Social Psychology Masters
Social Psychology Masters
Social Psychology Masters
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Every Modern Relationship Type Explained
21 день назад
12 Signs Someone Secretly Likes You
21 день назад
How to Make Rude People Look Insecure
Месяц назад
@OkekeFortune-yf4no 23 часа назад
i subscribed
@melissamonroe723 2 дня назад
Where is number 3?
@board_runner 2 дня назад
I think these rules goes out the window when dating someone with autism-true story
@cemeteryvisits 2 дня назад
What’s love got to do with it? -Tina Turner
@brandiwestmoreland1466 2 дня назад
What advice do you have about relationships where one partner is incarcerated and the other partner is in the free world
@alwaysabondgirl1301 2 дня назад
I have a guy friend that has a lot of good qualities about him. I told him this and how he is not a bad looking guy and then he told me that that doesn't sound like a good compliment. I then told him that I am sorry. I didn't want to say too much because I didn't want to feel vulnerable. I am picky about appearances and the only area he needs work on is his belly. But I don't know how to encourage him to take care of himself and slim down his stomach. He loves food and he loves to eat. I don't know if I already blew it with him though. Also we are both late in years. I am 59 and I think he is 65.
@user-hu2ir4uw2f 2 дня назад
I subscribed ❤
@JesslynnPlayz 2 дня назад
I have a secret crush on a guy, but I do not want him to know that I only talk a lot with him , so I also talk a lot with his colleague, just to hide my feelings in front of him. 🥹😅😅
@stellatong5002 2 дня назад
You can’t rely on anyone to give you happiness. The only person that’s responsible for your happiness is yourself
@stellatong5002 2 дня назад
When someone rejects us, it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with us or we’re not good enough. It just means that he/she isn’t the right person for you. The right person for you WILL want to spend time with you. When we get rejected and we have these negative thoughts like we’re not good enough, there’s something wrong with us, etc, that is just the way our brain is playing tricks on us.
@AbigailDadzie-kl4fq 3 дня назад
Please what do I do when I have a guy of this sought for number of years? 😢😢
@expertexcrementexpediter 3 дня назад
Cool, cool...so how do you get a psychic/metaphysical restraining order?
@Danskie1234 3 дня назад
I keep thinking of him, And I surrender to God.
@MichaelMyers-tg9uh 3 дня назад
I had 2 stop talking 2 my crush , she is in the middle of divorce , separated , so she still lives with her husband 4 financial reasons , her hubby not ready 2 move on , so we agreed 2 let it be until she is completly done with her divorce , so it has bn about a month since we contacted each other n i can feel her thinking about me constantly , it is painful at times since we can't connect , but 1 day we will connect again, until then it's miller time 😂
@SudritiSarkar 3 дня назад
If we have to develop so many things in us.....just to make him choose us over another women.... Then all this effort is not worth...... What's the point in changing yourself so much to get a man who is interested in other women???????
@EYRM9 3 дня назад
This might sound hard, but you don’t need a man/ woman, you need God, and God will give you everything that you need. A man/woman will love you for your physical look/ charisma/ money/ intelligence….. or all the temporary things to fill a void that THEY need and will only love you if you meet their needs, but God loves you for who you are, whatever you are and no matter what your past is. In fact, God doesn’t need you, you need Him and He can do whatever He wants anytime to you and to your life, yet He loves you. That’s what you need. Jesus said: “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” _ Luke 13: 24 However, (if you’re not planing to or currently committing adultery), you should ask God for everything,, EVERYTHING. nothing on this earth can't be solved or healed by God that created galaxies, medicine, atoms... everything in 7 days. Ask God for help. “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” _ John 14:13-17 “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” _ Matthew 17:20-21. "For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” _ Isaiah 41:13 /
@thetruth3322 3 дня назад
Yes you are right 👍
@mattdawson6627 4 дня назад
Not necessarily touch, but I sometimes smell her perfume, and I haven’t seen her in several months of no contact. I also sometimes get a weird tingling in my scalp, and it’s around then she’ll pop into my mind. Not goosebumps, but, similar?
@the576broot 4 дня назад
Only use these super powers for good. Never evil.
@BadBeanTaco 4 дня назад
My s/o tells me that we have plenty of “us time” during our commute to work. The commute is 2 hours each way (traffic) He won’t message me even once while he’s at work even though he is always playing games on his phone. I tell him I want to just hang out and he says he wants “him time” when we get home and only wants to play video games It’s gotten to the point where I have to ask him multiple times to even just send me 1 message. He’s responded to that with “sure we can talk once in awhile” When I asked why we don’t have quality time together he specifically said “because I need to be stimulated and if something isn’t stimulating, I don’t want to do it.” He’s not a horrible man. He does treat me well. I do think here and there he’s cheating, but I doubt it. He’s just consumed by games. That’s his life. I’m not part of his life.
@pnarkow5215 4 дня назад
1-8, but not 9 and 10. What does that mean? 🤔
@canesfam1jones307 4 дня назад
I know she don't love me anymore so hard to know this knowing how much I love her
@hannahhenderson271 5 дней назад
27 outta 30! :D
@Depsychofacts 5 дней назад
Please where did you make your thumbnail?
@faithgratia7428 5 дней назад
I really miss him, always pray for us
@Cece89x 5 дней назад
This video is exactly what i needed to hear. Thank you.
@orlanz 5 дней назад
I don't need them , i'm okay all by myself is what i say to myself and i know i'll be okay after a while
@nazeemaadams7577 5 дней назад
Just a pity my love of my life died before I could even figured this all out 😢
@khaledraafat4662 5 дней назад
This is a very underrated video which would be recommended to anyone who feels outcasted, I am thankfully no longer desperate for anyone's attention, I appreciate your hard work into making this useful video giving good advice, it even made me think less about others
@jamesmakume2630 5 дней назад
@feistymind4915 5 дней назад
This is like the guide to how not to be in a relationship
@TomSawyerMDW 6 дней назад
Intimacy is important yes but the only one u you mentioned is physical.. you fail to include the possibility that the other person might be excluding everything but emotional or mental or psychological intimacy.. it’s not just physical that is a culprit.. and how about the reverse of compliments..
@user-qw7qe3fb5o 6 дней назад
U should never have to MAKE a man fall for u. If its not natural its not real, its forced.
@BQ900 6 дней назад
I see a lot of younger men wanting extremely thin women. As they mature they seem to be more varied in their taste.
@mariannasarracino 6 дней назад
All these signs confirm that I have a crush on him
@Tom_in_CA 6 дней назад
This is a great video with good advice. I just wish I would’ve seen something like this a few months ago when I was cruelly ghosted back in December. We had a ”disagreement”. I reached out after a week, again at two weeks, with no response. At the 30-day point I concluded that they must hate me, and do not have any care or respect for me. It was the most excruciating pain, the most confusing time and I felt angry, humiliated and worthless! My cruel ghoster tried to come back 5 months later and say “sorry” let’s talk again. I confronted them…I needed to express how they made feel and know why they did that…they couldn’t handle a simple conversation…so I said Adieu (goodbye forever) P.S. I still cannot get them out of my head…maybe one day…the fire will burn out. It’s such a shock and disappointment to know who they really are.
@jnorway7295 6 дней назад
It's SO frustrating when my able-bodied, passive, retired partner of many years, scrolls on his cell phone for HOURS every day. I give him his space, but this phone addiction is ridiculous. Every evening, he turns on Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, '60's shows, etc, plays them loud, yet only looks at Facebook, doesn't even look at the tv or respond to me when i make conversation until I turn down the volume 6 clicks. At the dinner table, he now holds his phone over his plate while eating. I've asked him to please turn his cell phone off at the table. Then, he'll pick it up again after 5 or 6 minutes. I'll say, "Please don't. Is it THAT important?" So, should I pick up my plate to go eat in another room? (it's my house, not his). I'm done!! I don't think he's having an affair. He used to be a great conversationaist. But for the past 2 yrs, his cell phone takes priority. Feeling so ignored, I now stay busy around the house, organize, do laundry, do an hour of work on the computer, sometimes call my bff, then sit to watch tv for a few minutes. He won't even look up to notice I'm there. Gee, thanks bud.. 😖
@happinessabagu3716 6 дней назад
Me i just feel like i should move on and also stop caring about him,😢 it's hurting me 😢😢😢😢😢
@AnnastaciaMokoena-vu2gs 7 дней назад
So what if you stay together
@DECODINGLOVE13 7 дней назад
i dont thnk someone can have one partner
@annekevandermerwe3315 7 дней назад
I subscribed😊
@MrStarmel39 7 дней назад
I fall back when I feel someone is losing interest. No phone calls no texts , no social media no nothing
@damann6470 7 дней назад
I've never even been in a relationship idk what I'm doing here
@spindriftbeach6082 8 дней назад
There is no Psychological Rule called the 5 Second Rule. These aren't dark, they're lame.
@carolliddell9681 8 дней назад
I had seen ALL of these signs before catching my husband cheating (TWICE!!). Sadly, I kept "reasoning" them all away. Denial is a powerful drug. 😢
@DECODINGLOVE13 7 дней назад
yeah thats what most people do
@MindBuddies 8 дней назад
Great video with insightful signs! It's fascinating how non-verbal cues like body language can reveal someone's feelings. How do you think these signs vary across different cultures or social contexts?
@FedUpCanuck 8 дней назад
Been on the receiving end of fights for no reason. Many times driving in the car i would tell her stop the car and i got out. Little things like not making the perfect photo or not wanting to go somewhere i did not speak the language
@ketokaren485 8 дней назад
This really helped me
@truckpilot01 8 дней назад
I subscribed
@ladybird8375 9 дней назад
It’s these videos that make young women go and get cosmetic procedures and sometimes with disasterous results. You make yourself healthy and attractive for your own well being not for men.
@bessk8847 9 дней назад
My dog does all this ❤