TS!Underswap Unused OST: De-Bugging
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@bababooey5402 День назад
With actual intent factored in, I can put it like this: Most random encounters: attack you by total accident; some don't even wanna be there. Royal Guards + Canine Unit: want to kill you, but only as ordered by Undyne. Papyrus: absolutely doesn't kill. Mettaton: was designed with human murder in mind, and even past those tendencies, i think he mostly believes successfully grabbing your SOUL would even further boost his popularity. Sans: Only trying to kill you in Geno out of obligation (last monster left before Asgore) and to attempt to piss you off/bore you enough to make you quit. Toriel: most likely doesn't want to kill you, as shown by the alternate pattern when you're low on health, but has to prove you're not ready for what she believes the rest of the Underground is like. Asgore: never wanted to kill humans in the first place, but had to keep to the promise he made to his people out of grief and anger. Doesn't want to kill you, but has to for his people. Undyne: Wants to kill you, in all 3 route types. Flowey: Wants to kill you. Wants to kill EVERYONE. Chara: a bit of a tricky case here; they pressed Asriel to fight back against the people of their village, and has been explicitly described as hating humanity, but whether that all maintained for the Chara we see in Geno or if they're simply misguided by our actions is never explained. Given how quickly they were okay with joining monsterkind when adopted, I personally believe they would never agree to our slaughter of monsters if they were alive. They DO press us to play another route if we repeat Genocide, too, so I don't believe they're even intentionally evil. Jerry: jerry.
@Mugawl День назад
I feel like the people that genuinely think this forget how like Multiple undertale monsters know that you can reset. The game knows you can reset, and the fact that you aren't just a 5 year old. And that the game literally tells you "Stop acting like it's self defense you literally feel no pain and can't die you are literally the god of this world. You hold a bigger responsibility to be the better person"
@FriendGaming-180 День назад
The monsters are attacking cause of asgore so yeah
@etepapu8276 День назад
This is why Woshua is the best monster.
@OmegaChase1002 День назад
It's really crazy how the entire fandom just waves away all the character's hypocrisy cuz of one single insignificant line of dialogue in some book in some useless room early in the game.
@Thankedsphere99 2 дня назад
Even if they are unaware, killing them would still be self defence. Also SURELY most of them are smart enough to know that what they are doing is injuring you.
@rompevuevitos222 2 дня назад
I know this is satire, but: The game never tries to tell you the monsters are harmless or don't want you ded. But it does fall on you as the immortal time manipulator to find a peaceful way out. Like, if you're immortal, dying shouldn't really be an issue.
@termicrafteron2794 3 дня назад
Reading that one dialogue made me almost regret doing pacifist. It was like when someone says something so inconceivably stupid you instinctively clench your fist like you're ACTUALLY gonna hit them, but won't
@thejester4130 3 дня назад
The funny part is most mosnters(excluding bosses and a few like the mercenaries in the core) are implied to nto know what a human looks like and are interacting with you like they would a normal monster without an itnent to kill. They just accidentally kill you, so this would justify frisk killing without time powers but not without.
@ubcroel4022 3 дня назад
They always came at him in a public situation and made him defend his own life, even if he wasn't happy with the devastation. Also, humanity first; xenos never.
@Thankedsphere99 2 дня назад
FRISK IS GENDER NEUTRAL, HOW DARE YOU!!11!!1!1!1!! 😡🤬😡😡🤬😡😡😭🤬🤬😭😡😡🤬😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭
@kiffley 3 дня назад
Papyrus didn’t do anything wrong he just puts you in YOUR PRISON BOX
@Thankedsphere99 2 дня назад
Then Undyne comes and fucking murders you.
@kiffley День назад
@@Thankedsphere99 papyrus spent a long by time making that prison cell. His feelings are hurt
@agsilverradio2225 4 дня назад
Flowey, you kill because he's bored and sadistic. Neutral run players are killing in self-defence. We are not the same! ... Sure, most of the monsters have sympithetic motives, and while taking the high ground may be heroic, but it is by no means morally mandated, when they are atempting to kill you.
@Rogueboss2budgetedition День назад
@@agsilverradio2225 i understand why you think self defence is justified, but thinking the genocide route is justified when you kill glad dummy and papyrus who tried to SPARE you and didnt even ATTACK is just completely dumb logic.
@DonutCrumb323 4 дня назад
1:49 Who tf is that
@TheBloccobill 5 дней назад
Funny thing is, monsters that don't want to kill you using magic actually CHOOSE to hurt you. Monsters can just use green magic to heal you, meaning they're not trying to "express themselves in a friendly matter", they actually just want to fucking kill you
@israelwilson4022 5 дней назад
As I grew up and took a step back I realized how weird it is that the game acts like you’re the guy for defending yourself and guilts. Like some I get but others they had it coming Also heard someone once say that the game “hates players that kill monsters” and I always thought that was stupid
@Dreamcrusher999 5 дней назад
Me explaining why UTY genocide (or neutral, at least) should be canonised:
@TEMP-vm1mt 5 дней назад
This is completely unrelated to the conversation but do you ever think about how a human in the underground is like if a cryptid was randomly walking through a neighborhood for humans?
@ashleyhudson5298 5 дней назад
@rdennis1 6 дней назад
From the very beginning of the game, Toriel says that monsters living in the underground will attack humans, either out of fight-or-flight or loyalty to the King’s decree of every human that falls down must die. Attempting to murder someone and expressing themselves are not mutually exclusive behaviors, similar to someone using high-level kung fu to beat the crap out of someone. For a normal human child in an environment where everyone wants to kill them, self defense is not only justified, it’s downright expected. However, Frisk is not a normal human child. They happen to have an otherworldly cosmic power that allows them to escape death entirely and alter the outcome of any situation they find themselves in. Saying that Frisk has an obligation to preserve themselves above all else is a farcical statement due to the fact that they cannot possibly die for good, and their unlimited agency over life and death in the underground should come with the burden of unlimited responsibility. To be blunt, the issue is not fighting to survive, it’s fighting to do the right thing. Sure, they could kill a monster on accident and from an outsider perspective it could seem justified, but every monster they killed is a monster that they have the power to save and chose not to. “I understand self-defense. You were thrown into those situations against your will… …but if you have some kind of *special power*… isn’t it your responsibility to do the right thing?” - Sans, Neutral Route (after killing Papyrus)
@wildfire9280 6 дней назад
Apparently, “battles”/“encounters” are just how monsters greet each other.
@BrenninEthan903 7 дней назад
The argument of “you attacked first, so you’re wrong.” Is literally the dumbest thing ever. Idk about you, but if someone walked up to me with a weapon with the intent to hurt me and I got first move, I’m attacking before I can get harmed. I’d like to see you wait to get hit first, have fun being in pain while trying to fight back, or bleeding out on the floor! “They surrendered after you beat them up.” Wish I can say the same for myself, they seem willing to annihilate me instantly with no hesitation. And no, some random 10 year old shouldn’t be responsible for taking beatings just to spare monsters, or fixing a bunch of personal issues some of them have, and especially freeing them all BECAUSE of the sole reason of having the power to restart and refuse death. I can imagine dying still hurts, and is scarring for a child, guilt tripping a literal 10 year (looking at you mainly, Sans) because they didn’t use their power the way YOU wanted them to is not your place to judge. I wouldn’t blame Frisk for wanting to kill monsters even more after dying. If Frisk kept doing genocide on purpose over and over, THEN you’d have a point. I don’t see anyone trashing this hard on Asriel/Flowey for this, considering he had this power once too, yet never used it to amount to anything.
@TEMP-vm1mt 6 дней назад
@@BrenninEthan903 “ I don’t see anyone trashing on asriel/flowey for this” probably because Flowey didn’t have a soul and didn’t have the capacity to feel regret or love, and though it’s true, you’re not morally obligated to spare them, you don’t really lose anything from sparing them, so yeah it’s overall better to just spare them at low hp I don’t know about you but if I was attacked, then beat up my attacker, and they were begging me to let them go, I would probably let them go (or alternatively call the police but that’s not applicable in UT), and walk/run away, not my problem anymore
@BrenninEthan903 6 дней назад
@@TEMP-vm1mt they still attack after being separable, so it’s still considered self defense in that case. They don’t beg for their lives either. They also don’t care if Frisk is near death. Killing them would make Frisk stronger, I can see Frisk wanting to not take any chances on dying more and more, and wanting to be prepared for future battles.
@TEMP-vm1mt 6 дней назад
@@BrenninEthan903 they still attack after their name turning yellow true, however the fight still ends with YOUR turn, it’s still entirely up to you to kill them, and while they don’t beg for their lives, their name is in yellow, which could just be a game mechanic but since multiple characters acknowledge the fact that we control the soul in battles, I’m also inclined to believe it’s not just a game mechanic, also while they don’t spare frisk at low hp, that doesn’t make it right for frisk to do the same thing as the monsters, 2 wrongs don’t make a right, whatever happened to being the bigger person??? Also I didn’t address this earlier, but you mention frisk doing genocide on purpose, however you can’t really do genocide on accident (you have to kill 20 Monsters in the ruins to even start the route), and in genocide, any defense for frisk flies out the window, after snowdin they’re straight up smiling when they find a monster
@BrenninEthan903 6 дней назад
@@TEMP-vm1mt never said genocide could be done on accident though, really don’t know why you mentioned that. Not sure if being the bigger person can apply to this dangerous life or death situation where every monster wants to kill you, I really only meant Frisk killing monsters they meet to get stronger, so neutral. Also, I don’t think the player is a character in Undertale, people only have been saying that because of Deltarune, which are two separate games, but this is a whole new topic and we’ll be here all day talking about that.
@TEMP-vm1mt 6 дней назад
@@BrenninEthan903 sorry I misunderstood the Geno comment, the way you said on purpose over and over, kinda implied it could be done on accident
@kilixgamer9914 7 дней назад
Then how come only monsters are using their magic to "express themselves" with the human and nor any other monster
@TEMP-vm1mt 5 дней назад
Because we only see from things frisk’s perspective?
@kilixgamer9914 5 дней назад
@@TEMP-vm1mt why would we see it from another perspective? Plus frisk can see magic when it's attacked or the spear of undyne so it should be possible to see that if it was true
@thefirebeanie5481 7 дней назад
Expressing there selves with bullets ✨magic bullets✨
@yespetahirememberthetime89 7 дней назад
This is THE Frisk voice
@bucko2356 7 дней назад
This was my issue with undertale, you are the bad guy when you kill the monsters when they try to murder you so they can steal your soul.
@SubscribetoFREAKBAIT 7 дней назад
Frisk: “ok then I’m gonna express myself by killing them”
@tarvoc746 7 дней назад
No one can convince me that Shyren has any kind of murderous intent, lol.
@mettaton-x 7 дней назад
This is trying to justify the neutral and genocide route. I do not approve. While the monsters DID try to kill you, they need you, one single little human’s, soul, and they can be free for the agony they’ve been inflicted upon by humans for hundreds of years.
@redactedinfo8557 7 дней назад
i don't think the point of undertale was ever that "killing isn't justified", but moreso "violence isn't always the answer." pacifist to me has always been a story about rising above conflict and looking on both sides of the situation. killing monsters is 100% justified on your end, they're attacking you and self-defense is something that is perfectly rational. but considering what they've been through and what they're trying to accomplish killing you is also 100% justified on THEIR end. so until someone rises above this and works out a solution that helps everyone, the war between humans and monsters is going to be a continuous cycle of bloodshed with no good ending in sight. a justified action =/= best course of action also i think a lot of people are forgetting something about the monsters - when they were sealed underground they didn't immediately go into "human killing" mode, they tried to live in peace. asriel's death was the straw that broke the camel's back - that's when asgore decided that they need to take back what they lost. there's some friendly monsters, as in NPCs as well that are only there to have a chat with or sell things. gerson, sans, burgerpants, the temmies... it's just this. if the monsters win? well humanity is basically doomed. got a neutral ending? monsters are doomed to more lifetimes of suffering. pacifist ending? both sides finally make peace and live in harmony on the surface - and that's the kind of ending to strive for.
@magic2546 6 дней назад
100% correct. I'm not sure if I'm using this term correctly, but I think a lot of people here are suffering from media illiteracy, and are only seeing the game under a black and white lens.
@Musical_parks 8 дней назад
It’s frisks responsibility not to kill, having the power of immortality.
@kelpree 8 дней назад
Idk why people are treating frisk like your average frail kid. The guy had so much determination they gained the ability to reset. I mean c'mon the guy had enough determination to potentially kill all monsters or spare them I also think Frisk is more powerful than Undyne, since we were able to beat her in the pacifist run This guys willpower can be compared with spiderman or batman bro
@valentinecure329 8 дней назад
@ccarmilluwallpa 8 дней назад
Nah, Undertale's core meaning has a SERIOUS problem. I can't do anything else but agree.
@MasonAlex-f9p 8 дней назад
Is that fresc Undrtayl on thumbnail?
@hoifzf 9 дней назад
Please do a skit with Frisk and Chara
@alisaglam2465 9 дней назад
to be fair its not their fault the only way they can leave false imprisonment is by killing you. its either you or them , neither persons fault. until you start actively searching for them to kill them and also kill random innocent monters just because they where in the wrong place at the wrong time but suuuuuuuure obivously we are justified for it because some of them fight us. even tho they might not even know they are hurting you and not realising it ,even if you can just say "whoa man chill" and stop the problem or misunderstanding in 15 seconds. even if we ignore the last part you can still just talk to them for 15 seconds and make them realise their mistake , this is assuming you dont just run away (easiest and best way to stop the conflict) or not encounter them and not go out of your way to kill innocent and avoidable ones. there are definitely cases where its just a me or you encounter where you dont or might not realise you have a choice , you might be scared (talked from the prespective of someone lost in an unfamiliar place) but acting like you cant just run away from 90% of these or just tell them to stop is just trying to justify murder , this is once again assuming you dont go out of your way to murder them (also yea you dont get a pass for murder if you commit murder in a situation where you can just talk for 15 seconds and end the problem)
@nappa1381 9 дней назад
Screw it, I’ll join the flame war. If someone’s method of expressing themselves causes you physical harm, you have no obligation to be friendly to them. Literally every monster in undertale, sans (ha) Papyrus will kill you if you’re not careful. Ergo, killing in self defense, regardless of the intentions of your attacker, is justified. And don’t give me that “you’re basically immortal so it’s okay” schtick. One, neither the player or Frisk know that initially. Two, the monsters don’t know that. Three, even if you do know you can’t really die, dying is still very painful and can be very traumatic, especially for a child. So even if you’re “immortal,” you have no obligation to go through dying over and over again on the off chance you can save someone else, especially if they’re actively hurting you and causing you to die. TL:DR: You have no obligation to help someone who is hurting you, intentionally or not.
@TEMP-vm1mt 8 дней назад
@@nappa1381 Papyrus is literally incapable of killing you, also he spares you on low hp so papyrus is kinda the one exception
@BrenninEthan903 7 дней назад
@@TEMP-vm1mtsort of, but he still beats a little kid to a pulp before trapping them in a cage. Also if Frisk stayed trap, Undyne would end up killing Frisk in it. Purposely or not, Papyrus would get you killed.
@TEMP-vm1mt 7 дней назад
@@BrenninEthan903 but the thing is you can easily escape the trap and refight papyrus, where at low HP he will spare you and let you go, if you lose 2 more times papyrus will literally let you skip his fight, granted papyrus is doing the wrong thing, but in my opinion it doesn’t warrant murder especially when there is another option, TLDR: Killing papyrus isn’t justifiable
@BrenninEthan903 7 дней назад
@@TEMP-vm1mt Papyrus doesn’t know you can just easily escape his cage though. He thinks he made the cage good, because he’s just goofy. Papyrus still had the intent to leave you trapped in there, then turn you in to Undyne so she can kill you and he becomes a Royal guard member. He may not kill you, but he still beats you to a pulp and leaves you in a painful state before shoving you into a cage. But killing him after he offers to skip his fight is no longer justified in killing him, as you chose to fight him and kill him.
@nappa1381 5 дней назад
@@TEMP-vm1mt The problem with your argument is you’re operating on the knowledge you already have. A new player won’t have that knowledge. They don’t know Papyrus won’t kill them. They don’t know if getting captured will end with them being killed. Either way, you can easily argue that the player is justified in attacking Papyrus if they believe their life is in danger because of him.
@omnicrete7470 9 дней назад
Frisk a literal child getting stabbed/burned/shot defends themselves The game: Time to go to the BAD PERSON CORNER
@robertwyatt3912 6 дней назад
They don’t get hurt, their soul does.
@Бобёр-ю8г 4 дня назад
@@robertwyatt3912 and _their_ soul is a part of...?
@robertwyatt3912 4 дня назад
@@Бобёр-ю8г nothing. You literally see it leave their body every time a battle begins
@HumanoidDerpling День назад
@@robertwyatt3912 Bro, that's not literally what happens. The battle system is all symbolic, and the soul obviously represents Frisk.
@TEMP-vm1mt День назад
@@HumanoidDerpling no it doesn’t characters such as papyrus mentioning the red heart during the hangout and other monsters make active reference to the battle menu it’s not just a symbolic, or game mechanic thing
@Alizamk1 9 дней назад
honestly undertale does a horrible job making you feel bad for anyone you kill outside of the genocide route
@nathanpierce7681 9 дней назад
i love the idea that flowey agrees with frisk on some level about the whole "their magic is actively dangerous to be around unless they go through the effort to make it harmless" but is willing to gaslight them into thinking they're in the wrong so that he can ultimately become asriel
@ashisalrtaken 9 дней назад
make more
@Healion123 9 дней назад
I was so expecting this to be a solid argument that none of the monsters are actually doing anything harmful to us, & just emphasizing the idea that the player is just being an a-hole if they choose to kill but this is just as good
@Cumrel 10 дней назад
Napstablook literally shows us gray-colored magic that can make stuff without hurting anyone, INCLUDING monsters. They are not fucking immune to magic attacks.
@jasonjasso666 10 дней назад
I used to believe monsters in Undertale were hypocritical in attacking the human, but now I see the matter through the context of racial division and a people forced to such extremes because of their oppressors. If your people were trapped and the only KNOWN way to set them free was to kill 7 of the opposition, you’d be a fool to let 7 live for the price of 100s continuously suffering. It’s like the Batman not killing the Joker thing, in the specific sense that not killing is the worst option. While Undertale does encourage sparing and pacifism, it’s not blind to the fact these things get messy sometimes. Perhaps monsters shouldn’t be so eager to kill a human they don’t know, but similarly perhaps a descendent of the humans should be the one to show kindness first, righting a wrong in a way.
@Hazewhite 6 дней назад
why should a kid that had nothing to do with the events that got the monster trapped be the one to accept people trying to kill them
@therisenone1513 10 дней назад
I love this
@CatSlapps 10 дней назад
Ok guys I want to hear you thoughts on this ➖do you think dusttale is justified➖
@CatSlapps 10 дней назад
For me it no,I don’t know why people are so quick forgetful for it .
@TEMP-vm1mt 5 дней назад
I don’t see why Dusttale would be justified in any way shape or form???
@CatSlapps 5 дней назад
Don’t get me started about the fandom 😭😭😭 face about him.
@clayjay2753 10 дней назад
Thats what ticked me off the most... I never understood why Monster need an "ability" to express themselves via dangerous attacks and shit, instead of simply talking in the beginning. They only do the talking when the battle is going for long or when you do genocide, which is stupid tbf
@magic2546 6 дней назад
I kind of just assumed magic was used for both self expression and combat. I don't understand why that's so hard to comprehend.
@clayjay2753 6 дней назад
@@magic2546 Well thats my problem, why do they need magic to express themselves. Why cant they express themselves with words?
@magic2546 6 дней назад
@@clayjay2753 Let me make myself more clear. There are likely non lethal ways to use magic in order to express yourself. Napstablook might even prove this if you look at his "sorry, not feeling up to it right now" attack. But sense most enemies are actively trying to kill you, they use lethal magic instead.
@clayjay2753 6 дней назад
@@magic2546 No dude you dont get what I meant, I asked WHY do they need to resort to magic in order to express themselves, not HOW they do it.
@magic2546 6 дней назад
@@clayjay2753 Is there any reason they can't use magic to express themselves? It was just an extra bit of flavor text to add world building. I don't understand why you're acting like that can't exist for some reason.
@txco_mochx_cat_yt 10 дней назад
1:03 why is no one talking about the straight up homestuck sprite here bro
@FireyDeath4 10 дней назад
Lol, it's like in Touhou but actually deadly
@magic2546 6 дней назад
Pretty much.
@dard2240 10 дней назад
Papyrus is only exception(and thoes with dump attacks), if we don't look at the fact that he still beats Frisk almost to death before putting into his prison.