Kumar Entran
Kumar Entran
Kumar Entran
Futsal Best man Club Kumar14
6 лет назад
Futsal BolaBola Best Man Club
6 лет назад
Giethoorn Boat ride, Netherlands
8 лет назад
Preikestolen Pulpit Rock, Norway
9 лет назад
Bubu Keshveen go Kopitam
10 лет назад
Bahaya Rasuah Dan Korupsi
10 лет назад
T-Rex kissing Neethiya
10 лет назад
Neethiya Kjosfossen Waterfall flam
11 лет назад
Flam Fjord Norway Neethiya Kumar14
11 лет назад
Flam Fjords with Neethiya Norway
11 лет назад
Flam Fjords with Neethiya Norway 2
11 лет назад
Flamsbana waterfall Myrdal
11 лет назад
Bergen Floibanen View with Neethiya
11 лет назад
@supandian988 2 дня назад
The British were beating us and used all the resources to rescue the Jewish people in Europe
@spardaprowess3277 25 дней назад
We're gonna enter the saltworks! You're gonna eat stick !
@ErwinDulmin-tw5th 4 месяца назад
@ErwinDulmin-tw5th 4 месяца назад
@ifinallyfoundthebeef 6 месяцев назад
The UK and the USA have brought problems to ever country they have touched.
@el_chico1313 9 месяцев назад
show that to the pro palestine psychopaths
@NecromancerTO 11 месяцев назад
More nerve touching than any of Tom Cruise’s action movies
@nbgrooms Год назад
Like how the reporter took the side of the freedom fighters and knew exactly what to do at the end.
@SiriusMined Год назад
It's a shame it was cut off before he says India is free
@christopherjames375 Год назад
Yea I bet there was a few stitches delt out .
@alexanderblack827 2 года назад
No more goddamn ads!!!
@ianfortuna9385 2 года назад
This is the way of cowards and weaklings
@Angyali Год назад
Beating the bloody shit out of people who take a stand for their prosperity and human rights is barbaric, and it is truly the way of cowards and weaklings. And oppressive tyrannts.
@ianfortuna9385 Год назад
@@Angyali that’s why they should’ve fought back with violence
@ianfortuna9385 Год назад
@@Angyali not behaved like lambs to the slaughter
@m3mario 2 года назад
One thing we don't talk about often, is that Indian Policemen sided with the British government, beat and killed Indian protesters. While there were Britishers(though few) who sided with India, stood with Gandhi or supported Indians in various ways that are now forgotten. The color of the skin does not determine who fought for the Indian Freedom struggle.
@SiriusMined Год назад
Here's your sea lion sticker
@JonathanXLindqviust 9 месяцев назад
Do not blame the slave for using his slavery. He is born in a goldfish-tank. Blame those who have education, perspective, who make a genuine choice. They are the danger
@m3mario 9 месяцев назад
@@JonathanXLindqviust you have a very wrong understanding of British rule in India. They were no slaves. Any Indian could get educated under the British empire and become a lawyer or doctor or anything. Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore was given the Sir title by the queen and white police men saluted him. Any of these police men could quit their job any time they want. These people pursued a police job and were proud of it. That’s very far from slavery.
@deborahminter6231 7 месяцев назад
The movie makes it clear that Indians were working for the British police too.
@legofan2.086 4 месяца назад
@alrent2992 2 года назад
That's not how you do a protest! Duh! 🙄
@rockwithsable 2 года назад
Our grandparents was so strong...why we are so week.
@Kausarniyazee 2 года назад
From the facial expressions you can make out that the guards are way more stressed than protesters. Physical blows were on protestors bodies but the real painful blows were on the conscience of guards. If you don’t believe imagine this - you are hitting your brother, uncle, friend especially when they are peacefully asking for what is their right and do not hit back. It will kill you from inside if you are human.
@waisislam6470 2 года назад
It’s a shame India today under PM Modi and RSS influence has become nothing short of a far worse regime than British rule with its Hindutva extremist brutality towards minorities such as Muslims and low caste Hindus. The world must take notice the detention centres designed to silence uprising by the severely oppressed innocent Muslim citizens.
@KSM16288 2 года назад
I think controlling your anger against enemy is most difficult than getting angry and killed your enemy.... Gandhi was very much luckey may be he was godsend that's why this all happened...
@Meatwaggon 3 года назад
This is the real problem: the West thinking that it ever held any moral ascendency at all, at any time in history.
@jorgelorenzo3135 3 года назад
I have watched this movie several times and I think of MLK and and what he and many thousands of others had to endure. I look at all of the countries that are protesting for their Independence and freedom and look at what Mr. Gandhi did with non violent non corporation.
@Winchester1973 2 года назад
True. And here come BLMs and turn everything racist again via identity politics… There‘s none of the forgiveness and love left of which MLK dreamed…
@markross2124 8 месяцев назад
Do you think MLK was killed by a conspiracy, I do
@Dist161 3 года назад
@COUPEntertainment 3 года назад
Ashli Babbitt was murdered
@fatassdogs8617 3 года назад
Too bad today’s protest from both sides can’t be this peaceful
@georgeabraham5672 3 года назад
Makes me cry. Martin Sheen acted well
@Sbannmarie 2 года назад
love him
@vichuboy11 3 года назад
A great movie and a great scene Always moves me thinking of the essential good in human biengs
@abetheconservationist595 3 года назад
A time when the real-life Air Nomads fought against the real-life Fire Nation.
@akshaychaturvedi5656 3 года назад
😭😭😭😭😭😭 god have mercy on them
@adnaansheikh1 3 года назад
My father was a teenager during this time and says he participated in one of these protests. He says he got clubbed once and knocked down. He said this seen was an accurate depiction of the event.
@vernpursley 3 года назад
God bless him. Thank you!
@Sbannmarie 2 года назад
God bless him sir
@mulls100 2 года назад
@deborahminter6231 7 месяцев назад
😯 You father should write an autobiographical article of his experience there!
@chaplainpaulvescio1417 3 года назад
@johnnyb7628 3 года назад
We need to do something like this. Soldiers and police won't keep attacking peaceful protesters.
@chrismc410 2 года назад
@@johnnyb7628 and given U.S. history, they'll probably get those things the hard way. Easy way, relatively speaking: Gandhi's and MLK Jr's. way as seen here. Hard way: people take up arms and take their rights due them by force and a lot of bloodshed on both sides
@durwinpocha2488 3 года назад
Peaceful disruption is the only means to turn wrong upon itself! It goes on and on, STOP!
@chrismc410 2 года назад
Rounds downrange toward the oppressors as history has also shown, likewise works too as Qaddafi, Ceausecu, Pol Pot, Heydrich, Hitler, Nicholas II, Louis XVI, and George III found out the hard way. I have a feeling before i die, I'll see Kim Jong Un added to that list. Jury is still out on Putin. While bad, he hasn't quite risen to the level of those other guys yet, justifying such measures. While Gandhi said "Truth and love away always wins" another saying is also true when the former fails: "When peaceful protest is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable"---John F. Kennedy. Libya, Romania, Cambodia, then- Nazi Czechkoslovakia, Nazi Germany, Imperial Russia, Monarchist France and Colonial America all successfully demonstrated the latter
@gobimurugesan2411 3 года назад
Inside of those sticks are filled with iron to hit hard. People died in stick hits...😓
@capncake8837 Месяц назад
That makes sense. I was wondering why the men got hurt so much just from one hit.
@Roonlovesfish3874 3 года назад
This holds so true for the current situation of the great country.
@NemoKrish 3 года назад
I guess you are right
@pratikwaghmare9032 3 года назад
Then you don't even understand what British were doing to us!! Learn your history well man, don't just watch RU-vid and have an opinion!!
@Roonlovesfish3874 3 года назад
@@pratikwaghmare9032 Since you seem to comprehend more than us and is well-read on 'our' history, please humour us with your understanding. Even some snippets will do.
@pratikwaghmare9032 3 года назад
@@Roonlovesfish3874 Come on dude!! There is whole lot between a colonial economy, polity and administration and democratic one!! Isn't it obvious ?? For example : The above scene is a part of the civil disobedience movement ( including disobedience of salt laws)!! Where do you find restrictions on salt laws today for Indians?
@Roonlovesfish3874 3 года назад
@@pratikwaghmare9032 You thought I was talking about restrictions of salt laws by the then government and comparing it with now? Well, I wasn't. I guess you do get what I am trying to incite with my initial comment. Or maybe you are not critical of the hypocritical way the BJP government runs the country bordering on similar principles the British did.
@ajayrulezzz 4 года назад
If only the 2020 protests could use this idea to make some cops look bad
@Shadowdoc26 4 года назад
Antifa, take notes. This is what an actual peaceful protest looks like.
@GoutamDAS-ls1wb 3 года назад
Great comment! Not just Antifa--white Supremacists, BLM, Trump loyalists, Maoists observe and learn what a peaceful, nonviolent, noncooperation looks like and can achieve!
@NotCthulhu 3 года назад
You will never learn.
@stevenbluestone2014 3 года назад
@@GoutamDAS-ls1wb Perfectly said. Rather than trying to figure out whether "the evil people" are these are those, let us encourage such active civil disobedience from all spheres of the popular. Good will shine forth from this sort of activism. Don't even hate silly young people who call themselves "Nazis". And Certainly don't fight them. Encourage them to stand up for their claimed principles by showing the world that they are willing to sacrifice for their ideals. I have no doubt that only a good cause can mobilize thousands of people to practice Ahimsa -- self sacrifice without sacrificing others. And this I know for sure, any philosophy that includes a moral justification for violence against someone who is non-violent is a philosophy with rot at its core. Even if we believe that violence is justified against individuals who themselves engage in violence, history has taught us with absolute clarity that violence against those whose crimes are nothing more than speech or writings in support of evil is a greater evil. The lesser reason for that is because most of those people still have a conscience and can be turned around by our show of disobedience-without-violence. The greater reason is that when free speech ends, tyranny begins. My grandma is a survivor of Auschwitz and that is why I came to study the subject and now teach it. And I am saying with complete confidence that any and all of us are endangered when we allow even the worst of us (say people who support a violent jihad or crusade) to have their rights taken away. One who wishes to bring more light into the lives of humankind would not do it by fighting the darkness but by being a light.
@learntospellpeople 3 года назад
Shadow Doc You people are such tools.
@elizabethcavin9605 2 года назад
@@GoutamDAS-ls1wb I don't know what you mean by "Trump loyalists" but I voted for President Trump and I would never, ever condone the rampant looting, violence, burning, vandalism, assault and killing that went on for months with BLM/Antifa thugs. I also have not seen mobs of Trump supporters doing the same thing. Also, the US and the world was very much better off with Trump than it has been since the progressive socialist commie Democrats under senile Biden took control.
@neethiyaktr 4 года назад
Wow...what a beautiful voice 😂
@asahelmarin9324 4 года назад
Black lives matter should watch this
@NotCthulhu 3 года назад
I hope you find peace.
@Karthikeyan-TNPSC-Maths 4 года назад
It was Webb Miller , the journalist who exposed the imperialistic and brutal face of Britain to the world during Dandi march and Darshana Salt Satyagraha. He was one potraited in this scene conveying the brutality of Britain to American Newspapers.
@Angyali Год назад
And what did he accomplish with it in the end?
@CrunchyNapkins Год назад
@@Angyali a lot
@alexiaNBC 10 месяцев назад
@@Angyali Got a strong reaction from president FDR who chided Winston Churchill for its brutal policies towards Indians and urged him to recognize its independence during the war.
@gobimurugesan2411 Месяц назад
People stopped supporting this colonial siht​@@Angyali
@cristianibarra7631 4 года назад
This is basically happening in America right now
@Shadowdoc26 4 года назад
Don't compare rioters and looters to these guys.
@qlder0284 4 года назад
Do you honestly believe that Gandhi would be in favour of looting and setting cars and people's businesses on fire?
@NotCthulhu 3 года назад
@@Shadowdoc26 Stop blaming others for your own problems.
@Shadowdoc26 3 года назад
@@NotCthulhu I’m Not the one breaking windows or setting cars on fire
@NotCthulhu 3 года назад
@@Shadowdoc26 Maybe not personally but you seem very supportive of the alt-right who are doing those things.
@tommym321 4 года назад
Not quite the same thing as posting something on Facebook is it.
@VikramSingh-cl1oi 5 лет назад
Ye Gandhi baba ki murkhta thi jo sero ko bhedo se pitva raha rha kash neta g subhash chander bose ki baat ghandi g man lete to hindustan aakhand Or saktishali rahta
@immortal98638 4 года назад
@VikramSingh-cl1oi 4 года назад
@@immortal98638 bilkul sach any sak
@vishalbharti6198 4 года назад
Beta pehle jao thoda history padh lo
@VikramSingh-cl1oi 4 года назад
@@vishalbharti6198 dear kon si history pde jo angrejo ne apni manmarji se likhi h
@VikramSingh-cl1oi 4 года назад
@@vishalbharti6198 desh ko aajad DESHNAYAK NETA G SUBHASH CHANDER BOSE ki AAJAD HIND FOJ ne kraya h Or ye baat every indian ko pta honi chahiye
@jackj6457 5 лет назад
I believe such courage deserves nothing less than admiration, in Newfoundland we must always show we are not merely imperial subjects but also a proud and ancient race of people, dependent on the sea, let us never forget the humility of Commission of Government or the collapse of the cod fishery which drove us out of our ancient fishing grounds and into grinding poverty
@derekthomas8529 3 года назад
Hey there skipper ... Here's a little feedback from the Us ... Somewhere near the Red River ... You may think it's Goofy , but the Man in the Moon ... Is a Newfie ! and he Sails around in Glory ... Away in his Golden Dory ! Thought you might like this One ... the Whole dern family is from around about ... Grandfalls , Cornerbrook and Badger ...
@SvenAERTS 5 лет назад
The United Nations International #NonViolenceDay 2 October birthday of Mahatma Gandhi who lead the Indian people to freedom from under Colonialism.
@spidi22245783 5 лет назад
The english people dont even have to make there hands dirty. Because some idiots keep there own people down.
@neethiyaktr 5 лет назад
Superb scene Ille. Suryavukku nenju sali
@kumarentran 5 лет назад
Didn't u see me doing this in BaskinRobbins?
@neethiyaktr 5 лет назад
@@kumarentran 😍
@nandhakarmegam4782 5 лет назад
@kumarentran 5 лет назад
Minute 29
@kumarentran 5 лет назад
Minute 13.10
@NemoKrish 6 лет назад
This made me cry
@Roonlovesfish3874 3 года назад
Me too!
@mrsecret5414 6 лет назад
I like it
@nodinitiative 6 лет назад
These brown bastards were lucky that those were not SS guards.
@namelessking6540 6 лет назад
nodinitiative he was so courageous he would walk into Nazis. Courage of my people 💪🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
@Marcusx1980 6 лет назад
nodinitiative The SS would have welcomed them with open arms, you nimrod. Read about Hind Azad.
@mistermax3034 6 лет назад
@JohnBehrens118 6 лет назад
When your oppressors create famines that kill millions of your countrymen it's not hard to see why many would support the country that is trying to take them down, even if said country is responsible for unspeakable war crimes - just like how the West allied with the Soviet Union. Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same extremely evil coin.
@mistermax3034 6 лет назад
nodinitiative Then again, they didn't.
@swimemail9109 6 лет назад
This is what makes change. Please stop fighting fire with fire..
@chrismc410 3 года назад
Sometimes there's no other choice but to fight fire with fire. The more recent examples being Romania, Libya, current Syria. Unfortunately, I don't think Non-violent protest like how Gandhi and MLK demonstrated will work nowadays. Far too many governments and despots all too willing to kill however many people it takes to maintain power and not care about world opinions. The moment a tyrant/regime has made it clear they are willing to kill however many people it takes to maintain power and control, simply seeking change is no longer enough. It then becomes a matter of survival as well as change. A subjugated people at that point has little choice but to.fight fire with fire. The subjugated think, and not wrongly logically speaking, they're dead anyway, at least they'd have a fighting chance with violence
@cappycapyt 2 года назад
@@chrismc410 Non violence is best when you wanna avoid response in return but when situation is not willing then take on arms. In India people realsied true face of Gandhi he was a british puppet then why he had sent india soldiers to fight for brits in WW1 and WW2.
@derekrulez390527 2 года назад
@@cappycapyt cuz they lied and promised independence if they fought for the British. Regardless of the cruelty of the British, the Japanese empire showed much more cruelty in how they treated Indian pows. I'm sure Germany wouldn't exactly be particularly emphatic either.
@cappycapyt 2 года назад
@@derekrulez390527 Everyone knew that British won't be true that's why only Gandhi followers died not the true people who fought for independence. Netaji Bose knew india needs to get independence on it's own and he tried best got hold of north-east
@derekrulez390527 2 года назад
@@cappycapyt well no not really. A lot of soldiers that went were the ones already in military and were against gandhi because they were defending the British. Also, many people joined not just for gandhi but for financial reasons as that was the only way they could get money for family. Remember the Bengal famine was happening as well and joining the military judt to get food was happening. The British Def did bad shit but they don't compare to Japan nor Germany who would've and did commit many atrocities against Indian people. Bose had good ideas but he was wrong for allying with Japan. The Japanese would use captured Indian POW for bayonet practice. They would routinely kill Indian soldiers captured post battle. They tortured them and forced them to work as slave labor. They were actively trying to invade India and got all the way to Burma, while looting, pillaging, and raping Indian villages along the way. I would recommend you not listen to the new wave propaganda that is sweeping India trying to rewrite history. This is happening in India because the government thinks that the participation of Indian soldiers in WW2 fighting with the British was shameful. They don't even acknowledge the veterans of that war today because of that. They spread lies and elevate people like Bose instead of Gandhi to distract from the fact that the majority of Indians sided with Gandhi and the British. It's all pure propaganda and if you would like I have some interviews with ww2 veterans I can show you