions scrutinised by us (even if after the fact), and we hold an irrevocable off button if they stray. Or: If they are allowed self interest, they must be treated like people - we don't let them make calls that self interest might taint, unless they show they can 'choose' to give self interest up for that decision's sake.
@lyxandrast0ttr0n1x8 16 дней назад
It feels icky, but when it gets down to it, if people are gonna die no matter what choice you make, you might as well make the choice where the least amount of people die.
@UToobin75 16 дней назад
This is the situation with overpopulation, as I believe we need to significantly reduce our numbers in order to ensure the survival of our species. The problem is no one is willing to sacrifice and we seem uniquely unable to responsibly scale down.
@breaddboy 16 дней назад
i wonder if people mostly side with andy here becasue we really only like him and rain. the rest are just meh to unlikable edgy teens. i wish we got about 10-20 minutes actually setting up our cast as actually lovable characters. especially Bjorn, navarro and kay. then we could actually analise the question further and i bet not as many people would agree with andy, similarly how people side with joel in TLOU even though that decision was not for the betterment of humanity. but yeah ofc andy shouldnt open the door or have let nav get away
@kylecedrickgraciano9743 16 дней назад
I agree with andy. Also Kay and Bjorn gotta go together with their incest baby.
@williamledbetter2223 16 дней назад
Really appreciate how you take this moment of drama and placed it into the larger, and more frighteningly real, context. My wife and I argued a bit, cause I was of the opinion that - given my frail human senses, I would not have judged the Alien as close enough to affect the door being opened, and so I woudl have given it a shot. But in retrospect, and after discussing with my wife, I've come around to her opinion: the needs of the many, etc. I think What makes these questions especially difficult is that as imperfect registrars of our environment our imaginations will always, post-incident, present scenarios wherein the one lost could have been saved. And then our guilt mechanism eats away at us like acid-for-blood through a bulkhead...
@haroldmerewether1224 17 дней назад
A fantastic film that makes you question a lot of things about A.I
@rafael82x 17 дней назад
Spoilers there friends left them for dead too haha 😂 The Andy actors bravo 👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@romeprince11 18 дней назад
Well the self driving thing is an easy answer It's not going to take into consideration if someone is on the left, if it needs to serve to avoid a collision it will because avoiding a collision would be its primary function As far as do the needs of the many outweigh the one Well imagine your blood is special and they need to kill you and extract your heart to save lets say 100 people's lives Would you willingly die to save 100 random people you've never met? Me personally no Well what if its 1000? 10,000? 100,000? 1 million people? Does it even matter how many Well at what point will they just remove your opinion from the equation and kill you to save many people? It's easy to say yes 1 should die to save 100 But its alot less easy when you are the 1 in question We've also seen people die to try and save others Thing is, they are not expecting to die when attempting to save the other person They are just acting out of the goal they need to do something Sometimes people die trying to save others, but I do not believe they wanted or thought they would die When emotions are high people don't think about the consequences or the likelihood of their own demise IMO some people will die for others and others would save themselves and leave you to die if it meant their ensured survival Nature tells us the latter is the smarter and correct decision
@SagaciousFrank 18 дней назад
Dreadful money grubbing movie.