he / it - transmasc

hi, im cricket (or micah), an 18 y/o self taught animator, artist, and video editor. im obsessed with homestuck so expect a lot of that!

i dont really make videos too often, sorry! i get burnt out easily and youtube just isn't really a passion of mine, not to mention i'm currently in college. thanks for supporting me though!
@nuggetjr-og 14 дней назад
@nuggetjr-og 14 дней назад
@UnicrnXD 2 месяца назад
@acridcesium_9971 2 месяца назад
2:38 I guess to look at it from a qualitative angle since you handled the quantitative side, I'll try not to spoil things and be more vague with details. All this is just based on my interactions with the fandom at large so there's definitely going to be some bias towards the 2014-2018 era. Time makes sense from the reasons you said. Space being so low is a bit odd but it definitely doesn't get as "flashy" representation power wise. Heart being around the middle checks out since I feel like what it represents does appeal a lot to the OC creating types but also drops because of only having one notable character who's pretty divisive nowadays. Mind is sorta the opposite since it gets a really beloved character but not much elaboration. Hope being the lowest is a little weird, since it does get some important characters though both of them feel generally disliked or have a general feel of apathy around them from what I've heard, and it's one of the less concrete aspects in terms of what it does other than literal Hope. Rage is the same, but it's the least explained aspect and gets a character which is either a favorite or least favorite, no in between. Also it's generally hard to spin Rage as a good thing from what I've seen, it does have positive elements but those aren't what immediately comes to mind when someone says an OC has the Rage aspect. Light and Void are basically the same case, there's a popular character who has it and it gets good elaboration, and they evoke some good imagery without too much effort. Breath is the first main character's aspect and has easy manifestations for both the literal meaning and figurative ones, makes sense why its popular. Blood is carried by having a beloved character with it, even though he doesn't directly bring it up much, but isn't really explained at all but can be intuited. I'd say that it gets a bump up due to "edginess points" which also applies to Time and Doom (maybe Void?). Life is basically the same case as Heart, but with more than 1 notable character having it, also its really intuitive to see what it means/does. Doom is the biggest beneficiary from "edginess points", since its not really explained at all but everyone kinda gets Doom's deal by the name and being the opposite of Life. It has one notable character who's pretty popular. Overall, the results mostly check out from a Fandom history and general appeal angle, with Hope, Space, and Doom being sort of oddities which can get explained away but not fully.
@OctovenderReal 2 месяца назад
Bro doesnt even try and be entertaining he just yaps no way
@cricketcoree 2 месяца назад
@@OctovenderReal Im a professional yapper dont you know
@OctovenderReal 2 месяца назад
@@cricketcoree nope!
@cricketcoree 3 месяца назад
WHY ARE LARGE PORTIONS OF THIS VIDEO BLURRED? The blurred portions of this video contain a character that I unfortunately associate with some very traumatic events in my life and no longer feel comfortable having him appear on my platform. These sections will never be unblurred and he will never appear in any of my videos again. I apologize if this disappoints anyone.
@catboydoctor 3 месяца назад
i have a friend with over 100 fantrolls and i actually did X^2 tests to see if there were any significant aspects and/or classes!! this was like a year ago and they have so many more but i found that there was a strong bias for seers and doom players!
@caligulasAquarium11 3 месяца назад
I'm a Seer of Doom
@abzc123 4 месяца назад
hope you'll come back someday :,3
@ToasterOfToasting 4 месяца назад
i fear for my life
@ToasterOfToasting 4 месяца назад
@THEFabianValenzuela 4 месяца назад
@kerorose1 4 месяца назад
@TheDeath7ofsb 5 месяцев назад
You should of added a joke name to your opening, like enter name: craterface pooppants
@MysteryMedia2001 5 месяцев назад
As someone who loves homestuck and has a bachelors in Mathematics this video appealed to me in particular
@robertwyatt3912 5 месяцев назад
@kotamizer 6 месяцев назад
not sure what to say after watching this but I’m seer of rage, hi guys,
@szkraft220 6 месяцев назад
actually felt threatened
@treebacon 7 месяцев назад
i like your funny words magic man
@mickelstien 7 месяцев назад
what would goku's aspect be? I'm leaning toward rage, but i think hope, breath, and light could be viable too.
@erinrot 7 месяцев назад
@clementime7854 7 месяцев назад
this was really interesting!! :D especially with thinking about how when me and my friends made homestuck ocs we got aspects assigned to them through the extended zodiac quiz, which im pretty sure has an uneven distribution of results. (take this with a grain of salt) but im pretty sure ive heard the test is more likely to give you an aspect like time or space, as theyre required for a successful session, while aspects like life and doom are the hardest to get :3 great video!!
@Flaviongas 7 месяцев назад
Love this type of video, please do more!
@frogmaiden6015 7 месяцев назад
Time rules you rock there's so much math
@touchtonetelephone 8 месяцев назад
you suck, pls never post again.
@cricketcoree 8 месяцев назад
will do 👍🥺😻🤯😻😁
@touchtonetelephone 8 месяцев назад
@@cricketcoreeHALLELUJAH! im putting this video in my cringe comp expect that soon!!! 😂😂😐
@MunchingMold 8 месяцев назад
@cricketcoree 8 месяцев назад
@learningomorisoundtrack3979 8 месяцев назад
Though, I will add, this really only sees whether Toyhouse OCs have a preference aspectwise.
@OlaAremu 9 месяцев назад
@cricketcoree 9 месяцев назад
please do not edge to my homestuck class analysis 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@hoppingjack 9 месяцев назад
too late
@learningomorisoundtrack3979 8 месяцев назад
I cannot make any promises. /j
@nukenife9777 8 месяцев назад
@marrav3794 6 месяцев назад
Clean up in aisle MY PANTS 😏 (/j)
@gyattmaster413 5 месяцев назад
hmm. no.
@LilyMoffat-Williams 11 месяцев назад
qaautinsm crreatuhre........................................................
@lynxyleaf7061 11 месяцев назад
Me playing cattails wildwood story rn be like ❤❤❤
@DeckstirPepir 11 месяцев назад
Dude all of this is fucking awesome, glad this popped up in my recommended!
@TheOnlyPedroGameplays Год назад
What’s worse is that some aspects can be just more important than others. If you want a proper session you need to somehow find someone that has the space aspect without knowing for sure if they’ll have it. Certain aspects are just story crucial and the game of SBURB will fail without them. SBURB is horribly designed, worst beta release ever
@cricketcoree 11 месяцев назад
for real devs need to balance 😡😡😡😡
@beywheelzhater8930 10 месяцев назад
You are telling me some people roll up with time travel and the ability to rip out souls, but my aspect is that my life SUCKS?!? What a rip off!
@TheOnlyPedroGameplays 10 месяцев назад
@@beywheelzhater8930 exactly bruh
@cinnastag 4 месяца назад
Yeah, you always need a Time player for a scratch to be a viable choice, and a Space player to get a dimension frog
@TheOnlyPedroGameplays 4 месяца назад
@@cinnastag which means you need a space player to beat the game as intended, which means you’ll be SOL if you don’t have one. SBURB is broken pls fix it
@qingtessence Год назад
waves hi crick
@alusiveBug Год назад
im really not surprised with the time lean, i am however surprised with the amount of breah players! as well as the lack of space players, thats really interesting considering its litterally required to even have a chance at a successful session
@zoneri Год назад
As a math-autistic (my highest AP test was a 5 on the statistics AP test) Homestuck who was reading it back when it was still being released in its OG form and experienced/was a fan when many of the events mentioned in the iceberg shown and with homestuck being a special interest of mine, I just want to say kuddos on this school project/vid. I was good on my brain and glad to see a fandom still thrives! wonderful art, editing, and statistical analysis!
@deepfrieddoodles Год назад
@Iczalak Год назад
This is awesome!! Very pretty art and amazingly animated! Great job
@hoppingjack Год назад
@endernightblade1958 Год назад
oh cool, uploaded on 5/12, and video is 5:12 (ish) long. this is what the refrance!
@Avabees Год назад
Aww i rly like this project. Wish i had your editing chops to do something like this as part of a presentation in highschool, nice job!
@TailsClock Год назад
I was sure Time and Space would dominate as I think in canon there were more of those than any other. That these are considered more important than any other. The results for Time are as expected, but space surprised me.
@cinnastag 4 месяца назад
Yeah, technically Space and Time are the two requirements for a session to begin. Since the Alpha kids were just an extention of the Beta session, they still had Space and Time players with Jade and Dave
@Ruby_The_Fiend Год назад
I always knew Jade would be a monsterfucker.
@vanderkarl3927 Год назад
Cool! Nice to see a null result when there's so little attention given to studies that fail to disprove the null hypothesis. And seeing as the classpecting community, well, doesn't tend to use much scientific rigor in their analyses... it's a nice change of pace!
@caliginousantithesis6001 Год назад
I refused to accept my aspect was rage for the longest time , i wanted desperately to be blood or light lol
@rela424 Год назад
Everyone and their mom thinks they're a space player
@nerco8194 Год назад