Hello! Welcome to my Channel! Content I post is sometimes for small children and teens! I do not sexualize minors (haikyuu)

Hi! I’m Sünfløwer, I like to make people happy when they need it, I try my best to post and I hope you guys will enjoy this! My age and real name are not going to be said. I will also post 2 or 3 times a week but not all the time because of reasons. I will be doing texting stories from now on. I will do haikyuu texts! Mostly angst and maybe a bit of fluff! 😊If you guys don’t mind please support my channel! Like and subscribe to it, and please don’t hate, I am trying my very best to do this during the week. Some apps I will be using


•Yt studios


I have been inspired by so many people!. So please go sub to


•Texting peach

•Texting trash


•Hanako’s Donut 🍩

So please go sub to them :)

Some stuff about me

Favorite color: yellow and green

Comfort characters: Sugawara

Anime: haikyuu

Bye! 😊
This is sad tbh 😕
Год назад
2 года назад
2 года назад
This is just sad…
2 года назад
Three edits together 😍👌
2 года назад
Should I post it? 😔
2 года назад
Be my friend? 🤨✨
2 года назад
@SniffyTheSniffer 3 дня назад
Mine is this happend yesterday so me and my dog were playing tug of war and then she bit my privates and don't say any brain rot thing like ago or something cuz I could not pee anymore😢
@Thelabradorman1 22 дня назад
I also made my two front teeth fall out from falling face flat on a door. DOORS SUCK IN MY LIFE
@Thelabradorman1 26 дней назад
My toenail injury. Story: Me and my older sister came back from getting food and I wasn’t prepared for a numb skull placed door to crush my big toe. I tried to hold in my screaming but I couldn’t control it. I’m shocked no neighbors were irritated, she called my mom and dad while they were on vacation and they were talking about it scary. I didn’t wanna find out but my curiosity peaked. The whole next week I could barely walk without putting pressure on my foot which hurt so much. It was actually bleeding and my mom told me my toenail was loose, and I was so scared. I had to go to a doctor to see if I was okay and she said I looked normal and she gave us recommendations obviously. Almost a year later what my mom called “the rotten toe” got caught to something and ripped off but it didn’t hurt luckily. Is recovering now and I ignore it now.
@user-pr3bs4ig2d Месяц назад
My worst injury habbed when i was 3 or 4 i thought my dog wich was a pit bull or smth? So i followed my dog upstairs and my sis followed i took the bone away from my dog and i screamed bc my dog bit my finger all the way off no all the way it was hanging and thats my worst injury
@Your_local_homie 2 месяца назад
I relate to all those characters too:(
@lucidVR-y3i 3 месяца назад
When i was in 2nd grade, me and my friend were playing tag in recess. My friend was the tagger and i was running as fast as i can. I then tripped down to the blacktop ground. As a result, both of my knees were scraped bad, very bad. My left was dislocsted and was bent forward, other one was almost broken. Pls be safe.my last words before my accident was Я бегу быстро, Роман! Ву! Ох, ОХ НЕТ НЕТ НЕТ!!!" In english "I'm running fast, Roman! Woo! Oh, OH, NO NO NO!!!"
@ItsGracie495 3 месяца назад
Getting scratched in my eye or stepping on a cactus
@CHEM-AhmedZain 3 месяца назад
Mine when i was three years i was playing with my brother and my brother close the door my nail has get off it feels so bad 2.When i was 4 years in my house were party i was beside the sink and iwas dancing i fell down on the sink and broke my head i was crying my brothers, mom shut shut up my mom says to my elder brother to take him to hospital and the DR. Says he will get head operation i was anxious 3. When I was 5 i went to farm house and i was playing football without shoes and one small screw gets in my leg i did'n feel the pain so i was walking with one leg my mom,s let,s go home i get onto a car my mom says what happened to u i say nothing my said tell the truth i told her and she take to a hospital i have been 2 months in home Because I am Lazy😅
@Jovannar12 3 месяца назад
Hi can I ask something did you perhaps take suggestions?
@bellamoo491 3 месяца назад
I was playing football in pe in year 5 and I tripped and my head and got a really big bump and bruise
@Kolavirtualreality 4 месяца назад
I went to the skate park for the first time and I tried to slide down a very long handrail and my board slid under my feet and then I fell on my balls and you could hear my pelvis break and split and my ballsack opened up and it had to get stitched back. I had to get surgery to fix my pelvis and to fix one of my testicles because apparently it twisted around itself and yeah. I am now traumatized by skate parks and I don’t skate anymore. (Not like I can I’m still in a wheelchair)
@Yo_luke69 4 месяца назад
I crack my head and everyone can see my brain and bone
@ZinZANE8022 4 месяца назад
Mine: Stung by a wasp when I was approx 6yo at a park for a birthday. 😢
@TinaxRubsterXD 5 месяцев назад
When I was about 6 my family and I went to a park and my little cousin told me to go down the slide on the arm rests and I did and I fell and fractured my arm..
@Vinzen_Draws3445 5 месяцев назад
When i was in 5th grade me and my freinds were playing and running until i slide through a metal fence and the ground below it hit my back head so hard that there is a small hole in my back head and it got stiched it hurt a lot
@N0B0DY321 5 месяцев назад
Idk mine I guess when I got surgery twice but idk if that counts bc I was born with it but I guess I got a rope burn on my eye from army crawling😅😅
@Irada-sq2pf 5 месяцев назад
what anime is thissssss ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ it kinda looks like naruto
@Hakimi859 5 месяцев назад
I fall down with my head on a glass I am still in the hospital❤ so support me please❤😢🎉
@Rubythetherian66 5 месяцев назад
So when I was 7 I was jumping off my parents blackit box on to their bed And then I decided to jump right off the front of the blackit box and I Sliped and cut my back I still have a scar
@biggreen9461 6 месяцев назад
So it was a normal, day outside swinging when my friend decided to do back the lips off this way, I thought it was a great idea to join but I didn't know it was going to be a bad idea. Soon as I did one back flip after another backflip. I fell off the swing and my hand hit the ground so hard. It fractioned my wrist. So I went to the hospital. There was a small crack in between my head and my wrist. And go to cast and that's my worst injury
@YourFavYTZahoor 6 месяцев назад
Mine Is Falling Down Stairs From A High Place
@user-it9fe2tb5x 6 месяцев назад
Mine is I was in 4th grade I am in highschool rn but I had an enemy I have anger issues he was making me rlly mad so I punched him we had a rlly dangerous fight like rlly my teacher tried to stop us but he stoped he’s bilal m btw but I never stoped I kicked him and one of the teachers had to brin me to one of the calm rooms and he was bleeding a lot and I was right next to him at class so me teacher moved me to the corner that nobody gos I had special needs at middle school🤪
@Earthlings_4evs 6 месяцев назад
Mine is: So one day someone shook my arm on my first day of school and my wrist got broken,twisted,and sprained. The break and twist was from a shake. The sprain was from playing tag. I needed a 4 month recovery.
@Mckenna-vp7jk 6 месяцев назад
My brother threw me to the wall because I scared him AND he was seven and I was eight 😂😂😂😂😂 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 My second injury was my brother tripped me while playing amung us in real life I got a chipped tooth 😢😢😢😢😢 It hurts so bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@Sanitoangel 6 месяцев назад
Mine was: the chair leg step on my toe while my parents were upstairs and then i was like "ssss aa... ssss aa..." and then it started to heal and that never happens again.
@MarsVRyt 6 месяцев назад
Fractured wrist
@Banan_man767 6 месяцев назад
Your pain is irrelevant I shattered my thumb 😐
@thatoneeyeballentity 6 месяцев назад
I was pushed by a kid on the teacup ride a Disneyland and hit my head on the teacup they stoped the ride to make sure i was ok a woman was next to me when i was on the floor and i asked why is everything spinning? I didn't lose any memories i wasnt hurt the woman even was with me the entire time i was at the park the kid apologized to me i forgive her i was in the hotel for a hour until i was well enough to ride a ride i got a free soda and ice
@YourEditTutor 6 месяцев назад
My knee move to the left
@Mezo_Shoji_ 6 месяцев назад
When i was little a was bowling and i tripped carrying the ball and my chin hit the ball and split open. I got 4 stitches
@me-qg3mx 7 месяцев назад
I remember when I was 3 I jammmed my pinky in the car door and it was broken! I didn’t know how I didn’t cry or it was either me dislocating my shoulder or tore a ligament
@lillyhardaker1791 7 месяцев назад
Mine is when i was coming home from school with my sister and it was icy so I was running and I fell and I hit my knee really hard and it madea hole in my pants and I was in pain I was crying none stop and when I got home I rolled my trousers up and there was a massive hole and it was bleeding none stop even with a plaster on and it was hurting alot (I was in 4th grade)
@AriaLo-hv4ee 7 месяцев назад
This happened to me last week, I was playing soccer at recess with my friends, I was a goal keeper. Someone kicked the ball and I jumped with my arm outstreched, and I saved the goal. The problem was I used my fingers insted of my palm or my arm, and he kicked the ball hard. I litterally almost cried, it hurt so bad, it felt like I broke it. And it still hurts, I can bareley write, cause I used my right hand, and I use my right hand to write. Sooo... yeah.
@Genesiss_2015 7 месяцев назад
So i was in second grade and at recess i was running with my best friend and i tripped on my other foot and fell down my knee was bleeding a lot and it hurt my best friend took me to the office and they wiped it and put a bandaid on it I have more: In the grade i am in today (3rd grade) i stood up to like move our tables because they were crooked and when I went to sit down i didn't notice that my chair was away from me and i fell on my back it hurt for a couple of days but it got better One more: This happened twice i was running and i didn't notice there was a soccer ball and i stepped on it and fell on my back again but this time it did not hurt as much the second time I just fell frontwards but i used my hands to catch myself so i wouldn't get hurt luckily it was successful but i wouldn't get that hurt because i was on grass
@rhinospencer7929 8 месяцев назад
I was in like kindergarten or 1st a big kid kicked a soccer ball and it hit my finger and like half of my nail came off I’m fine now but half of my nail came off and it felt like just sprained my ankle
@Nilsi192 8 месяцев назад
Story: i was in my bunkbed and i Fell off i didnt know What happend But i Saw Blood on the floor and my head was gore
@mirgzz0 8 месяцев назад
When i was 5 on my birthday i was sleeping on my grandmas couch when i woke up i smashed my head open on my eyebrow on the coner of a glass table and 8 years later hair dosent grow on my eyebrow fully. And when i was 12 i was riding my scooter down a very steep hill it was raining and wet so half way dow i slipped off and hit my head on the floor then knocked out for a few minutes and the scooter handle snapped and stabbed me in my leg.
@josephjr80 8 месяцев назад
Falling down tree concrete stairs and today I got like part of my finger skin peeled off from spinning the thing in the bagging area I was doing it on like the hangers and then I did it on the metal part and that's how it happened and it like bleed
@Kiara___7342 8 месяцев назад
When i was 8 or 9 i was at school playing whit my friends and we where gonna play a game whit others it was the game boys capture the girls and yh we for a while then we wanted to stop playing but the boys said that we could not stop playing and that we needed to come back but we did not want to so me and my friends where gonna go play somthing else and a boy captured me and we where standing next to a pole that was realy dumb bc the boy just smashed my head into the pole and i was screaming and crying my teacher called my mom and there was like a realy big egg on my head so we go to the doctors we put some ice on it and now im 14 and somtimes i still feel it so yh and hope all of you are okay!!
@user-uh4us1ke7s 8 месяцев назад
1. I slammed my face into a mail box while crashing my bike, got a black eye 🤕 2. I fell off of a fence (don't ask how), My chest was hurting for days😵‍💫 3. I scraped my knees while crashing my bike (not the same time as 1), i had to ware goz and other stuff on one of my knees for days😖
@GorillaTagVlogs 9 месяцев назад
When I was 7 I was at the park when a dog chased my baby sister and I quickly ran after the dog and tackled it but it bit my leg and I got 32 stitches
@pplesauce124 9 месяцев назад
I was about to drown in a pool/I popped my knee which hurt very bad
@robotpancakefive4465 9 месяцев назад
i have a minor injury
@Hmelerin11 9 месяцев назад
My worst injury was me and my friend were on a trampoline and I fall off and twisted my ankle so bad
@Hmelerin11 9 месяцев назад
My worst ing
@kirangarg5919 9 месяцев назад
This one time me and my friends are playing outside and someone with a gun so we had to hide someone call the cops after he called the cops came to our house and Shot us I got shot in the arm and yeah like this comment and I’ll tell you what it feels like to get shot.
@MOONLING0 9 месяцев назад
My worst injury is today because my knee hurts because there is a thing in my knee that is causing it
@DaRealBlueSkiesYT 9 месяцев назад
I was fishing and my hook got stuck in the weeds. My dumb 5yr old brain decided to yank my rod really hard which made my hook fly towards me and it penetrated my cheek. This wouldn’t have been THAT bad, but it was barbed.
@Kaylia_Theira 10 месяцев назад
I just hir a tree 😂
@maisiegardiner9835 10 месяцев назад
My worst injury is in primary when i was running and tripped and sprained my ankle, my mum took me to the hospital bc it was swollen and then a few days later i sprained the other whilst playing tag with friends in primary