Hello everyone, I am Michael. A YT newbie exploring what great games are made of.
@antoniowarren4841 15 часов назад
I don't think youv'e explored the Unmoored World enough. There is a secret there that will draw you back in.
@emma..gamingmovies9091 15 часов назад
just found your channel and loving it, i'll pass it on too my friends. Seriously you sound like you've been doing reviews for years, keep it up and thank you x
@artydean9892 2 дня назад
Awesome channel, you put a good anou t of effort in your videos and fully deserve more success ! It will come. I. I am currently working my way through your videos. They are awesome.
@omegasimpf1nn5terfan60 4 дня назад
You love dragon dogma 2 and hate dragon dogma da....got it
@GT-legendary 5 дней назад
Pay to win. Pay for convenience. same thing in my book.
@zefem 6 дней назад
New sub. Enjoyed your dragons dogma 2 review and really agreed despise enjoying it but not witbout alot of frustration. Hope you blow up mate
@Rannockh 5 дней назад
Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm happy you've enjoyed it ^^
@jamesprice6015 5 дней назад
​@@Rannockh I don't those them being biased
@Professor-Badger 7 дней назад
I think the save system is actually worse then the originals since the auto save was only on area transitions meaning you could go back short distances. It also didnt get fricken deleted if you popped in to check your checkpoint save where as in DD2 if you so much as look at the inn save youve deleted your auto save. You also had the option of manually auto saving in both games but since DD2s auto save is so aggressive even if you use it your not gonna wind up reliably where you last saved. For me the saving system that I loved in DD1 was ruined in its sequel and caused me lots of issues during my playthrough
@soulstech414 7 дней назад
The game is incredibly annoying to me.. i wanted to love it so bad... but you cant take 5 steps without being jumped by 15 of the same enemies youve seen 100 times before and its so fucking annoying. Its just CONSTANT
@azazel166 9 дней назад
What I like about the "woke" part is that Saudi Arabia told them to remove the gay romance, and they refused, deciding not to release the game there.
@Rannockh 9 дней назад
Hey all, I’ve released this video originally about a week ago, and I’ve recently realized that I forgot to add at the end credits for the friends that have supported me in this silly RU-vid endeavor (which is something I’ve done in all my videos prior). So, I have decided to reupload it, correct that mistake, and also up the quality in a few parts of the video. If you don’t like this sort of stuff, I understand and apologize - I don’t intend to make a habit out of this, it’s just that it didn’t sit right with me. Have a good one!
@jaweel6205 9 дней назад
For such a small channel, your video and content quality is far beyond that of other content creators in the space with over a million subs. I look forward to binging your videos
@jatt7109 10 дней назад
It’s better than dd2 in alot of ways the biggest being story music and quality of life personally only thing dd2 did better was graphics and combat
@danyul2571 11 дней назад
blue glint tower most likely isn't blue moon tower, the real blue moon tower is appropriately placed under the sea behind/ south of vermund keep. i haven't found casardis yet but i think it might be where the bridge from battahl to volcano island is.
@Megaphy 12 дней назад
Loot sucks balls, exploring is fun but you never find anything cool, all the gear is in shops... Whole game feels like discount Dark Souls/Elden Ring but I like the combat better.
@maroonytoons6552 13 дней назад
8.5/10 because of grafics and fighting.
@human1066 14 дней назад
The minute I realised you couldn't have a melee weapon AND a ranged weapon on any class, which you could do on every class in DDDA....I was out.
@davidshtern4432 15 дней назад
FYI you can unlock mystic spearhand in melve during the *scripted event* first time you come back there. But the meister skill is locked behind the fight you mentioned(it's mid tho)
@Enter-the-Fray 16 дней назад
Game is more fun with the hud off I’d like there to have been more areas to explore And more npc standing in the arisen path
@TReaperx 17 дней назад
now if you were wondering in short whats wrong with this game besides the 30fps note on the steam shop page and the bugs its this: great first 30 hours if you explore and don't rush the story but really bad as it goes further into act 2 and three where it has the least amount of missions plus not many secrets to wakestone revival dead quest characters and the replay which feels like the game encourages by giving the full map on ng+ turns out enemies don't level with you so you kill them in one hit even naked and the challenge becomes nonexistent
@CheebsCheeby 17 дней назад
Nothing "happened" it's fantastic.
@dauntethomas5594 17 дней назад
44:34 Know this is unrelated to the point of the vid but Ds2 actually expands on ds1’s ending majorly with Aldia and his experiments to try and find an alternative to the cycle and with the DLC’s, with the canonical ending of the DLC the bearer of the curse leaves the throne while being outside of the confines of the curse due to the crowns in an attempt to find an alternative instead of in Ds1 where you either link the fire or actively choose to plunge the world into dark where as another chosen undead would come and continue the cycle. Ds3 then expands on this by providing an out in the painted work with the blood of the dark soul at the end of the ring city dlc.
@dauntethomas5594 17 дней назад
Besides that great video! I’m a ds nerd so I felt inclined to say something lol
@EXHellfire 19 дней назад
basically the only actually honest and sincere review or video on this game I've seen other than sphere hunter's
@nightsage217 19 дней назад
Big sorcery spell is fun for hot second. but in the end, the casting time and stamina usage is bad factor. May be that's why they introduce spell sync in the first place. DD2 has improved mechanics such as quick casting, storing spells and stamina recovery. but losing 2 spell slots is killing me. just let me have more. >:o
@pochu9506 19 дней назад
I just bought the game last weekend. I love it. I didn't play the 1st game. I didn't even know it existed until i saw the gameplay of the sequel. I wasn't following the game in youtube or social media either, so I'm kinda shocked that people don't like the game.
@kalacs32 20 дней назад
The Coco Peru inclusion pleases me.
@zaskiaalsakila7248 20 дней назад
DD Dark Arisen being good Rpg game. Tats very tough one to say. Better than Dragon's Dogma 2 tats for sure... Which is very sad for me, my DD2 Arisen woman looks like the hottest 30s woman of all yeah!
@congratulations- 21 день назад
Yalll the game is a bombbb. It is so addictive and I never had any performance issues and micro transactions are not necessary
@jeebeeheebee 21 день назад
I love DDDA. DD2 is a letdown. I don't care about the furries in Arthurian Utah or Utah at all, really. I prefer the world and locations of DDDA. Locations were all unique and interesting. The most interesting location of DD2 is.. idk, nowhere. Besides improved combat, everything else is worse.
@bubbapowers 21 день назад
Omg idk if people are slow or what They have microtransactions for convenience. If you don't like it don't buy it. It's so simple. No one is pointing a gun at you the "fantasy" is still there. If having an option is ruining your experience then you are the problem
@Kousaburo 22 дня назад
I died during the Talos fight. I had a Wakestone but didn't know it. I thought I'd be met with the Load Last Save option. It usually takes about 10 fucking years before it lets you choose that option because there is an infuriating delay. I was bashing X in anticipation of reloading but Use Wakestone? popped up instead. I wanted to use that Wakestone and keep up the momentum but for some reason the default choice is No and the button registers instantaneously. This is basic stuff and these incompetent imbeciles couldn't even get that right. I couldn't climb back up Talos quickly enough and it all just killed my interest in the fight. I got his last weak point, was waiting for something to happen but then died again. I reloaded again only this time Talos is not moving and the fight is over. What did I miss? This whole fucking mess has just pissed me right off. Also, the darkness of night lasts way too long. How am I supposed to explore the game world when I can't fucking see it?
@petemisc4291 23 дня назад
Good news is, no is asking for Dragons Dogma 3
@paris5831 23 дня назад
5/10 it’s kinda below mid
@chrisguerrero4794 23 дня назад
Waste of money.
@chrisguerrero4794 23 дня назад
It’s a trash game, the fire one was way better. This is like a souls clunky battle and traveling alllllll day to unlock stuff . Running into walls,maybe 4 fast travels. FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME
@Mike-vl8zb 25 дней назад
The best 5 of 9 vocations of DD1 were destroyed by Itsuno and I would not have purchased his piece of crap game DD2. And how can you play Dogma without playing Bitterblack Isle and say that you played it. An obvious huge mistake or you are a liar. The vanilla game sucked until a new producer and Kinoshita directed Dark Arisen.
@Rannockh 25 дней назад
Again, I never said I didn't play it.
@Mike-vl8zb 25 дней назад
@@Rannockh BBI was Dark Arisen's game jewel. Enough said. Glad you played it.
@UngaBungaPilot 26 дней назад
This video deserves more attention 💯
@Rannockh 25 дней назад
Thank you! 😁
@EatWave 26 дней назад
They really could have stood to give the main conflict another draft or two. The primary conflict could have been between 2 factions, the Vermudian pro-Arisen army and the Battahlian anti-Arisen anti-Chosen One/Fate forces each battling it out over who should be the one to take down the Red Dragon. Each faction could have had its own ties to the currently existing endings, at that. Vermund would be the ending where the Arisen takes the throne while Battahl would be the Unmoored World/breaking the cycle ending, with neither ending being promoted as the ideal outcome.
@Rannockh 26 дней назад
I think that's fantastic and miles ahead of what we got! Palpable conflict and consequences and tension are things the game dropped halfway through, as well as most of Battahl's content.
@aersla1731 28 дней назад
This channel is underrated and you pretty much summed up exactly how I felt about dragons dogma 2. As a sequel it's disappointing but as a stand alone game it's fine. Hopefully we get a dlc that rounds out the experience.
@Rannockh 27 дней назад
Thank you! I hope so too, if at least for a decent reason to delve back into some more combat.
@BubbasGameReviews 28 дней назад
Excellent review! I'm glad that I'm not the only one that had a lot of the same issues that you did. Those issues need to be called out because the defense I'm seeing from fanboys is just "you're not playing it right" or "you just don't understand the game".
@Twinterfang 29 дней назад
Beat the game after 25 hours, i doubt I'll ever pick it up again, no replay value
@Biouke 29 дней назад
Notes : I never got any NPC going hostile on me for no reason. Also never engaged with "stealth" since it's quite easy to grab a guard uniform early in the game and it allows free access to the castle and jail as long as you avoid the main door. It seems days in the unmoored world only pass when resting. With allheal elixirs, wakestones and swapping pawns I never saw the mist progressing past the Melve area. Actually thanks to your video I now know that it is indeed supposed to progress :p Thoughts : I preferred how the first game had a clear divide between main and side quests, my first playthrought of DD2 was confusing because I didn't know when a quest would progress the story and potentially prevent me from finishing a side quest. The first part is centered on court intrigue instead of hunting monsters and the general narrative makes the Arisen more interested in taking the throne of Vermund that it should be. With the dragon trial/choice and the Duke in the first game it was pretty clear that the Arisen should be above this, just yearning to roam free and take on challenges. The tighter narrative of DD2 thus feels constraining. The game really feels rushed out and inconsistent. Again! Caves and dungeons are plentier than in the first game, they're also (way) shallower than even Skyrim's. The Moon Tower is a joke. I can think of a handful of places that were half-interesting to explore, and most are optional. Didn't these guys made Bitterblack Isle? The catacombs? The Bluemoon Tower? Even the Shadow Fort had more going on than most of DD2's caves.
@attrage7545 29 дней назад
I expected to like this game but was surprised at how much I like it. This is fast becoming one of my favourite RPGs - I am genuinely immersed in the world DD2 has given me to explore. It's a new Skyrim for me, a game I have sunk days into and will gladly sink many more.
@MOCHIII01 29 дней назад
Such a shame I'm new to the series and even upgraded to a 30 series graphics card, my friend on a 40 series and we're both seeing major frame drops making the game un-enjoyable, so far Capcom seems to be fixing everything except the performance here on PC
@Rannockh 29 дней назад
I empathize with that. It looks like no one across the board has positive things to say about the games performance. I've not tested the game since they released their past few updates, but I'd expect massive improvements by the time they start releasing propper dlcs for it
@Rannockh 29 дней назад
I empathize with that. It looks like no one across the board has positive things to say about the games performance. I've not tested the game since they released their past few updates, but I'd expect massive improvements by the time they start releasing propper dlcs for it
@6Mourning6Star6 Месяц назад
I want to like the game I finished the game, and wanted to try NG+ But... what is there to do? You melt through enemies like they're nothing. There's nothing new for ng+ The story just isn't gripping enough to want to experience it again, as it doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things. You can do the bare minimum and get the same results as doing everything.
@Rannockh 29 дней назад
It is pretty shocking that they didn't make a ng+ mode that scales like they did for the last game. Honestly, I think that since they've already asked their players if they want DLC for the game, they have their work cut out for them. There's a lot of stuff they have to do.
@Amaryryry Месяц назад
Wow, it amazes me that your channel is as small as it is. Out of the many reviews and critiques I've watched thus far, this one definitely ranks at least top 3. Everything down to even the music choice is extremely well done. I'm eager to see where you'll go from here. Definitely subscribing <3
@Rannockh 29 дней назад
Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️ I'm really happy you've enjoyed my work! I've only started about last year and comments like yours really make me feel positive about creating more content!
@Infernalicon Месяц назад
3:45 HAH? as far as ive seem dragons dogma 2 took everything that sorcerer and mage did awful in the first game and made it worse, granted there wasnt many issues in the first game, but this game made them even more glaringly slow. you need 2 rings spent on spellcasting speed increase just to not get constantly gaggleforked by every goblin that remotely looks in your general direction
@Rannockh Месяц назад
You did not try out quick casting them?
@SaltyCalhoun Месяц назад
dd2 > rebirth
@bdshep20 Месяц назад
Great video man
@Rannockh Месяц назад
Thank you!
@Xfushion2 Месяц назад
Dragons Dogma 2 has to be the most disappointing and bizarre experience I had with any game, it's more of a remake than a sequel but it did not address any of the games previous issue, in fact outside combat (that a point could be made for the first game's to be superior) everything is a downgrade: The story and characters are worse, exploration is mid at best since all the best equipment is found in stores again and almost all _dungeons_ are three room caves with saurians, systems like armor layering or dragonforging were better implemented in DD1 and the post game has nothing on the Everfall/Bitter Black Isle, *it doesn't even has a final boss* I really don't get how they basically made the same game twice with the same flaws.
@MuraCasardis Месяц назад
Amazing review. It's super fair and stands well on its own even without comparing to DD1, BUT as it's a sequel, a comparison is needed. Doing so is even more disappointing too haha. Thank you for your well-written thoughts!