get ready to be schooled !!!

Just a 21yo boy who wants to share his passion for music :)
Pokémon Fake OST - Route 3 (HGSS Soundfont)
9 месяцев назад
Pokémon Fake OST - Arrow Cave (HGSS Soundfont)
11 месяцев назад
2 Hours of Relaxing Video Game Music
Год назад
2 Hours of Relaxing Pokémon Music
Год назад
@LeoAceMusic Месяц назад
@d-guy.9770 Месяц назад
@nessie-from-earthbound1601 2 месяца назад
Comment for the algorithm, frankly great selection
@lastaball 2 месяца назад
This masterpiece only has 290 views, it deserves to have 5 million views and likes
@SaltheSalleyface 3 месяца назад
00:01 我還記得去年搬新家的時候我因為好奇就四處逛逛,但走到房間的時候我徹底懵了! 01:25​ 然後我在逛逛小房間的時候就回憶起了小時候保姆把我關禁閉的場面,雖然有些害怕但我還是下定決心遇到什麼不開心的事情或者是皮皮無緣無故來找我訴苦的時候就把自己關禁閉就好了! 02:54​ 睡覺的時候皮皮問我小時候照顧過我的保姆怎麼了,為何要把自己關禁閉的時候我就回答:(我想她的心智有問題,經常把我關禁閉只是要嚇嚇我而已,沒想到這次是真的)後來那個經常把我關禁閉保姆在3年前就被送去了精神病院,出院後保姆執照就被工作人員以虐待嬰兒為由給吊銷了! 05:41​ 晚上吃晚餐的時候我發現地上閃閃發光的,低頭一看竟然是一個手電筒,而且還是全自動的 07:51​ 當情緒失控的金寶三突然無緣無故罵我王八蛋的時候我有多生氣,因為我的脾氣真的很不好,只要一句話是讓我火冒三丈的我就一定會當場爆炸 10:00​ 後來我去看心理醫生的時候,心理醫生跟我說我的脾氣是很容易被影響的 12:00 然後我玩了一會兒心理遊戲後心情就好很多了!而且上操作課的時候我越來越順手了,幾片拼圖都能輕鬆搞定 13:16​ 雨琦跟舒華為了讓我心情大好,晚上特地請我去吃麥當勞漢堡、薯條、和奶茶,這些都讓我心滿意足,吃飽喝足後還要去湯姆熊玩夾娃娃機,因為皮皮有時候在醫院暫時不在家、爸爸有時候會去參加同學的尾牙根本不會管我 14:35​ 在回家的路上一經過加油站我和雨琦同時用歌聲唱笑一個給舒華加油打氣讓舒華每天都笑嘻嘻的,因為舒華發現自己的愛車載我跟雨琦去湯姆熊的時候快要沒油了讓舒華心情看起來很苦惱! 16:16​ "Cianwood City" from Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver 19:11​ "Cobalt Coastlands 2" from Pokemon Legends Arceus 22:34​ "Cogita's Retreat" from Pokemon Legends Arceus 26:03​ "Coronet Highlands Base" from Pokemon Legends Arceus 28:18​ "Coumarine City" from Pokemon X & Y 30:17​ "Crimson Mirelands 1" from Pokemon Legends Arceus 34:19​ "Dreamyard" from Pokemon Black & White 36:46​ "Ecruteak City" from Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver 39:29​ "Emotion" from Pokemon Legends Arceus 41:49​ "Eterna City (Day)" from Pokemon Brillant Diamond & Shining Pearl 43:35​ 去年的跨年夜我獨自一個人去山洞尋找年獸的時候小貓怪背上的體毛突然發著十分刺眼的光芒 44:56​ 剛走到最底層就發現年獸就在裡面睡大頭覺,處於害怕自己會被年獸吃掉就找了地方躲起來 47:17​ 結果還沒躲多久就因為小貓怪的光芒太光亮而被年獸發現了 48:28​ "Floccesy Town" from Pokemon Black & White 2 50:28​ "Freezington" from Pokemon Sword & Shield 51:55​ "Geosense Town" from Pokemon X & Y 53:45​ "Goldenrod City" from Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver 54:24​ "Hearthome City (Day)" from Pokemon Brillant Diamond & Shining Pearl 55:21​ "Humilau Gym" from Pokemon Black & White 2 57:03​ "Jubilife City (Night)" from Pokemon Brillant Diamond & Shining Pearl 58:43​ "Jubilife Village 3" from Pokemon Legends
@SaltheSalleyface 3 месяца назад
1:07:52 我記得在俞真媽媽的葬禮上,俞真最近在生什麼氣,我明明已經對員瑛這麼好了,還把媽媽的事都怪在我的頭上,回到家後我坐在餐桌的椅子上好好的想一想俞真為什麼生氣 1:09:44 後來我吃晚餐的時候從員瑛打電話得知了俞真生氣的真相,原來俞真這麼生氣是因為被自己的媽媽當成奴隸對待,但她的媽媽已經去世了她的怒氣一直沒有消停 1:10:58 直到我在儲物間裡發現了一把遲遲沒有還大開山刀這才知道俞真生氣不是因為被當成奴隸的事,而是我遲遲沒有把藏在家裡3年的開山刀還給俞真 1:12:08 到了隔天我在放學回家的路上遇到了怒氣已全消的俞真,剛好我準備要把藏在書包裡的開山刀還給她,誰知道俞真拿到開山刀並給我說謝謝後轉身跑走了!這讓我大吃一驚,但我並沒有把她追回來,而是鞠躬後轉身離開 1:12:58 還有一次俞真第一次去學芭蕾舞的時候,她的舞蹈老師對她如此嚴格,各種懲罰都讓俞真氣得火冒三丈的,從那之後俞真就不想學芭蕾舞了!因為她深怕自己跟皮皮一樣一聽到有人批評自己就突然爆發 1:15:03 還有一次是在唱Blue Jeans這首歌的時候都會非常快樂 1:16:45 我跟舒華外出散步的時候看到伊布在對舒華搖尾巴撒嬌 1:18:41 我發現員瑛最近怪怪的,比如說早餐是吃可可麥片的時候都會開心的像隻貓咪一樣一直對我瘋狂撒嬌 1:19:43 "Nuvema Town" from Pokemon Black & White 2 1:21:22 "Obsidian Fieldlands 1" from Pokemon Legends Arceus 1:25:23 "South Province (Walking)" from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 1:26:50 "East Province (Walking)" from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 1:28:09 "West Province (Walking)" from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 1:29:12 "Aspertia City" from Pokémon Black & White 2 1:30:28 "Route 10" from Pokemon Black & White 1:31:38 "Route 1" from Pokemon Black & White 1:32:17 "Undella Town (Spring)" from Pokemon Black & White 1:33:21 "Pokemon Center (Night)" from Pokemon Brillant Diamond & Shining Pearl 1:34:48 "League (Day)" from Pokemon Brillant Diamond & Shining Pearl 1:36:00 "Fortree City" from Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire 1:36:46 另外一次是因為我殺了人又證據不足直接被皮皮送去了韓國首爾的精神病院,Minji成為了我的主治醫生,每次我跟她交談的時候我都不記得皮皮生日當天所發生的事將自己的內心封鎖起來 1:37:42 還有一次是在去年萬聖夜闖鬼屋的時候我連女鬼的包裹還沒有撿起一旁的員瑛跟LiZ早已被耿鬼和詛咒娃娃的叫聲嚇到哭起來了!這時女鬼們飄過來查看情況時我就站有站相、低著頭的等待導演的責罵,直到我突然聽到導演對我說(把地上的包裹撿起來交給女鬼)這才回過神來趕緊把包裹撿起來並交給女鬼後就帶著兩個愛哭鬼逃出了鬼屋 1:38:45 誰知道我因為跑步的姿勢超級奇怪像一隻掛起來的猴子被攝影師大哥給錄到了!我看到後才發現自己被惡整了!還是以笑來帶過 1:39:45 最後在勇闖鬼屋的幕後花絮中,製作組正在跟I'VE成員們討論如何要給我驚喜時員瑛跟Liz聽到自己一定要在我的旁邊哭出來才有Feel就異口同聲的說(我們做不到) 1:40:42 皮皮把我接回家後我因為過度疲憊暈倒在床上呼呼大睡,等我再次醒來已經是晚上了!而且我聞到香味,走出去查看發現皮皮為了讓我好好休息,特地在廚房裏給我煮一碗熱稀飯,讓我感覺心暖暖的 1:41:36 前幾天我在韓國首爾和Haerin她們一起去鬼混嗎,我不知道為什麼Haerin突然發了瘋似的,突然用貓爪子抓了一下我的身體,害我疼到滿地打滾,還好有Hanni和Minji在一旁心疼我,後來我回到酒店才得知Haerin是在聚餐的時候被一隻死去的野貓附身了才會一怒之下把我給抓傷的!我也很生氣,但卻在成員的目光下無可奈何,玩的時候還挺開心的,結果玩著玩著就出大事了! 1:42:58 到了隔天早上Minji跟Hanni就叫我起床然後開著救護車車送我去醫院做進一步的檢查Hyein Danielle和Haerin也是緊隨其後,到了醫院醫生看了看傷口後就說需要貼縫合創可貼,並讓Haerin好好的修剪一下指甲,說完醫生就走了,我剛回到救護車上就聽到對面傳來Haerin的哭泣聲,我想已經恢復正常的Haerin知道自己傷害了我,就流下了十分愧疚的淚水,我走過去安慰她,但這次Haerin沒有把我的手抓疼,並任由我撫摸自己的頭來安撫自己,因為她知道我是靠手吃飯和做運動的 1:44:26 回到精神病院我跟著主治醫生Minji的腳步來到了精神病院的後院,看到好多精神病患者在那裡玩耍,但其中一個精神病患者拿著籃球跑過來想要跟我一起玩,我也是開開心心的答應了,心想也許我偶爾跟他們一起玩又不會怎麼樣 1:47:24 後來我玩累了之後我就躺在蘋果樹底下休息、偶爾聽聽Hanni彈吉他也不錯或者是吃一顆從樹上掉下來的蘋果 1:48:25 誰知道我因為睡過頭糊里糊塗的被救護車送回了皮皮家 1:48:56 回到皮皮家之後,皮皮一看到我並沒有感到很驚訝,而是衝著我大聲咆哮,似乎是在譴責我為何要殺人,但爸爸就不一樣了一看到我就跑過去給我一個熱情的擁抱 1:50:09 上床睡覺的時候我總是感覺身體怎麼癢癢的,起身一看是抓痕好像發炎了!接著我下床去地下室的急救箱找繃帶,結果繃帶沒有找到,還找到了一個備用紗布和一個外用藥膏,把傷口包扎好之後感覺舒服多了! 1:50:56 我終於知道俞真的前男友要跟俞真吵架了!是因為他跟她說話的態度真的很不好,去年年底我跟皮皮陪俞真一起買水果的時候意外買到了一個榴槤,雖然聞起來很臭,但吃起來卻非常香甜,我想是因為榴槤前男友才會在河邊跟俞真吵架的,然後皮皮提醒我不要插嘴我就不插嘴 1:52:44 晚上我還為了俞真的安全起見特地將俞真吃剩的榴槤當作飯後點心給吃下肚了!結果我因為有口臭被員瑛的一句話給嫌棄了 1:53:42 我聽了也是蹲在地上哭得溪裡嘩啦的,此時員瑛突然看到一隻純白色的小動物從門口跑了過去,我、員瑛和卡通貓見狀也是拼了命的追,追到公園的時候追了老半天竟才發現然是一隻被媽媽拋棄的狐狸寶寶,我本想把它送回家但被騎自行車閃過的Haerin給搶先一步了!這讓我又急又氣 1:55:25 隔天早上,我一起來吃早餐的時候聽到有人按門鈴,透過貓眼就看到Haerin 抱著一隻昨天遇到的狐狸寶寶來迎接我了! 1:57:03 恰好被關在籠子裡的珍珠雞皮皮放在了桌子上,我從桌子上拿到珍珠雞的時候狐狸寶寶早已被飢餓沖昏了頭腦,本想嘗一口但被Haerin緊緊抱住不能動彈了! 2:02:53 還有一次是我爸爸常常有事情找皮皮的時候會習慣大喊皮皮的名字,我拍床叫她過去嘛,她竟然邊打電動邊嘴硬的跟我說:(我不要、給我閉嘴、別煩我)這三句話,直到爸爸不耐煩了我才將皮皮手上的電動交給自己保管並讓皮皮去找我爸爸談事情,那就說明愛玩電動和線上遊戲的皮皮跟我說話的態度很差勁,跟平常在咖啡店打工的自己沒啥區別 2:04:11 還有每一次皮皮找我爸爸訴苦的時候我爸爸都會表現得非常激動,尤其是有關股票的事爸爸聽了就氣得火冒三丈罵了皮皮幾句話後就走了,臨走前還提醒我在下週四中午的時候將皮皮被送去精神病院做心理治療 2:05:05 他盡管對我的要求的態度很強硬,我也最終還是尊重他的想法,說幹就幹 2:05:58後來我剛送皮皮去精神病院之後我筋疲力盡的躺在床上回想著等一下會發生的快樂事,比如說爸爸為了獎勵我,想要買比薩請我吃
@phatlas03 3 месяца назад
We need more stuff like this. Love the play on words here
@BombR 3 месяца назад
ty ! actually the play on words is totally unintentional haha (I had the idea when I was searching for the original cover art and Google just suggested me Ditto the Pokemon lol)
@fluffyou9276 4 месяца назад
You should work for the Minecraft mod, Cobblemon. Have your music as an option for the in game music for battling, or near healers (pokecenter type of thing) or near bells (town themes). You'd be an amazing fit! (I don't work for or on Cobblemon (sadly), this is just my opinion.)
@alhadeff9797 5 месяцев назад
Nice tune! Makes me wanna check out the others! Have a good new years's eve :)
@BombR 5 месяцев назад
Thank you !
@zeldaglitchman 5 месяцев назад
It's a good song, but it feels like there's too much going on in it to be a city theme, and maybe a bit too fast? I'm not good at music terms, sorry.
@MentalIgglybuff 5 месяцев назад
I agree, at around 1:20 the trumpets sound like they would be better suited for a battle theme. Aside from that though I think the theme could work in an energetic big city
@BombR 5 месяцев назад
First of all, thanks for your comments ! I composed this a while ago (Sep. 2021) and rearranged it. I remembered that when I had the idea of making this, I wasn't sure if this was going to be a battle or a city theme. Also my tracks don't give off the exact same energy as the official Pokémon's tracks. I'm also aiming for a certain originality :) But yes, I agree that this is a bit fast for a Pokémon city theme compared to the officials :)
@IcyianCanehdian 5 месяцев назад
You should do a Trainer Battle or an Evil Team Battle theme!
@BombR 5 месяцев назад
I will try to when I'll have an idea for a theme of this kind !
@IcyianCanehdian 5 месяцев назад
@@BombR what about a low hp theme?
@IcyianCanehdian 4 месяца назад
@@BombR the idea could be something that’s dark or has a lot of rising tension. basically, a serious or hectic vibe
@thescarletswitch 5 месяцев назад
these are great!! even though the compositions are original, they sound so familiar and nostalgic. they'd fit perfectly in any HGSS-style game!
@ajneas885 7 месяцев назад
This is so good. I love it!
@Ryanandtheamrhooliversepokemon 7 месяцев назад
Remormryi region elite 4 be like
@peeper2070 9 месяцев назад
@Gozillazoro 9 месяцев назад
Oshawat supposed to be blue
@Gozillazoro 9 месяцев назад
What is with totodiles color up
@lucariokalos7363 9 месяцев назад
How do you show what instruments that play a song?
@BombR 9 месяцев назад
I use a software called Corrscope, I export my song audio file and then export every instruments audio file and finally you can visualize all the channels audio spectrum in Corrscope and render a video !
@IcyianCanehdian 9 месяцев назад
Honestly, I could see this being in an actual pokemon game
@rukimichi_tatsuya 9 месяцев назад
@snowcloud6190 9 месяцев назад
This is so creative I love it😭😭😭
@IcyianCanehdian 9 месяцев назад
Hi, just wanted to say that I love your pokemon music and was wondering if you do or would do commissions?
@BombR 9 месяцев назад
First of all thank you ! Unfortunately I don't do commisions cause I'm not professional and I also feel like I'm not enough good at mixing and mastering to do commissions. But you can use all my musics in your projects tho (as long as you credit me).
@IcyianCanehdian 9 месяцев назад
@@BombR Not good enough? Your Pokemon fake ost is so good! I don’t like using others music that wasn’t made for my projects as it makes me feel bad. Even if I was given permission to. I just liked how your Pokemon Fake music sounded and was wondering if you can make minute long theme for a project. Sorry for the bother though. Anyways, keep up the content! You should make more Pokemon Fake ost because I love fan made music so much!
@inklingsquid4688 10 месяцев назад
Who’s here from purplecliffes stream (last night as of righting this)
@qc4ev3r 11 месяцев назад
@milleniumdaemon 11 месяцев назад
Ending it with Viridian City is a perfect ending
@kaisuki_plays4225 11 месяцев назад
This is so cute I love it
@silicato2533 11 месяцев назад
I love the atmosphere the track has. Reminded me a little of Super Metroid's soundtrack, which is a really good thing
@Agathamii 11 месяцев назад
I liked it, the little nod's to other champion themes were short, but very sweet, specially Leon's
@BombR 11 месяцев назад
I didn't mean to put Leon's melody but the "Hall of Fame" one (which are the same) but that now you say it, it matches perfectly with having a little nod's to the Cynthia Theme !!
@reorders9868 11 месяцев назад
u forgot to mark aspertia city at 1:29:12 in the description
@BombR 11 месяцев назад
You're right ty !!
@reorders9868 11 месяцев назад
@@BombR ofc np
@FuukaPol Год назад
When I heard the Cynthia theme I started thinking if somehow this was from a timeline where Cynthia's relative is the champion in Future Johto. I'd be super interested in seeing that.
@Nipocu5252 Год назад
I love that you took the time to order these songs in alphabetical order
@BombR Год назад
I didn't had this time haha this was just the alphabetical order of my audio files 😅😆
@francescomarotta5940 Год назад
this is just me saying my thoughts out loud: It would be cool if they put the music in generation order and the water type starter of that generation apears when that generation plays. But thats just me, this is an amazing play list thank you for making this ive been listening to it basicly since it came out thank you! (and if this means something to someone: i am subbed) Bummer that i dont know how to make a playlist
@BombR Год назад
Tbh the tracks are in a complete disorder because people would have just skipped some generations , so it's in the order of my files...
@Ra-NiMechagodzilla702 Год назад
it genuinely blows my mind how slumbering weald isn't here because I consider that to be the most relaxing song ever.
@BombR Год назад
I think that only the start is relaxing, the end of the track is a little bit too "epic" for being relaxing...
@ordinary_ Год назад
the 3rd song (Alabaster Icelands 2) reminds me of starcraft music
@gracegriffith5214 Год назад
@johnj8906 Год назад
good stuff!
@fuyutaa Год назад
I listened to almost every pokemon OST mix I could find on RU-vid (really), and I can guarantee you that this mix is marvelous ! I love it, such a perfect combination of songs and with really smooth transitions!
@fatenmunirah3345 Год назад
Azalea Town is my fav <3
@pllinkinator6904 Год назад
perfect for study!! super driving, but not distracting. thanks for the mix!
@caiolara1658 Год назад
Second song is Accumula Town, I'm already sold. You're going into my playlist and I'm listening to the whole 2h.
@GokuPitstop Год назад
Elden Ring
@GokuPitstop Год назад
Elden Ring
@tsukiisings Год назад
the one from area zero is jaw-dropping
@lucasandrews5689 Год назад
Montenerva feels like the intro to one of those old shows you'd watch in science class
@BombR Год назад
That's way too accurate, but this is so true haha
@ai.graphics Год назад
My best friend, thanks to you, I enjoyed watching... I'm proud of you for developing day by day.
@mewtambien Год назад
47:00 Gatdamn.
@jacquelineflores5188 Год назад
One thing Pokemon does right in every game is the soundtrack
@KevinCockerline Год назад
Cianwood City brings me back every time. Thanks for the mix! Helping me get some scripting done
@mustachioed_toad1838 Год назад
put this on to do homework, then went on a 30 minute detour as soon as I heard accumula town. Whoops
@yagowsantos Год назад
Dreamyard ❤